998 resultados para Thom, René


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To reconstruct oceanographic variations in the subtropical South Pacific, 271-year long subseasonal time series of Sr/Ca and delta(18)O were generated from a coral growing at Rarotonga (21.5degreesS, 159.5degreesW). In this case, coral Sr/Ca appears to be an excellent proxy for sea surface temperature (SST) and coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and seawater delta(18)O composition (delta(18)O(sw)). Here, we focus on extracting the delta(18)O(sw) signal from these proxy records. A method is presented assuming that coral Sr/Ca is solely a function of SST and that coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and delta(18)O(sw). This method separates the effects of delta(18)O(sw) from SST by breaking the instantaneous changes of coral delta(18)O into separate contributions by instantaneous SST and delta(18)O(sw) changes, respectively. The results show that on average delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga explains similar to39% of the variance in delta(18)O and that variations in SST explains the remaining similar to61% of delta(18)O variance. Reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) shows systematic increases in summer months (December-February) consistent with the regional pattern of variations in precipitation and evaporation. The delta(18)O(sw) also shows a positive linear correlation with satellite-derived estimated salinity for the period 1980 to 1997 (r = 0.72). This linear correlation between reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) and salinity makes it possible to use the reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) to estimate the past interannual and decadal salinity changes in this region. Comparisons of coral delta(18)O and delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga with the Pacific decadal oscillation index suggest that the decadal and interdecadal salinity and SST variability at Rarotonga appears to be related to basin-scale decadal variability in the Pacific. Copyright (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Background and Purpose - Epidemiological and laboratory studies suggest that increasing concentrations of plasma homocysteine ( total homocysteine [tHcy]) accelerate cardiovascular disease by promoting vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and hypercoagulability. Methods - We conducted a randomized controlled trial in 285 patients with recent transient ischemic attack or stroke to examine the effect of lowering tHcy with folic acid 2 mg, vitamin B-12 0.5 mg, and vitamin B-6 25 mg compared with placebo on laboratory markers of vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and hypercoagulability. Results - At 6 months after randomization, there was no significant difference in blood concentrations of markers of vascular inflammation (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein [P = 0.32]; soluble CD40L [ P = 0.33]; IL-6 [P = 0.77]), endothelial dysfunction ( vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 [P = 0.27]; intercellular adhesion molecule-1 [P = 0.08]; von Willebrand factor [P = 0.92]), and hypercoagulability (P-selectin [P = 0.33]; prothrombin fragment 1 and 2 [P = 0.81]; D-dimer [P = 0.88]) among patients assigned vitamin therapy compared with placebo despite a 3.7-mumol/L (95% CI, 2.7 to 4.7) reduction in total homocysteine (tHcy). Conclusions - Lowering tHcy by 3.7 mumol/L with folic acid-based multivitamin therapy does not significantly reduce blood concentrations of the biomarkers of inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, or hypercoagulability measured in our study. The possible explanations for our findings are: ( 1) these biomarkers are not sensitive to the effects of lowering tHcy (eg, multiple risk factor interventions may be required); ( 2) elevated tHcy causes cardiovascular disease by mechanisms other than the biomarkers measured; or ( 3) elevated tHcy is a noncausal marker of increased vascular risk.


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Although patterns of somatic alterations have been reported for tumor genomes, little is known on how they compare with alterations present in non-tumor genomes. A comparison of the two would be crucial to better characterize the genetic alterations driving tumorigenesis. We sequenced the genomes of a lymphoblastoid (HCC1954BL) and a breast tumor (HCC1954) cell line derived from the same patient and compared the somatic alterations present in both. The lymphoblastoid genome presents a comparable number and similar spectrum of nucleotide substitutions to that found in the tumor genome. However, a significant difference in the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions was observed between both genomes (P = 0.031). Protein-protein interaction analysis revealed that mutations in the tumor genome preferentially affect hub-genes (P = 0.0017) and are co-selected to present synergistic functions (P < 0.0001). KEGG analysis showed that in the tumor genome most mutated genes were organized into signaling pathways related to tumorigenesis. No such organization or synergy was observed in the lymphoblastoid genome. Our results indicate that endogenous mutagens and replication errors can generate the overall number of mutations required to drive tumorigenesis and that it is the combination rather than the frequency of mutations that is crucial to complete tumorigenic transformation.


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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Coastal wetlands are dynamic and include the freshwater-intertidal interface. In many parts of the world such wetlands are under pressure from increasing human populations and from predicted sea-level rise. Their complexity and the limited knowledge of processes operating in these systems combine to make them a management challenge.Adaptive management is advocated for complex ecosystem management (Hackney 2000; Meretsky et al. 2000; Thom 2000;National Research Council 2003).Adaptive management identifies management aims,makes an inventory/environmental assessment,plans management actions, implements these, assesses outcomes, and provides feedback to iterate the process (Holling 1978;Walters and Holling 1990). This allows for a dynamic management system that is responsive to change. In the area of wetland management recent adaptive approaches are exemplified by Natuhara et al. (2004) for wild bird management, Bunch and Dudycha (2004) for a river system, Thom (2000) for restoration, and Quinn and Hanna (2003) for seasonal wetlands in California. There are many wetland habitats for which we currently have only rudimentary knowledge (Hackney 2000), emphasizing the need for good information as a prerequisite for effective management. The management framework must also provide a way to incorporate the best available science into management decisions and to use management outcomes as opportunities to improve scientific understanding and provide feedback to the decision system. Figure 9.1 shows a model developed by Anorov (2004) based on the process-response model of Maltby et al. (1994) that forms a framework for the science that underlies an adaptive management system in the wetland context.


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[GRAPHICS] The stereocontrolled synthesis of (2S,4R,6R,8S,10S,1'R,1"R)-2(acetylhydroxymethyl)-4, 10-dimethyl-8(isopropenylhydroxymethyl)-1, 7-dioxaspiro[5,5]-undecane (4a) and its C1"-epimer (4b), the key mother spiroketals of the HIV-1 protease inhibitive didemnaketals from the ascidian Didemnum sp., has been carried out through multisteps from the natural (R)-(+)-pulegone, which involved the diastereoselective construction of four chiral carbon centers(C-2, C-6, C-8, and C-1') by intramolecular chiral induce.


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We studied the effect of arsenic exposure on the haem biosynthetic pathway in the rat and humans. Significant increases in protoporphyrin IX, coproporphyrin III, coproporphyrin I were observed in the blood, liver and kidney, and in the urine of rats after a single dose of arsenic. The level of increase was dependent on the arsenic species present. Most of porphyrin concentrations in the tissues increased within 24 hr and urinary excretion elevated within 48 hr. In the human study, we collected urine samples from 113 people who live in Xing Ren of Guizhou Province, a coal-borne arsenicosis endemic area in southwest of PR China and from 30 people who live in Xing Yi (about 80 km southwest of Xing Ren) where arsenicosis is not prevalent. We analyzed the urinary porphyrins using HPLC. Results indicate that all urinary porphyrins were higher in the arsenic exposed group than those in the control group. Women, children and older age people spend much of their time indoors, they had greater increases of urinary arsenic and porphyrins. They were the higher risk groups among the study subjects. A positive correlation between the urinary arsenic levels and porphyrin concentrations demonstrated the effect of arsenic on haem biosynthesis. Significant alteration in the porphyrin excretion profiles of the younger age (


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Vps4p (End13p) is an AAA-family ATPase that functions in membrane transport through endosomes, sorting of soluble vacuolar proteins to the vacuole, and multivesicular body (MVB) sorting of membrane proteins to the vacuole lumen. In a yeast two-hybrid screen with Vps4p as bait we isolated VPS20 (YMR077c) and the novel open reading frame YLA181c, for which the name VTA1 has recently been assigned (Saccharomyces Genome Database). Vps4p directly binds Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro and binding is not dependent on ATP-conversely, Vps4p binding to Vps20p is partially sensitive to ATP hydrolysis. Both ATP binding [Vps4p-(K179A)] and ATP hydrolysis [Vps4p-(E233Q)] mutant proteins exhibit enhanced binding to Vps20p and Vta1p in vitro. The Vps4p-Vps20p interaction involves the coiled-coil domain of each protein, whereas the Vps4p-Vta1p interaction involves the (non-coiled-coil) C-terminus of each protein. Deletion of either VPS20 (vps20Delta) or VTA1 (vta1Delta) leads to similar class E Vps(-) phenotypes resembling those of vps4Delta, including carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) secretion, a block in ubiquitin-dependent MVB sorting, and a delay in both post-internalisation endocytic transport and biosynthetic transport to the vacuole. The vacuole resident membrane protein Sna3p (whose MVB sorting is ubiquitin-independent) does not appear to exit the class E compartment or reach the vacuole in cells lacking Vps20p, Vta1p or Vps4p, in contrast to other proteins whose delivery to the vacuole is only delayed. We propose that Vps20p and Vta1p regulate Vps4p function in vivo.


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Textos diversos, elaborados por t??cnicos do governo e especialistas de pa??ses-membros da OCDE Organiza????o para Coopera????o e Desenvolvimento Econ??mico, analisando a evolu????o recente da gest??o de pessoal no setor p??blico ao mesmo tempo em que s??o colocados problemas levantados pelas pol??ticas de recursos humanos ent??o adotadas.


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Relat??rio que fornece uma vis??o geral da forma como a alta administra????o p??blica ?? gerenciada em v??rios pa??ses da OCDE .


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Artigo que analisa as intera????es entre o Poder Executivo federal e as Entidades Associativas dos servidores p??blicos federais durante o processo de formula????o, tramita????o e aprova????o da reforma administrativa no primeiro governo do presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso.


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Caderno composto de relat??rios de pesquisa, elaborados no ??mbito de uma rede de pesquisa formada por altos administradores p??blicos do Canad??, acad??micos e especialistas na ??rea de presta????o de servi??os p??blicos, sobre a avalia????o do cidad??o/usu??rio a respeito da qualidade dos servi??os p??blicos