932 resultados para Virtual Reality (VR)


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This article purposes the ARBot, a system that has as main objective the presentation of concepts of logic for students of elementary and secondary education. The system was developed using the technology known as Augmented Reality (AR), which allows complement the actual environment where the user is, by adding virtual objects. In this scenario the RA created from a virtual game interface is used, through which cognitive challenges are presented. To solve these challenges, users must set up three-dimensional virtual characters using visual language. As a result it follows that, in a playful way, concepts of algorithms and programming are assimilated by users. In addition, the system enables two users to interact in a cooperative game mode. In cooperative mode, the system focuses on collaborative learning, since it allows users to jointly solve the cognitive challenge presented by the system.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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[ES] In this paper we address the problem of inserting virtual content in a video sequence. The method we propose uses just image information. We perform primitive tracking, camera calibration, real and virtual camera synchronisation and finally rendering to insert the virtual content in the real video sequence. To simplify the calibration step we assume that cameras are mounted on a tripod (which is a common situation in practise). The primitive tracking procedure, which uses lines and circles as primitives, is performed by means of a CART (Classification and Regression Tree). Finally, the virtual and real camera synchronisation and rendering is performed using functions of OpenGL (Open Graphic Library). We have applied the method proposed to sport event scenarios, specifically, soccer matches. In order to illustrate its performance, it has been applied to real HD (High Definition) video sequences. The quality of the proposed method is validated by inserting virtual elements in such HD video sequence.


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This thesis proposes a novel technology in the field of swarm robotics that allows a swarm of robots to sense a virtual environment through virtual sensors. Virtual sensing is a desirable and helpful technology in swarm robotics research activity, because it allows the researchers to efficiently and quickly perform experiments otherwise more expensive and time consuming, or even impossible. In particular, we envision two useful applications for virtual sensing technology. On the one hand, it is possible to prototype and foresee the effects of a new sensor on a robot swarm, before producing it. On the other hand, thanks to this technology it is possible to study the behaviour of robots operating in environments that are not easily reproducible inside a lab for safety reasons or just because physically infeasible. The use of virtual sensing technology for sensor prototyping aims to foresee the behaviour of the swarm enhanced with new or more powerful sensors, without producing the hardware. Sensor prototyping can be used to tune a new sensor or perform performance comparison tests between alternative types of sensors. This kind of prototyping experiments can be performed through the presented tool, that allows to rapidly develop and test software virtual sensors of different typologies and quality, emulating the behaviour of several hardware real sensors. By investigating on which sensors is better to invest, a researcher can minimize the sensors’ production cost while achieving a given swarm performance. Through augmented reality, it is possible to test the performance of the swarm in a desired virtual environment that cannot be set into the lab for physical, logistic or economical reasons. The virtual environment is sensed by the robots through properly designed virtual sensors. Virtual sensing technology allows a researcher to quickly carry out real robots experiment in challenging scenarios without all the required hardware and environment.


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Some schools do not have ideal access to laboratory space and supplies. Computer simulations of laboratory activities can be a cost-effective way of presenting experiences to students, but are those simulations as effective at supplementing content concepts? This study compared the use of traditional lab activities illustrating the principles of cell respiration and photosynthesis in an introductory high school biology class with virtual simulations of the same activities. Additionally student results were analyzed to assess if student conceptual understanding was affected by the complexity of the simulation. Although all student groups posted average gain increases between the pre and post-tests coupled with positive effect sizes, students who completed the wet lab version of the activity consistently outperformed the students who completed the virtual simulation of the same activity. There was no significant difference between the use of more or less complex simulations. Students also tended to rate the wet lab experience higher on a motivation and interest inventory.


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Augmented reality (AR) commonly uses markers for detection and tracking. Such multimedia applications associate each marker with a virtual 3D model stored in the memory of the camera-equipped device running the application. Application users are limited in their interactions, which require knowing how to design and program 3D objects. This generally prevents them from developing their own entertainment AR applications. The Magic Cards application solves this problem by offering an easy way to create and manage an unlimited number of virtual objects that are encoded on special markers.


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The virtual acoustic reality techniques are powerful tools for the recovery of acoustical heritage of historic buildings. Through the acoustic modeling and auralization techniques it´s possible to reconstruct the sound of disappeared buildings or the ones with significant modifications over the years, knowing the original geometry and the acoustic characteristics of their surfaces. This paper shows the results of a research project whose goal is the virtual recovery of the sound of the Hispanic Rite, the rite celebrated by Christians of the Iberian Peninsula before the imposition of the Roman Rite in the mid-eleventh century. For this purpose, acoustic models of a series of Pre-Romanesque churches were made. These acoustic models represent the churches in their original state, following the reconstruction hypothesis proposed by leading researchers in medieval liturgical archeology. Multichannel anechoic recordings of several pieces of the music of the Hispanic Rite have been carried out using a spherical array composed of 31 microphones. Finally, static and dynamic auralizations have been developed, involving the different liturgical configurations which were usual in this rite.


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La Realidad Aumentada forma parte de múltiples proyectos de investigación desde hace varios años. La unión de la información del mundo real y la información digital ofrece un sinfín de posibilidades. Las más conocidas van orientadas a los juegos pero, gracias a ello, también se pueden implementar Interfaces Naturales. En otras palabras, conseguir que el usuario maneje un dispositivo electrónico con sus propias acciones: movimiento corporal, expresiones faciales, etc. El presente proyecto muestra el desarrollo de la capa de sistema de una Interfaz Natural, Mokey, que permite la simulación de un teclado mediante movimientos corporales del usuario. Con esto, se consigue que cualquier aplicación de un ordenador que requiera el uso de un teclado, pueda ser usada con movimientos corporales, aunque en el momento de su creación no fuese diseñada para ello. La capa de usuario de Mokey es tratada en el proyecto realizado por Carlos Lázaro Basanta. El principal objetivo de Mokey es facilitar el acceso de una tecnología tan presente en la vida de las personas como es el ordenador a los sectores de la población que tienen alguna discapacidad motora o movilidad reducida. Ya que vivimos en una sociedad tan informatizada, es esencial que, si se quiere hablar de inclusión social, se permita el acceso de la actual tecnología a esta parte de la población y no crear nuevas herramientas exclusivas para ellos, que generarían una situación de discriminación, aunque esta no sea intencionada. Debido a esto, es esencial que el diseño de Mokey sea simple e intuitivo, y al mismo tiempo que esté dotado de la suficiente versatilidad, para que el mayor número de personas discapacitadas puedan encontrar una configuración óptima para ellos. En el presente documento, tras exponer las motivaciones de este proyecto, se va a hacer un análisis detallado del estado del arte, tanto de la tecnología directamente implicada, como de otros proyectos similares. Se va prestar especial atención a la cámara Microsoft Kinect, ya que es el hardware que permite a Mokey detectar la captación de movimiento. Tras esto, se va a proceder a una explicación detallada de la Interfaz Natural desarrollada. Se va a prestar especial atención a todos aquellos algoritmos que han sido implementados para la detección del movimiento, así como para la simulación del teclado. Finalmente, se va realizar un análisis exhaustivo del funcionamiento de Mokey con otras aplicaciones. Se va a someter a una batería de pruebas muy amplia que permita determinar su rendimiento en las situaciones más comunes. Del mismo modo, se someterá a otra batería de pruebas destinada a definir su compatibilidad con los diferentes tipos de programas existentes en el mercado. Para una mayor precisión a la hora de analizar los datos, se va a proceder a comparar Mokey con otra herramienta similar, FAAST, pudiendo observar de esta forma las ventajas que tiene una aplicación especialmente pensada para gente discapacitada sobre otra que no tenía este fin. ABSTRACT. During the last few years, Augmented Reality has been an important part of several research projects, as the combination of the real world and the digital information offers a whole new set of possibilities. Among them, one of the most well-known possibilities are related to games by implementing Natural Interfaces, which main objective is to enable the user to handle an electronic device with their own actions, such as corporal movements, facial expressions… The present project shows the development of Mokey, a Natural Interface that simulates a keyboard by user’s corporal movements. Hence, any application that requires the use of a keyboard can be handled with this Natural Interface, even if the application was not designed in that way at the beginning. The main objective of Mokey is to simplify the use of the computer for those people that are handicapped or have some kind of reduced mobility. As our society has been almost completely digitalized, this kind of interfaces are essential to avoid social exclusion and discrimination, even when it is not intentional. Thus, some of the most important requirements of Mokey are its simplicity to use, as well as its versatility. In that way, the number of people that can find an optimal configuration for their particular condition will grow exponentially. After stating the motivations of this project, the present document will provide a detailed state of the art of both the technologies applied and other similar projects, highlighting the Microsoft Kinect camera, as this hardware allows Mokey to detect movements. After that, the document will describe the Natural Interface that has been developed, paying special attention to the algorithms that have been implemented to detect movements and synchronize the keyboard. Finally, the document will provide an exhaustive analysis of Mokey’s functioning with other applications by checking its behavior with a wide set of tests, so as to determine its performance in the most common situations. Likewise, the interface will be checked against another set of tests that will define its compatibility with different softwares that already exist on the market. In order to have better accuracy while analyzing the data, Mokey’s interface will be compared with a similar tool, FAAST, so as to highlight the advantages of designing an application that is specially thought for disabled people.


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El objetivo principal de crear un espacio web para el Museo Histórico de la Informática (MHI) perteneciente a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIINF) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) es la difusión de la historia de la informática entre el público en general. Si bien es cierto que existe ya una página web de consulta del MHI con algunas imágenes y contenido sobre los objetos que allí se exhiben, es también reseñable que se trata de un espacio obsoleto, lleno de carencias y extremadamente difícil de gestionar y actualizar, por lo que se hacía imprescindible actualizar el diseño del espacio web, los contenidos y el sistema de gestión de los mismos, cosa que es de gran interés para un lugar divulgativo. En la actualidad, existen maneras mucho más amigables para el usuario de navegar por una web; y de la misma manera para un administrador, gestionar el contenido de la misma y mantener a los usuarios bien informados de todo lo que se ofrece en cada momento. Esto es posible gracias a los sistemas de gestión de contenidos o content management system (CMS), de los que se hablará lo largo de todo el documento. Estos sistemas, dan una facilidad mucho mayor a los encargados de llevar al día una página web, sin tener que saber de programación, lenguajes o informática en general, ya que incorporan paneles de control muy intuitivos y fáciles de manejar, que son una ventaja tanto para ellos como para los usuarios. Es por esta razón que, hay páginas web como la de las empresas IKEA, Ubuntu o, en especial para el caso que compete al documento, el museo del Louvre usan gestores de contenidos para sus páginas web. Y es que las ventajas y facilidades que ofrece un CMS son realmente interesantes y se tratará de todas ellas en el documento, de la elección del CMS que mejor se ajusta a los requisitos del museo, las restricciones a la hora del despliegue en el ámbito de la ETSIINF y de cómo mejorará esto la calidad visual y divulgativa del MHI. Este trabajo se desarrolla a lo largo de 11 capítulos, en los que se muestra como construir un sitio web, las posibilidades y la elección final para este caso. En el primer capítulo se hace una pequeña introducción de lo que es el proyecto, se especifican los objetivos, la motivación del mismo y el alcance que tiene. En el segundo capítulo se muestra la información que se ha recopilado en el trabajo de investigación que se hace previo al desarrollo. En él se muestran los distintos tipos de páginas web, que tecnologías y lenguajes se pueden usar para su construcción, una comparativa sobre otras entidades similares al MHI, las limitaciones que presenta el entorno y la elección final que se consideró más adecuada para este caso. En el capítulo tres se empieza a desarrollar la solución a través del diseño. Aquí se puede encontrar el diseño de más bajo nivel que se le presenta al cliente para sentar las bases del trabajo, el diseño de alto nivel con un mayor grado de realidad que el anterior y una preparación de lo que serán los planes de prueba. El capítulo cuatro muestra todo lo que se ha usado en la implementación y la integración de la página web: herramientas, tecnologías, plantillas de diseño y módulos que proporcionan distintas funcionalidades. Llegados al capítulo cinco, se puede ver una detallada documentación de los resultados de las pruebas de usabilidad y accesibilidad realizadas, y las conclusiones que subyacen de estas. Una vez acabada la implementación del sitio web del MHI, en el capítulo seis se intenta hacer una labor de consultoría, mostrando precios y presupuestos de las distintas tareas que se han llevado a cabo para la realización de este proyecto. En el capítulo siete se extraen las conclusiones de todo lo acontecido en los capítulos anteriores y en el ocho unas líneas sobre posibles trabajos futuros que se podrían llevar a cabo en base a lo que ya se tiene en la institución, incluido este trabajo. Para facilitar la comprensión y satisfacer la curiosidad del lector, se ha incluido en el capítulo nueve la bibliografía con toda la documentación consultada y en el diez un glosario de términos para la aclaración de términos y acrónimos más técnicos. Para acabar, en el capítulo once se anexionan tanto el documento que se usó para las pruebas de usabilidad como un manual de administrador para el sitio web, que hace más amigable el entorno para las personas que lo tengan que mantener en un futuro.---ABSTRACT---The main goal of creating a website for the Informatics Historical Museum (“Museo Histórico de la Informática” or MHI) located in the Higher Technical School of Informatics Engineers (“Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos” or ETSIINF) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (“Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” UPM), is to promote the aforementioned museum as to increase its reach to the public. While it is true that there already is a consulting website with some pictures and information about the items which are displayed in the building, it is outdated and the data is scarce. Moreover, it is extremely complicated to manage and to regularly update the web page, which is very important for informative/broadcasting media. Currently, there are easier ways for the users of a website to consult whatever information they want, as well as it is now easy for a website manager to display new content and to keep the users informed about what is been offered at every moment. This is possible because of content management systems (CMS), which will be discussed throughout the entire paper. These systems make it easier to use for the administrator of a website to keep it up to date without the necessity for them of having any knowledge or skills in programming, languages or computing, because the systems have an intuitive control panel that is easy to use, which is an advantage for both managers and users. Because of all these reasons, there are lots of companies that use this kind of systems, such as IKEA, Ubuntu or, especially, the Louvre Museum, to which we direct our attention all throughout this report. It is easy to notice that these systems have an important and very interesting number of perks and benefits. In the next chapters of the document we will explain the benefits of the program as well as the choice on the kind of CMS that best suits the requirements of the museum and, finally, the restrictions of the school for the deployment and of how all of this will improve the visual and informational qualities of the MHI. This work is developed over 11 chapters, shown how to build up a website, the possibilities and the final choice for this case. In the first chapter a brief introduction of the project, goals, motivation and scope thereof having specified are done. Before the development of the website, the second chapter shows de information of the researching work. It discusses the different types of websites, technologies and languages that can be used for build-up, a comparison of similar entities to MHI, the limitations of the environment and the final choice was considered more appropriate for this case. Chapter three begins to develop the design of the solution. Here there are the lowest level design that presents the customer to fix any problem, the high level design with a higher degree of reality than the last and the test plans. Chapter four shows everything that has been used in the implementation and integration of the website: tools, technologies, design templates and modules that provide different functionalities. Reaching the fifth chapter, you can see a detailed documentation of the results of the usability and accessibility tests made to some users and the conclusions of it. Once the implementation of MHI website is done, in chapter six there is a consultancy work, showing prices and budgets of the different tasks which were carried out for this project. In chapter seven there are the conclusions of what happened in the previous chapters and eight chapter shows possible future works that could be carried out based on what the institution already have, including this work. To make easier to the reader understand this paper and satisfy his curiosity, the chapter nine includes the bibliography consulted with all the documentation and chapter ten has a glossary of terms and an explanation of technical terms and acronyms. Finally, in chapter eleven there are attached both the document that was used for usability testing as a manual administrator for the website, making the environment friendlier for people who have to maintain it in the future.


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Esta tese trata do impacto nas Comunicações Internas das Organizações em relação à virtualidade e teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as mudanças ocorridas na comunicação interna das organizações privadas com o advento das tecnologias. Para atingir nosso objetivo fizemos uso da pesquisa bibliográfica, partindo do exame das teorias comunicacionais disponíveis e dos recursos técnicos inerentes à comunicação e às tecnologias da informação aplicadas à organização. Estabelecemos a convergência em relação às tendências e efeitos que poderão ser observados, por meio de um diálogo com especialistas da área Comunicacional através de um estudo qualitativo, onde fizemos uso da metodologia do Painel Delphi com o intuito de descrevermos e analisarmos as mudanças ocorridas nos meios, analisarmos seus impactos e traçarmos um cenário futuro em relação à utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ambiente organizacional interno. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa demonstraram que a comunicação interna organizacional deverá ser intensamente mediada por computador, mas não se limitará a ele, justamente pela realidade e condição cultural de cada organização, um mix comunicacional (com veículos tradicionais e virtuais) deverá ser a condição mais lógica para uma comunicação eficiente, uma vez que abrange todo o tipo de público e formato de mensagens.


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Esta tese trata do impacto nas Comunicações Internas das Organizações em relação à virtualidade e teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as mudanças ocorridas na comunicação interna das organizações privadas com o advento das tecnologias. Para atingir nosso objetivo fizemos uso da pesquisa bibliográfica, partindo do exame das teorias comunicacionais disponíveis e dos recursos técnicos inerentes à comunicação e às tecnologias da informação aplicadas à organização. Estabelecemos a convergência em relação às tendências e efeitos que poderão ser observados, por meio de um diálogo com especialistas da área Comunicacional através de um estudo qualitativo, onde fizemos uso da metodologia do Painel Delphi com o intuito de descrevermos e analisarmos as mudanças ocorridas nos meios, analisarmos seus impactos e traçarmos um cenário futuro em relação à utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ambiente organizacional interno. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa demonstraram que a comunicação interna organizacional deverá ser intensamente mediada por computador, mas não se limitará a ele, justamente pela realidade e condição cultural de cada organização, um mix comunicacional (com veículos tradicionais e virtuais) deverá ser a condição mais lógica para uma comunicação eficiente, uma vez que abrange todo o tipo de público e formato de mensagens.


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Building Information Modelling (BIM) provides a shared source of information about a built asset, which creates a collaborative virtual environment for project teams. Literature suggests that to collaborate efficiently, the relationship between the project team is based on sympathy, obligation, trust and rapport. Communication increases in importance when working collaboratively but effective communication can only be achieved when the stakeholders are willing to act, react, listen and share information. Case study research and interviews with Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry experts suggest that synchronous face-to-face communication is project teams’ preferred method, allowing teams to socialise and build rapport, accelerating the creation of trust between the stakeholders. However, virtual unified communication platforms are a close second-preferred option for communication between the teams. Effective methods for virtual communication in professional practice, such as virtual collaboration environments (CVE), that build trust and achieve similar spontaneous responses as face-to-face communication, are necessary to face the global challenges and can be achieved with the right people, processes and technology. This research paper investigates current industry methods for virtual communication within BIM projects and explores the suitability of avatar interaction in a collaborative virtual environment as an alternative to face-to-face communication to enhance collaboration between design teams’ professional practice on a project. Hence, this paper presents comparisons between the effectiveness of these communication methods within construction design teams with results of further experiments conducted to test recommendations for more efficient methods for virtual communication to add value in the workplace between design teams.


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Virtual territories and their theme parks are more akin to the physical world of real estate than they might at first appear. The trick in triggering the designer's imagination, is to find a 'nice renovator' (cottage/ house) at a low price, with loads of potential, and by doing it on the cheap to add character, and engage the imagination. Here the designer can construct changes from an imagined space. Vision is more important than how the actual place presents.This work describes a case study involving undergraduate students in the Creative Industries who needed a place to explore, so as to create their own visions and projects. The place had to inspire, trigger engagement, and their imaginations. At the same time it was important that the place did not coerce activity, or distract from the task by confusing tools with task, or architectural navigation with conceptual skills.The solution was an alternate reality.


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Esta tese trata do impacto nas Comunicações Internas das Organizações em relação à virtualidade e teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as mudanças ocorridas na comunicação interna das organizações privadas com o advento das tecnologias. Para atingir nosso objetivo fizemos uso da pesquisa bibliográfica, partindo do exame das teorias comunicacionais disponíveis e dos recursos técnicos inerentes à comunicação e às tecnologias da informação aplicadas à organização. Estabelecemos a convergência em relação às tendências e efeitos que poderão ser observados, por meio de um diálogo com especialistas da área Comunicacional através de um estudo qualitativo, onde fizemos uso da metodologia do Painel Delphi com o intuito de descrevermos e analisarmos as mudanças ocorridas nos meios, analisarmos seus impactos e traçarmos um cenário futuro em relação à utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ambiente organizacional interno. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa demonstraram que a comunicação interna organizacional deverá ser intensamente mediada por computador, mas não se limitará a ele, justamente pela realidade e condição cultural de cada organização, um mix comunicacional (com veículos tradicionais e virtuais) deverá ser a condição mais lógica para uma comunicação eficiente, uma vez que abrange todo o tipo de público e formato de mensagens.(AU)


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Esta tese trata do impacto nas Comunicações Internas das Organizações em relação à virtualidade e teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as mudanças ocorridas na comunicação interna das organizações privadas com o advento das tecnologias. Para atingir nosso objetivo fizemos uso da pesquisa bibliográfica, partindo do exame das teorias comunicacionais disponíveis e dos recursos técnicos inerentes à comunicação e às tecnologias da informação aplicadas à organização. Estabelecemos a convergência em relação às tendências e efeitos que poderão ser observados, por meio de um diálogo com especialistas da área Comunicacional através de um estudo qualitativo, onde fizemos uso da metodologia do Painel Delphi com o intuito de descrevermos e analisarmos as mudanças ocorridas nos meios, analisarmos seus impactos e traçarmos um cenário futuro em relação à utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ambiente organizacional interno. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa demonstraram que a comunicação interna organizacional deverá ser intensamente mediada por computador, mas não se limitará a ele, justamente pela realidade e condição cultural de cada organização, um mix comunicacional (com veículos tradicionais e virtuais) deverá ser a condição mais lógica para uma comunicação eficiente, uma vez que abrange todo o tipo de público e formato de mensagens.