131 resultados para nanofabrication


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Using the advanced radio-frequency plasma-assisted magnetron deposition system, various nanostructures such as nanoflowers of carbon nanotubes, ZnO nanobelts, and silicon nanotrees were successfully synthesized. In this paper, we present the photographs of ICP and magnetron discharges, the photograph of a complex plasma structure, and the SEM images of various nanostructures synthesized in the system with magnetron and ICP sources operating simultaneously.


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Arc discharge ablation with a catalyst-filled carbon anode in a helium background was used for the synthesis of graphene and carbon nanotubes. In this paper, we present the results of the numerical simulation of the distribution of various plasma parameters in discharge, as well as the distribution of carbon flux on the nanotube surface, for the typical discharge with an arc current of 60 A and a background gas pressure of 68 kPa.


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Despite major advances in the fabrication and characterization of SiC and related materials, there has been no convincing evidence of the synthesis of nanodevice-quality nanoislanded SiC films at low, ultralarge scale integration technology-compatible process temperatures. The authors report on a low-temperature (400 °C) plasma-assisted rf magnetron sputtering deposition of high-quality nanocrystalline SiC films made of uniform-size nanoislands that almost completely cover the Si(100) surface. These nanoislands are chemically pure, highly stoichiometric, have a typical size of 20-35 nm, and contain small (∼5 nm) nanocrystalline inclusions. The properties of nanocrystalline SiC films can be effectively controlled by the plasma parameters.


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A mechanism and model for the vertical growth of platelet-structured vertically aligned single-crystalline carbon nanostructures by the formation of graphene layers on a flat top surface are proposed and verified experimentally. It is demonstrated that plasma-related effects lead to self-sharpening of tapered nanocones to form needlelike nanostructures, in a good agreement with the predicted dependence of the radius of a nanocone's flat top on the incoming ion flux and surface temperature. The growth mechanism is relevant to a broad class of nanostructures including nanotips, nanoneedles, and nanowires and can be used to improve the predictability of nanofabrication processes. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The possibility of initial stage control of the elemental composition and core/shell structure of binary SiC quantum dots by optimizing temporal variation of Si and C incoming fluxes and surface temperatures is shown via hybrid numerical simulations. Higher temperatures and influxes encourage the formation of a stoichiometric outer shell over a small carbon-enriched core, whereas lower temperatures result in a larger carbon-enriched core, Si-enriched undershell, and then a stoichiometric SiC outer shell. This approach is generic and is applicable to a broad range of semiconductor materials and nanofabrication techniques. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This article introduces a deterministic approach to using low-temperature, thermally non-equilibrium plasmas to synthesize delicate low-dimensional nanostructures of a small number of atoms on plasma exposed surfaces. This approach is based on a set of plasma-related strategies to control elementary surface processes, an area traditionally covered by surface science. Major issues related to balanced delivery and consumption of building units, appropriate choice of process conditions, and account of plasma-related electric fields, electric charges and polarization effects are identified and discussed in the quantum dot nanoarray context. Examples of a suitable plasma-aided nanofabrication facility and specific effects of a plasma-based environment on self-organized growth of size- and position-uniform nanodot arrays are shown. These results suggest a very positive outlook for using low-temperature plasma-based nanotools in high-precision nanofabrication of self-assembled nanostructures and elements of nanodevices, one of the areas of continuously rising demand from academia and industry.


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Synthesis of various functional nanoassemblies, by using a combination of low-pressure reactive plasma-enhanced chemical deposition and plasma-assisted rf magnetron sputtering deposition is reported. This paper details how selective generation and manipulation of the required building blocks and management of unwanted nanoparticle contaminants, can be used for plasma-aided nanofabrication of carbon nanotip microemitter structures, ultra-high aspect ratio semiconductor nanowires, ordered quantum dot arrays, and microporous hydroxyapatite bioceramics. Emerging challenges of the plasma-aided synthesis of functional nanofilms and nanoassemblies are also discussed.


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The results of multi-scale numerical simulations of pulsed i-PVD template-assisted nanofabrication of ZnO nanodot arrays on a silicon substrate are presented. The ratios and spatial distributions of the ion fluxes deposited on the lateral and bottom surfaces of the nanopores are computed as a function of the external bias and plasma parameters. The results show that the pulsed bias plays a significant role in the ion current distribution inside the nanopores. The results of numerical experiments of this work suggest that by finely adjusting the pulse voltage, the pulse duration and the duty cycle of the external pulsed bias, the nanopore clogging can be successfully avoided during the deposition and the shapes of the deposited ZnO nanodots can be effectively controlled. A figure is presented.


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A theoretical model to describe the plasma-assisted growth of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) is proposed. Using the model, the plasma-related effects on the nanofiber growth parameters, such as the growth rate due to surface and bulk diffusion, the effective carbon flux to the catalyst surface, the characteristic residence time and diffusion length of carbon atoms on the catalyst surface, and the surface coverages, have been studied. The dependence of these parameters on the catalyst surface temperature and ion and etching gas fluxes to the catalyst surface is quantified. The optimum conditions under which a low-temperature plasma environment can benefit the CNF growth are formulated. These results are in good agreement with the available experimental data on CNF growth and can be used for optimizing synthesis of related nanoassemblies in low-temperature plasma-assisted nanofabrication. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Precise control of composition and internal structure is essential for a variety of novel technological applications which require highly tailored binary quantum dots (QDs) with predictable optoelectronic and mechanical properties. The delicate balancing act between incoming flux and substrate temperature required for the growth of compositionally graded (Si1-xC x; x varies throughout the internal structure), core-multishell (discrete shells of Si and C or combinations thereof) and selected composition (x set) QDs on low-temperature plasma/ion-flux-exposed Si(100) surfaces is investigated via a hybrid numerical simulation. Incident Si and C ions lead to localized substrate heating and a reduction in surface diffusion activation energy. It is shown that by incorporating ions in the influx, a steady-state composition is reached more quickly (for selected composition QDs) and the composition gradient of a Si1-xCx QD may be fine tuned; additionally (with other deposition conditions remaining the same), larger QDs are obtained on average. It is suggested that ionizing a portion of the influx is another way to control the average size of the QDs, and ultimately, their internal structure. Advantages that can be gained by utilizing plasma/ion-related controls to facilitate the growth of highly tailored, compositionally controlled quantum dots are discussed as well.


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Examples of successful fabrication of low-dimensional semiconducting nanomaterials in the Integrated Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication Facility are shown. Self-assembled size-uniform ZnO nanoparticles, ultra-high-aspect ratio Si nanowires, vertically aligned cadmium sulfide nanostructures, and quarternary semiconducting SiCAlN nanomaterial have been synthesized using inductively coupled plasma-assisted RF magnetron sputtering deposition. The observed increase in crystallinity and growth rates of the nanostructures are explained by using a model of plasma-enhanced adatom surface diffusion under conditions of local energy exchange between the ion flux and the growth surface. Issues related to plasma-based growth of low-dimensional semiconducting nanomaterials are discussed as well. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently, a variety high-aspect-ratio nanostructures have been grown and profiled for various applications ranging from field emission transistors to gene/drug delivery devices. However, fabricating and processing arrays of these structures and determining how changing certain physical parameters affects the final outcome is quite challenging. We have developed several modules that can be used to simulate the processes of various physical vapour deposition systems from precursor interaction in the gas phase to gas-surface interactions and surface processes. In this paper, multi-scale hybrid numerical simulations are used to study how low-temperature non-equilibrium plasmas can be employed in the processing of high-aspect-ratio structures such that the resulting nanostructures have properties suitable for their eventual device application. We show that whilst using plasma techniques is beneficial in many nanofabrication processes, it is especially useful in making dense arrays of high-aspect-ratio nanostructures.


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In this work, we report a plasma-based synthesis of nanodevice-grade nc-3C-SiC films, with very high growth rates (7-9 nm min-1) at low and ULSI technology-compatible process temperatures (400-550 °C), featuring: (i) high nanocrystalline fraction (67% at 550 °C); (ii) good chemical purity; (iii) excellent stoichiometry throughout the entire film; (iv) wide optical band gap (3.22-3.71 eV); (v) refractive index close to that of single-crystalline 3C-SiC, and; (vi) clear, uniform, and defect-free Si-SiC interface. The counter-intuitive low SiC hydrogenation in a H2-rich plasma process is explained by hydrogen atom desorption-mediated crystallization.


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The results of two-dimensional fluid simulation of number densities and fluxes of the main building blocks and surface preparation species involved in nanoassembly of carbon-based nanopatterns in Ar+H2+C2H2 reactive plasmas are reported. It is shown that the process parameters and non-uniformity of surface fluxes of each particular species may affect the targeted nanopattern quality. The results can be used to improve predictability of plasma-aided nanofabrication processes and optimize the parameters of plasma nanotools.KGaA, Weinheim.


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The controlled growth of ultra-small Ge/Si quantum dot (QD) nuclei (≈1 nm) suitable for the synthesis of uniform nanopatterns with high surface coverage, is simulated using atom-only and size non-uniform cluster fluxes. It is found that seed nuclei of more uniform sizes are formed when clusters of non-uniform size are deposited. This counter-intuitive result is explained via adatom-nanocluster interactions on Si(100) surfaces. Our results are supported by experimental data on the geometric characteristics of QD patterns synthesized by nanocluster deposition. This is followed by a description of the role of plasmas as non-uniform cluster sources and the impact on surface dynamics. The technique challenges conventional growth modes and is promising for deterministic synthesis of nanodot arrays.