787 resultados para Culture, development journalism, Fiji, journalist, Pacific, professional views survey, watchdog


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O objetivo da investigação para a produção do relatório de estágio, passa por perceber os contornos do dia-a-dia dos jornalistas correspondentes em Portugal, as dificuldades que, por vezes, esta profissão fomenta e as implicações de fazer jornalismo num país com pouco interesse noticioso a nível internacional. Diariamente abrimos o jornal, acedemos a notícias digitais ou ouvimos reportagens na rádio, mas nunca sabemos quem é o rosto por detrás da notícia. Excetuando os pivôs dos telejornais e programas de informação, o jornalista é um cidadão desconhecido que trabalha para o seu leitor e para o seu ouvinte. Também o jornalista correspondente trabalha todos os dias com o mesmo objetivo. Mas, neste caso, há uma distinção: o seu ouvinte está num país diferente, talvez até do outro lado do mundo. Os jornalistas correspondentes em Portugal são profissionais que, todos os dias, produzem informação para outros países sobre nós, a nossa cultura, a nossa política, os nossos problemas e/ou as nossas conquistas. Neste relatório, o objetivo primordial é descobrir quem é este correspondente, que vive longos anos no nosso país, nunca se tornando parte dele.


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La littérature scientifique confirme que les soignants ont besoin de soutien. Par-delà la surchage clinique et administrative, le stress lié à la signifiance des facteurs contextuels est une source de détresse importante. La reconnaissance et la gestion de ce stress peuvent soutenir le clinicien de manière durable. L'article discute les éléments clés de ces stresseurs, notamment le rôle des émotions du soignant, la reconnaissance des limites, la confusion concernant l'empathie, l'influence du développement et de la trajectoire de vie sur l'identité professionnelle ainsi que le conflit que représente le fait d'être un soignant qui a besoin d'aide. A growing body of evidence indicates that health care professionals are in need of support. Beside heavy clinical patient volume or administrative duties, stress related to the significance of contextual factors is an important source of clinician's distress. Identification of and working through such stress can be a durable source of support. This article discusses key elements of these stressors, namely, the role of emotions of the clinician, awareness of limits, confusion about empathy, the influence of development and life trajectory on professional identity and the conflicting roles of the health care provider being in need of support http://titan.medhyg.ch/mh/formation/article.php3?sid=32934


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El profund i humaníssim interès i la defensa que va exercir Ryszard Kapuściński de la identitat cultural africana constitueix un model a seguir sobre la construcció i el tractament dels “altres” en els textos periodístics. El present treball analitza la vida i la obra del corresponsal polonès per tal de plantejar qüestions com l’etnocentrisme del discurs dels mitjans de comunicació, la importància d’un tractament de subjecte de les fonts, la identitat cultural o la comunicació intercultural. A través dels objectius amb els quals Kapuściński definia el periodisme –“traductor de cultures” i “advocat d’Àfrica”- i la manera com exercia la professió de corresponsal es planteja quina és la visió i la mirada que Occident i el periodisme tenen de les altres cultures –establint com a context la civilització africana en el procés de descolonització del continent- i la necessitat d’una pràctica periodística respectuosa amb la diversitat cultural.


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The objective of this work was to establish an efficient protocol for in vitro multiplication and rooting, as well as ex vitroacclimatization of Aegiphila verticillata, a woody species found in Brazilian rocky fields. Aseptic cultures were established by seeds and two multiplication analyses were performed. In the first, we employed 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP – 0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 μM) + α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA – 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 μM) and, in the second, were studied adenine sulfate, kinetin and thidiazuron (0, 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 μM). After 90 days, we assessed the quantitative and qualitative shoot propagation. There were more than 90% seed germination and low contamination (2%). In multiplication phase, the culture medium that promoted the best quantitative and qualitative culture development was supplemented with 7.5 μM BAP + 0.4 μM NAA. In the rooting assay, were used NAA, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 or 0.4 μM). After 90 days, the root number and rooting quality were evaluated. In this analysis, differences were not found between the control and the other treatments. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized in styrofoam trays for 30 days, after which they were transferred to pots in the greenhouse. Only 3% of the plants subjected to initial acclimatization died and 70% of the plants transferred to the field conditions survived and showed normal development. The results founded in this work are the first involving in vitro propagation and ex vitroacclimatization of Aegiphila verticillata and provide a continuous supply of this medicinal native species, endangered due anthropogenic activities.


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The environmental aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) expressed through the process of the EMS implementation in the oil and gas companies is identified as the main subject of this research. In the theoretical part, the basic attention is paid to justification of a link between CSR and environmental management. The achievement of sustainable competitive advantage as a result of environmental capital growth and inclusion of the socially responsible activities in the corporate strategy is another issue that is of special significance here. Besides, two basic forms of environmental management systems (environmental decision support systems and environmental information management systems) are explored and their role in effective stakeholder interaction is tackled. The most crucial benefits of EMS are also analyzed to underline its importance as a source of sustainable development. Further research is based on the survey of 51 sampled oil and gas companies (both publicly owned and state owned ones) originated from different countries all over the world and providing reports on sustainability issues in the open access. To analyze their approach to sustainable development, a specifically designed evaluation matrix with 37 indicators developed in accordance with the General Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for non-financial reporting was prepared. Additionally, the quality of environmental information disclosure was measured on the basis of a quality – quantity matrix. According to results of research, oil and gas companies prefer implementing reactive measures to the costly and knowledge-intensive proactive techniques for elimination of the negative environmental impacts. Besides, it was identified that the environmental performance disclosure is mostly rather limited, so that the quality of non-financial reporting can be judged as quite insufficient. In spite of the fact that most of the oil and gas companies in the sample claim the EMS to be embedded currently in their structure, they often do not provide any details for the process of their implementation. As a potential for the further development of EMS, author mentions possible integration of their different forms in a single entity, extension of existing structure on the basis of consolidation of the structural and strategic precautions as well as development of a unified certification standard instead of several ones that exist today in order to enhance control on the EMS implementation.


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The overall aim of this study was to investigate and examine teacher educators’ conceptions and experiences of quality of teacher education. The research interest therefore was two-fold: a) to deepen understanding of the concept quality and b) scrutinize experiences of teacher educators of quality enhancement. To achieve this ambition the study was conducted in the context of a newly established university college-based teacher education in Tanzania. Two research questions guided the study. The first focused on investigating how teacher educators conceived quality in the domain of teacher education and the second intended to explore teacher educators’ experiences of quality enhancement. The theoretical framework of the study centered on the concepts of teacher education, quality, and criteria for quality enhancement. Phenomenographic and phenomenological approaches under the main umbrella of qualitative research design were selected. Twenty five teacher educators participated in the study. Interviews were used for the collection of the data. The results of the first research question, in brief, indicate that teacher educators’ conceptions of quality are expressed in two main categories, namely, outstanding academic scholarship and adequate professional scholarship. Quality as outstanding academic scholarship was illustrated by two subcategories: excellence and positive transformation. While the former was composed of two aspects, the latter was demonstrated by three aspects. Quality as adequate professional scholarship was described in three sub-categories. The first was improved teaching competency, consisting of two aspects. The second was conscious research orientation, which is displayed by three aspects, and the last was enhancing the ability to reflect, represented by two aspects. The results of the second research question, which focused on exploring teacher educators’ experience of quality enhancement, were classified into two main categories of description: insufficient programs of teacher education and unsatisfactory professional development of teacher educators. From the two categories, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges related to programs of educating teachers, particularly curriculum development and implementation, and the professional development of educators, were exposed. Since the ambition of conducting the study was to deepen the understanding by producing insight that would act as a platform for appraising and enhancing the quality of teacher education, the results hopefully can be used for the development of the quality of teacher education in Tanzania.


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Tällä tutkimuksella oli tavoitteena selvittää kuluttajapalveluita tarjoavien yritysten turvallisuuskulttuurin taso sekä mahdollisuuksia tason kehittämiseksi. Turvallisuuskulttuuria ja miten se kytkeytyy kuluttajaturvallisuuteen, käsiteltiin teorian kautta. Samalla luotiin yleiskatsaus turvallisuusajattelun kehitykseen Suomessa. Turvallisuuskulttuurin taso selvitettiin kyselytutkimuksella kuluttajapalveluita valvoville viranomaisille. Samalla saatiin katsaus myös siihen, millaisia menetelmiä valvonnan käytössä on ollut ja kuinka aktiivisesti esimerkiksi jälkivalvontaa on tehty. Kyselyn perusteella turvallisuuskulttuuri on tasolla, jolla pyritään vain täyttämään lainsäädännön ja viranomaisten antamat vaatimukset. Tason korottamiseksi löytyi mahdollisuuksia niin viranomaisten valvontaa ajatellen kuin myös toiminnanharjoittajille. Tällaisia mahdollisuuksia ovat muun muassa toiminnanharjoittajille yhteisesti järjestettävät koulutustilaisuudet. Toiminnanharjoittajilla kokonaisturvallisuusjohtaminen ja laatuajattelu pitää sisällään usein työturvallisuus-, työterveys- ja ympäristöasioita. Mikäli tätä ajattelua laajentaa asiakasnäkökulmalla, lisäisi se kuluttajaturvallisuutta kokonaisuudessaan. Oman haasteen kuluttajaturvallisuuden kehittymiseen tuo mukanaan valvonnan valtiollistaminen ja etenkin sen käytännön toteuttaminen.


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One of the main characteristics of today’s democratic societies is their pluralism. As a result, liberal political philosophers often claim that the state should remain neutral with respect to different conceptions of the good. Legal and social policies should be acceptable to everyone regardless of their culture, their religion or their comprehensive moral views. One might think that this commitment to neutrality should be especially pronounced in urban centres, with their culturally diverse populations. However, there are a large number of laws and policies adopted at the municipal level that contradict the liberal principle of neutrality. In this paper, I want to suggest that these perfectionistlaws and policies are legitimate at the urban level. Specifically, I will argue that the principle of neutrality applies only indirectly to social institutions within the broader framework of the nation-state. This is clear in the case of voluntary associations, but to a certain extent this rationale applies also to cities. In a liberal regime, private associations are allowed to hold and defend perfectionist views, focused on a particular conception of the good life. One problem is to determine the limits of this perfectionism at the urban level, since cities, unlike private associations, are publicinstitutions. My aim here is therefore to give a liberal justification to a limited form of perfectionism of municipal laws and policies.


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Si l’approche par compétences au Canada et aux États-Unis est particulièrement valorisée pour orienter la pratique des professionnels de la santé (PDS) – et en bioéthique clinique –, les travaux permettant de mieux comprendre les fondements psychologiques, ontologiques et philosophiques de ces compétences sont peu présents dans la littérature en bioéthique. Les principaux outils actuellement disponibles se divisent généralement en quatre principales catégories : 1) les documents officiels (codes de déontologie, règlements institutionnels, etc.); 2) les principales théories éthiques (éthique de la discussion, éthique de la vertu, principisme, etc.); 3) les ouvrages de référence scientifiques; 4) les outils de prise de décision éthique. Ces documents sont des incontournables pour les bioéthiciens et les PDS, mais leur disparité, voire leur contenu parfois contradictoire, jumelée à une compréhension limitée de l’éthique, est souvent source de confusion dans les processus décisionnels et peut être la cause de comportements ne répondant pas aux standards éthiques des pratiques professionnelles. Notre recherche constitue une réflexion qui s’inscrit en amont de ces outils dont le caractère pragmatique a le désavantage de simplifier la réflexion théorique au profit de données plus concrètes. Nos travaux visent à développer les bases d’un modèle flexible et inclusif – le modèle de la déontologie réflexive (MDR) – permettant de : 1) poser les principaux repères philosophiques, sociaux et déontologiques des problématiques éthiques rencontrées en pratique; 2) saisir les principales tensions éthiques inhérentes à cette complexité; 3) mieux comprendre, dans une perspective psychologique et développementale, les exigences personnelles et professionnelles qu’impose le statut de professionnel de la santé dans le contexte actuel des soins de santé. Entreprise théorique, ce projet consiste principalement à mettre en relation dynamique un ensemble de dimensions (légale, éthique, clinique, sociale, psychologique) à l’oeuvre dans la rencontre du bioéthicien et du PDS avec la complexité des situations éthiques, en s’inspirant du concept de sensibilité éthique de la « petite éthique » de Paul Ricoeur (1990), du modèle des quatre composantes de Rest (1994) et de la théorie du soi et des modes identitaires d’Augusto Blasi (1993). Ce processus implique trois étapes successives : 1) une mise en ii perspective de la posture épistémologique particulière du bioéthicien et du PDS à la lumière de la « petite éthique » de Ricoeur; 2) une revue de la littérature interdisciplinaire sur le concept de sensibilité éthique afin d’en proposer une définition et de le mettre en perspective avec d’autres compétences éthiques; 3) le développement d’un cadre de référence en matière d’identité éthique professionnelle (professional ethics identity tendencies, PEIT), inspiré de la théorie du soi et des modes identitaires de Blasi. Ces PEIT proposent un repère normatif aux exigences liées à la construction de l'identité en contexte de pratique des PDS et suggèrent des pistes de réflexion quant à la formation et à la recherche en éthique professionnelle. Cette recherche souhaite établir des fondements théoriques pour le développement ultérieur du modèle de la déontologie réflexive (MDR).


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Cultura, desarrollo, comunidad, territorio, arte, cohesión social, empoderamiento, desarrollo cultural comunitario, solidaridad... Todas estas palabras, todos estos términos, componen una compleja definición sobre una propuesta de transformación y futuro para contextos sociales en riesgo de exclusión. Un proyecto que es, a la vez, una red de agentes culturales, un contenedor de deseos y acciones de intervención, y un vínculo entre el arte y la cultura como motores de transformación del territorio a favor de una cultura de paz. Se trata de REDESEARTE PAZ, un proyecto que, a través de las herramientas de las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas y la cultura, genera y fortalece procesos de cohesión social. El proyecto trabaja mediante la intervención-colaboración-reflexiónacción con comunidades en peligro de marginación. El presente texto es un glosario de términos, con intención de diccionario, que trata de dibujar el amplio mapa de las acciones y los conceptos que conforman esta red; la búsqueda de una definición en la suma de todas las partes que componen la propuesta, bajo la idea de reivindicar el uso de la palabra utopía en la actualidad: recuperar esa esperanza que supone el término y a la vez compartir la experiencia de este diálogo entre el arte y la cultura propuesto por REDESEARTE PAZ a favor de la cooperación y el desarrollo


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A inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular encontra-se devidamente explicitada nacional e internacionalmente, contudo a sua implementação tem vindo a revelar-se desafiante tanto para o sistema educativo como para os agentes de ensino. São conhecidas e encontram-se publicadas em diversos estudos as vantagens da educação inclusiva, porém o sistema educativo depara-se com populações cada vez mais heterogéneas onde responder satisfatoriamente a todos se tem caracterizado como árdua tarefa. O papel dos professores não pode também ser esquecido dado que estes representam um papel muito importante em todo o processo, mas o que dizer relativamente ao seu grau de satisfação profissional e à sua auto-estima. O objectivo deste estudo foi analisar de que forma o sentimento de competência e capacidade, a satisfação pessoal nas relações profissionais, a percepção do reconhecimento pelos outros e a relação com os alunos varia em função do género. Para o desenvolvimento desta investigação foi utilizado o questionário intitulado por Escala de Auto-Estima Profissional (E.A.P., Leitão, 2012). A amostra foi constituída por 115 professores de Educação Física do 2º, 3º e Ensino Secundário das escolas da Rede de Estágio. Concluiu-se que todas as dimensões da auto-estima profissional apresentam valores médios moderados a elevados, sendo o sentimento de competência e capacidade (M = 5.01; DP = .62) o que revela um maior nível de satisfação por parte dos professores e o menos satisfatório o que diz respeito à Satisfação pessoal nas relações profissionais (M = 4.60; DP = .89). Relativamente ao sentimento de competência e capacidade verificámos que os inquiridos do sexo masculino apresentam resultados médios superiores aos do sexo feminino [MM = 5.06, DPM = .61; MF = 4.94, DPF = .62 ]. No que se refere à satisfação pessoal nas relações profissionais constatámos também que os inquiridos do sexo masculino apresentam resultados médios superiores aos do sexo feminino [MM = 4.63, DPM = .69; MF = 4.55, DPF = 1.13]. Relativamente às dimensões percepção do reconhecimento pelos outros e relação com os alunos verificámos que os inquiridos do sexo feminino apresentam resultados médios superiores aos do sexo masculinos, respectivamente [MM = 4.86, DPM =.77; MF = 4.87, DPF =.80] e alunos [MM = 4.91, DPM =.61; MF = 4.94, DPF =.63]. Contudo, não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas em função do género em nenhuma das dimensões avaliadas [Sentimento de competência e capacidade [t (113) = -.983, p = .328; Satisfação pessoal nas relações profissionais [t (113) = -.453, p = .651] ; Percepção do reconhecimento pelos outros [t (113) = .032, p = .974] e Relação com os alunos [t (113) = .102, p = .919].


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Inúmeras pesquisas estão sendo desenvolvidas sobre a importância da formação continuada dos professores para a prática educativa, a fim de melhorar o entendimento sobre as variáveis necessárias para assegurar que os alunos possam obter o aprendizado almejado. Afirma-se ainda que a maioria desses estudos considere que o professor reflexivo possui melhores oportunidades de crescimento profissional e pedagógico, disponibilizando aos seus alunos melhores estratégias didáticas. Para tanto, o objetivo deste estudo é Analisar se a formação continuada de professores, aplicada pelo “Programa Escola que Vale”, tem contribuído para as mudanças das práticas docentes dos professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental I, e como a formação continuada, desenvolvida por este Programa, tem contribuído para as mudanças das práticas docente dos professores dos anos iniciais. Assim, a metodologia deste estudo foi realizada através de uma pesquisa exploratória de caráter bibliográfica e uma pesquisa de campo com docentes, supervisores e orientadores do município de Ourilândia do Norte. Os resultados desta análise nos mostraram que a formação continuada de professores do Programa Escola que Vale, contribuiu muito propiciando melhorias ao desenvolvimento da ação pedagógica, que o profissional torna-se motivado para continuar aprendendo e melhorando sua ação docente, sobretudo utilizando de meios que possibilitam envolvimentos de toda comunidade educativa em prol de uma educação de qualidade.


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The concept of market orientation appeared in the beginning of the year 1990 as one of the main marketing developments, getting prominence, at the end of the decade, in the strategy area as well. However due to universalization presuppositions and due to the statistical positivism, this concept seems to be limited for an organization type that still receives from researchers' little attention: nationalized companies. These companies origin is linked to the privatization processes, which happened throughout the years after 1990 in Brazil. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this thesis recognizes the main marketing and strategy debates; however it points for neglectful dimensions in both areas, necessary for a broader OPM concept understanding. With the objective of a broader understanding of the OPM concept, this thesis searches for the alignment of the OPM concept with the strategy as social practice conceptions as a framework for the conduction of a case study on nationalized companies belonging to the telecommunication sectors. The exploratory character of the study reveals important subjects that can help the development of the OPM concept in a broader way for future researches as: the government influence over markets, market culture development in nationalized companies and different market concepts existence.


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O objetivo deste estudo exploratório e aplicado é justificar a necessidade de implantação de um programa de cadeia de custódia no Instituto Laboratorial Criminal da Polícia Técnica e Científica do Estado de Rondônia a fim de se adequar às mudanças ocorridas no mundo contemporâneo estimuladas pelo avanço tecnológico. O resultado obtido com as entrevistas mostra a não percepção, por parte dos profissionais das organizações responsáveis pela autenticidade e idoneidade da prova pericial, das mudanças provocarem a necessidade de uma busca pela qualidade da prova pericial. E que ocorre em razão da falta de uma cultura para o fiel cumprimento da cadeia de custódia. Destarte, neste programa não pode faltar o desenvolvimento de uma cultura voltada para o cumprimento da cadeia de custódia, por esse ser o elemento que tem o poder de transformar e de formar consciências para a percepção da importância da cadeia de custódia na elaboração da prova pericial com qualidade, bem como mostrar como podemos agir diante desta inovação estimulada pelas mudanças do mundo contemporâneo.


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It has been remarkable among the Science Teaching debates the necessity that students do not learn only theories, laws and concepts, but also develop skills which allows them to act towards a critical citizenship. Therefore, some of the skills for the natural sciences learning must be taught consciously, intentionally and in a planned way, as component of a basic competence. Studies of the last twenty years have shown that students and teachers have plenty of difficulties about skills development and, among several, the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics, essential for the comprehension of Natural Science. In that sense, the development of that type of professional knowledge during the initial education of future Chemistry teachers has become strategic, not only because they need to know how to use it, but also because they need to know how to teach it. This research has as its general objective the organization, development and study of a process of formation of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics as part of the teachers professional knowledge. It has been accomplished through a formative experience with six undergraduate students of the Teaching Degree Course of Chemistry of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), in Brazil. In order to develop that skill, we have used as reference P. Ya. Galperin s Theory of the Stepwise Formation of Mental Actions and Concepts and its following qualitative indicators: action form, degree of generalization, degree of consciousness, degree of independence and degree of solidness. The research, in a qualitative approach, has prioritized as instruments of data collecting the registering of the activities of the undergraduate students, the observation, the questionnaire and the diagnosis tests. At the first moment, a teaching framework has been planned for the development of the skill of interpreting Cartesian graphics based on the presupposed conceptions and steps of Galperin s Theory. At the second moment, the referred framework has been applied and the process of the skill formation has been studied. The results have shown the possibility of develop the skill conscious about the invariant operation system, with a high degree of generalization and internalized the operational invariant in the mental plane. The students have attested the contributions at that type of formative experience. The research reveals the importance of going deeper about the teaching comprehension of the individualities tied to the process of internalization, according to Galperin s Theory, when the update of abilities as part of the teaching professional knowledge is the issue