930 resultados para Lycopersicum esculentum Mill


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Tutkimuskohteenani on vuonna 1988 syntyneiden suomenkielisten suomalaisten nuorten historiakulttuuri ja historiatietoisuus. Tutkimustehtävä kiteytyi kolmeen pääkysymykseen: mitkä historian välittäjäkanavat vaikuttavat eniten nuorten käsityksiin menneisyydestä, millä tavoin ja kuinka usein nuoret törmäävät historiaan arkielämässään ja millaiset historialliset tapahtumat ovat nuorille merkityksellisiä. Tutkimusjoukko muodostui 1093 kahdeksasluokkalaisesta, jotka vastasivat lomakekyselyyn kevätlukukaudella 2003. Menetelmänä käytettiin ryväsotantaa. Kyselylomake sisälsi pääosin suljettuja kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksen metodit ovat pääosin kvantitatiivisia. Analyysissa käytettiin frekvenssilaskentaa, keskiarvojen vertailua sekä havainnollistuksena taulukoita ja pylväsdiagrammeja. Kvantitatiivisilla menetelmillä kartoitettiin yleiskuvaa nuorten historiakulttuurista sekä eroja tyttöjen ja poikien välillä. Kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta käytettiin avointen kysymysten kohdalla sekä analysoitaessa historian välittäjäkanavia julkisten ja kansanomaisten - oman, perheen ja suvun sisäisten sekä suvun ulkopuolisten - historian esityksinä. Nuorten historiatietoisuutta muokkaa eniten kouluopetus, jota vahvistaa median ylläpitämä julkinen historiakulttuuri. Viikoittaisissa historian kohtaamisissa poikien historiakulttuuria leimasivat tyttöjä enemmän julkiset historianesitykset - sanomalehdet ja visuaalinen eläytyminen television kautta - sekä historialliset roolipelit. Tyttöjen viikoittaisessa historian kohtaamisessa nousi voimakkaasti esille oman, henkilökohtaisen ja suvun historian käsittely päiväkirjan kirjoittamisen, muistoesineiden ja valokuvien kautta.Tytöt käyttävätkin historiaa oman elämänhistoriansa jäsentämisen sekä tradition siirtämisen tarkoituksessa. Nimenomaan heidän kauttaan näyttää elävän vahvana suvun muisteluperinne. Vaikka nuoret kohtaavat kansanomaisia historianesityksiä enemmän kuin julkista historiakulttuuria, heidän historiatietoisuutensa keskittyy jälkimmäiseen. He mieltävät tärkeäksi historiaksi lähinnä kansallisen menneisyyden ja historiakulttuurin julkiset muodot. Kouluopetuksen vaikutus näkyi nuorten vahvana uskona kansalliseen kertomukseen. Nuoret näkevät erityisen tärkeäksi Suomen itsenäisyyden ja Suomen sodat 1939-45 voitettuina itsenäisyyskamppailuina. Mannerheimia arvostettiin Suomen historian tärkeimpänä samaistumiskohteena ja Suomen sotien merkitys kulminoitui suvun jäsenten kohtaloiden ja kansallisen julkisen historian limittymiseen. Historian reseptiossa jatkotutkimuksen aiheita voisivat olla maaseudulla ja kaupungissa elävien nuorten historiakulttuurien erojen sekä erilaisten historiakulttuuristen alaryhmien hahmottaminen. Empiiristä kartoitusta ja vertailevaa tutkimusta voisi tehdä myös eri ikäryhmien historiakulttuurien välillä.


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Työssä on lähestytty kalevalamittaista runoa laulamisen tapojen ja laulutilanteiden kautta. Inkeriläiseen laulukulttuuriin sisältyi mahdollisuus luoda viittaussuhteita genrejen, laulutilanteiden ja runojen välille myös esitystapoihin liittyvien piirteiden (sävelmät, laulutavat, tekstuaaliset rakenteet, tanssi tai muu fyysinen toiminta) kautta. Tämä on runonkeruiden teksteihin painottumisen vuoksi jäänyt hankalasti tarkasteltavissa olevaksi laulukulttuurin osaksi. Kuitenkaan runojen merkitykset laulajilleen ja kuulijoilleen eivät muotoutuneet pelkästään tekstuaalisten piirteiden pohjalta. Analyysin pääkohteena on Armas Launiksen vuonna 1906 Länsi-Inkerin Soikkolassa äänittämä vahalieriö- eli fonogrammikokoelma. Vallitsevat tieteelliset ja kansalliset ideologiat vaikuttivat teknisten innovaatioiden ja kerääjien henkilökohtaisten mieltymysten rinnalla siihen, minkälaisia kommunikoinnin tapoja perinteeksi laskettiin ja miten niitä pyrittiin tallentamaan. Paikkakunnan ja runonkeruun historian sekä Launiksen keruutoiminnan lähdekriittinen tarkastelu antaa välineitä myös kerääjien usein kontekstitiedottomien mainintojen tulkitsemiseen. Laulutapojen tarkastelussa pohjana on klassinen kalevalamitan teoria. Aineiston litteraatiossa on näkyviin merkitty inkeriläisen laulun olennaisia, mutta runonkeruutilanteissa ja runomitan analyyseissä useimmiten pois jääneitä tai jätettyjä piirteitä. Näkökulmaa onkin laajennettu etnopoeettisilla ja etnomusikologisilla malleilla, esimerkiksi laulun rytmi on otettu runomitan tulkinnassa huomioon. Laulutapojen kytkeminen laulutilanteisiin, runoihin, sävelmiin ja laulajien itsensä hahmottamiin sävel-kategorioihin liittää työn laajempiin esitystilanteita sekä muodon ja merkityksen välisiä yhteyksiä koskeviin keskusteluihin. Monet aineiston ensi kuulemalla mittavirheiltä vaikuttavat piirteet näyttäytyvät laulutapojen tarkemmassa analyysissä tietoisesti käytettyinä laulamisen tyylipiirteinä. Näiden käyttö muokkasi osaltaan runon laulutilanteessa saamaa rakennetta ja sävyä. Runojen laulaminen edellytti runomitan ja -aiheiden hallitsemisen lisäksi myös laulutapoihin liittyvien säännöstöjen taitamista. Laulutapojen, runojen, melodioiden ja laulutilanteiden välisestä verkostosta hahmottuu tässä tarkasteltujen häälaulujen suhteen merkityksellisiä yhteyksiä: runoa ei tietyssä tilanteessa laulettu millä hyvänsä melodialla vaikka ehdottomia tai ääneen lausuttuja sääntöjä ei olisikaan ollut. Aineiston häälaulujen joukosta on löydettävissä kaksi selkeää vaikkakaan ei poikkeuksetonta tiettyihin laulutilanteisiin ja runoaiheisiin liittynyttä melodiaryhmää. Selkeiden luokittelumallien sijasta aineisto tarjoaakin mahdollisuuksia ihmisten välisen kommunikaation hienovaraisten ja vaihtelevien keinojen tarkasteluun. Avainsanat: Kalevalamittainen runous, runolaulu, Inkeri, inkeroiset, etnopoetiikka


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Epistemological foundationalism has for centuries attempted to unify all scientific inquiry into the context of one grand science, the first philosophy. One of the most important tasks of this tradition has been to ground all knowledge on absolutely certain foundations. In this master s thesis I ask the following question: To what extent and under what conditions is it possible to achieve absolute certainty in the sense of the attempts of Cartesian foundationalism? By examining how the 20th century philosophers, Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) and Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) interpret the epistemological methodology of René Descartes, I claim that the Cartesian achievement of absolute certainty rests on the implicit presupposition of an epistemologically prior form of faith in the world and trust (pistis) in other conscious beings. I show that knowledge is possible only within the context of a common world that is inhabited by several conscious beings that share a common linguistic system. This threefold element is shown to be the bedrock condition for any kind of philosophical inquiry. The main literature sources for this thesis are The Life of the Mind by Hannah Arendt, Le Visible et l invisible by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Meditationes de Prima Philosophiae by René Descartes and Erfahrung und Urteil by Edmund Husserl.


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The development of botanical Finnish: Elias Lönnrot as the creator of new terminology In the 19th century the Finnish language was intentionally developed to meet the demands of civilised society and Finnish-language science. The development of the language involved several people from different fields of science. This study examines this enormous project in the field of botany. By which methods were scientific terms formed, and for which reasons were those terms used? Why has a certain word been chosen to represent a particular concept? The material of this study is the terminology of plant morphology in Finnish that Elias Lönnrot developed in the middle of the 19th century. The terms of plant morphology denote and describe the parts of the plant and the relationships between those parts. For instance, the terms emi pistill , hede stamen , terälehti petal and verholehti sepal , which are nowadays familiar in the general language, were used for the first time in Lönnrot s texts. The study integrates the methods of lexicology and terminology. In lexicology, the word and its various meanings serve as the focus, whereas the theory of terminology focuses on the concept and concept systems. A new, consciously developed terminology can be understood through the old, familiar vocabulary and structures as well as through the new, logical term system. Lönnrot s botanical terminology can be divided into three groups depending on their origin: 1) 19% of all terms have been accepted from the existing vocabulary and used in their original meanings, 2) 11% of all terms have been chosen from the existing vocabulary and used in the new, specific botanical meanings, and 3) 70% of all terms have been created on the basis of the existing vocabulary and used in the new, specific botanical meanings. Therefore, the study reveals that domestic materials primarily morphosemantic neologisms form the Finnish terminology of plant morphology. Characteristic of Lönnrot s botanical terms is the utilisation of the vocabulary of various Finnish dialects and particular repeating elements. Repeating elements include, for example, the prefixes that come from botanical Latin or Swedish as well as the particular Finnish derivation types. Such structures form term systems that reflect scientific concept systems. Two thirds of the created new words are formed loosely or precisely according to either Latin or Swedish terms; one third is formed completely differently from its equivalents in the foreign languages. Approximately half of the chosen terms are formed differently from the Latin and Swedish terms. It is worth noting that many loan translations use rare vocabulary from Finnish dialects as equivalents to foreign parts of terms. Lönnrot aimed to inspire scientific terminology with Finland s own language, thus making scientific text accessible to the Finnish agricultural population.


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Australia is the world’s third largest exporter of raw sugar after Brazil and Thailand, with around $2.0 billion in export earnings. Transport systems play a vital role in the raw sugar production process by transporting the sugarcane crop between farms and mills. In 2013, 87 per cent of sugarcane was transported to mills by cane railway. The total cost of sugarcane transport operations is very high. Over 35% of the total cost of sugarcane production in Australia is incurred in cane transport. A cane railway network mainly involves single track sections and multiple track sections used as passing loops or sidings. The cane railway system performs two main tasks: delivering empty bins from the mill to the sidings for filling by harvesters; and collecting the full bins of cane from the sidings and transporting them to the mill. A typical locomotive run involves an empty train (locomotive and empty bins) departing from the mill, traversing some track sections and delivering bins at specified sidings. The locomotive then, returns to the mill, traversing the same track sections in reverse order, collecting full bins along the way. In practice, a single track section can be occupied by only one train at a time, while more than one train can use a passing loop (parallel sections) at a time. The sugarcane transport system is a complex system that includes a large number of variables and elements. These elements work together to achieve the main system objectives of satisfying both mill and harvester requirements and improving the efficiency of the system in terms of low overall costs. These costs include delay, congestion, operating and maintenance costs. An effective cane rail scheduler will assist the traffic officers at the mill to keep a continuous supply of empty bins to harvesters and full bins to the mill with a minimum cost. This paper addresses the cane rail scheduling problem under rail siding capacity constraints where limited and unlimited siding capacities were investigated with different numbers of trains and different train speeds. The total operating time as a function of the number of trains, train shifts and a limited number of cane bins have been calculated for the different siding capacity constraints. A mathematical programming approach has been used to develop a new scheduler for the cane rail transport system under limited and unlimited constraints. The new scheduler aims to reduce the total costs associated with the cane rail transport system that are a function of the number of bins and total operating costs. The proposed metaheuristic techniques have been used to find near optimal solutions of the cane rail scheduling problem and provide different possible solutions to avoid being stuck in local optima. A numerical investigation and sensitivity analysis study is presented to demonstrate that high quality solutions for large scale cane rail scheduling problems are obtainable in a reasonable time. Keywords: Cane railway, mathematical programming, capacity, metaheuristics


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Tutkielma käsittelee velvoittamista ja ohjailemista Tarja Halosen uudenvuodenpuheissa. Aineistona on kahdeksan uudenvuodenpuhetta, vuosilta 2001–2008. Puheet ovat luettavissa Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksen aineistopalvelu Kainon kautta (www.kaino.kotus.fi) sekä presidentin kanslian internetsivuilta (www.tpk.fi). Tutkielmassa käsitellään puheita kirjoitettuina teksteinä ja tutkitaan niitä tekstintutkimuksen työvälinein. Tärkeän teoriataustan työlle muodostaa myös Perelmanin ja Olbrechts-Tytecan retoriikka- ja argumentaatioanalyysi. Analyysissa selvitetään ensiksi, millä keinoin Halonen velvoittaa kuulijaa puheissaan, ja toiseksi, keitä tai mitä ohjailevissa ilmauksissa velvoitetaan. Kolmanneksi tarkastellaan vielä velvoittavien ilmausten esiintymistä tekstiympäristössään: useasta typografisesta kappaleesta koostuvissa temaattisissa kokonaisuuksissa ja yhden typografisen kappaleen mittaisissa tekstikokonaisuuksissa. Myös presidentin uudenvuodenpuheen kokonaisrakennetta esitellään lyhyesti. Tutkielma etenee siten, että ensin tarkastellaan uudenvuodenpuheissa esiintyviä sellaisia kehotuksia, jotka kirjoittaja on katsonut eksplisiittisiksi tai kiistattomiksi velvoitteiksi: imperatiivimuotoisia kehotuksia, nesessiivirakenteita ja modaalisia verbejä deonttisen modaalisuuden ilmauksina sekä yksikön ensimmäisen persoonan käyttöä tietyissä ilmauksissa. Näistä siirrytään käsittelemään implisiittisempää velvoittamista: esimerkiksi lauseeseen valittujen sanojen leksikaalinen merkitys vaikuttaa siihen, tulkitseeko kuulija ilmauksen velvoittavaksi. Halosen uudenvuodenpuheissa usein indikatiivinen väitelause etääntyy pelkän episteemisen varmuuden toteamisen tehtävästä ja lähestyy velvoittamisen ja kuulijan ohjaamisen tehtävää (esim. "Meidän tehtävämme on arvojen siirtäminen tuleville sukupolville"). Aineistosta ilmenee, että Halosen uudenvuodenpuheissa velvoittavat ilmaukset voivat joko suuntautua ilmipannulle velvoitettavalle, joka voi olla me tai te tai jokin kolmas nimetty toimija (esim. Irak tai Euroopan unioni), tai velvoitettava voi olla ilmipanematon. Merkille pantavaa on, että kolmannelle nimetylle toimijalle suunnatuilla velvoitteilla on kahtalainen tehtävä: esimerkiksi lause "Irakin on noudatettava ehdoitta turvallisuusneuvoston päätöslauselmia" on muodoltaan velvoite (nesessiivirakenne), mutta kuulijan näkökulmasta se on presidentin lausuma tiedottava toteamus asioiden tilasta. Uudenvuodenpuheen typografinen tekstikappale voi sisältää yhden tai useamman velvoittavan ilmauksen tai olla täysin velvoittamaton ja pikemminkin tiedottava. Säännönmukaista velvoittavien ilmausten suhteessa tekstiympäristöönsä on se, että typografisessa kappaleessa on aina yhden tai useamman velvoittavan ilmauksen lisäksi myös velvoitetta perustelevaa ja pohjustavaa ainesta.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen Viron kolmen suurimman naistenlehden kansijuttuja systeemis-funktionaalisen kieliopin menetelmällä. Lehdet ovat Anne, Eesti Naine ja Stiil. Aineisto, tammikuussa 2003 ? syyskuussa 2004 ilmestyneet 55 artikkelia, on pääosin haettu lehtien omista internetarkistoista. Tutkin kansijuttuja systeemis-funktionaalisen kieliopin menetelmällä. Tavoitteenani on ollut selvittää, minkälaisia arvoja, asenteita ja maailmankuvia teksteihin kirjoittuu. Lähestyn kansijuttuja ideationaalisen, interpersoonaisen ja tekstuaalisen metafunktion näkökulmista. Kaikki kolme metafunktiota esiintyvät kielellisissä ilmiöissä yhtä aikaa. Mitä tahansa puhuttua tai kirjoitettua lausetta on mahdollista analysoida minkä tahansa metafunktion kannalta. Ideationaalinen metafunktio tarkoittaa yhtäältä sitä, minkälaisena maailma ja ilmiöt teksteissä kuvataan, toisaalta sitä, minkälaisia prosesseja teksteissä representoidaan. Interpersoonainen metafunktio tarkoittaa teksteihin kirjoittuvia suhteita, vuorovaikutusta ja identiteettejä, esimerkiksi toimittajan ja lukijan välistä suhdetta ja heidän roolejaan. Kun tekstiä tutkitaan tekstuaalisen metafunktion kannalta, siitä nostetaan esiin kieliopillisia, sanastollisia ja syntaktisia piirteitä, joista tekstit rakentuvat koherenteiksi kokonaisuuksiksi. Pro graduni kuuluu kriittisen tekstintutkimuksen alaan. Kriittinen tekstintutkimus on monitieteinen menetelmä, jonka tavoitteena on selvittää kielellisesti representoituja valtasuhteita sekä eksplisiittisesti ja implisiittisesti lauseisiin kirjoittuvia arvotuksia. Kriittisen tekstintutkimuksen tavoitteena on osoittaa, millä tavalla ihmisten ajattelua pystytään ohjaamaan ja hallitsemaan kielellisten ratkaisujen keinoin. Viron kolmen suurimman naistenlehden kansijutuille yhteinen piirre on materialistinen maailmankuva, joka ilmenee teksteissä muun muassa korostuneena kulutustottumusten, ulkonäön ja elämäntyylin kuvailuna. Tekstit ovat avoimen kaupallisia. Selkein osoitus kaupallisuudesta on tunnetuttujen vaate-, kosmetiikka ja automerkkien näkyminen teksteissä, luonnollisena osana juttua. Kansijuttujen haastateltavat ovat eri aloja edustavia, korkeasti koulutettuja, itsenäisiä ja näkyvissä asemissa vaikuttavia henkilöitä, valtaosaltaan naisia. Juttuihin he representoituvat perhettä, isänmaata ja uskontoa arvostavina perusarvojen kannattajina, joita esimerkiksi tasa-arvokysymykset, syrjäytyminen tai globalisaatio eivät kiinnosta. Keskeinen kysymys onkin journalistinen prosessi, jonka tuloksena kansijutut ovat syntyneet. Vaikka kansijutuissa näennäisesti äänessä ovat voimakkaat virolaisnaiset, voi rivien välistä ymmärtää, että tarinan kerrontaan vaikuttavat myös julkaisijoiden taloudelliset intressit. Avainsanat: diskurssi, funktionaalisuus, genre, ideologia, kansijuttu, luonnollistuma, media, metafunktio, naistenlehti, tavoite, tekstilaji, tervejärkisyys, valta, virolainen


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This research deals with direct speech quotations in magazine articles through two questions: As my major research question, I study the functions of speech quotations based on a data consisting of six literary-journalistic magazine articles. My minor research question builds on the fact that there is no absolute relation between the sound waves of the spoken language and the graphemes of the written one. Hence, I study the general thoughts on how utterances should be arranged in the written form based on a large review of literature and textbooks on journalistic writing as well as interviews I have made with magazine writers and editors, and the Council of Mass Media in Finland. To support my main research questions, I also examine the reference system of the Finnish language, define the aspects of the literary-journalistic article and study vernacular cues in written speech quotations. FUNCTIONS OF QUOTATIONS. I demonstrate the results of my analysis with a six-pointed apparatus. It is a continuum which extends from the structural level of text, all the way through the explicit functions, to the implicit functions of the quotation. The explicit functions deal with the question of what is the content, whereas the implicit ones base mainly on the question how the content is presented. 1. The speech quotation is an distinctive element in the structure of the magazine article. Thereby it creates a rhythm for the text, such as episodes, paragraphs and clauses. 2. All stories are told through a plot, and in magazine articles, the speech quotations are one of the narrative elements that propel the plot forward. 3. The speech quotations create and intensify the location written in the story. This location can be a physical one but also a social one, in which case it describes the atmosphere and mood in the physical environment and of the story characters. 4. The quotations enhance the plausibility of the facts and assumptions presented in the article, and moreover, when a text is placed between quotation marks, the reader can be assured that the text has been reproduced in the authentic verbatim way. 5. Speech quotations tell about the speaker's unique way of using language and the first-hand experiences of the person quoted. 6. The sixth function of speech quotations is probably the most essential one: the quotations characterize the quoted speaker. In other words, in addition to the propositional content of the utterance, the way in which it has been said transmits a lot of the speaker's character (e.g. nature, generation, behaviour, education, attitudes etc.). It is important to notice, that these six functions of my speech quotation apparatus do not exlude one another. It means that every speech quotation basically includes all of the functions discussed above. However, in practice one or more of them have a principal role, while the others play a subsidiary role. HOW TO MAKE QUOTATIONS? It is not suprising that the field of journalism (textbooks, literature and interviews) holds heterogeneous and unestablished thoughts on how the spoken language should be arranged in written quotations, which is my minor research question. However, the most frequent and distinctive aspects can be depicted in a couple of words: serve the reader and respect the target person. Very common advice on how to arrange the quotations is − firstly, to delete such vernacular cues (e.g. repetitions and ”expletives”) that are common in spoken communication, but purposeless in the written language. − secondly, to complete the phonetic word forms of the spoken language into a more reader-friendly form (esim. punanen → punainen, 'red'), and − thirdly, to enhance the independence of clauses from the (authentic) context and to toughen reciprocal links between them. According to the knowledge of the journalistic field, utterances recorded in different points in time of an interview or a data-collecting session can be transferred as consecutive quotations or even merged together. However, if there is any temporal-spatial location written in the story, the dialogue of the story characters should also be situated in an authentic context – chronologically in the right place in the continuum of the events. To summarize, the way in which the utterances should be arranged into written speech quotations is always situationally-specific − and it is strongly based on the author's discretion.


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Three indoor, sheeted bag-stack fumigations of paddy rice using aluminium phosphide were undertaken in Guangdong Province, southern China. We measured the effect of two types of sheeting (polyvinylchloride [PVC] or polyethylene [PE]) and two types of floor sealing (clips or fixing into a slot with a rubber pipe) on phosphine concentration and retention. The aim was to test the feasibility of retaining fumigant at a sufficient concentration for long enough to control known resistant insect pests. Each stack was pressure tested and phosphine concentrations measured daily during the fumigation. Cages of test insects in culture medium, including resistant and susceptible strains, were placed inside each stack and could be observed through the clear sheeting. Highest concentrations for the longest period were obtained in a PVC-covered stack that included a ground sheet and wall sheets sealed to the floor with rubber pipes. A similar PVC-covered stack sealed to the floor with clips instead of pipe did not retain gas as efficiently and required re-dosing. A PE-covered stack, with no ground sheet but also with wall sheets sealed to the floor with pipe, produced an acceptable fumigation. Susceptible Rhyzopertha dominica were controlled in 2 days and the most resistant strain in 15 days. Resistant Cryptolestes ferrugineus survived until day 21. The paddy was still free of insect infestation 7 months later when the bag-stack was opened to mill the rice. Pressure half-lives correlated with gas concentration and retention. Sorption appeared to be a major limiting factor, reducing potential fumigant dosage by about 50%. The trials demonstrated the feasibility of sealing bag-stacks to a standard high enough to control all known resistant strains.


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The tomato I-3 gene introgressed from the Lycopersicon pennellii accession LA716 confers resistance to race 3 of the fusarium wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. We have improved the high-resolution map of the I-3 region of tomato chromosome 7 with the development and mapping of 31 new PCR-based markers. Recombinants recovered from L. esculentum cv. M82 × IL7-2 F2 and (IL7-2 × IL7-4) × M82 TC1F2 mapping populations, together with recombinants recovered from a previous M82 × IL7-3 F2 mapping population, were used to position these markers. A significantly higher recombination frequency was observed in the (IL7-2 × IL7-4) × M82 TC1F2 mapping population based on a reconstituted L. pennellii chromosome 7 compared to the other two mapping populations based on smaller segments of L. pennellii chromosome 7. A BAC contig consisting of L. esculentum cv. Heinz 1706 BACs covering the I-3 region has also been established. The new high-resolution map places the I-3 gene within a 0.38 cM interval between the molecular markers RGA332 and bP23/gPT with an estimated physical size of 50-60 kb. The I-3 region was found to display almost continuous microsynteny with grape chromosome 12 but interspersed microsynteny with Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes 1, 2 and 3. An S-receptor-like kinase gene family present in the I-3 region of tomato chromosome 7 was found to be present in the microsyntenous region of grape chromosome 12 but was absent altogether from the A. thaliana genome.


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Distraction in the workplace is increasingly more common in the information age. Several tasks and sources of information compete for a worker's limited cognitive capacities in human-computer interaction (HCI). In some situations even very brief interruptions can have detrimental effects on memory. Nevertheless, in other situations where persons are continuously interrupted, virtually no interruption costs emerge. This dissertation attempts to reveal the mental conditions and causalities differentiating the two outcomes. The explanation, building on the theory of long-term working memory (LTWM; Ericsson and Kintsch, 1995), focuses on the active, skillful aspects of human cognition that enable the storage of task information beyond the temporary and unstable storage provided by short-term working memory (STWM). Its key postulate is called a retrieval structure an abstract, hierarchical knowledge representation built into long-term memory that can be utilized to encode, update, and retrieve products of cognitive processes carried out during skilled task performance. If certain criteria of practice and task processing are met, LTWM allows for the storage of large representations for long time periods, yet these representations can be accessed with the accuracy, reliability, and speed typical of STWM. The main thesis of the dissertation is that the ability to endure interruptions depends on the efficiency in which LTWM can be recruited for maintaing information. An observational study and a field experiment provide ecological evidence for this thesis. Mobile users were found to be able to carry out heavy interleaving and sequencing of tasks while interacting, and they exhibited several intricate time-sharing strategies to orchestrate interruptions in a way sensitive to both external and internal demands. Interruptions are inevitable, because they arise as natural consequences of the top-down and bottom-up control of multitasking. In this process the function of LTWM is to keep some representations ready for reactivation and others in a more passive state to prevent interference. The psychological reality of the main thesis received confirmatory evidence in a series of laboratory experiments. They indicate that after encoding into LTWM, task representations are safeguarded from interruptions, regardless of their intensity, complexity, or pacing. However, when LTWM cannot be deployed, the problems posed by interference in long-term memory and the limited capacity of the STWM surface. A major contribution of the dissertation is the analysis of when users must resort to poorer maintenance strategies, like temporal cues and STWM-based rehearsal. First, one experiment showed that task orientations can be associated with radically different patterns of retrieval cue encodings. Thus the nature of the processing of the interface determines which features will be available as retrieval cues and which must be maintained by other means. In another study it was demonstrated that if the speed of encoding into LTWM, a skill-dependent parameter, is slower than the processing speed allowed for by the task, interruption costs emerge. Contrary to the predictions of competing theories, these costs turned out to involve intrusions in addition to omissions. Finally, it was learned that in rapid visually oriented interaction, perceptual-procedural expectations guide task resumption, and neither STWM nor LTWM are utilized due to the fact that access is too slow. These findings imply a change in thinking about the design of interfaces. Several novel principles of design are presented, basing on the idea of supporting the deployment of LTWM in the main task.


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Reduced supplies of nitrogen (N) in many soils of southern Queensland that were cropped exhaustively with cereals over many decades have been the focus of much research to avoid declines in profitability and sustainability of farming systems. A 45-month period of mixed grass (purple pigeon grass, Setaria incrassata Stapf; Rhodes grass, Chloris gayana Kunth.) and legume (lucerne, Medicago sativa L.; annual medics, M. scutellata L. Mill. and M. truncatula Gaertn.) pasture was one of several options that were compared at a fertility-depleted Vertosol at Warra, southern Queensland, to improve grain yields or increase grain protein concentration of subsequent wheat crops. Objectives of the study were to measure the productivity of a mixed grass and legume pasture grown over 45 months (cut and removed over 36 months) and its effects on yield and protein concentrations of the following wheat crops. Pasture production (DM t/ha) and aboveground plant N yield (kg/ha) for grass, legume (including a small amount of weeds) and total components of pasture responded linearly to total rainfall over the duration of each of 3 pastures sown in 1986, 1987 and 1988. Averaged over the 3 pastures, each 100 mm of rainfall resulted in 0.52 t/ha of grass, 0.44 t/ha of legume and 0.97 t/ha of total pasture DM, there being little variation between the 3 pastures. Aboveground plant N yield of the 3 pastures ranged from 17.2 to 20.5 kg/ha per 100 mm rainfall. Aboveground legume N in response to total rainfall was similar (10.6 - 13.2 kg/ha. 100 mm rainfall) across the 3 pastures in spite of very different populations of legumes and grasses at establishment. Aboveground grass N yield was 5.2 - 7.0 kg/ha per 100mm rainfall. In most wheat crops following pasture, wheat yields were similar to that of unfertilised wheat except in 1990 and 1994, when grain yields were significantly higher but similar to that for continuous wheat fertilised with 75 kg N/ha. In contrast, grain protein concentrations of most wheat crops following pasture responded positively, being substantially higher than unfertilised wheat but similar to that of wheat fertilised with 75 kg N/ha. Grain protein averaged over all years of assay was increased by 25 - 40% compared with that of unfertilised wheat. Stored water supplies after pasture were < 134mm (< 55% of plant available water capacity); for most assay crops water storages were 67 - 110 mm, an equivalent wet soil depth of only 0.3 - 0.45 m. Thus, the crop assays of pasture benefits were limited by low water supply to wheat crops. Moreover, the severity of common root rot in wheat crop was not reduced by pasture - wheat rotation.


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RFLP markers are currently the most appropriate marker system for the identification of uncharacterised polymorphism at the interspecific and intergeneric level. Given the benefits of a PCR-based marker system and the availability of sequence information for many Solanaceous cDNA clones, it is now possible to target conserved fragments, for primer development, that flank sequences possessing interspecific polymorphism. The potential outcome is the development of a suite of markers that amplify widely in Solanaceae. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) is a relatively inexpensive gel-based system that is suitable for the detection of most single-base changes. TGGE can be used to screen for both known and unknown polymorphisms, and has been assessed here, for the development of PCR-based markers that are useful for the detection of interspecific variation within Solanaceae. Fifteen markers are presented where differences between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pennellii have been detected by TGGE. The markers were assessed on a wider selection of plant species and found to be potentially useful for the identification of interspecific and intergeneric polymorphism in Solanaceous plants.


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The aim of this dissertation was to explore how different types of prior knowledge influence student achievement and how different assessment methods influence the observed effect of prior knowledge. The project started by creating a model of prior knowledge which was tested in various science disciplines. Study I explored the contribution of different components of prior knowledge on student achievement in two different mathematics courses. The results showed that the procedural knowledge components which require higher-order cognitive skills predicted the final grades best and were also highly related to previous study success. The same pattern regarding the influence of prior knowledge was also seen in Study III which was a longitudinal study of the accumulation of prior knowledge in the context of pharmacy. The study analysed how prior knowledge from previous courses was related to student achievement in the target course. The results implied that students who possessed higher-level prior knowledge, that is, procedural knowledge, from previous courses also obtained higher grades in the more advanced target course. Study IV explored the impact of different types of prior knowledge on students’ readiness to drop out from the course, on the pace of completing the course and on the final grade. The study was conducted in the context of chemistry. The results revealed again that students who performed well in the procedural prior-knowledge tasks were also likely to complete the course in pre-scheduled time and get higher final grades. On the other hand, students whose performance was weak in the procedural prior-knowledge tasks were more likely to drop out or take a longer time to complete the course. Study II explored the issue of prior knowledge from another perspective. Study II aimed to analyse the interrelations between academic self-beliefs, prior knowledge and student achievement in the context of mathematics. The results revealed that prior knowledge was more predictive of student achievement than were other variables included in the study. Self-beliefs were also strongly related to student achievement, but the predictive power of prior knowledge overruled the influence of self-beliefs when they were included in the same model. There was also a strong correlation between academic self-beliefs and prior-knowledge performance. The results of all the four studies were consistent with each other indicating that the model of prior knowledge may be used as a potential tool for prior knowledge assessment. It is useful to make a distinction between different types of prior knowledge in assessment since the type of prior knowledge students possess appears to make a difference. The results implied that there indeed is variation between students’ prior knowledge and academic self-beliefs which influences student achievement. This should be taken into account in instruction.


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Although the majority of people with mental illness are not violent, scientific studies over the last decades show that certain psychiatric disorders increase the risk of violent behavior, including homicide. This thesis examined crime scene behaviors and offender background characteristics among mentally ill Finnish homicide offenders. Previously, homicide crime scene behaviors have been investigated in relation to offender demographic characteristics, whereas this study compares the behaviors of offenders with various mental illnesses. The study design was a retrospective chart review of the forensic psychiatric statements of Finnish homicide offenders. The work consists of four substudies. The aims of the study were as follows: To describe differences in the childhood and family backgrounds as well as in the adolescent and adult adjustment of Finnish homicide offenders belonging to different diagnostic categories (schizophrenia, personality disorder, alcoholism, drug addiction or no diagnosis). Further, the study examined associations between the crime scene behaviors and mental status of these offenders. Also, the distinguishing characteristics between two groups of offenders with schizophrenia were examined: early starters, who present antisocial behavior before the onset of schizophrenia, and late starters, who first offend after the onset of mental disorder. Finally, it was investigated how the use of excessive violence is associated with clinical and circumstantial variables as well as offender background characteristics among homicide offenders with schizophrenia. The main findings of the study can be summarized as follows. First, offenders with personality disorder or drug addiction had experienced multiple difficulties in their early environments: both family and individual problems were typical. Offenders with schizophrenia were relatively well-adjusted in childhood compared to the other groups. However, in adolescence and adulthood, social isolation, withdrawal and other difficulties attributable to these offenders illness became evident. In several aspects, offenders with alcohol dependency resembled offenders with no diagnosis in that these offenders had less problematic backgrounds compared to other groups. Second, the results showed that crime scene behaviors, victim gender and the victim-offender relationship differ between the groups. In particular, offenders with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or drug addiction have some unique features in their crime scene behaviors and choice of victims. Offenders with schizophrenia were more likely to kill a blood relative, to use a sharp weapon and to injure the victim s face. Drug addiction was associated with stealing from the victim and trying to cover up the body. Third, the results suggest that the offense characteristics of early- and late-start offenders with schizophrenia differ only modestly. However, several significant differences between the groups were found in characteristics of offenders: early starters had experienced a multitude of problems in their childhood surroundings and also later in life. Fourth, violent acts where the offender did not commit the offense alone or had previous homicidal history were predictive of excessive violence among offenders with schizophrenia. Positive psychotic symptoms did not predict the use of excessive violence. Nearly one third of the cases in the sample involved multiple and severe violence, including features such as sadism, mutilation, sexual components or extreme stabbing. In sum, mentally disordered homicide offenders are heterogeneous in their offense characteristics as well as their background characteristics. Empirically based information on how the offender s mental state is associated with specific crime scene behaviors can be utilized within the police force in developing methods of prioritizing suspects in unsolved homicide cases. Also, these results emphasise the importance of early interventions for problem families and children at risk of antisocial behavior. They may also contribute to the development of effective treatment for violent offenders.