973 resultados para 700
本工作用线粒体细胞色素b基因全序列探讨了白腹鼠属(Niviventer)分子系统发育关系,利用线粒体控制区全序列研究小家鼠(Mus musculus)在中国的分子系统地理学。 在白腹鼠属的分子系统发育研究中,本研究首次对来自青藏高原东南部和台湾的9种(安氏白腹鼠、川西白腹鼠、社鼠、刺毛鼠、梵鼠、灰腹鼠、褐尾鼠、台湾白腹鼠和台湾社鼠)32个个体的细胞色素b全序列进行了测定和分析。用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法三种构树方法构出的进化树一致表明,9种分为3个线粒体DNA系:系A包括社鼠、台湾社鼠、台湾白腹鼠、刺毛鼠、梵鼠和灰腹鼠6种;系B包括安氏白腹鼠和川西白腹鼠2种;系C仅包括褐尾鼠一种。应用DNA分类的分析方法表明台湾社鼠不应是社鼠的亚种,而应是一个独立的种。此外,以来自更新世中晚期(1.2-0.13百万年)的社鼠化石为依据推算该属的分歧时间。结果表明该属的起源于1.64百万年前,系A和系B分化发生在1.46百万年以前,该属的其余物种分化时间为1.29-0.67百万年前。这些分化时间和青藏高原的最后一次隆起、昆黄运动以及第四纪大冰期时间相一致,提示地理隔离和冰期作用可能对该属的形成演化起到重要的作用。 在小家鼠的分子系统地理学研究中,通过测定来自中国12个采集地的184只小家鼠的控制区全序列,并结合了Genbank里的单倍型,首次研究小家鼠在中国的分子系统地理格局、种群历史和生物地理过程。184个样品定义了66个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.95,核苷酸多样性为0.012。用66个单倍型及Genbank里来自周边国家的62个小家鼠单倍型进行分子系统发育分析,邻接法和贝叶斯法构得的分子系统发育树基本一致。结果表明小家鼠在中国分为两个线粒体DNA系(南方系和北方系)。分子变异等级分析结果表明主要的分子变异发生在两个线粒体DNA系之间(84.03%)。根据研究结果推断长江是两个线粒体DNA系之间基因交流受限的主要地理障碍。单倍型进化网络关系表明两个线粒体DNA是异域扩散。两个系的单倍型歧点分布图呈钟型分布,说明经历了快速的种群扩散。经推算小家鼠在中国北方系的种群扩散时间为16 600(22 000-11 000)年前,而南方系的种群扩散时间早于北方系,扩散时间为20 000(40 000-6 700)年前。依据单倍型和核苷酸的多样性、单倍型进化网络关系以及单倍型歧点分布图综合推断小家鼠在中国的两个系在末冰期时经历了快速的种群扩张导致今天的地理分布格局。根据系统发育树的结果推断,北方系种群的大体扩散方向是从北往南,而南方系是从南往北迁移。小家鼠以长江为界分为南方系和北方系的系统地理模式、扩散方向和种群的扩散时间与人以长江为界分为南方人和北方人、扩散方向、扩散时间(60 000-16 000)基本一致,这可能暗示人类活动对小家鼠的迁移产生的重要影响。
从2006 年10 月24 日至2007 年4 月9 日,采用固定样线法和瞬时扫描法, 对在大山包国家级自然保护区(N27°18′38″~27°29′15″,E103°14′55″~103°23′49″) 内越冬的黑颈鹤种群进行了越冬行为、日间活动节律和越冬栖息地利用的详细调 查,同时对黑颈鹤的春季迁徙行为和冬季黑颈鹤的死亡现象进行了观察和分析。 这些研究有助于我们了解黑颈鹤是采取何种行为模式和栖息地利用模式来适应高 海拔、低温度的环境,同时对如何有效地保护越冬黑颈鹤和合理规划保护区功能 区域有重要的指导作用。 将黑颈鹤的越冬行为分为:取食(Feeding)、搜寻(Searching)、警戒(Vigilance)、 争斗(Fight)、行走(Walk)、飞行(Flight)、休整(Maintenance)和其它(Others) 八种,越冬期间最主要的行为是取食(53.05±4.93)%,其它行为依次为:搜寻 (10.38±1.34)%、警戒(18.75±2.65)%、休整(10.32±4.93)%、行走(4.90±1.59) %、飞行(1.70±0.38)%、争斗(0.36±0.25)%、其它(0.55±0.41)%。单因素 方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)分析表明越冬期间黑颈鹤日间各时间段(1h)和各 月份间行为差异极显著(P<0.05),并呈现出规律的变化。黑颈鹤的取食、警戒、 搜寻行为具明显的早(10:00-11:00)、晚(17:00-18:00)两个活动高峰,中午 13:00~14:00 最低;而休整行为正好相反,呈现出中午高峰、上午和下午低谷的趋 势;另外几种行为节律性表现不明显。黑颈鹤越冬期主要行为的节律变化是受环 境温度变化影响的,温度高时黑颈鹤增加了修整时间减少了取食时间,而温度低 时则减少了修整时间增加了取食时间以维持能量需求,湿度是通过温度对黑颈鹤 产生影响的。每天黑颈鹤都随着太阳的升起开始觉醒,于07:18±0:15 飞离夜栖地, 大雾的天气影响了黑颈鹤的外出觅食,与之相适应的是黑颈鹤相应的推迟了出飞 时间。黑颈鹤所采取的所有行为都表现出了对大山包特殊环境的适应。 在大山包黑颈鹤所利用的栖息共有耕地(farmland)、草地(grassland)、沼泽 (marsh)和浅水水域(water area)四类。选择指数分析表明黑颈鹤对水域有极大 的偏好,其次为沼泽湿地,再次为耕地,而对草地表现为负选择,并且在越冬期 间的各月份之间,对不同栖息利用比率保持一致。这提示我们在进行保护区规划 的时候应该适当增加前三种栖息地的面积以满足黑颈鹤的越冬需求。主成份因子 分析表明黑颈鹤倾向于选择距夜栖地和水源较近、人流较少、干扰较小、无坡或缓坡的低海拔栖息地。处于不同越冬地的越冬黑颈鹤根据当地的实际情况采取不 同的栖息地利用,说明黑颈鹤具有较强的环境适应能力。 调查期间记录到了三只带有彩环的黑颈鹤个体,其中有两只佩戴有卫星发射 器,发射器编号分别为64309 和64311。大山包黑颈鹤种群数量变动的春季和秋季 高峰是由于处于不同越冬地的黑颈鹤迁徙造成的,同时也说明了大山包是在滇东 北和黔西北越冬的黑颈鹤的集散地。黑颈鹤的春季迁徙一般集中在3 月下旬至4 月上旬,在晴朗、微风的上午10:00-11:00 迁徙的黑颈鹤数量最多,说明了天气条 件对黑颈鹤迁徙的重要性。 大山包保护区内的高压输电电线和通信电缆对越冬黑颈鹤构成了极大的威 胁。观察期间共有7 只黑颈鹤因撞上输电电线而死亡,除去一只没有外伤的成体 之外,成幼比例为1:1,大都发生在天气较为恶劣的12 月-2 月之间。发生撞死黑 颈鹤的时候保护区内都有不同程度的大雾笼罩,由于大雾的影响造成可视条件下 降,加之黑颈鹤飞行的机动性差(翼载量大、展弦比不大),造成了黑颈鹤的伤亡.
从 1999 年4 月至2002 年六月间,对黑白仰鼻猴种群(Rhinopithecus bieti ) 的分布和生境状况进行了调查。与十年前的调查结果相比,本次调查新发现了4 个亚种群(指存在生境走廊的若干群体),但有5 个以前存在的群已经消失,现 存猴群数量为13 群,总体数量约为1200-1700 只。从西藏的芒康到云龙的龙马 山,随着海拔的降低,猴群可利用的植被类型也随之多样化。但由于砍伐、放牧、 开矿等因素的影响,猴群生境破碎化程度较高,连接猴群的生境走廊状况极差, 多数猴群孤立分布,并且存在小种群问题,生境走廊的维护和恢复已成为该物种 保护成功与否的关键。种群的总体数量下降了32%(不含4 个新发现的亚种群), 其中4 群数量下降,4 群持平,1 群有所增长,5 群消失,这不容乐观的状况给 我们保护敲响了警钟。此外,基于以前的研究结果,暗针叶林、针阔混交林和栎 树林均为其适宜生境,夏季高山牧场则是由当地居民为放牧而砍伐、焚烧高海拔 带的暗针叶林而形成的林间空地。我们使用了1997 年的卫星影像和1958 年的航 拍地图来估算适宜生境和夏季高山牧场的面积。结果表明;1)在1997 年,黑白 仰鼻猴的适宜生境面积为4169 km2,夏季高山牧场的面积为1923 km2。2)在近 40 年中,黑白仰鼻猴的适宜生境面积下降了31%(约1887 km2),而夏季高山牧 场的面积则增加了204%(约1291 km2)。3)森林斑块的平均面积从15.6 km2 下降到5.4 km2。此外,夏季高山牧场的面积与当地居民的人口数量增长之间呈 正相关关系 (R2 ≥ 0.53,p < 0.05)。除非当地居民的人口数量增长模式或者传统 的生产生活方式发生改变,这种破碎化趋势将继续下去。 从1999 年三月至2000 年十二月对云南塔城(99o18’E, 27 o36’N, 活动范围在 2,700 – 3700 m asl)的一群黑白仰鼻猴收集了食性和时间预算的数据。通过状态 行为扫描的方式,主要记录了树冠中单雄组食用植物种类—部位。同时用显微镜对每个月的粪便样本进行了显微分析,以此作为食性的补充数据。仰鼻猴食用属 于28 科、42 属的59 种植物,共计90 个食用的植物种类—部位,其中冬季利用 21 个植物种类—部位,春季38 个,夏季39 个,秋季47 个。另一方面,该群年 平均花费日活动时间的35%进食,33%休息,15%移动,13%社会行为。日活 动时间预算分配、摄食不同食物类别的时间、粪便中食物残留物及食用植物种 类―部位的数目存在着季节性变化。食物种类与时间分配之间和之内的相关显然 是为了最大化觅食效率与最小化能量消耗。考虑到来自北面与南面的群的相关报 道,这个种对生境的适应性似乎与其他疣猴没什么区别,并无特化之处。因此, 这个种的最终生存预期要比以前乐观。 我们利用整个塔城猴群沿地面通过开阔地或喝水的机会,使我们能记录野外 种群的大小和组成(如性比等)以及通过分析依次经过个体间的时间间隔以量化 反映社会组织单元之间和之内的空间距离,用统计分析的方式来量化描述社会组 织的模式,发现塔城猴群由9 个单雄单元(OMUs)、5 个多雄单元(MMUs)和2 个全雄单元(AMUs)组成, 单雄单元、多雄单元和全雄单元内的个体分别约占 总数的58%、34%和8%,无论在开阔峡谷地域或水潭旁,单元内的时间间隔显 著短于单元间的时间间隔(开阔峡谷地域:非配对 t 检验,df = 49; p < 0.01, 水潭:非配对t 检验,df = 35; p < 0.01)。 在单雄单元的成年不等性比和成 年雌性与婴猴的比例显著大于多雄单元(开阔峡谷地域:非配对t 检验,df = 40; p < 0.05,水潭:非配对t 检验,df = 16; p < 0.05)。在全雄单元中有大量的 性别不明的未成年个体。此外,加之某些个案描述,论述了多雄单元存在的可能 性及与全雄单元和单雄单元之间的关系。
InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well-based light-emitting diode (LED) nanopillar arrays were fabricated using Ni self-assembled nanodots as etching mask. The Ni nanodots were fabricated with a density of 6 x 10(8)-1.5 x 10(9) cm(-2) and a dimension of 100-250 nm with varying Ni thickness and annealing duration time. Then LED nanopillar arrays with diameter of approximately 250 nm and height of 700 nm were fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching. In comparison to the as-grown LED sample an enhancement by a factor of four of photoluminescence (PL) intensity is achieved for the nanopillars and a blueshift as well as a decrease in full width at half maximum of the PL peak are also observed. The method of additional chemical etching was used to remove the etching-induced damage. Then nano-LED devices were further completed using a planarization approach to deposit p-type electrode on the tips of nanopillars. The current-voltage curves of both nanopillars and planar LED devices are measured for comparison.
A convenient fabrication technology for large-area, highly-ordered nanoelectrode arrays on silicon substrate has been described here, using porous anodic alumina (PAA) as a template. The ultrathin PAA membranes were anodic oxidized utilizing a two-step anodization method, from Al film evaporated on substrate. The purposes for the use of two-step anodization were, first, improving the regularity of the porous structures, and second reducing the thickness of the membranes to 100 similar to 200 nm we desired. Then the nanoelectrode arrays were obtained by electroless depositing Ni-W alloy into the through pores of PAA membranes, making the alloy isolated by the insulating pore walls and contacting with the silicon substrates at the bottoms of pores. The Ni-W alloy was also electroless deposited at the back surface of silicon to form back electrode. Then ohmic contact properties between silicon and Ni-W alloy were investigated after rapid thermal annealing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations showed the structure characteristics, and the influence factors of fabrication effect were discussed. The current voltage (I-V) curves revealed the contact properties. After annealing in N-2 at 700 degrees C, good linear property was shown with contact resistance of 33 Omega, which confirmed ohmic contacts between silicon and electrodes. These results presented significant application potential of this technology in nanosize current-injection devices in optoelectronics, microelectronics and bio-medical fields.
We report fundamental changes of the radiative recombination in a wide range of n-type and p-type GaAs after diffusion with the group-I element Li. These optical properties are found to be a bulk property and closely related to the electrical conductivity of the samples. In the Li-doped samples the radiative recombination is characterized by emissions with excitation-dependent peak positions which shift to lower energies with increasing degree of compensation and concentration of Li. These properties are shown to be in qualitative agreement with fluctuations of the electrostatic potential in strongly compensated systems. For Li-diffusion temperatures above 700-800-degrees-C semi-insulating conditions with electrical resistivity exceeding 10(7) OMEGA cm are obtained for all conducting starting materials. In this heavy Li-doping regime, the simple model of fluctuating potentials is shown to be inadequate for explaining the. experimental observations unless the number of charged impurities is reduced through complexing with Li. For samples doped with low concentrations of Li, on the other hand, the photoluminescence properties are found to be characteristic of impurity-related emissions.
A GaAs/GaAlAs graded-index separate confinement single quantum well heterostructure single-mode ridge waveguide electroabsorption modulator was fabricated and investigated. For the modulator with a quantum well width of 100 angstrom and device length of 700-mu-m, an on/off ratio of 29.7 dB and estimated absorption insertion loss of 3 dB were obtained for TE polarised light with wavelength 8650 angstrom, and for TM polarisation the on/off ratio was 28.5 dB. With a switching voltage of 1 V, an on/off ratio of 15 dB was achieved. Photocurrent spectra exhibited a red shift of 600 angstrom of the absorption edge when the voltage applied to the PIN diode was varied from 0.5 to -7 V. The corresponding shift of the room temperature exciton peak energy was 96 meV.
We have conducted numerical studies of ballistic electron transport in a semiconductor II-structure when an external transverse electric field is applied. The device conductance as a function of electron energy and the strength of the transverse electric field is calculated on the basis of tight-binding Green's function formalism. The calculations show that a relatively weak electric field can induce very large decrease in the electron transmission across the structure. When the transverse electric field is sufficiently strong, electrons can hardly be transported through the device. Thus the performance of the device can be greatly improved for it is much easier to control electron transport through the device with an external transverse electric field.
Surface reconstructions on Si(113) induced by dissociated hydrogen adsorption have been studied using low energy electron diffraction (LEED). It has been found that: (1) at 300 K and 80 K temperatures, with the increase of hydrogen coverage on the surface, the (3 x 1) phase transferred continuously into a hydrogen saturated (1 x 1)-2H phase; (2) flashing of the (1 x 1)-2H surface at about 1100 degrees C resulted in a complete new phase of(1 x 3) and further annealing of the sample at 1250 degrees C gave back the starting surface of (3 x 1); (3) saturated hydrogen adsorption at a sample temperature of 700 degrees C resulted in a stable new phase of(1 x 2)-H and further saturation doses of hydrogen at other temperatures below 700 degrees C did not change the (1 x 2) LEED pattern; (4) annealing of the (I x 2)-H surface in the same manner as (2) gave similar results.
Dislocation movement in N-doped Czochralski silicon (Cz-Si) was surveyed by four point bend method. Dislocation movement velocities in Cz-Si doped with nitrogen, with both nitrogen and antimony, and with only antimony were investigated. The order of measured dislocation movement velocities, at 700 degrees C less than or equal to T less than or equal to 800 degrees C and under resolved stress sigma=4.1 kg/mm(2), was V-Sb.O > V-n.Sb.O>V-N.O. The experiments showed that nigtrogen doping could retard the movement of dislocations.
Electrical, structural and reaction characteristics of In-based ohmic contacts to n-GaAs were studied. Attempts were made to form a low-band-gap interfacial phase of InGaAs to reduce the barrier height at the metal/semiconductor junction, thus yielding low-resistance, highly reliable contacts. The contacts were fabricated by e-beam sputtering Ni, NiIn and Ge targets on VPE-grown n(+)-GaAs film (approximate to 1 mu m, 2 x 10(18) cm(-3)) in ultrahigh vacuum as the structure of Ni(200 Angstrom)/NiIn(100 Angstrom)/Ge(40 Angstrom)/n(+)-GaAs/SI-GaAs, followed by rapid thermal annealing at various temperatures (500-900 degrees C). In this structure, a very thin layer of Ge was employed to play the role of heavily doping donors and diffusion limiters between In and the GaAs substrate. Indium was deposited by sputtering NiIn alloy instead of pure In in order to ensure In atoms to be distributed uniformly in the substrate; nickel was chosen to consume the excess indium and form a high-temperature alloy of Ni3In. The lowest specific contact resistivity (rho(c)) of (1.5 +/- 0.5)x 10(-6) cm(2) measured by the Transmission Line Method (TLM) was obtained after annealing at 700 degrees C for 10 s. Auger sputtering depth profile and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) were used to analyze the interfacial microstructure. By correlating the interfacial microstructure to the electronical properties, InxGa1-xAs phases with a large fractional area grown epitaxially on GaAs were found to be essential for reduction of the contact resistance.
We report a detailed analysis of optical properties of single submonolayer InAs structures grown on GaAs (001) matrix. It is shown that the formation of InAs dots with 1 monolayer (ML) height leads to localization of exciton under certain submonolayer InAs coverage, which play a key role in the highly improved luminescence efficiency of the submonolayer InAs/GaAs structures.
The effect of molecular nitrogen exposure on the surfaces of InP(100) modified by potassium overlayers is investigated by core-level and valence-band photoemission spectroscopy using Synchrotron radiation. In comparison with InP(110) surface, we found the promotion is much stronger for InP(100) surface due to the central role of surface defects in the promotion; furthermore, in contrast with K-promoted oxidation of InP(100) where the bonding is observed between indium and oxygen, indium atoms did not react directly with nitrogen atoms during the K-promoted nitridation of InP(100).
介质层上的亚波长金属光栅产生的表面等离子体(surface plasmons,SPs)可以极大地增强光栅下介质层内的透射光强.增强作用从500 nm延续到近红外区域.在波长610 nm附近有接近110%的增强,在波长700 nm及740nm处也有180%左右的增强.而这个波长范围与薄膜太阳能电池的吸收谱很相近,因此这种结构有望大幅度提高薄膜太阳能电池及不同波长光探测嚣等光电转换器件的光耦合效率.