894 resultados para Regime jurídico (administração pública)


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Public Management has been faced with a challenge in improving quality of its services to atendent a citizen each day more concerned and self-conscient of his rights. One of major tools used abroad is strategic planning, although its has been designed for a private sector where the focus is profit its been used in the public sector for improving efficiency. Our focus was the Brazilian Navy, especially the Service-Deliver Military Organization (OMPS),who has been using strategic planning searching for continous improving of internal practices. Strategic planning, originated in Military field, has improved its use in the private sector, especially in United States, after the Second World War when it reached 85% of all american private industry. Some of the concepts and models of strategic planning are reviewed, including some criticism and questioning of its aplicability in the public sector, who, by the way, have serious limitations, like: 1) legal matters (separation of powers); 2) citizen dependency - actions are taken in a vote-profits bases; and 3) burocratic culture, including resistency for changes. Our primary target was to investigated the validity of the strategic planning tool in the Brazilian Navy, searching for define the profile and the comittment of all actors involved in the process, comparing teory and practice. The survey used in the search was individual and anonimous using Likert scale of four options, where each respondent shown his percepetion of the strategic planning used in each of the two investigated organizations All data are shown in the appendices and the results pointed for a non-coerency of the speech and pratice of strategic planning and its models in the analised organizations.


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Este estudo tem, como tema central, a análise da descentralização e da participação como categorias democratizantes da reforma do Estado, particularmente, na área das políticas de saúde no Brasil e na Colômbia. Foi realizada uma análise teórica de ambas as categorias e de seu impacto na reformulação da relação Estado e sociedade para examinar, no último capítulo, sua conjunção na formulação, implementação e controle das políticas de saúde. Os resultados obtidos permitiram elaborar um marco analítico de gradação dos níveis de descentralização e participação assim como a importância destas na prática de uma gestão de saúde mais democrática.


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This study aimed to verify the type of Personnel Management adopted during the period between January 2005 and December 2008 at the Municipal General Attorney¿s Office (PGM-RJ) is compatible with the challenges of society and management people in the twenty-first century and why. To enable this conclusion, the means used were the research literature, documentary and field, through a process of self-ethnography. The literature review presented the evolutionary process and culture of public administration in Brazil, the new challenges of society and people management in the twenty-first century, the evolutionary process of managing people and its main approaches and models. The field research provided data wich related to them with the literature review, allowed to identify the predominant features of public administration and culture of PGM-RJ and the people management approaches identified. In addition, the study highlights that despite the effort in making changes and advances in the use of many different ideas of functionalist approach, the human resource practices adopted in the PGM-RJ during the period between January 2005 and December 2008 were not fully compatible with the challenges of society and people management in the twenty-first century.


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Os escândalos envolvendo corrupção na administração pública brasileira parecem continuar recrudescendo. Os aparatos de controle não tem respondido satisfatoriamente a essa questão, não obstante os esforços efetuado pelos legisladores na elaboração da Constituição de 1988, particularmente no caso da ampliação do escopo do Controle Interno de cada poder da república, no sentido de um melhor controle da burocracia. Utilizamos a Teoria do Agente-Principal para explicar os conflitos surgidos entre os atores envolvidos, no exercício desse controle específico, em função dos diversos papéis assumidos, concomitantemente por esses mesmos atores nessas relações tipo Agente-Principal. Para identificar os fatores, oriundos dessas relações conflituosas, que condicionam a consecução dos objetivos constitucionais previstos para o Controle Interno, especificamente nos municípios da baixada fluminense, entrevistamos os responsáveis pelo Controle Interno de municípios dessa região, escolhendo uma amostra de 6 prefeituras. Entrevistamos ainda 3 técnicos do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a fim de fazer o contra-ponto das visões entre Controle Interno e Controle Externo. Os dados obtidos das entrevistas foram tratados pelo método de Análise de Conteudo, agrupando-se o material obtido por categoria, que foram definidas na grade mista, utilizada para as análises respectivas.


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This research aims to identify the influence of the organizational climate on the motivation of public servants of Alfredo da Matta Foundation. To fulfill such aim, concepts of public administration, motivation and organizational climate have been broached. Two questionnaires were performed through the data collecting, one of them to evaluate the organizational climate, and the other to evaluate the motivational profile based on the motivational theories of Maslow and Herzberg. The analysis of the results indicated a positive perception of public servants in relation to the organizational climate predominant in the organizational, and that it has some relation with the motivational dynamics of the public servants in question.


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With the consolidation of democracy, the society being more aware of their rights as citizens, demands from the public administration services of more quality as well as efficiency and transparency when it comes to what is being done with the money of the tax payer. In order to have that, the public administration needs competent, highly-motivated and well-qualified civil servants. In this project, we describe the importance of a career plan motivating the civil servants, especially those who work for the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the Law of Fiscal Responsibility and on the legal rules, we¿ve measured the sustainability of TCE-RJ plan, based in another project developed by the Fundação Getulio Vargas for a federal administrative body. Having evaluated the sustainability of the plan, we offer the administration of TCE-RJ a study which is able to signal for moments of the cut on costs as well as those of the revenue available for investments which are destined for the capacitation of their civil servants, always complying with the legal rules.


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Este trabalho busca entender como as Incubadoras de Empresas, por meio das relações com os agentes que fazem parte das suas redes, são capazes de auxiliar o surgimento de novas empresas. Identificou-se que aquelas Incubadoras de Empresas que se relacionam por meio de laços fortes com suas Instituições Mantenedoras e onde seus gestores conseguem articular o Capital Social potencialmente disponível dentro da rede que se constrói a partir dessas Incubadoras, são capazes de estimular o surgimento de novas empresas e disponibilizar um volume de Capital Social suficientemente capaz para que essas empresas, durante o período de Incubação, tenham a possibilidade de acumular seu próprio Capital Social a ponto de garantir a sua sobrevivência, após a sua saída da Incubadora.


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As diversas transformações por que passou a administração pública federal brasileira trouxeram melhorias. O estado brasileiro de hoje é muito mais profissionalizado em termos de pessoal do que já foi no passado. Uma das principais medidas nesse sentido foi implantada pela constituição em 1988 com a exigência de concurso público para o ingresso em cargos e empregos públicos. Procuramos investigar neste trabalho um aspecto da política de pessoal a partir do momento seguinte, ou seja, durante o exercício do cargo, em especial a nomeação para as funções de direção: o que fundamenta ou desautoriza a forma atual de nomeação e que efeitos podem ser apontados como inerentes a sua aplicação. Para tanto, verificamos aspectos da organização do estado moderno, da teoria de administração pública e dos argumentos que procuram sustentar essa forma e prática de nomeação, além do que acarreta esse proceder para o próprio serviço público.


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Com uma abordagem sistêmica se realizou-se uma análises da capacitação dos Recursos Humanos da Secretaria Nacional de Desarrollo Administrativo do Equador - SENDA-. É apresentada uma descrição da instituição analisada considerando sua origem, fmalidade, objetivos, estrura e resultados obtidos no âmbito da administração pública equatoriana. À luz de uma abordagem de tipo sistêmico da capacitação dos recursos humanos, significou obter um diagnóstico mais completo e propor uma política de administração eficiente do recurso mais importante das organizações, o ser humano.


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The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.


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A consolidação da democracia e o fortalecimento das instituições em nosso país, aliados a uma persistência do patrimonialismo e do clientelismo nas relações entre a sociedade civil e o Estado brasileiro, fazem emergir a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma cultura democrática em que os cidadãos acompanhem permanentemente as principais ações dos governantes e gestores públicos. O controle social sobre a administração pública revela-se de fundamental importância para que os governos sejam responsivos e caminhem no sentido de perseguir o interesse público. As eleições, como mecanismo de accountability, mostram-se insuficientes para assegurar que os governantes implementem de forma eficaz, eficiente e efetiva as políticas públicas de que a sociedade necessita. A presente pesquisa buscou responder como pode o Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (TCE-RJ), órgão de controle externo, fomentar e estimular o controle social exercido sobre os gestores dos órgãos sob sua jurisdição. Para tal, este estudo utilizou-se de pesquisa de campo em outras Cortes de Contas com o objetivo de apontar possíveis ações que o TCE-RJ possa implementar com vistas à indução de cidadania e incremento do controle social. Verificou-se que o TCE-RJ pode ter, de fato, uma ação efetiva no estímulo à sociedade fluminense com vistas ao incremento do controle das ações e políticas implementadas pelos gestores públicos. O estudo sugere um conjunto de quatorze medidas que podem ser tomadas pelo TCE-RJ com este objetivo.


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The present work has as its basic purpose observing the principal administrative changes originated from the implementation of the Social Organization Project, inserted in the recent administrative reforms in Brazil, proposed from the Director Plan of the State Reform and approved by the National Congress in November of 1995. In the course of the text will be presented the main factors of the transformation from a bureaucratic public administration to a managerial public administration, specifically focusing the change from a Government Organization to a Social Organization. To reach the proposed objective, a case study of the Brazilian Association of Light Sincrotron Technology - ABTLuS, that represented the first Social Organization installed in Brazil, responsible for the management of the National Laboratory of Light Sincrotron - LNLS, under form of administration contract signed with Nationl Research Council - CNPq and Science and Technology Ministry - MCT. Initially, was developed the theoretical framework, based on the existent literature. Proceeding, field researches were realized in the cities of Campinas - SP, in Brasília - DF and in Rio de Janeiro - RJ. As a consequence of the accomplished work, it was possible to observe that the implementation of the SO administrative model brought more administrative flexibility for the qualified institution. This fact induced to gains of agility and efficiency, with more responsibilities, for the leaders as well as for the employees of ABTLuS. As for the other two important items consisted in the Director Plan, related with the cultural change (from bureaucratic to managerial) and with the social control (larger interaction in the relationship State-society), it is important to stand out the need of a larger time for evaluation, considering that the LNLS presents peculiar characteristics (subject approached in the work). The Social Organization ABTLuS counts with a little more than two years of administration contract, therefore the process is still in course.


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Este trabalho busca identificar um campo específico de atuação para instituições vinculadas a governos estaduais que atuam com capacitação e que são denominadas Escolas de Governo. Toma como estudo de caso as experiências da FUNDAP, em São Paulo e da FESP, no Rio de Janeiro e, a partir de uma análise crítica sobre o modo de funcionamento, missão e público alvo dessas instituições, busca sinalizar novos caminhos e possibilidades para consolidação dessas instituições no Brasil. Examina o modelo adotado pela Escola Nacional de Administração Pública, ENAP, que serviu de referência para as Escolas de Governo estudadas, buscando identificar os problemas existentes na práxis dessas duas instituições e demonstrar que esses se situam, não na qualidade e no desempenho de seus cursos e programas de capacitação, mas sim na sua própria concepção e missão.


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The proposal of this study is to present an assessment of the performance of the Brazilian Government Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex), which is a board of the Council of Government responsible for the formulation, implementation and coordination of the Brazilian trade policy. The study begins with a historical approach to the international trade and the Brazilian foreign trade, mentioning its origins, features and interfaces with the economic development of the country. Based on the approach aforementioned, several interviews were made with authorities, who have remarkable knowledge about the subject, in order to obtain their views, experiences and suggestions concerning the performance of Camex since its creation in 1995. The list of interviewees includes authorities that are currently responsibles for the conduct of the policy on foreign trade, representatives of the organized society, and authorities who were in important positions in this segment of the federal public administration, regarding both the Minister of State, as Director of Cacex and the Executive Secretary of Camex. The conclusions of the study indicate that the Camex has not been succeeding in fully exercise its mandate of formulate, implement and coordinate the foreign trade policy of Brazil. A combination of factors contributes to this situation, especially its small strutcure, the fact that some ministries compete in the segment of foreign trade ¿don't understand¿ Chamber¿s real purpose, and, at last, the absence of a political mandate"(words taken from Motta Veiga) that would fortify its existing legal mandate. Finally, the study suggests some changes in the current organizational modeling of Camex, especially in its hierarchical position in the federal public administration."