984 resultados para Mark-up pricing


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There are two main ways in which gravel composition and changes therein arising from siltation, can influence the survival of young salmonids. First, the composition of the gravel will affect its permeability and, hence, may influence the survival of eggs and alevins through its effect upon the rate of supply of oxygen and the rate of removal of metabolic products. Second, the composition of the gravel may affect the ease, or otherwise, of emergence at the time of swim-up and alevins may become trapped in the gravel and perish. This aspect is the main concern of the present report. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects upon fry emergence of a sand layer deposited on the gravel surface. The study concludes that fry of brown trout and Atlantic salmon emerged through layers of sand up to 8 cm thick but the percentage emergence, even from the controls with no sand, was relatively low (5 - 68%). There was no firm evidence that the experimental treatments influenced percentage emergence, timing of emergence or weight of fry at the time of emergence.


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A figura da mulher ocupa significativo papel nas novelas de cavalaria do Ciclo Bretão. Emergindo como um elemento que traz liga às narrativas do lendário artúrico, constitui-se adjuvante essencial e multifacetada na construção dos episódios, numa interação constante com o masculino representado, principalmente, pelos cavaleiros. O Medievo traz à tona uma imagem matizada do feminino: a mulher socialmente vista sob clivagens diversas é refletida na literatura de cavalaria, conforme se pode verificar em A Demanda do Santo Graal. A presença feminina é importantíssima na narrativa, sobretudo na sua tensa relação com a cavalaria, agora ligada ao elemento religioso - monastizada, celibatária e ascética. O objetivo precípuo de nossos estudos é investigar de que maneira a fôrma sociocultural medieva, na qual foi moldada A Demanda do Santo Graal, se relaciona com seu substrato: as narrativas provindas da cosmovisão inerente ao imaginário céltico. Desta feita, nosso viés analítico verticaliza-se no elemento feminino presente na obra. Mais especificamente, toma-se por escopo a imagem de personagens que refletem a ideologia clerical moralístico-didatizante do século XIII, mas, sobretudo, resgata-se a imagem de personagens imbuídas de singular dualidade; ambigüidade esta que é marca não só do medievo paradoxal concernente ao feminino, mas também de personas literárias concebidas entre dois mundos, dois pólos ideológicos distintos. Em outros termos, fala-se de personagens que são seres ficcionais bifrontes: personagens localizadas entre as herdades e as identidades. Foram tomados como corpora de pesquisa os episódios em que estas damas polidimensionais aparecem e se tornam adjuvantes na ação literária, seja para cooperar, confundir ou prejudicar os cavaleiros que empreendem a sagrada, inefável e venturosa busca do Santo Cálix que dará fim às aventuras do Reino de Logres


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Essa dissertação visa estudar a formação do que veio a ser conhecido como o mito Shakespeariano e sua relação com a produção literária contemporânea, exemplificada pelo romance Wise Children, da romancista inglesa Angela Carter. Tal objetivo pretende ser alcançado por meio uma revisão teórica de elementos relacionados à concepção de mito desenvolvida pelo filósofo francês Roland Barthes, tais quais a concepção tradicional de mito, o Estruturalismo, o Pós-estruturalismo, a crítica ideológica marxista e os Estudos Culturais. Um estudo dos processos históricos que deram origem ao e ajudaram a propagar o mito Shakespeariano também é levado a cabo nessa dissertação: a apropriação da figura e da obra de William Shakespeare feita pelos pré-românticos e pelos românticos em geral; a associação da figura de Shakespeare com a identidade nacional do Império Britânico; o advento da industria Shakespeariana e o papel das adaptações das peças de Shakespeare na propagação do mito Shakespeariano


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The correlation between the coma sensitivity of the alternating phase-shifting mask (Alt-PSM) mark and the mark's structure is studied based on the Hopkins theory of partially coherent imaging and positive resist optical lithography (PROLITH) simulation. It is found that an optimized Alt-PSM mark with its phase width being two-thirds its pitch has a higher sensitivity to coma than Alt-PSM marks with the same pitch and the different phase widths. The pitch of the Alt-PSM mark is also optimized by PROLITH simulation, and the structure of p - 1.92 lambda/NA and pw = 2p/3 proves to be with the highest sensitivity. The optimized Alt-PSM mark is used as a measurement mark to retrieve coma aberration from the projection optics in lithographic tools. In comparison with an ordinary Alt-PSM mark with its phase width being a half its pitch, the measurement accuracies of Z(7) and Z(14) apparently increase. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Siren and Amphiuma are two poorly known genera of aquatic salamanders that occur in the Southeastern United States. A primarily bottom-dwelling existence makes these salamanders difficult to detect with conventional sampling methodologies. Therefore, the current status of their populations is unknown. I compared the capture success of modified crayfish traps and plastic minnow traps in capturing these salamanders. In addition, a mark-recapture study of S. lacertina (Greater siren) and A. means (Two-toed amphiuma) was conducted at Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (southern Georgia) and at Katharine Ordway Preserve (north-central Florida) from August 2001 until September 2002. Crayfish traps were much more successful than minnow traps in catching siren and amphiuma. Crayfish traps yielded 270 captures for an overall capture success of 16%, whereas minnow traps yielded only 13 captures for an overall success rate of 0.05%. In addition, several marking techniques were evaluated, and of these, only passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags were retained for the duration of the study. Therefore, I recommend this marking technique for long-term monitoring of S. lacertina and A. means. Several variables were found to have significant effects on capture rates of salamanders. A. means were most often captured in summer and the number of captures was positively correlated with water temperature, water level, and rainfall. S. lacertina were most often captured during winter and spring. Number of captures was negatively correlated with water temperature, while no relationship was found with water level or rainfall. Trap day and baiting had no significant effect on number of A. means or S. lacertina captured. Recapture probabilities of both species were low, 0.025-0.03 for S. lacertina and 0.08-0.11 for A. means. Monthly survival rates were high, 0.77-0.97 for A. means and 0.88-1.00 for S. lacertina. Density estimates of 1.3 salamanders/m2 (S. lacertina) and 0.28 salamanders/m2 (A. means) were obtained for Lake Suggs using Jolly-Seber models. Siren and amphiuma make up a substantial part of wetland biomass and can impact many other wetland species. Thus, more attention must be focused on evaluating and monitoring their populations.


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The Er3+-Yb3+ codoped Al2O3 has been prepared by the sol-gel method using the aluminium isopropoxide [Al(OC3H7)(3)]-derived Al2O3 sols with addition of the erbium nitrate [Er(NO3)(3) center dot 5H(2)O] and ytterbium nitrate [Yb(NO3)(3) center dot 5H(2)O]. The phase structure, including only two crystalline types of doped Al2O3 phases, theta and gamma, was obtained for the 1 mol% Er3+ and 5 mol% Yb3+ codoped Al2O3 at the sintering temperature of 1,273 K. By a 978 nm semiconductor laser diodes excitation, the visible up-conversion emissions centered at about 523, 545, and 660 nm were obtained. The temperature dependence of the green up-conversion emissions was studied over a wide temperature range of 300-825 K, and the reasonable agreement between the calculated temperature by the fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) theory and the measured temperature proved that Er3+-Yb3+ codoped Al2O3 plays an important role in the application of high temperature sensor.


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Fe:BiOx films are fabricated on K9 glass substrates by rf-magnetron sputtering of a BiFeO target under argon atmosphere with increasing sputtering power from 80 to 200 W at room temperature. It is found that the thin films grown at the sputtering power of 160W can be formed at an appropriate deposition rate and have an improved surface morphology. The XPS result reveals that the films investigated are comprised of Bi, Fe and O elements. A typical XRD pattern shows that no phase transition occurs in the films up to 400 degrees C. The results of the blue laser recording test demonstrate that the Fe:BiOx films have good writing sensitivity for blue laser beam (406.7 nm) and good stability after reading 10000 times. The recording marks of 200nm or less are obtained. These results indicate that the introduction of Fe into BiOx films can reduce the mark size and improve the stability of the films.