995 resultados para WoS
This paper is concerned with the existence and nonlinear stability of periodic travelling-wave solutions for a nonlinear Schrodinger-type system arising in nonlinear optics. We show the existence of smooth curves of periodic solutions depending on the dnoidal-type functions. We prove stability results by perturbations having the same minimal wavelength, and instability behaviour by perturbations of two or more times the minima period. We also establish global well posedness for our system by using Bourgain`s approach.
We study which topology have an immediate predecessor in the poset of Sigma(2) of Hausdorff topologies on set X. We show that certain classes of H-closed topologies, do have predecessors. and we give examples of second countable H-closed topologies which are not upper Sigma(2.)
We study properties of self-iterating Lie algebras in positive characteristic. Let R = K[t(i)vertical bar i is an element of N]/(t(i)(p)vertical bar i is an element of N) be the truncated polynomial ring. Let partial derivative(i) = partial derivative/partial derivative t(i), i is an element of N, denote the respective derivations. Consider the operators v(1) = partial derivative(1) + t(0)(partial derivative(2) + t(1)(partial derivative(3) + t(2)(partial derivative(4) + t(3)(partial derivative(5) + t(4)(partial derivative(6) + ...))))); v(2) = partial derivative(2) + t(1)(partial derivative(3) + t(2)(partial derivative(4) + t(3)(partial derivative(5) + t(4)(partial derivative(6) + ...)))). Let L = Lie(p)(v(1), v(2)) subset of Der R be the restricted Lie algebra generated by these derivations. We establish the following properties of this algebra in case p = 2, 3. a) L has a polynomial growth with Gelfand-Kirillov dimension lnp/ln((1+root 5)/2). b) the associative envelope A = Alg(v(1), v(2)) of L has Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 2 lnp/ln((1+root 5)/2). c) L has a nil-p-mapping. d) L, A and the augmentation ideal of the restricted enveloping algebra u = u(0)(L) are direct sums of two locally nilpotent subalgebras. The question whether u is a nil-algebra remains open. e) the restricted enveloping algebra u(L) is of intermediate growth. These properties resemble those of Grigorchuk and Gupta-Sidki groups.
In this work we compute the fundamental group of each connected component of the function space of maps from it closed surface into the projective space
In this article, we prove that any automorphism of R. Thompson`s group F has infinitely many twisted conjugacy classes. The result follows from the work of Brin, together with standard facts about R. Thompson`s group F, and elementary properties of the Reidemeister numbers.
We introduce the Fibonacci bimodal maps on the interval and show that their two turning points are both in the same minimal invariant Cantor set. Two of these maps with the same orientation have the same kneading sequences and, among bimodal maps without central returns, they exhibit turning points with the strongest recurrence as possible.
Let G be any of the (binary) icosahedral, generalized octahedral (tetrahedral) groups or their quotients by the center. We calculate the automorphism group Aut(G).
Using the Luthar-Passi method, we investigate the classical Zassenhaus conjecture for the normalized unit group of the integral group ring of the Suzuki sporadic simple group Suz. As a consequence, for this group we confirm the Kimmerle`s conjecture on prime graphs.
In this paper we study the spectrum of integral group rings of finitely generated abelian groups G from the scheme-theoretic viewpoint. We prove that the (closed) singular points of Spec Z[G], the (closed) intersection points of the irreducible components of Spec Z[G] and the (closed) points over the prime divisors of vertical bar t(G)vertical bar coincide. We also determine the formal completion of Spec Z[G] at a singular point.
Following the lines of the celebrated Riemannian result of Gromoll and Meyer, we use infinite dimensional equivariant Morse theory to establish the existence of infinitely many geometrically distinct closed geodesics in a class of globally hyperbolic stationary Lorentzian manifolds.
The concept of taut submanifold of Euclidean space is due to Carter and West, and can be traced back to the work of Chern and Lashof on immersions with minimal total absolute curvature and the subsequent reformulation of that work by Kuiper in terms of critical point theory. In this paper, we classify the reducible representations of compact simple Lie groups, all of whose orbits are tautly embedded in Euclidean space, with respect to Z(2)-coefficients.
We establish in this paper a lower bound for the volume of a unit vector field (v) over right arrow defined ou S(n) \ {+/-x}, n = 2,3. This lower bound is related to the sum of the absolute values of the indices of (v) over right arrow at x and -x.
Generalizing Petrogradsky`s construction, we give examples of infinite-dimensional nil Lie algebras of finite Gelfand-Kirillov dimension over any field of positive characteristic.
Given manifolds M and N, with M compact, we study the geometrical structure of the space of embeddings of M into N, having less regularity than C(infinity) quotiented by the group of diffeomorphisms of M.
Special groups are an axiomatization of the algebraic theory of quadratic forms over fields. It is known that any finite reduced special group is the special group of some field. We show that any special group that is the projective limit of a projective system of finite reduced special groups is also the special group of some field.