686 resultados para Musicología feminista


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A cikk a nők és férfiak szervezetekben elfoglalt helyét vizsgálja, vállaltan feminista nézőpontból. Az írás részletesen kitér arra is, hogy a jól megfigyelhető tények milyen más társadalmi jelenségekkel függhetnek össze. A szerzők a bevezető részben vázolják a feminizmus összetett jelentésrétegeit, és rámutatnak arra, hogy a feminizmuson belül számtalan irányzat létezik (liberális, radikális, pszichoanalitikus, marxista, szocialista, posztmodern/posztstrukturalista, (poszt)koloniális vagy harmadik világ feminizmusa), amelyek kérdésfeltevésükben, a probléma definiálásában és a megoldási javaslatokban erőteljesen eltérnek egymástól. A tanulmány két szervezeti problémát emel ki: a vertikális szegregációt (üvegplafon-jelenség) és a horizontális szegregációt (üvegfaljelenség). A szerzők azt elemzik, hogy a feminizmus különböző irányzatainak képviselői milyen lépéseket tesznek akkor, ha látják, hogy a horizontális és vertikális szegregációnak köszönhetően egy nőnek nem ugyanazok az esélyei, mint a hozzá hasonlóan tehetséges férfi kollégáinak. Az írás megoldási és továbblépési javaslatokkal zárul.


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La narrativa de Silvina Ocampo (1903-1993) no goza del lugar que merece en la ficción argentina y latinoamericana como obra de la principal cuentista del siglo XX. Hace relativamente poco que su obra comenzó a despertar el interés de la crítica, atención que se evidencia en la cantidad de artículos y disertaciones recientes. Mediante una disección de la narrativa ocampeana a partir de las grandes coordenadas que la intersectan se pueden caracterizar los aspectos peculiares y distintivos de su estilo. Desarrollada tras la consolidación del psicoanálisis y su influencia en la estética surrealista, la narrativa de Ocampo incorpora algunos de esos elementos. El género fantástico también se articula aunque mediante una selección de rasgos configurados a su modo. Si bien Ocampo rechaza la etiqueta de feminista, ciertos aspectos de su estilo sólo pueden explicarse a partir de la visión particular de una mujer escritora y su representación de la identidad y las relaciones. La lectura pormenorizada de varios cuentos recogidos en “Cuentos completos” I y II (1999), once volúmenes publicados durante su vida, pertenecientes a distintos períodos de su producción permiten realizar un análisis diacrónico que ofrece una caracterización redonda de su estilo y evolución. El análisis sincrónico de estos textos incorpora datos históricos acerca del contexto de producción; a la vez que otras obras literarias del período ofrecen un punto de comparación para identificar influencias y contribuciones. Este análisis, realizado desde el marco teórico de la crítica literaria, da cuenta de la presencia de constituyentes narrativos (narrador, ironía, ambigüedad) que configuran espacios de indeterminación, noción postulada por las teorías de la recepción. Éstos explican las peculiares características de la obra ocampeana: su habilidad para inquietar, intrigar, sorprender y, en suma, desestabilizar al lector y sus expectativas. Es más, sirven para explicar la idiosincrática representación de la realidad que emana de su obra, su interés en lo fantástico y la articulación de lo anti-convencional, como mecanismo subversivo para escapar del orden social dominante, lo cual revela sensibilidades protofeministas. La narrativa de Silvina Ocampo se resiste al reduccionismo y construye una visión peculiar y multifacética de la artista y su obra.


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The inequalities that mark the women’s lives in societies around the world have been the subject of intense discussion by the feminist movement, with developments in questioning about possibilities of full citizenship. In this scenario the Brazilian feminist movement has achieved steadily, in recent decades, an effort to participate in the formulation of the public policy agenda, as well as the realization of demands to institutionalize the legal parameters as regulations for the issue of violence against women. On the grounds of social justice, many discourses are made with a focus on reframing the institutional role of the state in the areas of constitutional law and criminal law. Considering these discourses, proposals were reformulated and the action of the state was resized, what ended in the enactment of Law 11,340 / 2006 (Maria da Penha Law), with a great impact on the Brazilian criminal justice system. Taking this perspective as its starting point, this research is focused on understanding the struggles for access to the legal field regarding the implementation of the Maria da Penha Law. This qualitative and quantitative research analyses the way the social practices and social representations which involve activists of the feminist movement and operators from the justice system are established in Juazeiro/ BA and Petrolina/PE before the institutional reshuffles of the state. As a result, it was revealed that, despite inconsistencies in the performance of the criminal justice system, the positioning of feminist activism is grounded on the assumption.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the assistance for the female adolescents perpetrators of offences in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Through the Thematic Oral History and Documentary Analysis methods, we sought to uncover historical aspects of the work provided in women’s units of the Fundação dos Direitos das Crianças e Adolescentes (FUNDAC) [Foundation for the Rights of Children and Adolescents], from the experiences of professionals who have worked in these units since the beginning of their activities. For this, we made visits to FUNDAC and the Centro Educacional Padre João Maria (CEDUC) [Educational Center Father João Maria], to identify professionals who could participate in the study, as well as institutional documents on routine of treatment. Eight professionals were found from three identified units: Granja Santana, Instituto Padre João Maria and CEDUC, who were interviewed according to a semi-structured script. The analysis of the collected material is supported in Marxian theory and feminist perspective on the sexual division of labor. The results are organized into five areas of analysis: (1) the creation of the service units; (2) the deviant “behavior”: reasons for institutionalization of female adolescents; (3) educational proposal: a female version; service strategies and; the rules and punishment: the domesticated teenage girl. The study indicates that the commission of the offense by the female adolescents in state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) has been associated with the conduct of their families, particularly their mothers. Moreover, in general, service strategies, educational proposals, disciplinary measures were and have been developed based on the naturalization of what is female. Therefore, the assistance to adolescent girls in RN, those thirty-five years, left intact the existing hierarchy in social relations between the sexes, it reproduced the subordination of female adolescents in the juvenile justice system.


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The notion of autonomy arises in feminism as theory and action for horizontal and building self-appointed women in the project of social transformation. As part of the feminist movement - political subject of women - the autonomy is established dynamically, back and forth from the socio-historical context that sign and thus the correlation of forces that is with the women's group . Thus, for this work it was necessary to feminism take on your current process, which set the transitional period of "onguização" of feminist organizations (1980 to 2000), which discusses the relative loss of autonomy before the alliance as State and dependence on development agencies, for the current period, which incorporates discourses and practices through autonomous groups and their militants. Therefore, this study is based on research of autonomous feminism of young women, characterized as another radical and political integration proposed for that period. The aim then was to analyze the organizational capacity of autonomous feminist collective in Natal/RN, from the knowledge of the structure and dynamics of a group and understanding the consubstantiality gender, 'race'/ethnicity, class for the process organization. And with the participation of the Coletivo Autônomo Feminista Leila Diniz. This was in organizational transition, ending his career as ONGs and leaving for autonomous militancy. In order to achieve the so-objectification proposal, literature review was performed of the categories, feminism, autonomy, patriarchy, feminist activist conscientiously and collective; documentary research relating to the Group; participant observations within their meetings; and a themed workshop with some militants Autonomous Collective, which was produced pictures and speeches. The materialization of these instruments provided research analysis on the elements that constitute the young feminists and contemporary autonomous organizations, in view of the multiple experiences and the diversity of women who configures the subject [the subject] while feminist collective total. As well as taking a feminist militancy conscience expressed by the group studied the necessary re-appropriation of each other in combating patriarchal femininity, the hierarchical naturalizations marking the sex of women and the recognition as sex class for feminist autonomous organization for women's liberation.


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This dissertation is the result of a research process that sought , from the speech of women in situations of violence , examine the difficulties these women to access the "network " of assistance to women victims of violence in the city of Natal/RN . Therefore , we made a critical analysis from the perspective of totality on the processual ontological " being a woman " and " be a man " , articulating the determinations of the subjective and objective dimensions in the lives of women at this juncture . Thus , also reflecting on the system of oppression of women through Capitalism / Patriarchate , articulated with other determinations of reality , as race / ethnicity , sexual orientation , generation and territoriality . Because of the oppression of women in all aspects of social life , the feminist movement led to the public domain claims against the oppressions of women and fight for Public Social Policies that aim to the particularities of women , among them, the social policies of coping violence against women . The speeches of the women interviewed show the contradictory aspect of work in women's lives . On the one hand , can become a means to financial independence ( with the possibility of exit from violent means). On the other , it can become "cause " of justification for the exercise of violence against women by their partners or former partners . Also show that despite legal advances , there is no effective implementation of policies aimed at women . This occurs as a result of capitalism / patriarchy and the context of neoliberal management of big capital . Thus , the feminist movement , as well as the social movement of the working class , must seek the empowerment of women through the struggle to end all forms of oppression , exploitation and domination among humans.


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Studies show that the theme of gender relations within the MST (Rural Landless Workers Movement) has incorporated some feminist guidelines discussions in the set of its speeches and daily practices. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the production of meanings about the political militancy of women linked to MST in Rio Grande do Norte. The specific objectives sought to identify the continuities and ruptures related to the women's role in the family of the militant women and to investigate the militant’s discursive positioning about their work. The study is configured as a qualitative research, which six women militants linked to the MST at the RN participated. These women occupy the coordination and leadership functions in the movement. We will use a semi-structured interview, initially guided by triggering questions that included, among others, the dimensions: political militancy, family and work as an access tool to the phenomenon. The reports were analyzed from an initial categorization, based on the guiding principles: militancy, family and work, and were based on theoretical perspective of studies about the production of meaning, discursive practices, social psychology and gender studies. The meanings of militancy point to: contribution, hope, recognition, transformation, awareness and fight. The results show that there is always a positivation speech of life, achievements of a formation and about a new place as a woman at stake. These results come justified by the collective investment of struggle, not only for the access to land, but for social rights achievements too. Finally, the MST stands with a discursive agency that contributes to produce in these women not only the way of political participation: but a way to be exercised with collective subjects and their rights.


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Studies show that the theme of gender relations within the MST (Rural Landless Workers Movement) has incorporated some feminist guidelines discussions in the set of its speeches and daily practices. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the production of meanings about the political militancy of women linked to MST in Rio Grande do Norte. The specific objectives sought to identify the continuities and ruptures related to the women's role in the family of the militant women and to investigate the militant’s discursive positioning about their work. The study is configured as a qualitative research, which six women militants linked to the MST at the RN participated. These women occupy the coordination and leadership functions in the movement. We will use a semi-structured interview, initially guided by triggering questions that included, among others, the dimensions: political militancy, family and work as an access tool to the phenomenon. The reports were analyzed from an initial categorization, based on the guiding principles: militancy, family and work, and were based on theoretical perspective of studies about the production of meaning, discursive practices, social psychology and gender studies. The meanings of militancy point to: contribution, hope, recognition, transformation, awareness and fight. The results show that there is always a positivation speech of life, achievements of a formation and about a new place as a woman at stake. These results come justified by the collective investment of struggle, not only for the access to land, but for social rights achievements too. Finally, the MST stands with a discursive agency that contributes to produce in these women not only the way of political participation: but a way to be exercised with collective subjects and their rights.


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This work aims to analyze the short stories “Prelude”, “At the Bay” and “The Doll’s House”, by Katherine Mansfield under the prism of the gender studies (mainly on the works of Joan Scott and Elisabeth Badinter). To reach such objective, and based on the feminist criticism works (especially those of Elaine Showalter and Toril Moi), we analyzed the three stories, which are from the writer’s so-called “family phase”. The present work contains a bibliographical contextualization of Mansfield’s modernist work under three main aspects: modernism, the short story and women’s writing/writings on women. From the analysis of the three short stories, we observed that questions of gender, representation and identity were depicted by means of the preponderance of female characters from all ages, marital statuses and classes. At the end it was possible to verify how Mansfield works contributed to a reflection about places and roles occupied by women in turn of the XIX and XX Centuries, whereas how this author was also in search for her own identity as a woman and as a writer, exactly in a context when women writers and women’s writings started to become more visible face to a predominantly masculine literary canon.


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Existe un amplio consenso acerca de que uno de los medios más efectivos para medir el grado de conocimientos que una nación ha alcanzado, tanto en materia de ciencias como de artes, puede consistir en el análisis de sus diccionarios o enciclopedias. En ellos se codifica el sentir general de una sociedad y, mediante una lectura integral y analítica, parecen servir como muestra del pulso intelectual y cultural de una comunidad lingüística en un momento determinado. Partiendo de dichas hipótesis, Las palabras de la música… plantea un estudio en profundidad –a caballo entre la ciencia musicológica y la investigación lexicográfica– de las voces de la música contenidas en el Diccionario de autoridades (1726-1739). De igual manera, con el presente trabajo pretendemos apuntar las principales problemáticas derivadas de la inclusión de una alta cantidad de léxico de la música en el primer corpus académico, la ambigua relación de la Corporación con esta disciplina, así como reivindicar enfoques y metodologías interdisciplinares para ensayar, desde la musicología, nuevas narrativas historiográficas.


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Esta investigación aporta un modelo multidisciplinar con el objetivo de analizar las bandas sonoras de las colaboraciones que se dieron entre directores del Nuevo Cine Español y compositores de la denominada Generación del 51: Carlos Saura y Luis de Pablo, Mario Camus y Antón García Abril, Basilio Martín Patino y Carmelo Bernaola. El modelo analítico que se desarrolla en este estudio responde a dos cuestiones: ¿Existen fórmulas universales en el lenguaje musical aplicado a la imagen cinematográfica que influyan en la percepción del espectador? ¿De dónde vienen esas fórmulas? Una vez identificadas las variables que pueden determinar el proceso de percepción y planteadas las herramientas que estas variables nos aportan, proponemos un modelo analítico que contemple estas herramientas. Tras revisar los estudios realizados en diversos campos, concluimos el alto grado de importancia que tiene el sonido y la música como extensión y estilización de éste, a la hora de influir, modificar y dirigir las percepciones del espectador. A partir de esta premisa, el modelo analítico que desarrollamos para abordar las relaciones en el audiovisual, se basa en herramientas proporcionadas por la semiótica, la etnomusicología, la antropología, la psicología de la música, la musicología cognitiva, la neurociencia, la musicoterapia, las funciones narrativas cinematográficas y la música...


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El siguiente trabajo intenta proponer un cambio a cargo de los profesionales de la educación física en la enseñanza de los deportes, partiendo del deporte escolar en las clases de educación física hasta las prácticas deportivas de alto rendimiento que funcionan como espejo en la sociedad. Este cambio está enmarcado en la propuesta de analizar el deporte y su enseñanza desde una mirada feminista y comprender la opresión que este genera en el cuerpo de la mujer así poder deconstruir las practicas cotidianas. Comenzando el análisis pensando al deporte como la tercer pata de una analogía que plantea como las dos principales lógicas de opresión; el sistema capitalista y el sistema patriarcal


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El siguiente trabajo intenta proponer un cambio a cargo de los profesionales de la educación física en la enseñanza de los deportes, partiendo del deporte escolar en las clases de educación física hasta las prácticas deportivas de alto rendimiento que funcionan como espejo en la sociedad. Este cambio está enmarcado en la propuesta de analizar el deporte y su enseñanza desde una mirada feminista y comprender la opresión que este genera en el cuerpo de la mujer así poder deconstruir las practicas cotidianas. Comenzando el análisis pensando al deporte como la tercer pata de una analogía que plantea como las dos principales lógicas de opresión; el sistema capitalista y el sistema patriarcal


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This paper presents a proposal for analyzing discourses on gender equality in organizations. The research is carried out as a case study, focusing on the chemical industry in Tarragona. To the question: why there are still so many differences between women and men in labour market, despite having multiple tools to avoid inequalities? we propose to focus on discourses of equality to find an answer. The viewpoint that companies have on gender is crucial in enabling policies for equality. To ensure that policies are truly aimed at promoting equality, it is needed a gender approach that nowadays is not widespread in organizations. From these considerations, we present a fourfold typology of discourses on equality in organizations.


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Research on women’s employment has proliferated over recent decades, often under a perspective that conceptualizes female labour market activity as independent of male presences and absences in the productive and reproductive spheres. In the face of these approaches, the article argues the need to focus on the couple as the unit of analysis of work-life articulation. After referring to the main theoretical arguments that, from a gender perspective within labour studies, have pointed out the relevance of placing the household as the central space for the analysis of the sexual division of labour, the article reviews different empirical contributions that have incorporated such perspective in the international literature. Next, the state of the art in the Spanish literature is presented, before arguing the desirability of applying such framework of analysis to the study of employment and care work in Spanish households, which are at present undergoing major transformations.