860 resultados para Pharmacy’s professionals
Background.-A number of extraneous factors have been implicated in the effectiveness of treatment of headache, including patient beliefs about aspects of the treatment or persons delivering the treatment. Objective.-The concept of external locus of control for headaches refers to patients with a high level of belief that headache and relief are influenced primarily by health care professionals. The aim of this study was to examine whether external locus of control is associated with a reduction in frequency of cervicogenic headaches among patients treated by a physiotherapist. Design.-A recent randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of physiotherapy among 200 patients with headache enabled a test of this relationship. Treatment consisted of manipulative therapy, therapeutic exercise, or a combination of the 2. Analysis of relative change in headache frequency was conducted after 6 weeks of treatment and at 3- and 12-month follow-up appointments. Results.-Results of the analysis indicated that participants with relatively high external Headache-Specific Locus of Control scores were more likely to achieve a reduction in headache frequency if they received the combined manipulative therapy and exercise therapy, compared with those who received no treatment. This was not determined for the group who received manipulative therapy, which is a treatment received passively by the patient. Conclusions.-The interpretation of these findings is considered in the context of nongeneralization to the other physiotherapy treatment groups and sustained reduction in headache frequency following withdrawal of treatment. The pattern of findings suggests that characteristics of the therapy were more pertinent than characteristics of the therapist.
This study evaluated the suitability of written materials for stroke survivors and their carers. Twenty stroke survivors and 14 carers were interviewed about the stroke information they had received and their perceptions of the content and presentation of materials of increasing reading difficulty. The mean readability level of materials (grade 9) was higher than participants’ mean reading ability (grade 7–8). Satisfaction with materials decreased as the content became more difficult to read. Seventy-five percent reported that their information needs were not met in hospital. More stroke survivors with aphasia wanted support from health professionals to read and understand written information, and identified simple language, large font size, color, and diagrams to complement the text as being important features of written materials. Simple materials that meet clients’ information needs and design preferences may optimally inform them about stroke.
Impaired self-awareness is a common problem following traumatic brain injury. Without adequate self-awareness, a person's motivation to participate in rehabilitation may be limited, which in turn can have an adverse effect on his or her functional outcome. For this reason, it is important that brain injury rehabilitation professionals, including occupational therapists, both understand this phenomenon and use assessment and treatment approaches aimed at improving clients' self-awareness. This article provides an overview of self-awareness, reviewing the distinction between intellectual and online awareness. The current role of occupational therapy in the assessment of self-awareness is highlighted and the guidelines for new assessments of self-awareness suitable for use in occupational therapy are explored.
The Test of Mouse Proficiency (TOMP) was developed to assist occupational therapists and education professionals assess computer mouse competency skills in children from preschool to upper primary (elementary) school age. The preliminary reliability and validity of TOMP are reported in this paper. Methods used to examine the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and criterion- and construct-related validity of the test are elaborated. In the continuing process of test refinement, these preliminary studies support to varying degrees the reliability and validity of TOMP. Recommendations for further validation of the assessment are discussed along with indications for potential clinical application.
In the 1996 baseline surveys of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health (ALSWH), 36.1% of mid-age women (45-50) and 35% of older women (70-75) reported leaking urine. This study aimed to investigate (a) the range of self-management strategies used to deal with urinary incontinence (UI); (b) the reasons why many women who report leaking urine do not seek help for UI; and (c) the types of health professionals consulted and treatment provided, and perceptions of satisfaction with these, among a sample of women in each age group who reported leaking urine often' at baseline. Five hundred participants were randomly selected from women in each of the mid-age and older cohorts of the ALSWH who had reported leaking urine often in a previous survey. Details about UI (frequency, severity, and situations), self-management behaviors and help-seeking for UI, types of health professional consulted, recommended treatment for the problem, and satisfaction with the service provided by health care professionals and the outcomes of recommended treatments were sought through a self-report mailed follow-up survey. Most respondents had leaked urine in the last month (94% and 91% of mid-age and older women, respectively), and 72.2% and 73. 1% of mid-aged and older women, respectively, had sought help or advice about their UI. In both age groups, the likelihood of having sought help significantly increased with severity of incontinence. The most common reasons for not seeking help were that the women felt they could manage the problem themselves or they did not consider it to be a problem.. Many women in both cohorts had employed avoidance techniques in an attempt to prevent leaking urine, including reducing their liquid consumption, going to the toilet just in case, and rushing to the toilet the minute they felt the need to. Strategies are needed to inform women who experience UI of more effective management techniques and the possible health risks associated with commonly used avoidance behaviors. There may be a need to better publicize existing incontinence services and improve access to these services for women of all ages.
Sun exposure in childhood is I of the risk factors for developing skin cancer, yet little is known about levels of exposure at this age. This is particularly important in countries with high levels of ultraviolet radiation. (UVR) such as Australia. Among 49 children 3 to 5 years of age attending child care centers, UVR exposure was studied under 4 conditions in a repeated measures design; sunny days, cloudy days, teacher's instruction to stay in the shade, and a health professionals instruction to apply sunscreen. Three different data collection methods were employed: (a) completion of questionnaire or diary by parents and researcher, (b) polysulphone dosimeter readings, and (c) observational audits (video recording). Results of this study indicated that more than half the children had been sunburnt (pink or red) and more than a third had experienced painful sunburn (sore or tender) in the last summer. Most wore short sleeve shirts, short skirts or shorts and cap, that do not provide optimal levels of skin protection. However, sunscreen was applied to all exposed parts before the children went out to the playground. Over the period of I hr (9-10 a.m.) the average amount of time children spent in full sun was 22 min. On sunny days there was more variation across children in the amount of sun exposure received. While the potential amount of UVR exposure for young children during the hour they were outside on a sunny day was 1.45 MED (Minimum Erythemal Dose), they received on average 0.35 MED, which is an insufficient amount to result in an erythemal response on fair skin even without the use of sunscreen.
In 2003 The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education celebrates its 30th anniversary. Beginning in 1973 as The Aboriginal Child at School, the journal was a practical response to a recommendation made at the National Workshop on Aboriginal Education held in May 1971 “that a periodical publication be commenced to provide a medium for the exchange of ideas and developments in the teaching of Aborigines, for the examination of practical implications of research findings and for the recording of Aboriginal achievements” (Watts, 1973, p. 2). Funded by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs in Canberra and housed in the Department of Education and later the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland, The Aboriginal Child at School was published at two monthly intervals. It aimed to provide a medium whereby teachers in the field of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education could share their thinking and their strategies for successful teaching and thereby enter into a meaningful and productive dialogue with one another (Watts, 1973, p. 2). An overarching concern of the journal was to improve and optimise children’s development and the types of pedagogies employed to provide challenging and rewarding learning experiences for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.The journal was enthusiastically embraced by a broad range of professionals and proved to be a useful resource for both experienced and beginning teachers, particularly in the primary sector.
In their 1994 study Taxation and Representation, Deacon and Golding point to the extensive use of press and public relations professionals by governments to promote policy, and to outmanouvre their opponents. With the UK specifically in mind, they warn: 'we cannot ignore the massive expansion of the public relations state.' (p.6). What distinguishes their approach from the more usual preoccupation with the use of 'spin' to 'package' political leaders is a focus on the institutionalisation of public relations within government. In this paper, I explore the utililty of the concept, and consider what the broad features of an Australian 'PR State' might be.
Evaluation of patients for rehabilitation after musculoskeletal injury involves identifying, grading and assessing the injury and its impact on the patient's normal activities. Management is guided by a multidisciplinary team, comprising the patient, doctor and physical therapist, with other health professionals recruited as required. Parallel interventions involving the various team members are specified in a customised management plan. The key component of the plan is active mobilisation utilising strengthening, flexibility and endurance exercise programs. Passive physical treatments (heat, ice, and manual therapy), as well as drug therapy and psychological interventions, are used as adjunctive therapy. Biomechanical devices or techniques (eg, orthotic devices) may also be helpful. Coexisting conditions such as depression and drug dependence are treated at the same time as the injury. Effective team communication, simulated environmental testing and, for those employed, contact with the employer facilitate a staged return to normal living, sports and occupational activities.
Este estudo de caso aborda a crise vivida pelo setor de transporte a??reo brasileiro nos anos de 2006 e 2007. Deflagrada por um acidente de vulto, a crise teve como protagonistas os controladores de tr??fego a??reo, que, sob suspeita de falha funcional e comunica????o dif??cil com as autoridades do setor, reagiram por meio de uma estrat??gia de opera????o-padr??o (greve branca). Essa situa????o, somada ?? escassez de pessoal, provocou, de novembro de 2006 at?? meados de 2007, o descontrole operacional dos principais aeroportos do pa??s, com grandes preju??zos aos usu??rios. Um novo acidente a??reo, no decorrer da crise, agravou ainda mais a situa????o do setor, expondo defici??ncias estruturais e profissionais ?? opini??o p??blica brasileira, em uma ??rea at?? ent??o considerada segura. O caso relata as tentativas de equacionamento da crise por parte das autoridades respons??veis pela pol??tica de transporte a??reo, frente ao descontentamento e ??s reivindica????es dos controladores de tr??fego a??reo e ?? indigna????o da sociedade. O objetivo do estudo de caso ?? ilustrar uma situa????o de crise e de processo de negocia????o, tendo sido originalmente utilizado em uma oficina sobre negocia????es no setor p??blico. O caso pode ser utilizado como material de apoio em cursos que abordem, entre outros, os seguintes t??picos: negocia????o, gest??o de crises, comunica????o e planejamento estrat??gico
This study discusses distance learning (DL) as a corporate education strategy in the scope of National Policy on Staff Development. The purpose was to identify, along with managers and specialists of National Network of Schools of Government in Brazil (RNEG), demanded competencies for DL professionals acting in continued education to service public. Part of the research is based in official documents and in related capacity-building initiatives of Schools of Government in the last three years. Through questionnaire sent to managers of institutions of RNEG, we identified existing infrastructure, teams profile, actions developed in DL and training needs. The research allowed to map the critical competencies to work in DL programs and to create a proposal from a Competency-Based Training Matrix for school teams in order to leverage continuing education programs to public servants in three spheres of government. The results revealed the key technological, pedagogical, management and communication skills, as well as the critical activities and content to be included in the training plans. It was found that 88% of institutions have already implemented or are in the process of implementing DL, and the other 12% are deficient in qualified staff to make regulations on hiring personnel or in technology fluency. This corroborates the importance and the contribution of Competency-Based Training Matrix for RNEG
O artigo analisa o curso de forma????o inicial para a carreira de Especialista em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental (EPPGG), recentemente reformulado. Conclui-se que as mudan??as realizadas no curso, tendo em vista os problemas enfrentados em edi????es anteriores, os desafios contempor??neos da administra????o p??blica, a crescente complexidade dos problemas e as demandas da sociedade, proporcionaram respostas bastante adequadas. No entanto, persistem in??meros desafios, dentre os quais se destacam o aprimoramento do ensino de aplica????o e novas tecnologias. Ao longo das nove edi????es do curso, percebe-se que os principais objetivos do projeto inicial da carreira permaneceram, mesmo com todas as descontinuidades administrativas. Preservaram-se o perfil generalista e as policompet??ncias na forma????o do EPPGG, a fim de permitir ao profissional uma vis??o abrangente e integrada dos complexos problemas da administra????o p??blica e desenvolver a capacidade de analisar, decidir e buscar os melhores resultados em prol do cidad??o, conduzindo as rela????es e as atividades profissionais de acordo com os princ??pios da ??tica p??blica.
Considerando os conceitos de intra-empreendedorismo e sua import??ncia para as organiza????es atualmente, realizou-se pesquisa juntos aos ocupantes do cargo de Profissional de Servi??os Aeroportu??rios (PSA), na sede da Empresa Brasileira de Infra-Estrutura Aeroportu??ria (Infraero), buscando verificar se eles possuem ou n??o perfil intra-empreendedor. Utilizou-se um question??rio, composto de 28 quest??es referentes ??s necessidades e habilidades indispens??veis ao desenvolvimento do intra-empreendedorismo, para avaliar o perfil dos funcion??rios, bem como levantar as caracter??sticas que apareceram com maior e menor freq????ncia na amostra selecionada. Como resultado, concluiu-se que a maioria dos empregados pesquisados possui perfil intra-empreendedor, por??m necessitando do desenvolvimento de outras caracter??sticas, tais como necessidade de independ??ncia e de autorealiza????o, tamb??m imprescind??veis. Foram sugeridas, tamb??m, a????es que podem ser adotadas na organiza????o para incentivar os trabalhadores a exercer suas capacidades empreendedoras.
O texto apresenta parte do referencial te??rico de pesquisa de doutorado, que buscou estabelecer rela????es te??ricas e pr??ticas entre as necessidades de informa????o de uma determinada atividade e as compet??ncias informacionais desenvolvidas para atend??-las. A premissa da pesquisa foi que a atividade estudada, a supervis??o indireta de institui????es financeiras, era intensiva em informa????o e poderia ser estudada como atividade informacional, a partir do uso de par??metros informacionais. Os par??metros utilizados nos modelos te??ricos foram o ciclo e a tecnologia da informa????o e os contextos de comunica????o da informa????o. A pesquisa emp??rica se iniciou com a identifica????o dos fatores cr??ticos de sucesso da atividade, visando a posterior mapeamento das necessidades de informa????o e das compet??ncias dos profissionais supervisores. Os resultados obtidos e sua an??lise permitiram relacionar os fatores cr??ticos de sucesso da atividade ??s necessidades de informa????o dos profissionais de supervis??o indireta e ??s suas compet??ncias informacionais.
Apesar de todo investimento nos ??ltimos anos, do poder p??blico, em qualificar profissionais, criar cursos e institui????es para forma????o de gestores p??blicos, o que parece ainda vigorar s??o as indica????es, para os cargos de gestores de unidades de sa??de. A carreira do Gestor P??blico na ??rea de sa??de deve ser feita atrav??s da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP), criada para tal fim, nos moldes atuais da carreira de Especialistas em Pol??ticas P??blicas e Gest??o Governamental (EPPGG) ou por outras Escolas como a Escola Nacional de Sa??de P??blica (ENSP). A????es e press??es de atores internacionais interferem na gest??o governamental, levando os governantes a promoverem reformas em suas administra????es visando atender esses interesses. Reformas administrativas ocorreram, em sua maioria, n??o por vontade do governo vigente, mas sim por v??rios fatores, sejam internos ou externos ao pa??s. Devido ao processo de globaliza????o e ao ide??rio neoliberal, que defendiam menor participa????o de interven????o do Estado na economia, reformas administrativas ocorreram e vem ocorrendo. Nos anos recentes, visando responder ??s demandas de novos conhecimentos e tecnologias colocadas pelo sistema de sa??de brasileiro em r??pida transforma????o, foi criado o espa??o institucional na, Escola de Governo em Sa??de (EGS), implantada na ENSP em 1998, dedicada a mobilizar e potencializar os esfor??os institucionais especificamente dirigidos a colaborar com a amplia????o da capacidade de governo em sa??de. Faremos uma breve exposi????o da forma????o de profissionais para a carreira de gest??o p??blica em alguns pa??ses das Am??ricas, mostrando a diversidade dos modelos de Escolas de Governo.