936 resultados para Best practices.


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A utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) como ferramentas cognitivas foi o propósito deste projeto. A problemática da introdução das TIC na sala de aula numa perspetiva construtivista levou-nos ao nosso estudo empírico, onde utilizamos uma metodologia de investigação quantitativa e qualitativa numa triangulação que nos pareceu mais adequada a este estudo. Como método foi adotado o estudo de caso e utilizamos como fontes de recolha de dados o inquérito por questionário a professores e alunos e uma entrevista a um especialista na área das TIC. O resultado do estudo efetuado permitiu-nos verificar que da parte dos docentes existe uma necessidade de formação e informação na área das TIC como ferramentas cognitivas, mais partilha de boas práticas e também mais utilização de meios tecnológicos na sua ação de ensino e aprendizagem. Quanto aos alunos, pensamos que com a mudança de atitude dos professores, mudaremos também a sua forma de utilizar as TIC na sua aprendizagem. Na operacionalização do plano de ação, criamos três etapas de trabalho: a) Oficina de Formação, b) Informação e c) promoção de atividades online. Pensamos que com este plano daremos resposta à nossa questão de partida, e criaremos um ambiente de ensino/aprendizagem onde as TIC se transformem em ferramentas cognitivas de apoio à construção das aprendizagens significativas dos alunos.


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Los metadatos son llaves para la categorización de información en los servicios digitales. En esencia se trata de catalogación y clasificación de información y su uso constituye una de las mejores prácticas en la gestión de información y de la misma manera que los catálogos y OPAC’s impacta en mejores servicios a los usuarios sean éstos de bibiotecas virtuales, e-gobierno, e-aprendizaje o e-salud; asimismo son la base para futuros desarrollos como la Web Semántica.El tema es de particular interés a los bibliotecarios ya que como organizadores del conocimiento conocen los esquemas de clasificación, reglas de registro de datos como las AACR2 y vocabularios especializados. En este documento se manejan algunos conceptos básicos al respecto y se comentan los pasos que América Latina está dando en este tema global.


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Within the last few decades of operations and supply chain management, the field has seen the rise of so called best practices, methods that will help supply chains obtain their business goals and gain a competitive edge. These methods were thought to be universal. This however is not always the case, as the surrounding business environment could have a significant impact on what will be effective in gaining competitive edge. Contingency theory states that the success of a supply chain is determined by both internal capabilities, as well as external context aligning. This creates a strategic fit, which is a major determinant of success. In order for supply chains to reach this strategic fit, they must adapt. As China has seen rapid growth and over the last few decades become one of the major economies of the world, Western companies have tried to establish themselves there, only to find that the Chinese market is extremely difficult to operate in. The aim of this thesis was to investigate from contingency theory perspective, what are the institutional factors that affect supply chain management of Finnish companies operating in China, and how do Finnish companies adapt their supply chains to better fit the Chinese institutional environment. A theoretical model was created for this thesis, in which supply chains possess resources, which can be combined in a meaningful manner to create capabilities. Both resources and capabilities are affected by the surrounding institutional environment, which forces supply chains to adapt in order to find a better strategic fit. A total of six Finnish managers from three large and three small companies operating in China were interviewed. The results indicated that the Chinese business environment is significantly different, than that of Finland or Western countries in general. Three institutional factors were identified: Confucian though, fast-paced business environment, and managing labor force. These three institutional factors made the relationship and delivery capabilities particularly important, as well as human resources, reputation, physical resources and technological resources. In conclusion, it was discovered that the Chinese institutional environment is heavily affected by Confucian thought, as well as the rapid market growth. These are the two most important institutional factors that shape the Chinese market. If supply chains wish to be successful in China, adaptation regarding these two institutional factors should yield good results.


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Poverty among children and young people turns out to be a significant social problem in Poland. The complexity and multi-dimensional consequences of the impoverishment of the young generation families calls not only for social help provided by the state but also for effective actions of the school environment. The following text attempts to answer the key question phrased in the title. It may be referred to as a source of information on significant problems of the school environment reality which demand further reflection and proper action. The research was carried out in 2014 among 146 urban and rural school teachers with the use of a diagnostic survey. The main tool which helped to gather information was a questionnaire survey as well as an open interview. The survey results helped to estimate the situation in a comparative perspective of the diagnosed schools with references to the best practices from other European countries.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2015.


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The purpose of this research is to discover development points for business processes and sales reporting in the recovered paper sourcing organization. The processes under development are both sales and sourcing processes that were determined by the commissioning company. All of these processes have in common that there are used sales orders to organize the money flows correctly. Although the main objective is to source only recovered paper, the sourcing also brings by-products that cannot be utilized and are thus sold. As the purpose of the sales function is to only support the sourcing strategy, it should be organized as efficiently as possible. Investigating the current status of the processes and finding development points help in building proposals for enhanced process descriptions. In order that sales function could be analyzed, should the sales reporting be accurate and present the needed key figures. The current status of the processes as well as the possible problems and development ideas were researched with the help of interviews. Best practices could also be brought from other business lines in the commissioning company. The theory part was build according to relevant literature and scientific articles. The research indicates, that processes have shaped differently in sourcing organization’s business units. Local infrastructure and legislation sets certain limitations to the sourcing of recovered paper, and these circumstances cannot be changed. Customer-supplier power relations also affect to the formulation of business processes. In order to steer the processes, there has to be more internal controls. Still, the enterprise resource planning system also sets boundaries how the processes can be made more efficient.


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Various environmental management systems, standards and tools are being created to assist companies to become more environmental friendly. However, not all the enterprises have adopted environmental policies in the same scale and range. Additionally, there is no existing guide to help them determine their level of environmental responsibility and subsequently, provide support to enable them to move forward towards environmental responsibility excellence. This research proposes the use of a Belief Rule-Based approach to assess an enterprise’s level commitment to environmental issues. The Environmental Responsibility BRB assessment system has been developed for this research. Participating companies will have to complete a structured questionnaire. An automated analysis of their responses (using the Belief Rule-Based approach) will determine their environmental responsibility level. This is followed by a recommendation on how to progress to the next level. The recommended best practices will help promote understanding, increase awareness, and make the organization greener. BRB systems consist of two parts: Knowledge Base and Inference Engine. The knowledge base in this research is constructed after an in-depth literature review, critical analyses of existing environmental performance assessment models and primarily guided by the EU Draft Background Report on "Best Environmental Management Practice in the Telecommunications and ICT Services Sector". The reasoning algorithm of a selected Drools JBoss BRB inference engine is forward chaining, where an inference starts iteratively searching for a pattern-match of the input and if-then clause. However, the forward chaining mechanism is not equipped with uncertainty handling. Therefore, a decision is made to deploy an evidential reasoning and forward chaining with a hybrid knowledge representation inference scheme to accommodate imprecision, ambiguity and fuzzy types of uncertainties. It is believed that such a system generates well balanced, sensible and Green ICT readiness adapted results, to help enterprises focus on making improvements on more sustainable business operations.


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Recent legislation and initiatives set forth high academic expectations for all high school graduates in the area of reading (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, 2010; Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015). To determine which students need additional support to meet these reading standards, teachers can conduct universal screening using formative assessments. Maze Curriculum-Based Measurement (Maze-CBM) is a commonly used screening and progress monitoring assessment that the National Center on Intensive Intervention (2013) and the Center on Instruction (Torgesen & Miller, 2009) recommend. Despite the recommendation to use Maze-CBM, little research has been conducted on the reliability and validity of Maze-CBM for measuring reading ability for students at the secondary level (Mitchell & Wexler, 2016). In the papers included in this dissertation, I present an initial investigation into the use of Maze-CBM for secondary students. In the first paper, I investigated prior studies of Maze-CBM for students in Grades 6 through 12. Next, in the second paper, I investigated the alternate-form reliability and validity for screening students in Grades 9 and 10 using signal detection theory methods. In the third paper, I examined the effect of genre on Maze-CBM scores with a sample of students in Grades 9 and 10 using multilevel modeling. When writing these three papers, I discovered several important findings related to Maze-CBM. First, there are few studies that have investigated the technical adequacy of Maze-CBM for screening and progress monitoring students in Grades 6 through 12. Additionally, only two studies (McMaster, Wayman, & Cao, 2006; Pierce, McMaster, & Deno, 2010) examined the technical adequacy of Maze-CBM for high school students. A second finding is that the reliability of Maze-CBM is often below acceptable levels for making screening decisions or progress monitoring decisions (.80 and above and .90 and above, respectively; Salvia, Ysseldyke, & Bolt, 2007) for secondary students. A third finding is that Maze-CBM scores show promise of being a valid screening tool for reading ability of secondary students. Finally, I found that the genre of the text used in the Maze-CBM assessment does impact scores on Maze-CBM for students in Grades 9 and 10.


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Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de las tres actividades turísticas principales que se desarrollan a lo largo del BiocorredorYanuncay, perteneciente a la parroquia San Joaquín, Cantón Cuenca, provincia del Azuay. La restauración, el cultivo de huertos orgánicos y la cestería, serán estudiadas desde el punto de vista de la sostenibilidad, considerando a esta como parte fundamental para la gestión de todo tipo de emprendimiento. La aplicación de la sostenibilidad al turismo ha contribuido para que los prestadores de servicios y los turistas opten por una mentalidad más consciente, no únicamente en el ámbito ambiental sino también en el sociocultural y económico, que unidos forman un modelo de desarrollo equilibrado en el cual todos resultan beneficiados. La guía de “Buenas Prácticas de Turismo Sostenible” elaborada por la organización RainforestAliance, ha sido primordial para realizar el análisis. Dentro de este documento se encuentran expuestas buenas prácticas que se relacionan a cada pilar de la sostenibilidad, las mismas que deben ser consideradas por todos los emprendimientos turísticos para que puedan permanecer en el tiempo. Al identificar las falencias de los prestadores de servicios turísticos del Biocorredor en el área de la sostenibilidad, se plantea trabajar en propuestas que ayuden a los emprendedores a mejorar la experiencia del turista, aprovechando los recursos culturales y naturales de la zona.


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Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures


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O gerenciamento dos processos organizacionais vem sendo estudado pela ciência administrativa como forma de romper com o paradigma da estrutura organizacional funcional através da Gestão por Processos. O Business Process Management ( BPM alinhado às estratégias organizacionais e suportado cada vez mais pela Tecnologia da Informação (TI), proporciona clareza nas diversas pontas do processo colaborando para sua melhoria contínua com o objetivo de gerar valor agregado ao cliente. As organizações de saúde estão entre as empresas prestadoras de serviço pouco estudadas em relação ao gerenciamento por processos. Assim, este estudo analisou por meio de um estudo empírico de natureza qualitativa, como estão sendo conduzidos os processos organizacionais hospitalares à luz das melhores práticas em BPM. A pesquisa foi realizada através do estudo de casos múltiplos realizados em duas organizações hospitalares na cidade de Natal/RN. A literatura de referência apresentou diversos fatores para um desempenho otimizado em BPM, tratados nesta pesquisa como as melhores práticas em BPM. A partir da revisão da literatura foi elaborada uma síntese das melhores práticas de BPM que serviu de base para elaboração do modelo da pesquisa utilizado para coleta e análise dos dados. Este modelo indicou onze categorias que foram utilizadas para elaboração do roteiro de estrevistas semi-estruturadas, através da técnica de análise de conteúdo, com categorização de grade fechada. As categorias foram agrupadas em duas dimensões: Elementos relacionados à gestão ( governança ; liderança , alinhamento estratégico , cultura e conhecimento ) e elementos relacionados aos processos ( desenho , responsável , executores , tecnologia da informação e indicadores ), e ainda foi identificada uma terceira categoria: escritório de processos . Para seleção dos sujeitos desta pesquisa foi adotada a estratégia em cadeia ou bola de neve . Foi possível identificar que todas as categorias apontadas no modelo de pesquisa emergem entre os fatores buscados pelas organizações hospitalares para o gerenciamento por processos com destaque para categorias: cultura ; conhecimento ; desenho ; tecnologia da informação e indicadores . Em complemento às categorias de análise, foram identificadas dificuldades relacionadas à comunicação e integração dos diversos elos do processo. Além disso, constatou-se que nos hospitais investigados há um desvio do conceito de BPM no que diz respeito a seu objetivo final: agregar valor ao cliente. A pesquisa concluiu que o gerenciamento por processos nas organizações hospitalares investigadas encontra-se em fase inicial ou em desenvolvimento, sendo necessário superar as barreiras da comunicação e edificar uma cultura organizacional orientada às necessidades dos clientes para aplicação das melhores práticas de BPM, desta forma pesquisas futuras sobre este tema em outras organizações hospitalares, podem facilitar um estudo comparativo e ampliar o conhecimento no assunto


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The existing sources on the creation of new business are limited in providing assistance when it comes to specific challenges that the foundation team of an enterprise may face. Likewise, in the case of the social enterprise Plugged-in, there are key challenges with regard to the business model. In this work project, a benchmarking approach was chosen to address these challenges and to derive implications from the practices established by successful sample enterprises. Besides several best practices, potential approaches to solutions were identified and suggestions for further examination were given.


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Ante el vertiginoso crecimiento de la competencia en el campo motiva la creación de una metodología para la Gestión de proyectos teniendo en cuenta las buenas prácticas disponibles a nivel mundial. El uso de TIC’s representará la forma de afrontar a la competencia que actualmente las empresas enfrentan, gestión de procesos, administración de recursos, generar responsabilidades y compromisos en los procesos con los que se llevan a cabo los proyectos marcarán un cambio en el cumplimiento de metas y objetivos. Tomando en cuenta lo anterior y luego de una evaluación a los procesos con los que se manejan actualmente los proyectos, se definirá una metodología para gestionar los proyectos, una vez definidos los procesos que van a intervenir, se abordará el tema de buscar la herramienta idónea para la administración de los proyectos vía Web, manteniendo el control de los mismos, generando un beneficio en lo referente al uso de los recursos con los que dispone la empresa. Generar indicadores de Gestión dentro de la herramienta seleccionada será una ventaja que se deberá tomar en consideración al momento de escoger la plataforma Web para llevar a cabo el control oportuno en el avance de los procesos. El uso de las TIC’s conjugado con una metodología adecuada, fomentará el desarrollo de las compañías logrando así poder planificar la gestión de los recursos: Humanos, Financieros y materiales, con sus respectivos ahorros en tiempo y dinero.


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This document is summarizing a major part of the work performed by the FP7-JERICO consortium, including 27 partner institutions, during 4 years (2011-2015). Its objective is to propose a strategy for the European coastal observation and monitoring. To do so we give an overview of the main achievements of the FP7-JERICO project. From this overview, gaps are analysed to draw some recommendations for the future. Overview, gaps and recommendation are addressed at both Hardware and Software levels of the JERICO Research Infrastructure. The main part of the document is built upon this analysis to outcome a general strategy for the future, giving priorities to be targeted and some possible funding mechanisms, but also upon discussions held in dedicated JERICO strategy workshops. This document was initiated in 2014 by the coordination team but considering the fact that an overview of the entire project and its achievement were needed to feed this strategy deliverable it couldn’t ended before the end of FP7-JERICO, April 2015. The preparation of the JERICO-NEXT proposal in summer 2014 to answer an H2020 call for proposals pushed the consortium ahead, fed deep thoughts about this strategy but the intention was to not propose a strategy only bounded by the JERICO-NEXT answer. Authors are conscious that writing JERICO-NEXT is even drawing a bias in the thoughts and they tried to be opened. Nevertheless, comments are always welcome to go farther ahead. Structure of the document The Chapter 3 introduces the need of sustained coastal observatories, from different point of view including a short description of the FP7-JERICO project. In Chapter 4, an analysis of the JERICO coastal observatory Hardware (platforms and sensors) in terms of Status at the end of JERICO, identified gaps and recommendations for further development is provided region by region. The main challenges that remain to be overcome is also summarized. Chapter 5 is dedicated the JERICO infrastructure Software (calibration, operation, quality assessment, data management) and the progress made through JERICO on harmonization of procedures and definition of best practices. Chapter 6 provides elements of a strategy towards sustainable and integrated coastal observations for Europe, drawing a roadmap for cost-effective scientific-based consolidation of the present infrastructure while maximizing the potential arising from JERICO in terms of innovation, wealth-creation, and business development. After reading the chapter 3, for who doesn’t know JERICO, any chapter can be read independently. More details are available in the JERICO final reports and its intermediate reports; all are available on the JERICO web site (www.jerico-FP7.eu) as well as any deliverable. Each chapter will list referring JERICO documents. A small bibliographic list is available at the end of this deliverable.