961 resultados para Duprez, Pierre (1...-19..) -- Photographies
Transcripción del discurso que pronunció el Ministro de Educación Nacional, D. Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez, con motivo de la aprobación por el Pleno de las Cortes Españolas de dos leyes de importante transcendencia para el ámbito de la educación: la Ley de Especialidades Médicas y Farmacéuticas y la Ley de Formación Profesional Industrial. El Sr. Ministro abrió su discurso con agradecimientos hacia las Cortes. Continuó exponiendo las razones y motivos de la nueva Ley de Enseñanza Profesional Industrial y después hizo una glosa sintética del texto del proyecto. Terminó hablando sobre la expansión y el cumplimiento de las Leyes.
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Monográfico con el título: 'Didácticas específicas'
Monográfico con el título: 'La educación y el profesorado en una sociedad global-plural'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Se dise??a un cuadernillo de resoluci??n de problemas matem??ticos para alumnado de 2.?? curso del 2.?? ciclo de Educaci??n Primaria, Se trata de fomentar un h??bito adecuado en la consecuci??n de estrategias en la resoluci??n de problemas, hecho intimamente ligado a la competencia para aprender a aprender. Se trata de profundizar en el desarrollo de una matem??tica constructiva y motivadora relacion??ndola con la realidad cotidiana, que facilite en el alumnado la competencia en el conocimiento y al interacci??n con el mundo f??sico
El presente ensayo ofrece una breve reseña histórica de las políticas de integración regional y cooperación internacional puestas en práctica por Venezuela desde la restauración de la democracia representativa en 1958 hasta la fecha. Éstas se vinculan, por un lado, a los cambios en las prioridades y objetivos de la política exterior nacional así como a las transformaciones en el panorama regional e internacional, y, por el otro, a las dinámicas internas del país. Si bien se identifica un nítido parte aguas entre las varias etapas del régimen del Pacto de Punto Fijo (1958-1998) y el inicio del proceso bolivariano, en este análisis se insiste en que el desenvolvimiento de la política internacional venezolana y de sus proyectos de integración regional y cooperación internacional lleva marcadamente el sello que define estructuralmente a Venezuela como un país rentista petrolero, implicando la continuidad de ciertos patrones, condicionamientos y peculiaridades que, a la hora de caracterizar su funcionamiento y valorar su impacto, parecerían incidir de manera ambigua en la consecución de los objetivos emancipadores del proyecto bolivariano.
The influence on the summer flow over Asia of both the orographic and thermal forcing of the Tibetan Plateau is investigated using a sequence of idealised experiments with a global primitive equation model. The zonally averaged flow is prescribed and both realistic and idealised orography and heating are used. There is some similarity between the responses to the two forcings when applied separately. The upper tropospheric Tibetan anticyclone is predominantly forced by the heating but also weakly by the orography. Below this, both forcings tend to give air descending in an equatorward anticyclonic circulation down the isentropes to the west and rising in a similar poleward circulation to the east. However the heating-only response has a strong ascending southwesterly flow that is guided around the south and south-east of the orography when it is included. On the northern side, the westerly flow over the orography gives ascent on the upslope and descent on the downslope. It is found that heating over the Plateau leads to a potential vorticity (PV) minimum and that if it is sufficiently strong the flow is unstable, producing a quasi-biweekly oscillation. During this oscillation the Tibetan anticyclone changes between a single centre over the southwestern side of the Plateau and a split/double structure with centres over China and the Middle East. These characteristics are similar to observed variability in the region. Associated with this quasi-biweekly oscillation are significant variations in the strength of the ascent over the Plateau and the Rossby wave pattern over the North Pacific. The origin of the variability is instability associated with the zonally extended potential vorticity PV minimum on a θ-surface, as proposed by Hsu and Plumb (2000). This minimum is due to the tendency to reduce the PV above the heating over the Plateau and to advection by the consequent anticyclone of high PV around from the east and low PV to the west. The deep convection to the south and southeast of the Plateau tends to suppress the quasi-biweekly oscillation because the low PV produced above it acts to reduce the meridional PV gradient reversal. The occurrence of the oscillation depends on the relative magnitude of the heating in the two regions.
Four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) combines the information from a time sequence of observations with the model dynamics and a background state to produce an analysis. In this paper, a new mathematical insight into the behaviour of 4D-Var is gained from an extension of concepts that are used to assess the qualitative information content of observations in satellite retrievals. It is shown that the 4D-Var analysis increments can be written as a linear combination of the singular vectors of a matrix which is a function of both the observational and the forecast model systems. This formulation is used to consider the filtering and interpolating aspects of 4D-Var using idealized case-studies based on a simple model of baroclinic instability. The results of the 4D-Var case-studies exhibit the reconstruction of the state in unobserved regions as a consequence of the interpolation of observations through time. The results also exhibit the filtering of components with small spatial scales that correspond to noise, and the filtering of structures in unobserved regions. The singular vector perspective gives a very clear view of this filtering and interpolating by the 4D-Var algorithm and shows that the appropriate specification of the a priori statistics is vital to extract the largest possible amount of useful information from the observations. Copyright © 2005 Royal Meteorological Society
This paper explores Dworkin's 'law as a chain novel' analogy and considers the recent work of Dworkin and MacCormick through close scrutiny of two recent judgments of Lord Hoffmann, in Barlow Clowes v Eurotrust International [2005] UKPC 37 and Barker v Corus [2006] UKHL 20. The aim is to examine Dworkin's theory in the context of recent English private law decisions and determine whether Lord Hoffmann's approach to interpretation is consistent with that of Dworkin (as his Lordship has contended in the past). It is argued that Lord Hoffmann's treatment of recent decisions on which he himself sat raises significant questions regarding fidelity, coherence and the institutional structure of the House of Lords.