163 resultados para Husserl


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Findings from numerous quantitative studies suggest that spouses of patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass (CAB) surgery experience both physical and emotional stress before and after their partner's surgery. Such studies have contributed to our understanding of the spouses' experiences, however they have largely failed to capture the qualitative experience of what it is like to be a spouse of a partner who has undergone CAB surgery. The objective of this study was to describe the experience of spouses of patients who had recently undergone CAB surgery. This study was guided by Husserl's phenomenological approach to qualitative research. In accordance with the nature of phenomenological research the number of participants necessarily needs to be small because phenomenology values the unique experience of individuals. Therefore this study gathered data from four participants utilising open ended indepth interviews. The method of analysis was adapted from Amedeo Giorgi's five step empirical phenomenological process which brackets preconceived notions, reducing participants' accounts to the essential essence or meanings. Numerous themes common to each of the spouses emerged. These included: seeking information; the necessity for rapid decision making; playing guardian; a desire to debrief with their partner and lastly, uncertainty of their future role. This study has attempted to understand the phenomena of the spouse's experience and in doing so, believe that we now have a better understanding and insight into the needs of spouses of CAB surgery patients. This has added another dimension to our existing body of knowledge and further facilitates holistic patient care.


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Given the marked changes in length of hospital stay and the number of CAB procedures being performed, it is essential that health professionals are aware of the potential impact these changes could have on the spouses of patients who have undergone CAB surgery. Results from numerous quantitative studies suggest that spouses of patients undergoing CAB surgery experience both physical and emotional stress before and after their partners surgery. While such studies have contributed to our understanding, they fail to capture the qualitative experience of what it is like to be a spouse of a partner who has undergone CAB surgery, specifically in the context of changes in the length of hospital stay. The objective of this study was to describe the experience of spouses of patients who had recently undergone CAB surgery. This study utilised a qualitative methodology and was guided by Husserl's phenomenological approach. Data was obtained from four participants by in depth open ended interviews. This study has implications for all health professionals involved in the care of patients and their families undergoing CAB surgery. If health professionals are to provide holistic care, they need to understand more fully the qualitative experience of spouses of critically ill patients. The purpose of this study was to describe the experience of spouses whose partner's had suffered an acute myocardial infarction (MI). The study was guided by a phenomenological approach. This qualitative type of study is new to nursing inquiry, therefore this investigation creates links with understanding the notion of psychosocial nursing processes with the leading cause of death in Australia. Literature concerning the spouses of myocardial infarction patients has predominantly employed quantitative methods, as such results have centred on structured data collection, and categorised outcomes. Such methods have failed to capture the insight of what it is like to be a spouse of a patient who has had an MI. In-depth interviews were conducted with three participants (2 females and 1 male) about their experiences. The major findings of the study were categorised under the headings of uncertainty, emotional turmoil, support information and lifestyle change. Conclusions suggest that spouses are neglected by health professionals and they require as much psychosocial support as their partner in terms of cardiac discharge planning. Spouses need to be granted special consideration, as they progress through a grieving and readjustment process in coming to terms with: (1) the need to support and care for their partner, (2) changes in their roles and (3) adjustments to their current lifestyles.


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This work offers a systematic phenomenological investigation of the constitutive significance of embodiment. It provides detailed analyses of subjectivity in relation to itself, to others, and to objective reality, and it argues that these basic structures cannot be made intelligible unless one takes into account how they are correlated with an embodied subject. The methodological and conceptual starting point of the treatise is the philosophy of Edmund Husserl. The investigation employs the phenomenological method and uses the descriptions and analyses provided by Husserl and his successors. The treatise is motivated and outlined systematically, and textual exegesis serves as a means for the systematic phenomenological investigation. The structure of the work conforms to the basic relations of subjectivity. The first part of the thesis explores the intimate relation between lived-body and selfhood, analyzes the phenomena of localization, and argues that self-awareness is necessarily and fundamentally embodied self-awareness. The second part examines the intersubjective dimensions of embodiment, investigates the corporal foundations of empathy, and unravels the bodily aspects of transcendental intersubjectivity. The third part scrutinizes the role of embodiment in the constitution of the surrounding objective reality: it focuses on the complex relationship between transcendental subjectivity and transcendental intersubjectivity, carefully examines the normative aspects of genetic and generative self-constitution, and argues eventually that what Husserl calls the paradox of subjectivity originates in a tension between primordial and intersubjective normativity. The work thus reinterprets the paradox of subjectivity in terms of a normative tension, and claims that the paradox is ultimately rooted in the structures of embodiment. In this manner, as a whole, the work discloses the constitutive significance of embodiment, and argues that transcendental subjectivity must be fundamentally embodied.


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In the last thirty years, primarily feminist scholars have drawn attention to and re-evaluated the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir (1908 1986). Her philosophical practice has been described as non-systematic, and her literary writing has been viewed as part of her non-systematic mode of philosophising. This dissertation radically deepens the question concerning Beauvoir s philosophical motivations for turning to literature as a mode to express subjectivity. It explicates the central concepts of Beauvoir s philosophy of existence, which are subjectivity, ambiguity, paradox and temporality, and their background in the modern traditions of existential philosophy and phenomenology. It also clarifies Beauvoir s main reason to turn to literature in order to express subjectivity as both singular and universal: as a specific mode of communication, literature is able to make the universality of existence manifest in the concrete, singular and temporal texture of life. In addition, the thesis gives examples of how Beauvoir s literary works contribute to an understanding of the complexity of subjectivity. I use the expression poetics of subjectivity to refer to the systematic relation between Beauvoir s existential and phenomenological notion of subjectivity and her literary works, and to her articulations of a creative mode of using language, especially in the novel. The thesis is divided into five chapters, of which the first three investigate Beauvoir s philosophy of existence at the intersection of the modern traditions of thought that began with René Descartes and Søren Kierkegaard s intuitions about subjectivity. Chapter 1 interprets Beauvoir s notion of ambiguity, as compared to paradox, and argues that both determine her notion of existence. Chapters 2 and 3 investigate the phenomenological side of Beauvoir s philosophy through a study of her response to early French interpretations of transcendental subjectivity, especially in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. My analysis shows that Edmund Husserl s distinction between different levels of subjective experience is central to Beauvoir s understanding of subjectivity and to the different ego concepts she uses. Chapter 4 is a study of Beauvoir s reflections on the expression of subjective thought, and, more specifically, her philosophical conceptions of the metaphysical novel and the autobiography as two modes of indirect communication. Chapter 5, finally, compares two modes of investigating concrete subjectivity; Beauvoir s conceptual study of femininity in Le deuxième sexe and her literary expression of subjectivity in the novel L Invitée. My analysis reveals and explicates Beauvoir s original contribution to a comprehensive understanding of the becoming and paradox of human existence: the fundamental insight that these phenomena are sexed, historically as well as imaginatively.


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Epistemological foundationalism has for centuries attempted to unify all scientific inquiry into the context of one grand science, the first philosophy. One of the most important tasks of this tradition has been to ground all knowledge on absolutely certain foundations. In this master s thesis I ask the following question: To what extent and under what conditions is it possible to achieve absolute certainty in the sense of the attempts of Cartesian foundationalism? By examining how the 20th century philosophers, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) and Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) interpret the epistemological methodology of René Descartes, I claim that the Cartesian achievement of absolute certainty rests on the implicit presupposition of an epistemologically prior form of faith in the world and trust (pistis) in other conscious beings. I show that knowledge is possible only within the context of a common world that is inhabited by several conscious beings that share a common linguistic system. This threefold element is shown to be the bedrock condition for any kind of philosophical inquiry. The main literature sources for this thesis are The Life of the Mind by Hannah Arendt, Le Visible et l invisible by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Meditationes de Prima Philosophiae by René Descartes and Erfahrung und Urteil by Edmund Husserl.


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Within the field of philosophy, animals have traditionally been studied from two perspectives: that of self-knowledge and that of ethics. The analysis of the differences between humans and animals has served our desire to understand our own specificity, whereas ethical discussions have ultimately aimed at finding the right way to treat animals. This dissertation proposes a different way of looking at non-human animals: it investigates the question of how non-human animals appear to us humans in our perceptual experience. The analysis focuses on the empathetic, embodied understanding of animals diverse movements and other expressions. The theoretical point of departure for the research is phenomenological philosophy, in particular Maurice Merleau-Ponty s phenomenology of the body. Edmund Husserl s and Edith Stein s analyses of empathy and embodiment are also crucial to the work. In this tradition, empathy means understanding the other s experience through her bodily expressions and seeing the other body as living, as well as motivated and directed towards the surrounding world. The dissertation both explicates and criticizes the earlier phenomenological notions of empathy and human specificity. In order to elucidate the fundamental structures of our experience of non-human animals, it also applies the phenomenological method, which consists of a phenomenological reduction and a free variation of the different aspects of experience. It is shown that our experiences of non-human animals involve a recognition of both similarities and differences. This recognition, however, is not primarily based on intellectual comparisons but is lived as an embodied relationship to another body, and its manifestations vary from one instant to the next. The analysis also reveals that the object of empathy is not the other s experience as such, not even as it is manifested by the other s movements, but rather the other s embodied situation, enriched by elements that remain outside the scope of the other s experience. The dissertation shows that human existence is intertwined with the existence of non-human animals on four levels: those of empathetic sensations, reciprocal communication, experience of the surrounding world and self-definitions. The animals different modes of perception prove to expand our understanding of what is perceivable and how things can be perceived. The presence of non-human animals in our perceptual world is revealed as something that both shows us the limits of our own embodiment and enables us to overcome these limits in empathetic acts. Finally, it is demonstrated that the life of non-human animals is intertwined with ours in a far more complex way than has been presupposed in traditional descriptions of human-animal differences.


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Resumen: La fenomenología de Husserl toma como punto de partida el problema del conocimiento con el fin de reformular la idea de una filosofía como ciencia estricta que aspira en última instancia a establecer una vida éticamente buena sobre bases racionales. Tiene que enfrentarse para ello con las cuestiones del comienzo de la filosofía y de su método. Ambas exigen tener en cuenta la distinción entre la actitud natural y la actitud propiamente filosófica porque la epojé que abre el camino a la reducción fenomenológica requiere advertir, tematizar y suspender la validez de la actitud natural. En la primera sección del artículo se deslindan los rasgos esenciales de las actitudes y se distinguen tipos generales de actitudes. A continuación se muestra, en la segunda sección, a la actitud natural como el fondo o suelo de todas las actitudes especiales y se delinean sus caracteres más sobresalientes. En la tercera sección, por último, se contrasta esta actitud natural básica con la actitud fenomenológica en conexión con el modo como Descartes comprende las cuestiones del comienzo y del método. Con ello se retorna al planteo de la filosofía como conocimiento en vistas a una renovación ética de la vida espiritual a fin de precisar por qué el paso de la actitud natural a la actitud fenomenológica es la condición necesaria para poder abandonar la instalación ingenua sobre el suelo incuestionado del mundo.


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Contenido: Sapientia, Veinticinco años después / Octavio N. Derisi – Tomás de Aquino, peregrino de Dios / Adolfo Muñoz Alonso – Qu’est-ce que la philosophie? / A. Dondeyne – La subordinación de la lógica a la ciencia / A. Furlán – Volición y voluntad en Aristóteles / B. Raffo Magnasco – Entendement et imagination selon Aristote / A. Guy – Le problème de l’existence de Dieu dans le Commentaire de Saint Thomas sur la Physique d’Aristote / F. Van Steenberghen – Individuación, analogía y participación en el plano físico / J. E. Bolzán – La “Summa Physicorum” y la filosofía natural de Grosseteste / C. Lértora Mendoza – El infinito actual en Santo Tomás / O. Argerami – Tomás de Aquino en la Universidad de París / G. E. Ponferrada – Dante y la filosofía / G. Terán – El ámbito del objeto de la fenomenología en E. Husserl / O. N. Derisi – Orígenes doctrinales de la Tercera Escolástica en la filosofía argentina del siglo XIX / A. Caturelli – Hegel e Cristo / C. Fabro – Sapientia reconsidered / A. G. M. Van Melsen – El punto de partida de la metafísica : ¿abstracción o intuición? / J. R. Sanabria – La catégorie hégélienne de contradiction / R. Verneaux – La ontología modificada / C. A. Iturralde Colombres – L’acte moral et le sujet / J. de Finance – La crítica de Monseñor Derisi a la ciencia política empírica / A. E. Sampay – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Filosofía y Teología en el tomismo / La Dirección – Gérmenes de idealismo en las “Investigaciones lógicas” de Husserl / Juan A. Casaubón – La materia inteligible / Emilio Mondelli – El estoicismo y su teoría del hombre / Benito R. Raffo Magnasco -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: L’inquiétude de Dieu chez saint Augustin / Rosa Muriel Zelasco – El camino trinitario a la deificación conforme a los místicos renanos del siglo XIV: Meister Eckhart, Juan Tauler y el beato Enrique Seuze / Brian J. Farrelly – El comentario de Santo Tomás a los Posteriores analíticos: notas metodológicas / Celina A. Lértora Mendoza – Memoria e identidad en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Martín Federico Echavarría -- ¿Elegimos a Dios?: acerca de la no elección del fin último en concreto según Tomás de Aquino / Beatriz Reyes Oribe – Hacia un realismo hermenéutico sobre la base Santo Tomás de Aquino-Husserl: Los horizontes / Gabriel J. Zanotti – Pascal à la lumière de saint Jean de la Croix / André Bord – El principio de contradicción en Kant / Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa – La mutua implicación poder-saber según Michel Foucault / Jorge Martínez Barrera – Modernidad e Ilustración en Jürgen Habermas / Francisco Leocata – Hacia una hermenéutica analógico-icónica del símbolo / Mauricio Beuchot – El principio de autoridad / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios – Discusiones -- Bibliografía


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Contenido: Estructuras mentales y principios racionales / Lorenzo Vicente Burgoa – Autonomía moral y deliberación en Santo Tomás de Aquino / Ciro E. Schmidt Andrade – Thomas Aquinas and the reality of time / Steven C. Snyder – Fe y razón en Ramón Llull / Marc Egea I Ger – Idealismo y personalismo en Husserl / Francisco Leocata – El discurso no consensuado de Jürgen Habermas / Marisa Villalba de Tablón – Hacia el tercer milenio : el clima posmoderno y la recuperación de la naturaleza humana del hombre (observaciones tomistas) / William R. Darós – Razón, voluntad y praxis / María Celestina Donadío Maggi de Gandolfi – Meditación sobre la felicidad / Alberto Caturelli – “Y llegarán a ser virtuosos” : ley jurídica positiva penal y educación / Héctor H. Hernández – Todos los hombres desean la felicidad / Ignacio E. M. Andereggen – Justicia y derecho en Ley Natural y Derechos Naturales de John Finnis / Carlos I. Massini Correas – El itinerario antiguo y medieval de la negación nominalista de la metafísica / Mario Enrique Sacchi – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Resumen: Este estudio analiza la teoría aristotélica de la abstracción, tratando de rescatar su sentido originario a partir de los textos del autor, así como los aportes de los aristotélicos medievales más relevantes, especialmente Tomás de Aquino. Y luego se pasa a describir algunos hitos fundamentales de la evolución posterior de dicha teoría en la historia de la Filosofía, como son: 1) La contraposición entre abstracción e intuición en Duns Escoto y Guillermo de Ockham. 2) el intuicionismo de Descartes 3) La reinterpretación empirista de la abstracción en J. Locke 4) La ausencia de la abstracción en el Espinoza, Leibniz y Kant, así como su sustitución por la “aufhebung” en Hegel. 5) La peculiar aproximación husserliana a la abstracción a partir de su método fenomenológico y 6) la relación de la teoría de la abstracción con el pensamiento de algunos autores contemporáneos como Zubiri, Polo y, especialmente, Heidegger.


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Contenido: Das wahrheits-thema in der resten epoche der philosophie / Heribert Boeder – El prólogo del comentario de Santo Tomás de Aquino al Evangelio de San Juan / Nicolás Baisi – La pobreza como forma de marginalidad en la historia de la Orden Franciscana / Amelia Urrutibeheity de Di Pietro – El procedimiento per imaginationem en la física de Guillermo de Ockham / Olga L. Larre – El conocimiento divino del ente futuro contingente (2ª parte) / Gabriel Delgado – Sentido escatológico de la libertad: Santo Tomás de Aquino / Ciro E. Schmidt Andrade – El sentido ilativo en la obra del Cardenal Newman: un intento de superación del racionalismo inglés / Santiago Tomás Bellomo – La racionalidad moderna y la fenomenología de Husserl / Francisco Leocata – Valor, razón y subjetividad en Joseph De Finance / Juan Carlos Pablo Ballesteros – El bien en “Una teoría de la justicia” de J. Rawls – Notas y comentarios


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Este trabalho visa realizar os primeiros passos de um projeto mais longo, cujo objetivo é determinar o sentido daquilo que entendemos como pergunta pelo sentido do ser; junto a isso, se tem aqui igualmente o propósito de pensar a metodologia que acaso venha a ser adequada, isto é, o tratamento específico que possa alguma vez dar a tal questionamento um desenvolvimento legítimo. O caminho por nós adotado partirá de Kant por motivos estratégicos, principalmente pela razão de encontrarmos aí uma tese declarada sobre ser, que lhe concede um sentido unitário: ao comentá-la, reconstruindo-a por meio da apresentação de alguns de seus momentos, estaremos nos utilizando da mesma para apontar aquilo que acreditamos constituir uma corrupção de sentido nas suas próprias bases, permitindo compreender as dificuldades lançadas pela questão que, assim nos parece, são as mesmas que terminam por gerar as confusões que perfazem a própria história da metafísica. Isto significa que nossa discussão do caso kantiano - embora vise diretamente a filosofia crítica e todo projeto de uma teoria das faculdades - deverá cunhar resultados mais amplos, já mesmo porque, a partir dela, viremos mesmo a afirmar a total inadequação de uma abordagem do sentido do ser sob o ponto de vista do comportamento teórico. Por oposição a ele, procuraremos demonstrar que ser só pode ser abordado no interior de um campo de sentido que se apresente como o que chamaremos de atividade descritiva ou, poderíamos igualmente dizer, uma atividade de mostração. Este último ponto, conclusivo somente quanto à parte do caminho que nosso projeto mais geral nos exige percorrer, será explicitado com a ajuda de alguns dos conceitos apresentados por Husserl em suas Investigações Lógicas.


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O fato de se enxergar a tarefa do direito penal na proteção de bens jurídicos contra a colocação em perigo e lesão destes, tornou-se quase uma unanimidade na teoria do direito penal. Objetivo deste trabalho é investigar se é possível, a partir da teoria de proteção a bens jurídicos, derivar um critério para limitar a intervenção jurídico-penal. De acordo com este estudo é impossível a partir desta teoria desenvolver um critério que esteja em condição de limitar o poder punitivo. Que isto é assim, deriva-se do fato de que a a teoria de proteção a bens jurídicos inaugura uma verdadeira função de maximização da eficiência da proteção. Esta função carrega, contudo, uma série de problemas. Em primeiro lugar, permite tanto a antecipação da punibilidade como também o recrudescimento da punição em nome de uma proteção mais efetiva. Esta circunstãncia ignora, contudo, o valor absoluto da pessoa humana. Em segundo lugar, há a problemática empírica da teoria de proteção a bens jurídicos. Com outras palavras: para ser eficiente, a proteção penal precisa de constante comprovação empírica. É, porém, eficiente esta proteção? Que isto não é o caso, a própria realidade do direito penal nos revela. Em terceiro lugar, a função de proteção exige a adoção de uma teoria preventiva da pena. Isto viola também o valor absoluto da pessoa humana. Em quarto lugar, a função de proteção não põe qualquer obstáculo à prerrogativa de valoração do legislador. Por fim, a função de proteção não fornece nenhuma base apodítica para respeitar a pessoa humana, porque ela se ocupa essencialmente de aspectos juspositivos e contingenciais. O presente trabalho oferece uma nova definição de bem jurídico que se funda na fenomenologia de Husserl, e tenta limitar o poder punitivo por meio do desenvolvimento de uma teoria da absolutidade do valor intrínseco da pessoa humana. De acordo com essas considerações, bem jurídico é a possibilidade da pessoa humana de actualizar vivências no mundo da vida na forma esquemática de uma relação intencional entre aquela pessoa e um objeto que é de valor para ela. De acordo com a concepção de Scheler, que aqui é adotada, a pessoa humana é justamente aquela unidade, que consiste em todas as distintas essências, de modo que a pessoa é a unidade concreta, e mesmo essencial, de atos de diferentes essências, que em si precede todas as diferenças essenciais de atos. Essencial á pessoa é ainda o poder-fazer como fato puramente fenomenal, que existe por meio do corpo. A pessoa tem sempre um valor positivo-absoluto, o que significa que ela jamais pode ser considerada como objeto.