774 resultados para Puzzle Games
Urheilutapahtumat tavoittavat miljoonia ihmisiä päivittäin ympäri maailmaa. Yritykset ovat jo pitkään olleet kiinnostuneita yhteistyöstä urheilutapahtumien kanssa. Sponsoroinnin rahavirta on jatkanut kasvua, vaikka muun mainonnan kasvu on ollut hidasta. Tapahtumasponsorointiin käytetyn rahan määrä on viime vuosina kasvanut noin viisi prosenttia vuositasolla. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella urheilutapahtuman verkostoa ja suhteita tapahtuman pääyhteistyökumppanien näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoite oli jaettu kahteen osa-ongelmaan: 1. Miten urheilutapahtuman pääyhteistyökumppanit kokevat oman suhteensa sponsoroitavaan kohteeseen 2. Miten urheilutapahtuman pääyhteistyökumppanit kokevat oman asemansa verkostossa Ensimmäisenä teemana tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin tapahtumasponsoroinnin tavoitteita ja kahden välisen sponsorointisuhteen toimintaa. Toisena tarkasteltiin urheilutapahtuman verkoston muodostumista, toimintaa ja suhteita. Näiden kahden teeman pohjalta rakennettiin teoreettinen viitekehys tukemaan empiirisen tutkimuksen toteuttamista. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jossa aineisto kerättiin kymmeneltä Paavo Nurmi Games –urheilutapahtuman pääyhteistyökumppanitason yritykseltä. Tutkimuksessa haastateltujen yritysten edustajien haastattelun lisäksi he myös piirsivät oman hahmotelmansa PNG-verkostosta. Näiden verkostokuvien keskinäinen vertailu tuki haastatteluissa kerättyä ja litteroitua aineistoa. Empiirisen tutkimuksen tuloksissa aineistoa käsiteltiin teoreettiseen viitekehykseen perustuviin teemoihin tukeutuen. Teemojen avulla esiteltiin pääyhteistyökumppanien kokemuksia PNG-verkoston eri toimijoista, suhteista sekä tavoitteista sponsorointisuhteelle. Aineistosta havaittiin selkeitä yhtäläisyyksiä pääyhteistyökumppanien yhteistyön tavoitteissa sekä koetusta suhteesta sponsoroitavaan kohteeseen. Haastateltujen yritysten kokemukset omasta asemastaan verkostossa poikkesivat suuremmin toisistaan. Yhteistyön tavoitteet ja tausta vaikuttivat yrityksen kokemukseen verkostosta. Verkostosta tunnistettiin kuitenkin kaksi keskeisintä toimijaa erilaisista verkostokokemuksista huolimatta.
This article discusses the potential of audio games based on the evaluation of three projects: a story-driven audio role-playing game (RPG), an interactive audiobook with RPG elements, and a set of casual sound-based games. The potential is understood, both in popularity and playability terms. The first factor is connected to the degree of players’ interest, while the second one to the degree of their engagement in sound-based game worlds. Although presented projects are embedded within the landscape of past and contemporary audio games and gaming platforms, the authors reach into the near future, concluding with possible development directions for this non-visual interactive entertainment.
This article introduces the genre of a digital audio game and discusses selected play interaction solutions implemented in the Audio Game Hub, a prototype designed and evaluated in the years 2014 and 2015 at the Gamification Lab at Leuphana University Lüneburg.1 The Audio Game Hub constitutes a set of familiar playful activities (aiming at a target, reflex-based reacting to sound signals, labyrinth exploration) and casual games (e.g. Tetris, Memory) adapted to the digital medium and converted into the audio sphere, where the player is guided predominantly or solely by sound. The authors will discuss the design questions raised at early stages of the project, and confront them with the results of user experience testing performed on two groups of sighted and one group of visually impaired gamers.
This article introduces a theoretical framework for the analysis of the player character (PC) in offline computer role-playing games (cRPGs). It derives from the assumption that the character constitutes the focal point of the game, around which all the other elements revolve. This underlying observation became the foundation of the Player Character Grid and its constituent Pivot Player Character Model, a conceptual framework illustrating the experience of gameplay as perceived through the PC’s eyes. Although video game characters have been scrutinised from many different perspectives, a systematic framework has not been introduced yet. This study aims to fill that void by proposing a model replicable across the cRPG genre. It has been largely inspired by Anne Ubersfeld’s semiological dramatic character research implemented in Reading Theatre I (1999) and is demonstrated with reference to The Witcher (CD Projekt RED 2007).
Paper presented at the 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG Dundee, August 1-6, 2016.
Presented at DiGRA 2015 Diversity of Play, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany, on the 15th of May 2015.
We prove NP-hardness results for five of Nintendo's largest video game franchises: Mario, Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Pokémon. Our results apply to generalized versions of Super Mario Bros.1-3, The Lost Levels, and Super Mario World; Donkey Kong Country 1-3; all Legend of Zelda games; all Metroid games; and all Pokémon role-playing games. In addition, we prove PSPACE-completeness of the Donkey Kong Country games and several Legend of Zelda games.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate, using the real-time test case of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, whether the realist synthesis methodology could contribute to the making of health policy in a meaningful way. This was done by looking at two distinct research questions: first, whether realist synthesis could contribute new insights to the health policymaking process, and second, whether the 2014 Commonwealth Games volunteer programme was likely to have any significant, measurable, impact on health inequalities experienced by large sections of the host population. The 2014 Commonwealth Games legacy laid out ambitious plans for the event, in which it was anticipated that it would provide explicit opportunities to impact positively on health inequalities. By using realist synthesis to unpick the theories underpinning the volunteer programme, the review identifies the population subgroups for whom the programme was likely to be successful, how this could be achieved and in what contexts. In answer to the first research question, the review found that while realist methods were able to provide a more nuanced exposition of the impacts of the Games volunteer programme on health inequalities than previous traditional reviews had been able to provide, there were several drawbacks to using the method. It was found to be resource-intensive and complex, encouraging the exploration of a much wider set of literatures at the expense of an in-depth grasp of the complexities of those literatures. In answer to the second research question, the review found that the Games were, if anything, likely to exacerbate health inequalities because the programme was designed in such a way that individuals recruited to it were most likely to be those in least need of the additional mental and physical health benefits that Games volunteering was designed to provide. The following thesis details the approach taken to investigate both the realist approach to evidence synthesis and the likelihood that the 2014 Games volunteer programme would yield the expected results.
Tämä diplomityö tarkastelee pelaajatyyppien ja pelaajamotivaatioiden tunnistamista videopeleissä. Aiempi tutkimus tuntee monia pelaajatyyppien malleja, mutta niitä ei ole liiemmin sovellettu käytäntöön peleissä. Tässä työssä suoritetaan systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus erilaisista pelaajatyyppien malleista, jonka pohjalta esitetään useita pelaajien luokittelutapoja. Lisäksi toteutetaan tapaustutkimus, jossa kirjallisuuden pohjalta valitaan pelaajien luokittelumalli ja testataan mallia käytännössä tunnistamalla pelaajatyyppejä data-analytiikan avulla reaaliaikaisessa strategiapelissä.
Alternate Reality Game (ARG) represent a new genre of transmedia practice where players hunt for scattered clues, make sense of disparate information, and solve puzzles to advance an ever-evolving storyline. Players participate in ARGs using multiple communications technologies, ranging from print materials to mobile devices. However, many interaction design challenges must be addressed to weave these everyday communication tools together into an immersive, participatory experience. Transmedia design is not an everyday process. Designers must create and connect story bits across multiple media (video, audio, text) and multiple platforms (phones, computers, physical spaces). Furthermore, they must engage with players of varying skill levels. Few studies to-date have explored the design process of ARGs in learning contexts. Fewer still have focused on challenges involved in designing for youth (13-17 years old). In this study, I explore the process of designing ARGs as vehicles for promoting information literacy and participatory culture for adolescents (13-17 years old). Two ARG design scenarios, distinguished by target learning environment (formal and informal context) and target audience (adolescents), comprise the two cases that I examine. Through my analysis of these two design cases, I articulate several unique challenges faced by designers who create interactive, transmedia stories for – and with – youth. Drawing from these design challenges, I derive a repertoire of design strategies that future designers and researchers may use to create and implement ARGs for teens in learning contexts. In particular, I propose a narrative design framework that allows for the categorization of ARGs as storytelling constructs that lie along a continuum of participation and interaction. The framework can serve as an analytic tool for researchers and a guide for designers. In addition, I establish a framework of social roles that designers may employ to craft transmedia narratives before live launch and to promote and scaffold player participation after play begins. Overall, the contributions of my study include theoretical insights that may advance our understanding of narrative design and analysis as well as more practical design implications for designers and practitioners seeking to incorporate transmedia features into learning experiences that target youth.
This research arose from the notorious need to promote oral production in the adult learners of the English Extension courses at Universidad del Valle in 2014. This qualitative research was carried out in a 60 hour course divided along 15 sessions on Saturdays, and with an adult population between the ages of 22 and 65 years old. Its main objective was to describe the impact of games aimed at promoting oral production in English with a group of adult learners. Data were collected from one demographic survey, video-recordings of classroom events during the implementation of games, students? surveys after each game and a teacher?s journal. The analysis of data showed that games did have an impact in students? performance which was related to a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Students showed progress in terms of fluency, interaction and even pronunciation; however they still showed difficulties with accuracy in their spontaneous utterances. These learners? achievements seemed to have a relation with the class atmosphere during games where students showed high level of involvement, confidence, mutual support and enjoyment.
Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2013
Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014
Branching bisimilarity and branching bisimilarity with explicit divergences are typically used in process algebras with silent steps when relating implementations to specifications. When an implementation fails to conform to its specification, i.e., when both are not related by branching bisimilarity [with explicit divergence], pinpointing the root causes can be challenging. In this paper, we provide characterisations of branching bisimilarity [with explicit divergence] as games between Spoiler and Duplicator, offering an operational understanding of both relations. Moreover, we show how such games can be used to assist in diagnosing non-conformance between implementation and specification.