906 resultados para Network resource management


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The Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (the Reef Plan) is a joint initiative of the Australian and Queensland Governments. The Reef Plan aims to progress an integrated approach to natural resource management planning by building on the existing partnerships between the different levels of government, industry groups, the community and research providers within the Reef catchments, principally through partnerships with the regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies.


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Despite the social and (increasingly) commercial significance of sport and sporting bodies worldwide, they remain under-represented in the mainstream management literature. One of the more recent and dramatic examples of the global sports-media nexus is the 'Super League saga' in Australia. This paper recounts the tale of the Super League saga, providing a holistic analysis of the events and competitive issues arising by drawing on literatures concerning the economic nature and value of sports leagues, the resource-based view of the firm and the nature of psychological contracts in changing environments. The analysis confirms the general monopolistic tendencies of professional sports leagues in an increasingly global industry driven by the sports-media nexus, in accord with a number of comparable cases internationally. The particular conditions of the Australian marketplace that exacerbate this tendency beyond, for example, that found in the USA, and differences in the outcomes of battles between rival leagues are also considered. The Super League saga portrays the importance of effective management of resources key to the production of the 'rugby league product' including, among others, the often over-looked importance of careful management of local resources for the success of global strategies, and, where human resources are key, the importance of psychological contracting. The holistic analysis of the Super League saga in Australia affords lessons that extend well beyond the realm of sports.


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Free-ranging koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) were monitored by means of radio-relocation in the area of Blair Athol Coal Mine and surrounding properties. Daytime tree use, home range and diet of these koalas was determined in spring and autumn, as was the leaf moisture composition of potential fodder species. Koalas used on average 93 (male koalas) and 56 (female koalas) trees during the period of observation, occupying home ranges of 135 and 101 ha respectively. Mean sightings per tree were 1.19 for both males and females and home-range sizes were not significantly different between sexes or seasons. Koalas were observed returning to previously used daytime roosting trees infrequently (


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The moth larva, Doratifera stenosa (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), was observed feeding voraciously in great numbers on mature leaves of Rhizophora stylosa in mangroves at Port Curtis in Central Queensland, NE Australia. This behaviour was considered unusual since mangroves, and the Rhizophora species in particular, reportedly harbour few herbivores and have relatively low levels of herbivory, less than 10%. During a two year period (1996-1998), larvae were observed consuming around 30-40% of leaves in the canopy each year, and the mangroves appeared able to sustain these high levels of herbivory. The impact on trees was assessed in conjunction with a study of the herbivore, its behaviour and life history, in an attempt to explain the occurrence. Larvae were 1-2 cm in length, bright green and gregarious, with numerous small, stinging hairs along their upper bodies. Feeding was in small cohort groups of 5-70 individuals that broke up immediately prior to each moult after which they regrouped in much larger numbers of mixed cohorts to form single-file processions across branches, stems and prop roots. In this way, they moved to neighbouring trees with less affected foliage. One of the outstanding characteristics of this herbivore was its ability to desist from killing host trees although it appeared quite capable of doing so had it remained on individual trees. By moving from tree to tree, the herbivore was able to heavily crop Rhizophora foliage in an apparently sustainable manner. These findings demonstrate the role and importance of foliar herbivory in severely affected forests and how such instances best not be ignored or treated as curiosities in future assessments of herbivory and forest turnover in mangrove ecosystems.


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The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) is a modular modelling framework that has been developed by the Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit in Australia. APSIM was developed to simulate biophysical process in farming systems, in particular where there is interest in the economic and ecological outcomes of management practice in the face of climatic risk. The paper outlines APSIM's structure and provides details of the concepts behind the different plant, soil and management modules. These modules include a diverse range of crops, pastures and trees, soil processes including water balance, N and P transformations, soil pH, erosion and a full range of management controls. Reports of APSIM testing in a diverse range of systems and environments are summarised. An example of model performance in a long-term cropping systems trial is provided. APSIM has been used in a broad range of applications, including support for on-farm decision making, farming systems design for production or resource management objectives, assessment of the value of seasonal climate forecasting, analysis of supply chain issues in agribusiness activities, development of waste management guidelines, risk assessment for government policy making and as a guide to research and education activity. An extensive citation list for these model testing and application studies is provided. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fifteen years ago it was proposed that the conversion of kangaroos from a pest to an economically valuable resource would allow graziers to reduce the numbers of domestic stock and thereby lower total grazing pressure. Since then, little progress towards this goal has been achieved. This is believed to be due mainly to the low prices obtained for kangaroo products. A survey of graziers in south-west Queensland was carried out to discover their opinions on kangaroos as a potential economic resource. Questions on the harvesting of feral goats were also included in the survey because of the contrast this industry provides to kangaroo harvesting in terms of grazier involvement. The results of the survey are discussed in relation to resource ownership rights; kangaroo product prices and marketing; and competition within the kangaroo harvesting industry. They show that while low kangaroo product prices do act as a disincentive to graziers, other administrative, legal and institutional factors are also important impediments to their entry to the industry. It is concluded that until the focus of attention widens to include consideration of these as well as just market factors, little progress will be made towards integrating graziers into the kangaroo harvesting industry.


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As Organiza????es Sociais (OS) s??o organiza????es sem fins lucrativos, ???qualificadas??? para absorver atividades executadas por organiza????es p??blicas, nos termos e condi????es estabelecidas em contratos de gest??o firmados entre organiza????es e o governo. Este artigo relata os principais resultados do semin??rio ???O modelo OS: li????es e oportunidades de melhorias???, realizado em outubro de 2001, do qual participaram gestores e t??cnicos da Secretaria de Gest??o (SEGES), de OS, de ??rg??os supervisores dessas organiza????es, de ??rg??os intervenientes, e especialistas em gest??o p??blica. Com rela????o ??s OS analisadas, pode-se perceber que: a) h?? controv??rsias e ambig??idades quanto ?? sua natureza jur??dica e quanto ao processo de avalia????o dessas organiza????es; b) a gest??o de recursos humanos ?? afetada pela exist??ncia de grupos submetidos a distintos regimes de trabalho, isto ??, Estatuto dos Funcion??rios P??blicos e Consolida????o das Leis do Trabalho; c) a gest??o de recursos financeiros ?? marcada pela irregularidade no fluxo dos referidos recursos; e d) o controle dos bens p??blicos ocorre de forma fr??gil e o processo de compra est?? sendo realizado sem problemas. Com base nessas considera????es, o documento prop??e algumas sugest??es de aperfei??oamento do modelo OS.


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O artigo analisa o processo de reforma administrativa empreendida na Austr??lia ao longo das d??cadas de 70-80, destacando duas de suas principais tend??ncias: o fortalecimento da ???Fun????o Executiva Superior???e a valoriza????o da cidadania. Nele s??o descritos os princ??pios b??sicos norteadores da reforma ao longo dos anos 70, bem como, os objetivos visados com a segunda fase das reformas executadas a partir da d??cada de 80, implementadas por governos trabalhistas. Destaca-se a organiza????o e o funcionamento do sistema das Ag??ncias de Ombudsmen e dos Comiss??rios de Contas respons??veis pela fiscaliza????o e gest??o or??ament??ria. A seguir, s??o descritas algumas das a????es encaminhadas pela Public Service Commission (PSC) no sentido de aperfei??oar o gerenciamento e o melhor desempenho dos recursos humanos, destacando a introdu????o do importante conceito de Novo Profissionalismo, assentado em valores como responsabilidade para com o governo, foco nos resultados, m??rito como valor b??sico, altos n??veis de integridade e probidade na conduta, desempenho com accountability e melhoramento cont??nuo do desempenho das equipes e indiv??duos. Outro importante instrumento analisado ?? o Human Resource Management, atrav??s do qual as autoridades australianas introduziram novas pr??ticas como negocia????o no local de trabalho, plano de oportunidades igualit??rias no local de trabalho e o plano de treinamento e especializa????o. Para finalizar, o artigo enfoca a pol??tica de contratualiza????o de servi??os p??blicos adotada na Austr??lia ??? os Competitive Tendering and Contracting, evidenciando os fatores indutores da ado????o desta nova pr??tica de gest??o.


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O texto examina as estrat??gias e os sistemas que devem ser considerados para se alcan??ar a melhor gest??o de recursos humanos no setor p??blico. Inicialmente, baseado em tr??s modelos tradicionais de administra????o p??blica, sugere uma abordagem hol??stica para aumentar a efetividade da gest??o. Em seguida, defende a id??ia de um ??rg??o ???guardi??o??? central, que considere o princ??pio do m??rito e que divida com os ??rg??os de linha a responsabilidade sobre a GRH. Mostra, ainda, a import??ncia de institucionalizar os valores da imparcialidade, do profissionalismo e da responsividade. Ao tratar da profissionaliza????o da GRH, ressalta a necessidade de uma pol??tica que defina como a gest??o de pessoas contribuir?? para o alcance de objetivos governamentais. Para isso, prop??e a aplica????o de um modelo integrado baseado em compet??ncias e o desenvolvimento de uma pol??tica salarial que permita a atra????o e reten????o de talentos no setor p??blico. Ao final, o texto apresenta os pr??s e contras da gest??o por desempenho, bem como os desafios de um redimensionamento organizacional no servi??o p??blico.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Ecologia Marinha), 26 de Novembro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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As instituições particulares de solidariedade social (IPSS) são entidades constituídas por iniciativa de particulares e sem finalidade lucrativa com o propósito de dar expressão organizada ao dever moral de solidariedade e de justiça entre os indivíduos. Considerando as dificuldades económicas que Portugal atravessa estas instituições assumem um papel fundamental na sociedade de hoje, sendo o mesmo reconhecido por estado e clientes. O capital humano é o elemento central no que concerne aos ativos intangíveis e é formado pelas pessoas que integram a instituição. É essencial analisar a gestão dos recursos humanos das IPSS tendo em conta que estes, alinhados com a direção, são parte fulcral para a instituição atingir os objetivos a que se propõe. Com este estudo pretendemos analisar as práticas de gestão de recursos humanos aplicadas pelas IPSS e para o conseguir utilizamos um questionário diagnóstico, distribuído a uma amostra da população, e analisamos as práticas de uma IPSS através de um estudo de caso. O estudo mostrou que as IPSS aplicam maioritariamente a gestão administrativa de recursos humanos e que a regulamentação das instituições por parte da Segurança Social é um fator importante na tipologia de gestão aplicada. As conclusões baseiam-se na análise do estudo de caso e das respostas ao questionário, pelas IPSS da amostra, razão pela qual a generalização das conclusões deverá ser ponderada.


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Dissertação apresentada no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria ORIENTADOR: DOUTORA MARIA CLARA DIAS PINTO RIBEIRO