969 resultados para supplier relationships


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Purpose – The paper challenges the focal firm perspective of much resource/capability research, identifying how a dyadic perspective facilitates identification of capabilities required for servitization. Design/methodology/approach – Exploratory study consisting of seven dyadic relationships in five sectors. Findings – An additional dimension of capabilities should be recognised; whether they are developed independently or interactively (with another actor). The following examples of interactively developed capabilities are identified: knowledge development, where partners interactively communicate to understand capabilities; service enablement, manufacturers work with suppliers and customers to support delivery of new services; service development, partners interact to optimise performance of existing services; risk management, customers work with manufacturers to manage risks of product acquisition/operation. Six propositions were developed to articulate these findings. Research implications/limitations – Interactively developed capabilities are created when two or more actors interact to create value. Interactively developed capabilities do not just reside within one firm and, therefore, cannot be a source of competitive advantage for one firm alone. Many of the capabilities required for servitization are interactive, yet have received little research attention. The study does not provide an exhaustive list of interactively developed capabilities, but demonstrates their existence in manufacturer/supplier and manufacturer/customer dyads. Practical implications – Manufacturers need to understand how to develop capabilities interactively to create competitive advantage and value and identify other actors with whom these capabilities can be developed. Originality/value – Previous research has focused on relational capabilities within a focal firm. This study extends existing theories to include interactively developed capabilities. The paper proposes that interactivity is a key dimension of actors’ complementary capabilities.


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A cikk a hazai ellátási láncok alapegységének, az üzleti kapcsolatoknak a beágyazottságát vizsgálja. A vállalatok közötti üzleti kapcsolatok sokféle jellemzője közül kiemelt jelentőségű azok stabilitása, ami közvetlenül függ a kapcsolatok beágyazottságának fokától. Az üzleti kapcsolat beágyazottságára hatást gyakorol az együttműködő felek közötti kötelékek három típusa (Håkansson – Snehota [szerk.], 1995): a megrendelő-beszállító közötti (i) tevékenység, (ii) szociális és (iii) erőforrás-kötelékek erőssége, intenzitása. A szerzők kutatásának hipotézise szerint e kötelékek erősségét, és ezen keresztül a kapcsolat beágyazottságának mértékét befolyásolja az, hogy milyen a felek közötti csere tárgyát képező termék- és szolgáltatáscsomag komplexitása. Tanulmányuk a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyképesség Kutató Központjának „Kis- és középvállalatok beszállítói pozíciói” című kutatási programja (2007–2008) keretében készült kérdőíves felmérés kiemelt eredményeit mutatja be. Az elemzés magában foglalja az üzleti kapcsolatok számára releváns különböző köteléktípusok jellemzőinek bemutatását, a csere tárgyát meghatározó vevői elváráscsomagok, illetve azok leképeződéseként kialakuló tipikus termék- és szolgáltatáscsomagok ismertetését, végül annak bemutatását, hogy azok miképpen hatnak az üzleti kapcsolatok beágyazottságára. ________________ The focal question of this research is how heavy Hungarian business relationships are, and what specific characteristics this relationships have. Business relationship heaviness is one of the most important relationship features because substantially influences the stability of the relationship itself. The authors argue that the level of buyer-supplier relationship heaviness is determined by activity ties, social bonds and resource links (Håkansson – Snehota ed., 1995) and influenced by the complexity of the exchange object relevant for a specific relationship. The paper presents the results of an online survey carried out among Hungarian companies at the Competitive Research Centre of the Corvinus University of Budapest. The authors’ analysis examines the effect of the exchanged product and service package on relational ties and relationship heaviness.


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The aim of our research is to investigate a company’s purchasing and manufacturing competitive priorities jointly in order to uncover any relationships between them and also their effect on the supply chain tools implemented by the company. We assume that the supplier selection criteria of the companies reflect the true goals of the purchasing function and we take the purchasing function’s point of view to examine the aforementioned relationships. We use a multinational database for our empirical analysis which contains almost 700 companies from 20 countries and data that were acquired in 2009. We identified four different clusters which reflect a different level of supply chain tool implementation.