101 resultados para mdm2
Le cancer du col utérin (CCU) est dans plus de 99% des cas provoqué par une infection avec le virus du papillome humain (VPH), dont le potentiel oncogénique réside dans l'expression des proto-oncogènes viraux E6/E7. Le potentiel carcinogénique de ces protéines virales réside essentiellement dans leurs actions sur les produits des gènes suppresseurs de tumeur p53 et RB. Les produits de ces gènes, p53 et Rb, font parti des voies de signalisation de réponse aux dommages de l'ADN cellulaire (RDA) et leur perte entraine une perte de fonctionnalité qui mène à une instabilité génomique. À long terme et en présence de d'autres facteurs ceux-ci mèneront au développement d'un cancer. Les protéines E6 et E7 sont constitutivement exprimées dans les cellules du CCU ainsi que dans les cellules de tout autre cancer induit par le VPH et seulement dans ces dernières. La prise en charge des cas avancés de ces cancers se fait principalement par radiothérapie et chimiothérapie concomitante. La chimio-radiothérapie utilisée en traitement est efficace mais résulte en un taux élevé de morbidité et un nombre important de patientes récidiveront. Nous proposons que l'exploitation de l'expression spécifique d’E6 et d’E7 dans les cellules du CCU permette d’envisager une stratégie de létalité synthétique afin d'amplifier l'effet létal de l'irradiation sur les cellules CCU. Ceci permettrait potentiellement d'augmenter l'efficacité du traitement et de diminuer les récidives, ainsi que la morbidité liée au traitement. En s'appuyant sur cette hypothèse, notre objectif est d’identifier des composés dont l'action seule ou couplée à l'irradiation provoquerait préférentiellement la mort des cellules exprimant les protéines E6 et E7 du VPH. Les cellules testées comprennent des cellules isogéniques humaines issues de kératinocytes normaux que nous avons modifiées séquentiellement pour obtenir les modifications associées aux cellules CCU (hTERT, E6 et E7), ainsi que les lignées de cellules de CCU HeLa et CaSki .Nous avons procédé à la mise au point et à la validation du protocole de criblage et des méthodes d’évaluation de la sensibilisation, qui se définit comme une perte de viabilité, un arrêt ou ralentissement de la croissance, par détection d’ATP ainsi que par coloration d’ADN génomique au DRAQ5. Suite à un criblage ciblé impliquant des inhibiteurs connus de la voie de réparation des dommages à l’ADN, nous avons identifié l’inhibiteur de mdm2, Nutlin-3, comme étant un composé sensibilisant et radio-sensibilisant préférentiellement les cellules exprimant E6 et E7 du VPH. La Nutlin-3 a été testée sur des cellules HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7, des cellules CaSki et HeLa. L’effet de sensibilisation et de radio-sensibilisation a été confirmé dans ces trois lignées. Tel que suggéré par son action sur mdmd2, la Nutlin-3 permet la stabilisation de p53 dans les cellules HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7 et CaSki et sa réactivation dans les lignées cellulaires HeLa et CaSki. Malgré cette stabilisation de p53, de façon surprenante, l’effet de la Nutlin-3 sur la sensibilisation et la radio-sensibilisation des cellules HeLa et CaSki semble indépendant de p53, tel qu’observé en utilisant des cellules HeLa-GSE et CaSki-GSE dont le p53 est déficient. In vivo la Nutlin-3a montre dans un essai préliminaire l’inhibition de la croissance tumorale des xénogreffes HeLa chez des souris RAG2γc. Ce résultat reste à confirmer avec un essai impliquant un nombre d’échantillons plus grand. À plus long terme, nous comptons étudier l’implication de mdm2 dans l’effet de sensibilisant de la Nutlin-3 dans les cellules CCUs, ainsi que les autres cibles pouvant être impliquées dans la création de cet effet sensibilisant observé.
El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
Purpose of review: Meta-analyses of epidemiological studies of soy consumption and breast cancer risk have demonstrated modest protective effects, usually attributed to isoflavones. Concern has been expressed, however, that the estrogenic activity of isoflavones may have adverse effects on breast cancer recurrence. Recent findings: The review covers epidemiological studies that have investigated the impact of soy consumption in breast cancer patients on recurrence and mortality. There are preliminary data to suggest that soy has differential effects on recurrence in human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 positive and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 negative tumours. Recent studies on mechanisms of action of soy in breast cancer provide insights into epigenetic effects and the interaction of isoflavones with IGF-1 and with a number of polymorphisms of genes associated with breast cancer risk such as MDM2 and CYP1B1. Summary: Overall, these studies indicate that soy foods consumed at levels comparable to those in Asian populations have no detrimental effects on risk of breast cancer recurrence and in some cases significantly reduce the risk. Importantly, soy does not appear to interfere with tamoxifen or anastrozole therapy. Recent research suggests that women who are at increased risk of breast cancer due to polymorphisms in genes associated with the disease may especially benefit from high soy isoflavone intake.
A resistência a múltiplos fármacos é um grande problema na terapia anti-cancerígena, sendo a glicoproteína-P (P-gp) uma das responsáveis por esta resistência. A realização deste trabalho incidiu principalmente no desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos/estatísticos e “químicos”. Para os modelos matemáticos/estatísticos utilizamos métodos de Machine Learning como o Support Vector Machine (SVM) e o Random Forest, (RF) em relação aos modelos químicos utilizou-se farmacóforos. Os métodos acima mencionados foram aplicados a diversas proteínas P-gp, p53 e complexo p53-MDM2, utilizando duas famílias: as pifitrinas para a p53 e flavonóides para P-gp e, em menor medida, um grupo diversificado de moléculas de diversas famílias químicas. Nos modelos obtidos pelo SVM quando aplicados à P-gp e à família dos flavonóides, obtivemos bons valores através do kernel Radial Basis Function (RBF), com precisão de conjunto de treino de 94% e especificidade de 96%. Quanto ao conjunto de teste com previsão de 70% e especificidade de 67%, sendo que o número de falsos negativos foi o mais baixo comparativamente aos restantes kernels. Aplicando o RF à família dos flavonóides verificou-se que o conjunto de treino apresenta 86% de precisão e uma especificidade de 90%, quanto ao conjunto de teste obtivemos uma previsão de 70% e uma especificidade de 60%, existindo a particularidade de o número de falsos negativos ser o mais baixo. Repetindo o procedimento anterior (RF) e utilizando um total de 63 descritores, os resultados apresentaram valores inferiores obtendo-se para o conjunto de treino 79% de precisão e 82% de especificidade. Aplicando o modelo ao conjunto de teste obteve-se 70% de previsão e 60% de especificidade. Comparando os dois métodos, escolhemos o método SVM com o kernel RBF como modelo que nos garante os melhores resultados de classificação. Aplicamos o método SVM à P-gp e a um conjunto de moléculas não flavonóides que são transportados pela P-gp, obteve-se bons valores através do kernel RBF, com precisão de conjunto de treino de 95% e especificidade de 93%. Quanto ao conjunto de teste, obtivemos uma previsão de 70% e uma especificidade de 69%, existindo a particularidade de o número de falsos negativos ser o mais baixo. Aplicou-se o método do farmacóforo a três alvos, sendo estes, um conjunto de inibidores flavonóides e de substratos não flavonóides para a P-gp, um grupo de piftrinas para a p53 e um conjunto diversificado de estruturas para a ligação da p53-MDM2. Em cada um dos quatro modelos de farmacóforos obtidos identificou-se três características, sendo que as características referentes ao anel aromático e ao dador de ligações de hidrogénio estão presentes em todos os modelos obtidos. Realizando o rastreio em diversas bases de dados utilizando os modelos, obtivemos hits com uma grande diversidade estrutural.
Gene amplification increases the number of genes in a genome and can give rise to karyotype abnormalities called double minutes (DM) and homogeneously staining regions (HSR), both of which have been widely observed in human tumors but are also known to play a major role during embryonic development due to the fact that they are responsible for the programmed increase of gene expression. The etiology of gene amplification during carcinogenesis is not yet completely understood but can be considered a result of genetic instability. Gene amplification leads to an increase in protein expression and provides a selective advantage during cell growth. Oncogenes such as CCND1, c-MET, c-MYC, ERBB2, EGFR and MDM2 are amplified in human tumors and can be associated with increased expression of their respective proteins or not. In general, gene amplification is associated with more aggressive tumors, metastases, resistance to chemotherapy and a decrease in the period during which the patient stays free of the disease. This review discusses the major role of gene amplification in the progression of carcinomas, formation of genetic markers and as possible therapeutic targets for the development of drugs for the treatment of some types of tumors.
Cell therapy is a therapeutic strategy used to replace or repair damaged tissue. The epithelium transplantation of cultivated keratinocytes has been applied to several modalities of reconstruction, like oral, urethra and ocular surface. Life and death signals work coordinately to ensure cellular quality control and the viability of an organism. The aim of this study is to verify that culture conditions did not induce genetic mutations through the analysis of the key genes: pAKT, Pten, p53 and MDM2 and investigate the presence of the related proteins in human oral keratinocytes obtained by primary culture and in vitro cultivated. Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissues from the oral cavity were utilized as control for normal expression of the related markers and two oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines provided the expression pattern of the proposed markers in the event of cellular transformation. Akt, PTEN, p53 and MDM2 immunohistochemistry and Western-Blotting analyzes were performed. The results showed the expression levels and intracellular localizations of the four proteins evaluated. These analyzes confirmed that the produced in vitro epithelium is bio-compatible for its utilization as reconstruction and reparatory tissue, however further analyses and additional research on other biomarkers should be performed to analyse the long term engraftment of transplantable primary culture of oral keratinocytes and the long term resistance to cellular transformation.
DNA damage induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be removed by nucleotide excision repair through two sub-pathways, one general (GGR) and the other specific for transcribed DNA (TCR), and the processing of unrepaired lesions trigger signals that may lead to cell death. These signals involve the tumor suppressor p53 protein, a central regulator of cell responses to DNA damage, and the E3 ubiquitin ligase Mdm2, that forms a feedback regulatory loop with p53. The involvement of cell cycle and transcription on the signaling to apoptosis was investigated in UVB-irradiated synchronized, DNA repair proficient, CS-B (TCR-deficient) and XP-C (GGR-deficient) primary human fibroblasts. Cells were irradiated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, with two doses with equivalent levels of apoptosis (low and high), defined for each cell line. In the three cell lines, the low doses of UVB caused only a transient delay in progression to the S phase, whereas the high doses induced permanent cell cycle arrest. However, while accumulation of Mdm2 correlated well with the recovery from transcription inhibition at the low doses for normal and CS-B fibroblasts, for XP-C cells this protein was shown to be accumulated even at UVB doses that induced high levels of apoptosis. Thus, UVB-induced accumulation of Mdm2 is critical for counteracting p53 activation and apoptosis avoidance, but its effect is limited due to transcription inhibition. However, in the case of XP-C cells, an excess of unrepaired DNA damage would be sufficient to block S phase progression, which would signal to apoptosis, independent of Mdm2 accumulation. The data clearly discriminate DNA damage signals that lead to cell death, depending on the presence of UVB-induced DNA damage in replicating or transcribing regions.
L’infiammazione cronica è un fattore di rischio di insorgenza del cancro, e la citochina infiammatoria IL-6 gioca un ruolo importante nella tumorigenesi. In questo studio abbiamo dimostrato che L’IL-6 down-regola l'espressione e l'attività di p53. In linee cellulari umane, IL-6 stimola la trascrizione dell’rRNA mediante espressione della proteina c-myc a livello post-trascrizionale in un meccanismo p38MAPK-dipendente. L'up-regolazione della biogenesi ribosomiale riduce l'espressione di p53 attraverso l'attivazione della via della proteina ribosomale-MDM2. La down-regolazione di p53 produce l’acquisizione di modifiche fenotipiche e funzionali caratteristiche della epitelio mesenchimale di transizione, un processo associato a trasformazione maligna e progressione tumorale. I nostri dati mostrano che questi cambiamenti avvengono anche nelle cellule epiteliali del colon di pazienti affetti da colite ulcerosa, un esempio rappresentativo di una infiammazione cronica soggetta a trasformazione neoplastica, che scompaiono dopo trattamento con farmaci antinfiammatori. Questi risultati svelano un nuovo effetto oncogenico indotto dall’IL-6 che può contribuire notevolmente ad aumentare il rischio di sviluppare il cancro non solo in pazienti con infiammazioni croniche, ma anche in quei pazienti con condizioni patologiche caratterizzate da elevato livello di IL-6 nel plasma, quali l'obesità e e il diabete mellito di tipo 2.
Cellular response to γ-rays is mediated by ATM-p53 axis. When p53 is phosphorylated, it can transactivate several genes to induce permanent cell cycle arrest (senescence) or apoptosis. Epithelial and mesenchymal cells are more resistant to radiation-induced apoptosis and respond mainly by activating senescence. Hence, tumor cells in a senescent state might remain as “dormant” malignant in fact through disruption of p53 function, cells may overcome growth arrest. Oncocytic features were acquired in the recurring neoplasia after radiation therapy in patient with colonrectal cancer. Oncocytic tumors are characterized by aberrant biogenesis and are mainly non-aggressive neoplasms. Their low proliferation degree can be explained by chronic destabilization of HIF1α, which presides to adaptation to hypoxia and also plays a pivotal role in hypoxia-related radio-resistance. The aim of the present thesis was to verify whether mitochondrial biogenesis can be induced following radiation treatment, in relation of HIF1α status and whether is predictive of a senescence response. In this study was demonstrate that mitochondrial biogenesis parameters like mitochondrial DNA copy number could be used for the prediction of hypoxic status of tissue after radiation treatment. γ-rays induce an increase of mitochondrial mass and function, in response to a genotoxic stress that pushes cells into senescence. Mitochondrial biogenesis is only indirectly regulated by p53, whose activation triggers a MDM2-mediated HIF1α degradation, leading to the release of PGC-1β inhibition by HIF1α. On the other hand, this protein blunts the mitochondrial response to γ-rays as well as the induction of p21-mediated cell senescence, indicating prevalence of the hypoxic over the genotoxic response. Finally in vivo, post-radiotherapy mtDNA copy number increase well correlates with lack of HIF1α increase in the tissue, concluding this may be a useful molecular tool to infer the trigger of a hypoxic response during radiotherapy, which may lead to failure of activation of senescence.
Tra i liposarcomi, il tumore lipomatoso atipico/liposarcoma ben differenziato e il liposarcoma dedifferenziato rappresentano i sottotipi più frequenti. Spesso è difficile distinguere questi tumori da altri con caratteristiche morfologiche simili. Da un punto di vista citogenetico sono caratterizzati dalla presenza di cromosomi soprannumerari giganti e cromosomi ad anello costituiti principalmente da sequenze amplificate della regione 12q13-15. In questa regione mappano numerosi geni tra cui il gene MDM2 (murine double minute-2). La caratterizzazione molecolare di tali sottotipi diventa estremamente importante sia a fini diagnostici sia per un corretto indirizzo terapeutico, soprattutto oggi, dopo l’introduzione nella pratica clinica di terapie biologiche mirate (targeted therapies). Nel presente studio viene analizzato il ruolo dell’analisi FISH per la valutazione dello status di MDM2 nelle neoplasie lipomatose e per stabilire se questo marcatore possa essere utilizzato nella diagnosi differenziale di questi tumori. Sebbene questo studio confermi l’utilità diagnostica dell’amplificazione di MDM2 nella diagnosi del tumore lipomatoso atipico/liposarcoma ben differenziato ed il liposarcoma dedifferenziato, questo marcatore potrebbe avere in futuro anche una più ampia applicazione. Data la recente introduzione degli inibitori selettivi di MDM2 tale ricerca risulta importante non solo a fini diagnostici ma anche per la selezione dei pazienti che potranno in futuro beneficiare del trattamento con tali inibitori. Questo studio è stato effettuato anche per analizzare la rilevanza biologica del percorso che vede coinvolto il gene AKT nel liposarcoma ben differenziato e dedifferenziato e per stabilire se questo percorso possa rappresentare un utile bersaglio terapeutico in questi tumori. I dati ottenuti dimostrano che AKT è espresso ed attivato in tutti i casi di tumore lipomatoso atipico/liposarcoma ben differenziato e liposarcoma dedifferenziato.
E2F-1 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in cell-cycle control at G1/S check-point level by regulating the timely expression of many target genes whose products are required for S phase entry and progression. In mammalian cells, E2F-1 is negatively regulated by hypo-phosphorylated Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) whereas it is protected against degradation by its binding to Mouse Double Minute 2 protein (MDM2). In this study we experimented a drug combination in order to obtain a strong down-regulation of E2F-1 by acting on two different mechanisms of E2F-1 regulation mentioned above. This was achieved by combining drugs inhibiting the phosphorylation of pRb with drugs inactivating the MDM2 binding capability. The mechanism of action of these drugs in down-regulating E2F-1 level and activity is p53 independent. As expected, when combined, these drugs strongly inhibits E2F-1 and hinder cell proliferation in p53-/- and p53-mutated cells by blocking them in G1 phase of cell cycle, suggesting that E2F-1 down-regulation may represent a valid chemotherapeutic approach to inhibit proliferation in tumors independently of p53 status.
In der Dissertation konnte gezeigt werden, dass von einem pp65(495-503)-spezifischen Doppelketten-TZR (2-Plasmide-retrovirales Vektorsystem) ein Potential der Fremdinteraktion mit spezifitätsfremden humanen gp100(280-288)- und AML(14-22)- sowie murinen MDM2(81-88)- und p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen TZRa und -b Ketten besteht. Folglich zeichneten sich essentielle Optimierungsverfahren ab. Für die Generierung von bi-spezifischen T-Zellenrnwurden zwei Strategien etabliert. Das erste Verfahren hatte zur Voraussetzung, dass der Donor und Rezipient einen HCMV-seropositiven Status aufweisen würden. Es ließen sich pp65(495-503)-spezifische T-Zellen aus HCMV-seropositiven Blutproben expandieren, die eine effiziente pp65(495-503)-Spezifität charakterisierte. In der zweiten Strategie wurde die Situation behandelt, dass der Donor HCMV-seronegativ und der Rezipient HCMV-seropositiv wären.rnHierbei wurde das Verfahren der simultanen Kotransfektion mit einem pp65(495-503)- und p53(264-272)-spezifischen TZR etabliert. Bei der Verwendung beider Strategien konnten effizient p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen und pp65(495-503)-bi-spezifische T-Zellen generiert werden.rnHinzukommend konnte der Einfluss einer möglichen Kompetition um CD3 undrnFehlinteraktion mit den endogenen TZRa und -b Ketten dargelegt werden. Des Weiteren erfolgten Interaktionsanalysen mit einem p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR. Die Analysen erfolgten sowohl unter nicht-kompetitiven Bedingungen in der humanen Jurkat-76 Zelllinie, welche den genomischen Verlust von endogenen TZRa und -b Ketten kennzeichnete, als auch unter kompetitiven Bedingungen in den humanen T-Zellen, die endogene TZRa und -b Ketten besitzen. In dem 2-Plasmide-retroviralen Vektorsystem konnte gezeigt werden, dass unter nicht-kompetitiven Bedingungen der p53(264-272)- Tumorantigen-spezifische Einzelketten-TZR in erhöhtem Maße mit der murinen MDM2(81-88)-sowie homologen p53(264-272)- als auch mit den humanen TZRa Ketten der Spezifitäten AML(14-22), gp100(280-288) und pp65(495-503) (Vb3-Analyse) interagieren konnte. Interessanterweise zeigte sich im 1-Plasmid-retroviralen Vektorsystem ein geringeres Interaktionsverhalten mit murinen und vor allem humanen TZRa Ketten. Das Interaktionspotential schien TZR Subfamilien-abhängig zu sein. Essentiell war es, dass der p53(264-272)-Tumorantigenspezifische Einzelketten-TZR eines 1-Plasmid-retroviralen Vektorsystems, trotz minimaler Beeinflussungen, stets an der Zelloberfläche exprimiert werden konnte und sich kein vollständiger Verlust der p53(264-272)-Spezifität verzeichnen ließ. Aufgrund der Verdrängung der Va-Domäne des p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR durch eine Volllängen-TZRa-Kette, erfolgte die Optimierung der Va/Vb-Interaktion des Einzelketten-TZR (1-Plasmid-retrovirales Vektorsystem). Es konnte ein neuartiger p53(264-272)-Tumorantigenspezifischer Einzelketten-TZR mit einer zusätzlichen künstlichen Disulfidbrücke zwischen Va(Q51C) und dem C-terminalen Ende des SL7-Linkers (G16C) generiert werden. Dieser Einzelketten-TZR zeigte im Vergleich zum Ausgangskonstrukt eine stärkere Va/Vb-Bindung, ausgelesen an einer effizienten Reduktion der residuellen Kettenfehlinteraktion, sowie eine effiziente TZR-Expression und Funktionalität, als auch eine vergleichbare TZR-MHC:Peptid-Affinität. Zusammenfassend konnten pp65(465-503)- und p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-bi-spezifische T-Zellen generiert werden, die eine effiziente duale Spezifität aufwiesen. Auch konnte detailliert das Interaktionsverhalten eines p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR mit spezifitätsfremden TZRa Ketten dargelegt sowie eine Optimierung eines p53(264-272)-Tumorantigen-spezifischen Einzelketten-TZR (1-Plasmid-retrovirales Vektorsystem) erzielt werden.
Childhood neuroblastoma is the most common solid tumour of infancy and highly refractory to therapy. One of the most powerful prognostic indicators for this disease is the N-Myc gene amplification, which occurs in approximately 25% of all neuroblastomas. N-Myc is a member of transcription factors belonging to a subclass of the larger group of proteins sharing Basic-Region/Helix–Loop–Helix/Leucin-Zipper (BR/HLH/LZ) motif. N-Myc oncoproteins may determine activation or repression of several genes thanks to different protein-protein interactions that may modulate its transcriptional regulatory ability and therefore its potential for oncogenicity. Chromatin modifications, including histone methylation, have a crucial role in transcription de-regulation of many cancer-related genes. Here, it was investigated whether N-Myc can functionally and/or physically interact with two different factors involved in methyl histone modification: WDR5 (core member of the MLL/Set1 methyltransferase complex) and the de- methylase LSD1. Co-IP assays have demonstrated the presence of both N-Myc-WDR5 and N-Myc-LSD1 complexes in two neuroblastoma cell lines. Human N-Myc amplified cell lines were used as a model system to investigate on transcription activation and/or repression mechanisms carried out by N-Myc-LSD1 and N-Myc-WDR5 protein complexes. qRT-PCR and immunoblot assays underlined the ability of both complexes to positively (N-Myc-WDR5) and negatively (N-Myc-LSD1) influence transcriptional regulation of crititical neuroblastoma N-Myc-related genes, MDM2, p21 and Clusterin. Ch-IP experiments have revealed the binding of the N-Myc complexes above mentioned to the gene promoters analysed. Finally, pharmacological treatment pointed to abolish N-Myc and LSD1 activity were performed to test cellular alterations, such as cell viability and cell cycle progression. Overall, the results presented in this work suggest that N-Myc can interact with two distinct histone methyl modifiers to positively and negatively affect gene transcription in neuroblastoma.
Malignant pleural mesotheliomas (MPMs) are usually wild type for the p53 gene but contain homozygous deletions in the INK4A locus that encodes p14(ARF), an inhibitor of p53-MDM2 interaction. Previous findings suggest that lack of p14(ARF) expression and the presence of SV40 large T antigen (L-Tag) result in p53 inactivation in MPM. We did not detect SV40 L-Tag mRNA in either MPM cell lines or primary cultures, and treatment of p14(ARF)-deficient cells with cisplatin (CDDP) increased both total and phosphorylated p53 and enhanced p53 DNA-binding activity. On incubation with CDDP, levels of positively regulated p53 transcriptional targets p21(WAF), PIG3, MDM2, Bax, and PUMA increased in p14(ARF)-deficient cells, whereas negatively regulated survivin decreased. Significantly, p53-induced apoptosis was activated by CDDP in p14(ARF)-deficient cells, and treatment with p53-specific siRNA rendered them more CDDP-resistant. p53 was also activated by: 1) inhibition of MDM2 (using nutlin-3); 2) transient overexpression of p14(ARF); and 3) targeting of survivin using antisense oligonucleotides. However, it is noteworthy that only survivin downregulation sensitized cells to CDDP-induced apoptosis. These results suggest that p53 is functional in the absence of p14(ARF) in MPM and that targeting of the downstream apoptosis inhibitor survivin can sensitize to CDDP-induced apoptosis.
Among rodent models for brain tumors, the 9L gliosarcoma is one of the most widely used. Our 9L-European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) model was developed from cells acquired at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (NY, USA) in 1997 and implanted in the right caudate nucleus of syngeneic Fisher rats. It has been largely used by the user community of the ESRF during the last decade, for imaging, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, including innovative treatments based on particular irradiation techniques and/or use of new drugs. This work presents a detailed study of its characteristics, assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), histology, immunohistochemistry, and cytogenetic analysis. The data used for this work were from rats sampled in six experiments carried out over a 3-year period in our lab (total number of rats = 142). The 9L-ESRF tumors were induced by a stereotactic inoculation of 10(4) 9L cells in the right caudate nucleus of the brain. The assessment of vascular parameters was performed by MRI (blood volume fraction and vascular size index) and by immunostaining of vessels (rat endothelial cell antigen-1 and type IV collagen). Immunohistochemistry and regular histology were used to describe features such as tumor cell infiltration, necrosis area, nuclear pleomorphism, cellularity, mitotic characteristics, leukocytic infiltration, proliferation, and inflammation. Moreover, for each of the six experiments, the survival of the animals was assessed and related to the tumor growth observed by MRI or histology. Additionally, the cytogenetic status of the 9L cells used at ESRF lab was investigated by comparative genomics hybridization analysis. Finally, the response of the 9L-ESRF tumor to radiotherapy was estimated by plotting the survival curves after irradiation. The median survival time of 9L-ESRF tumor-bearing rats was highly reproducible (19-20 days). The 9L-ESRF tumors presented a quasi-exponential growth, were highly vascularized with a high cellular density and a high proliferative index, accompanied by signs of inflammatory responses. We also report an infiltrative pattern which is poorly observed on conventional 9 L tumor. The 9L-ESRF cells presented some cytogenetic specificities such as altered regions including CDK4, CDKN2A, CDKN2B, and MDM2 genes. Finally, the lifespan of 9L-ESRF tumor-bearing rats was enhanced up to 28, 35, and 45 days for single doses of 10, 20, and 2 × 20 Gy, respectively. First, this report describes an animal model that is used worldwide. Second, we describe few features typical of our model if compared to other 9L models worldwide. Altogether, the 9L-ESRF tumor model presents characteristics close to the human high-grade gliomas such as high proliferative capability, high vascularization and a high infiltrative pattern. Its response to radiotherapy demonstrates its potential as a tool for innovative radiotherapy protocols.