965 resultados para Soccer player


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In Crypto’95, Micali and Sidney proposed a method for shared generation of a pseudo-random function f(·) among n players in such a way that for all the inputs x, any u players can compute f(x) while t or fewer players fail to do so, where 0 ≤ t < u ≤ n. The idea behind the Micali-Sidney scheme is to generate and distribute secret seeds S = s1, . . . , sd of a poly-random collection of functions, among the n players, each player gets a subset of S, in such a way that any u players together hold all the secret seeds in S while any t or fewer players will lack at least one element from S. The pseudo-random function is then computed as where f s i (·)’s are poly-random functions. One question raised by Micali and Sidney is how to distribute the secret seeds satisfying the above condition such that the number of seeds, d, is as small as possible. In this paper, we continue the work of Micali and Sidney. We first provide a general framework for shared generation of pseudo-random function using cumulative maps. We demonstrate that the Micali-Sidney scheme is a special case of this general construction.We then derive an upper and a lower bound for d. Finally we give a simple, yet efficient, approximation greedy algorithm for generating the secret seeds S in which d is close to the optimum by a factor of at most u ln 2.


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This study explores the idea of video games where the players are not just allowed to express themselves creatively, but are challenged to do so and are judged based on the quality of their creative expression. The outcome of the research is a series of six games which comment on this idea. The study also raises further questions regarding how current video games are constructed and designed in comparison with non-computer games, and invites a further evolution of the craft of video game design in a direction that focuses more on interpreting and reacting to what the player is doing.


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There is little question of the social, cultural and economic importance of video games in the world today, with gaming now rivalling the movie and music sectors as a major leisure industry and pastime. The significance of video games within our everyday lives has certainly been increased and shaped by new technologies and gaming patterns, including the rise of home-based games consoles, advances in mobile telephone technology, the rise in more 'sociable' forms of gaming, and of course the advent of the Internet. This book explores the opportunities, challenges and patterns of gameplay and sociality afforded by the Internet and online gaming. Bringing together a series of original essays from both leading and emerging academics in the field of game studies, many of which employ new empirical work and innovative theoretical approaches to gaming, this book considers key issues crucial to our understanding of online gaming and associated social relations, including: patterns of play, legal and copyright issues, player production, identity construction, gamer communities, communication, patterns of social exclusion and inclusion around religion, gender and disability, and future directions in online gaming.


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A great football novel is like a perfectly executed bicycle-kick goal, like players such as Argentine legends Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi; they come along once in a generation. Against the accumulated volume of non-fiction football literature (some people still call it soccer), which could fill and spill out of a World Cup Stadium, football novels are comparatively rare. That said, football or soccer fiction is a genre with a very real and important historical longevity...


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Joy Fear and Poetry is an original performance work written, designed and directed by Natasha Budd in collaboration with 15 performers aged 7-12 years. It was performed in Brisbane as part of La Boite Theatre’s 2013 Indie Season. The production employs contemporary performance, postdramatic and constructivist methodologies to make an intervention into habituated patterns of positioning children in society. It embodies a model of practice that moves beyond participant empowerment toward a more nuanced process of co-artists creating intersubjective ‘composite texts’ (McCall 2011) for mainstream audiences. Joy Fear and Poetry experiments with techniques for performance making that create conditions conducive to authentic theatre making with children. These focus on dramaturgical, directorial and design strategies harnessed to maintain the performers’ focus, motivation and cognitive engagement within a reflexive, collaborative process.


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"Christy Dena’s online-remix-narrative takes iconic images of popular culture and builds with them a strange world where the human fallibility is programmatically deleted. Both dystopic and playful, Dena’s work is an ironic reimagining of pleasure as a state of robotic flatlining, using tropes of science fiction to critique processes of social normalisation and increasing alienation from emotionality." This creative response began as a completely different story and form. What excited me in the end was the concept of deletion and how it could be an interesting mechanic: where the only thing you can do in the world is delete. I thought about deleting parts of robots to make them better. Healing comes from taking away, from removing things. Memories of Joseph Weizenbaum’s chatbot ELIZA came flooding back: where the (human) player is a patient talking to a Rogerian psychotherapist. But in this work I’m switching the roles and making the player the doctor, a doctor to robots…a doctor that can only prescribe deletions. I conceived of the work as a branching narrative, and started writing it in Twine. With every robot patient, the player chose one of many deletions. But when I realised I wouldn’t be able to arrange an artist and sound designer I looked for another option. I played with Zeega and felt that I could get the mood I was after with that platform. So the piece transformed into a work where the player/viewer is imprisoned in the decisions of the deleting protagonist…which has its own effect on the experience and meaning.


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"Information Thru Play: In 2010, responding to the success of The Threshold, Juxt Interactive again asked No Mimes Media, to partner in creating a transmedia experience to entertain and inform Cisco's Global Sales Force. The Hunt put employees at the center of a thriller where characters sent and responded to their emails, left phone messages, communicated through Facebook and Twitter, even asked them to retrieve items from a dead drop and to send them photographs and information. And while helping fictional characters Isabel and Keith escape an ancient secret organization, the sales force also learned about new Cisco technologies coming to market. Cisco had new demands for the 2010 experience. A geographically and culturally dispersed sales force raises challenges when it comes to introducing dozens of new products and technologies each year. Cisco wanted The Hunt to have global reach, to educate, to build collaboration, and to be fun. This demanded new ways of storytelling and new ways of thinking. The Hunt was quick and intense, unfolding in real time in just two weeks. Many experienced players were poised to participate and expectations were high. Many of the mechanics of the previous year's experience were repeated, and the audience ripped through the opening, discovering video clips and websites in minutes. The surprise was discovering Facebook and Twitter accounts, where characters responded to player postings and comments in real time. The Hunt involved audience members from countries around the world, including China, India, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Pakistan, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It highlighted new Cisco technologies like Pulse and Mediator, painlessly engaging the audience in what those technologies do and how they work. Players collaborated across silos, creating networks of cross-disciplinary experts. The Hunt pushed the boundaries of storytelling, with events unfolding on Twitter and Facebook, and in the real world where the audience had to use social engineering to find and secure a package with vital information. With thousands of players highly engaged around the world, The Hunt once again proved that transmedia experiences can effectively be used to not only meet the goals of a brand, but entertain their audience as well."


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Polymorphisms of glutathione transferases (GST) are important genetic determinants of susceptibility to environmental carcinogens (Rebbeck, 1997). The GSTs are a multigene family of dimeric enzymes involved in detoxification, and, in a few cases, the bioactivation of a variety of xenobiotics (Hayes et al., 1995). The cytosolic GST enzyme family consists of four major classes of enzymes, referred to as alpha, mu, pi and theta. Several members of this family (for example, GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) are polymorphic in human populations (Wormhoudt et al., 1999). Molecular epidemiology studies have examined the role of GST polymorphisms as susceptibility factors for environmentally and/or occupationally induced cancers (Wormhoudt et al., 1999). In particular, case-control studies showed a relationship between the GSTM1 null genotype and the development of cancer in association with smoking habits, which has been shown for cancers of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts as well as other cancer types (Miller et al., 1997). Only a few molecular epidemiological studies addressed the role of GSTT1 and GSTP1 polymorphisms in cancer susceptibility. Since GSTP1 is a key player in biotransformation/bioactivation of benzo(a)pyrene, GSTP1 may be even more important than GSTM1 in the prevention of tobacco-induced cancers (Harries et al., 1997; Harris et al., 1998). To date, this relationship has not been sufficiently addressed in humans. Comprehensive molecular epidemiological studies may add to the current knowledge of the role of GST polymorphisms in cancer susceptibility and extent of the knowledge gained from approaches that used phenotyping, such as GSTM1 activity as it relates to trans-stilbene oxide, or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based genotyping of polymorphic isoenzymes (Bell et al., 1993; Pemble et al., 1994; Harries et al., 1997).


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Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is closely linked to the development of skin cancers in humans. The ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation wavelength (280-320 nm), in particular, causes DNA damage in epidermal keratinocytes, which are linked to the generation of signature premalignant mutations. Interactions between dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes play a role in epidermal repair and regeneration after UVB-induced damage. To investigate these processes, established two and three-dimensional culture models were utilized to study the impact of fibroblast-keratinocyte crosstalk during the acute UVB response. Using a coculture system it was observed that fibroblasts enhanced keratinocyte survival and the repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) after UVB radiation exposure. These findings were also mirrored in irradiated human skin coculture models employed in this study. Fibroblast coculture was shown to play a role in the expression and activation of members of the apoptotic cascade, including caspase-3 and Bad. Interestingly, the expression and phosphorylation of p53, a key player in the regulation of keratinocyte cell fate postirradiation, was also shown to be influenced by fibroblast-produced factors. This study highlights the importance of synergistic interactions between fibroblasts and keratinocytes in maintaining a functional epidermis while promoting repair and regeneration following UVB radiation-induced damage.


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Did SBS chief executive Michael Ebeid score a well-timed free kick or an own goal in his attack on the ABC this week? The ABC recently secured the free-to-air television rights for the Asian Cup football tournament to be held in Australia early next year, together with tonight’s match between the Socceroos and Japan. A lower bid by SBS – still in some circles fondly known as the “Soccer Broadcasting Service” – was rejected, dealing a significant blow to the smaller public broadcaster. The ABC was reportedly asked to make a bid by Football Federation Australia. The FFA presumably believes the ABC’s coverage will attract larger audiences to the game. This is despite SBS’s long-term success with the sport. It should not be forgotten, however, that while SBS has largely been defined by its long connection with the world game, ABC was the home of football from the late 1950s until the 1980s. But the stoush is only partly about football. It was surely no coincidence that it comes on the eve of the government’s formal announcement of the size of the cuts to public broadcasting...


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of superstars (and other factors) on football fans’ attraction to competition (i.e. disloyal behavior). Design/methodology/approach – A proprietary data set including archival data on professional German football players and clubs as well as survey data of more than 900 football fans is used. The hypotheses are tested with two-sample mean-comparison t-tests and multivariate probit models. Findings – This study provides evidence that superstars both attract new fans and contribute to the retention of existing fans. While the presence of superstars, team loyalty and team identification prevent football fans from being attracted to competition, the team's recent performance seems to have no effect. Fans who select their favorite player from a competing team rather choose superstars, young players, players who are known for exemplary behavior and defenders. Originality/value – This paper contributes to existing research by expanding the list of antecedents of disloyalty and by being the first to employ independent, quantitative data for the assessment of superstar characteristics in the context of team loyalty.


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Videogame control interfaces continue to evolve beyond their traditional roots, with devices encouraging more natural forms of interaction growing in number and pervasiveness. Yet little is known about their true potential for intuitive use. This paper proposes methods to leverage existing intuitive interaction theory for games research, specifically by examining different types of naturally mapped control interfaces for videogames using new measures for previous player experience. Three commercial control devices for a racing game were categorised using an existing typology, according to how the interface maps physical control inputs with the virtual gameplay actions. The devices were then used in a within-groups (n=64) experimental design aimed at measuring differences in intuitive use outcomes. Results from mixed design ANOVA are discussed, along with implications for the field.


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This thesis is an analyzing creative processes that can be fostered through computer gaming. Outcomes from the research build on our knowledge of how computer games foster creative thinking. The research proposes guidelines that build upon our understanding of the relationship between the creative processes that players undertake during a game and the components of the game that allow these processes to occur. These guidelines may be used in the game design process to better facilitate creative gameplay activity. A significant research contribution is the ability to create games that facilitate creative thinking through engaging interactions with technology.


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In this chapter, we explore methods for automatically generating game content—and games themselves—adapted to individual players in order to improve their playing experience or achieve a desired effect. This goes beyond notions of mere replayability and involves modeling player needs to maximize their enjoyment, involvement, and interest in the game being played. We identify three main aspects of this process: generation of new content and rule sets, measurement of this content and the player, and adaptation of the game to change player experience. This process forms a feedback loop of constant refinement, as games are continually improved while being played. Framed within this methodology, we present an overview of our recent and ongoing research in this area. This is illustrated by a number of case studies that demonstrate these ideas in action over a variety of game types, including 3D action games, arcade games, platformers, board games, puzzles, and open-world games. We draw together some of the lessons learned from these projects to comment on the difficulties, the benefits, and the potential for personalized gaming via adaptive game design.