974 resultados para Wong Scollon, Suzanne: Intercultural communication


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Projecte de recerca (EDU2011-25960) Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.


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En el marco de una investigación más amplia sobre transiciones escolares y el papel de las redes sociales te pedimos que contestes las preguntas siguientes acerca de tus relaciones personales. Te rogamos que leas con atención las preguntas y contestes con sinceridad. Agradecemos mucho tu colaboración.


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Proyecto de investigación (EDU2011-25960) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad


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Projecte de recerca (EDU2011-25960) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad


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Projecte de recerca (EDU2011-25960) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad


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El profund i humaníssim interès i la defensa que va exercir Ryszard Kapuściński de la identitat cultural africana constitueix un model a seguir sobre la construcció i el tractament dels “altres” en els textos periodístics. El present treball analitza la vida i la obra del corresponsal polonès per tal de plantejar qüestions com l’etnocentrisme del discurs dels mitjans de comunicació, la importància d’un tractament de subjecte de les fonts, la identitat cultural o la comunicació intercultural. A través dels objectius amb els quals Kapuściński definia el periodisme –“traductor de cultures” i “advocat d’Àfrica”- i la manera com exercia la professió de corresponsal es planteja quina és la visió i la mirada que Occident i el periodisme tenen de les altres cultures –establint com a context la civilització africana en el procés de descolonització del continent- i la necessitat d’una pràctica periodística respectuosa amb la diversitat cultural.


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Este artículo parte de la hipótesis de que la palabra fiesta posee un peso semántico mayor que su correspondiente holiday norteamericana y que esta desigualdad se puede corroborar en el ámbito de la antropología, la literatura, la lexicografía y la semántica lingüística. La falta de equivalencia semántica de ambos vocablos puede ocasionar dificultades en encuentros interculturales, ya que la traducción literal no consigue transmitir las diversas connotaciones semánticas de la fiesta. Convendría, pues, evitar tanto que el estudiante hispanohablante vuelque en el sustantivo estadounidense sus nociones culturales festivas, como que el estudiante norteamericano de español reduzca el término lingüístico al colorismo de una celebración lúdica o incluso taurina.


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El fenómeno migratorio es una de las realidades que caracteriza nuestra sociedad actual y uno de los elementos clave desde el que partir para realizar acciones educativas y sociales que permitan transformar el multiculturalismo social existente en una ciudadanía intercultural. La migración femenina, por su parte, ha pasado de ser una tendencia en aumento dentro de la migración a consolidarse como característica definitoria de dicha realidad. La investigación cualitativa que seguidamente presentamos se centró en conocer los proyectos migratorios de mujeres árabes y latinoamericanas en nuestro Estado, con la finalidad de aprender de sus experiencias y determinar,con ellas, las condiciones o características de los espacios de relación social, tanto informales como formales, que contribuyen a promover la autonomía de las mujeres migrantes, así como a potenciarlas a nivel laboral, social y educativo. El análisis de la información permitió poner de manifiesto, entre otras aportaciones, el papel activo y transformador de las mujeres, las prácticas cooperativas que realizan y las características que definen los espacios de relación inclusores, así como otras propuestas tendentes a facilitar la integración de la mujer migrante en la sociedad de llegada.


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There has been a notable evolution in immigration over the last ten years, with obvious effects on the education system. This increase, mainly concentrated in the public sector, has been a serious challenge for the administration and schools. Despite efforts made in the design of policies, contingency plans and allocation of resources, the results can still be improved. In Catalonia, after an observation period, the emphasis has been placed on organising the various levels of administration to carry out an efficient intervention. In practice, regarding foreign students, this has meant adopting compensatory policies focused on social cohesion and multiculturalism. This article is a review of educational policies in Catalonia, with a specific analysis of the multicultural practices applied to education in a primary school. This article is part of a report on immigration policies on education, with examples of schools that apply intercultural communication in four regions of Spain (see Martínez Usarralde, 2010).


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Identity metamorphoses in a context of mobility This study has its roots in the current upsurge in student mobility and in the scientific debates about the concepts of identity and intercultural communication. Based on a corpus of interviews with French Erasmus students in Finland, the study blends in theories of postmodern identity, intercultural hermeneutics and discourse analysis to examine how the students construct themselves and diverse ‘othernesses’ (included theirs) when they talk about their experiences. The use of the French pronoun on, pronoun switches, and virtual voices (ex: I said to myself...) allowed to pinpoint the students’ unstable identity metamorphoses in their discourses: integration of liquid and solid selves, infidelity in identification with the French but also with Erasmus ‘tribes’, and games of identity. Though the exchange experience appears as interesting for the students, the results show that many and varied misconceptions about identity, culture, intercultural communication, language use, and strangeness lead the students to evaluate their experiences negatively. The implication of the study is that students should be prepared for their time abroad, not so much in terms of ‘grammars of culture’ (e.g. ‘Finns behave in such and such ways’, ‘the French are...’), but through the development of competences to analyse the identity metamorphoses that take place in intercultural encounters and prevent people from meeting each other as diverse individuals. This could make study abroad one of the best training periods for postmodernity and globalization.


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During the past century, an increasingly diverse world provided us with opportunities for intercultural communication; especially the growth of commerce at all levels from domestic to international has made the combination of the theories of intercultural communication and international business necessary. As one of the main beneficiaries in international business in recent years, companies in airline industries have developed their international market. For instance, Finnair has developed its Asian strategy which responds to the increasing market demand for flights from Europe to Asia in the new millennium. Therefore, the company manages marketing communication in a global environment and becomes a suitable case for studying the theories of intercultural communication in the context of international marketing. Finnair implemented a large number of international advertisements to promote its Asian routes, where Asia has been constructed as a number of exotic destinations. Meanwhile, the company itself as a provider of these destinations has also been constructed contrastively. Thus, this thesis aims at research how Finnair constructs Asia and the company itself in the new millennium, and how these constructions compare with the theories of intercultural communication. This research applied the theories of international marketing, intercultural communication and culture. In order to analyze the collected corpora as Finnair’s international advertisements and its annual reports in the new millennium, the methods of content analysis and discourse analysis have been used in this research. As a result, Finnair has purposefully applied the essentialist approach to intercultural communication and constructed Asia as an exotic “Other” due to the company’s market orientation. Meanwhile, Finnair has also constructed the company itself two identities based on the same approach: as an international airline provider between Europe and Asia, as well as a part of Finnish society. The combination of intercultural communication and international marketing theories, together with the combination of the methods of content analysis and discourse analysis ensure the originality of this paper.


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L‘interculturel est un concept souvent partagé mais rarement défini dans la recherche alors que ses compréhensions, interprétations et applications sont variées, ce qui mène à des malentendus et des positionnements épistémologiques et méthodologiques ambigus. En parallèle, de nombreuses critiques et propositions de réorientations de la notion voient le jour. Nous entendons faire le point sur la notion et son intégration potentielle dans l‘enseignement de la communication interculturelle (ECI). Notre étude se base sur l‘analyse de six groupes focalisés d‘enseignants (-chercheurs) impliqués dans l‘enseignement de l‘interculturel du niveau supérieur en Finlande, pays du nord de l‘Europe. Nous avons recours aux paradigmes postmodernes et aux sciences du langage (analyse du discours inspirée d‘auteurs français, et plus particulièrement de l‘école française de la deuxième génération (les théories de l‘énonciation (Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 2002 ; Marnette, 2005) et une approche du dialogisme inspirée par Bakhtine (1977))). Ces méthodes permettent de mettre en avant la complexité identitaire en posant l‘hétérogénéité du discours comme principe, c‘est-à-dire qu‘elles considèrent que tout discours inclut la « voix » de l‘autre. Repérer la présence de ces voix dans les discours des enseignants/chercheurs nous a permis de démontrer comment celles-ci participaient à la construction de leur identité pendant l‘interaction. Nous avons pu observer comment les relations entre ces interactions verbales donnaient lieu à des instabilités (contradictions, omissions), dont l‘étude nous a aidée à déduire leur(s) façon(s) de concevoir l‘interculturel. Les discours analysés révèlent a) que la définition de l‘interculturel est partagée sans être perçue de la même manière et b) que les différentes représentations du concept peuvent varier dans le discours d‘un même enseignant, mettant en évidences des contradictions qui posent problème s‘il s‘agit de communiquer un savoir-être aux apprenants. Nous nous sommes efforcée de trouver la place d‘un interculturel renouvelé parmi ces discours et de dissocier l‘image de l‘éducation interculturelle qui est promue en Finlande de ce qui est proposé en réalité : les changements actuels semblent avoir un minimum d‘impact sur la façon dont les enseignants traitent l‘interculturel. Nous nous demandons alors comment l‘Etat finlandais peut promouvoir un enseignement interculturel cohérent sans proposer aux enseignants/chercheurs une formation qui leur permettrait de reconnaitre les diverses diversités impliquées par l‘interculturel. Mots clés : Communication interculturelle, diversité, culture, enseignement supérieur finlandais.


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Few teachers would question that teaching is a contextual and situational process, yet as Gay (2000) reminds us, too few teachers have sufficient knowledge of how teaching practices reflect dominant cultural values. This qualitative study explored whiteness in the EFL classroom and the relation between teacher identity and pedagogy. This research was shaped by the overarching research questions: How does being white influence teachers' educational practices? How can teachers successfully negotiate crosscultural teaching? Data included open-ended interviews, a content analysis of EFL training materials, and my research and personal journals. The experiences of five EFL teachers form the central focus of this study. My personal story, as a white EFL teacher, is also included throughout this thesis. This study offers a detailed description of the complex and dynamic ways in which these five teachers understood their racial identities, and the classroom decisions they made in response to their understandings. Included in the discussion are the strategies that my participants and I used to subtly resist the notion and exploration of racial privilege. Implications for teacher education programs and possible directions for further study are offered.


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This study investigated the effectiveness of an Ontario-developed online Special Education teacher training course as a model for in-service teacher professional development in China. The study employed a mixed method approach encompassing both a quantitative survey and a qualitative research component to gather perceptions of Chinese and Canadian teachers, educational administrators, and teacher-educators who have intensive experience with online education, Special Education, and teacher preparation programs both in China and Canada. The study revealed insufficient understanding of Special Education among the general Chinese population, underdevelopment of Special Education teacher preparation in China, and potential benefits of using a Canadian online teacher training course as a model for Special Education in China. Based on the literature review and the results of this study, it is concluded that online Canadian Special Education teacher in-service courses can set an example for Chinese Special Education teacher training. A caveat is that such courses would require localized modifications, support of educational authorities, and pilot testing.