992 resultados para paper mill
This article provides expert opinion on the use of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in young patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) and in specific clinical situations. As peculiar challenges apply to imaging children, paediatric aspects are repeatedly discussed. The first section of the paper addresses settings and techniques, including the basic sequences used in paediatric CMR, safety, and sedation. In the second section, the indication, application, and clinical relevance of CMR in the most frequent CHD are discussed in detail. In the current era of multimodality imaging, the strengths of CMR are compared with other imaging modalities. At the end of each chapter, a brief summary with expert consensus key points is provided. The recommendations provided are strongly clinically oriented. The paper addresses not only imagers performing CMR, but also clinical cardiologists who want to know which information can be obtained by CMR and how to integrate it in clinical decision-making.
Lectio praecursoria Kuopion yliopistossa 15.12.2006
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have played very important role in restructuring the pulp and paper industry (PPI). The poor performance and fragmented nature of the industry, overcapacity problems, and globalisation have driven companies to consolidate. The objective of this thesis was to examine how PPI acquirers’ have performed subsequent M&As and whether the deal characteristics have had any impact on performance. Based on the results it seems that PPI companies have not been able to enhance their performance in the long run after M&As although the per-formance of acquiring firms has remained above the industry median, and deal characteristics or the amount of premiums paid do not seem to have had any effect. The statistical significance of the results was tested with change model and regression analysis. Performance was assessed with accrual, cash flow, and market based indicators. Results are congruent with behavioural theory: managers and investors seem to be overoptimistic in determining the synergies from M&As.
Tavoitteena tässä diplomityössä oli selvittää UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n Kaukaan tehtaiden lentotuhkan hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksia. Tarkastelussa olivat mukana metsälannoite-, maarakennus- sekä sementtiteollisuuskäytöt. Ensin työssä tarkasteltiin näitä vaihtoehtoja kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tämän jälkeen pohdittiin Kaukaan lentotuhkasta tehtyjen analyysien perusteella, mihin käyttökohteisiin lentotuhka soveltuu tällä hetkellä, sekä tulevaisuudessa uuden biopolttoainekattilan myötä. Lentotuhkan hyötykäyttöä lannoitteena ja maarakentamisessa säätelee lainsäädäntö. Lannoitteille on asetuksessa säädetty tietyille haitta-aineille enimmäispitoisuudet, jotka tuhkan tulee alittaa, jotta sitä voitaisiin hyödyntää. Maarakennuskäytölle on asetuksessa määritelty raja-arvot, jotka alitettaessa voidaan tuhkaa hyödyntää rakenteissa ilmoitusmenettelyllä. Tämä menettely helpottaa rakennusprojekteja huomattavan paljon, sillä tällöin ympäristölupaa ei tarvitse hakea jokaiselle projektille erikseen. Maarakennuskäyttö on mahdollista, vaikkei raja-arvoja alitettaisikaan, mutta tällöin ympäristöluvan hakeminen hankaloittaa projektien etenemistä ja aiheuttaa kustannuksia. Tuhkan on lisäksi oltava ominaisuuksiltaan riittävän hyvää, jotta hyötykäyttö olisi mahdollista. Kaukaan tuhkasta tehtyjen analyysien perusteella huomattiin, että se sopii hyvin metsälannoitteeksi ja todennäköisesti myös sementtiteollisuuskäyttöön. Maarakennuskäytön osalta tulokset osoittivat tuhkan olevan juuri rajoilla ilmoitusmenettelyn hyödyntämisen suhteen. Maarakennuskäytöstä tarvitaankin vielä lisäselvityksiä jatkossa. Uudessa polttolaitoksessa poltetaan myös turvetta puuperäisen lisäksi. Kirjallisuuden perusteella voitiin tehdä arvio, mihin suuntaan turve tulee tuhkaa todennäköisesti muuttamaan. Todettiin, että turpeen poltto parantaa todennäköisesti tuhkan laatua sementtiteollisuudessa käytön kannalta. Tuhkan lannoitekäyttöön turpeen poltolla todettiin taas olevan negatiivisia vaikutuksia. Maarakennuskäytön kannalta turpeella saattaa myös olla negatiivisia vaikutuksia. Tuhkaa kannattaisikin käyttää sementtiteollisuudessa silloin kun turvetta on polttoaineessa paljon ja muuhun käyttöön silloin kun turvetta on vähän.
The purpose of the thesis was to analyze diversification in pulp and paper industry (PPI), which is an industry facing enormous strategic challenges as many of the basic parameters of its operational environment are rapidly changing. The objective was to explore, how PPI companies have reacted to these changes by adjusting their strategies in terms of diversification and how the adjustments have affected their profitability. The study was statistical in nature. The results indicate that PPI companies in deed had reduced the degree of unrelated and related diversification , but the positive performance implications of the changes were debatable. In light of the data used in the study lower level of diversification did not lead to better profitability, in fact, the companies with the highest level of diversification had the best profitability. By contrast, reducing the level of unrelated diversification improved the profitability development; whereas reducing the level of related diversification deteriorated the profitability of the company. The results were not statistically significant and they cannot be generalized outside the data of the study.
The main objective of this study was to examine, what kind of investment strategies the leading European and North American pulp and paper industry companies (PPI) used in 1991-2003, and how the selected strategies affected their performance. The investment strategies were categorised in three classes including mergers and acquisitions, investments in new capacity and investments in existing capacity. The results showed that mergers and acquisitions represented the largest share of total investments in 1991-2003 followed by investments in existing capacity. PPI companies changed investment strategies over time by increasing the share of mergers and acquisitions, which decreased investments in new capacity especially among North American companies. According to the results, good asset quality and investments in new and existing capacity provided better profitability than often expensive acquisitions. Also the capacity decreases had a positive impact on profitability. Average asset quality and profitability were higher among European companies. The study concluded that in the long term the available value creating investment opportunities should limit capital expenditure levels, not the relation of capital expenditure to depreciation.
PURPOSE: Postmortem computed tomography angiography (PMCTA) was introduced into forensic investigations a few years ago. It provides reliable images that can be consulted at any time. Conventional autopsy remains the reference standard for defining the cause of death, but provides only limited possibility of a second examination. This study compares these two procedures and discusses findings that can be detected exclusively using each method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study compared radiological reports from PMCTA to reports from conventional autopsy for 50 forensic autopsy cases. Reported findings from autopsy and PMCTA were extracted and compared to each other. PMCTA was performed using a modified heart-lung machine and the oily contrast agent Angiofil® (Fumedica AG, Muri, Switzerland). RESULTS: PMCTA and conventional autopsy would have drawn similar conclusions regarding causes of death. Nearly 60 % of all findings were visualized with both techniques. PMCTA demonstrates a higher sensitivity for identifying skeletal and vascular lesions. However, vascular occlusions due to postmortem blood clots could be falsely assumed to be vascular lesions. In contrast, conventional autopsy does not detect all bone fractures or the exact source of bleeding. Conventional autopsy provides important information about organ morphology and remains the only way to diagnose a vital vascular occlusion with certitude. CONCLUSION: Overall, PMCTA and conventional autopsy provide comparable findings. However, each technique presents advantages and disadvantages for detecting specific findings. To correctly interpret findings and clearly define the indications for PMCTA, these differences must be understood.
The purpose of this thesis is to study factors that explain the bilateral fiber trade flows. This is done by analyzing bilateral trade flows during 1990-2006. It will be studied also, whether there are differences between fiber types. This thesis uses a gravity model approach to study the trade flows. Gravity model is mostly used to study the aggregate data between trading countries. In this thesis the gravity model is applied to single fibers. This model is then applied to panel data set. Results from the regression show clearly that there are benefits in studying different fibers in separate. The effects differ considerably from each other. Furthermore, this thesis speaks for the existence of Linder’s effect in certain fiber types.
This study investigates whether there are differences in profitability of PPI companies based on the growth strategy they have chosen to follow. It is examined whether those companies following organic growth strategy are more profitable than those companies following acquisitive growth strategy. It is also investigated are ones larger than the others, or are ones growing faster than the others. Also, the factors affecting the profitability of acquisitive companies are further examined. The results showed that there actually are differences between the two groups. Organically grown companies were found to be more profitable, smaller and growing slower than acquisitive companies. When it comes to examining only acquisitive companies there could be found factors that better or worsen the profitability of companies. For example targets that the company has bought in developing markets were making them more profitable.
El creixent ritme d’exportacions del Brasil, fa que la demanda de papers d’embalatges’incrementi constantment. El material més utilitzat per al transport són les caixes de cartróondulat (OCC). Aquestes caixes, quan se’ls acaba la vida útil, són recuperades per afabricar nou cartró ondulat. El paper de diari, que un cop llegit es converteix en un residu, nos’acostuma a utilitzar per a la fabricació de nous productes paperers, tot i estar fabricat ambfibres de qualitat elevada.Amb la utilització d’aquests materials com a alternativa es disminueix la demanda defibres verges com és el pi, que al Brasil, es troba en una situació crítica a causa de la malagestió de les plantacions.Cal dir que la part pràctica de l’estudi, que consisteix bàsicament en treball de laboratori,ha estat realitzada al Brasil, d’on provenen també les matèries primeres utilitzades. Peraquest motiu, el context de l’estudi està centrat en el mercat, en les necessitats i en larealitat d’aquest país.Aquest projecte té com a objectiu determinar la composició òptima d’una barreja depastes de pi, sisal, retalls i paper de diari, per a la fabricació de paper tripa industrial. Aquestpaper és el que es col•loca, ondulat, enmig de les capes externes del cartró multicapa
The objective of the thesis was to define the quality potential of DIP and hardwood CTMP based raw material furnish for a printing paper production and to define the end product's pulp-based boundary conditions especially when thinking of Chinese markets. Although the Chinese paper industry expands rapidly, the production of some paper grades is still exiguous. Especially the softwood resources are limited in Asia, thus the purpose of the thesis was to find out the possibilities to produce printing paper in China from local raw materials. Bleached CTMP can be produced, for example, from fast-growing hardwood species like eucalyptus and poplar. Therefore in this thesis it was examined if good quality printing paper is possible to produce by using deinked pulp and hardwood CTMP based furnish. In the first section of experimental part, various deinked pulps and chemithermomechanical pulps were compared. The deinked pulps were from China, Central Europe and Finland. Central European was made for magazine papers, and the Chinese as well as the Finnish pulps were made for newsprints. Two of the BCTMPs were from China and those both were made from poplar, whereas one BCTMP was made from eucalyptus in a pilot plant. There were significant differences especially between BCTMPs and their paper properties. In the second section of experimental part, the deinked pulp and eucalyptus BCTMP were blended to produce handsheets. The results show that producing the highest quality printing paper would be difficult from these raw materials. Deinked pulp affected especially the strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening. The BCTMP was found to have effects mostly on the smoothness, strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening.
Online paper web analysis relies on traversing scanners that criss-cross on top of a rapidly moving paper web. The sensors embedded in the scanners measure many important quality variables of paper, such as basis weight, caliper and porosity. Most of these quantities are varying a lot and the measurements are noisy at many different scales. The zigzagging nature of scanning makes it difficult to separate machine direction (MD) and cross direction (CD) variability from one another. For improving the 2D resolution of the quality variables above, the paper quality control team at the Department of Mathematics and Physics at LUT has implemented efficient Kalman filtering based methods that currently use 2D Fourier series. Fourier series are global and therefore resolve local spatial detail on the paper web rather poorly. The target of the current thesis is to study alternative wavelet based representations as candidates to replace the Fourier basis for a higher resolution spatial reconstruction of these quality variables. The accuracy of wavelet compressed 2D web fields will be compared with corresponding truncated Fourier series based fields.
This paper analyses the early modern transformations of South Asian literary cultures through the production of historiography in Persian, English, and Urdu. In the 18th-19th centuries, South Asian communities experienced and participated in a major restructuring of the languages of the subcontinent. Urdu and English were institutionalized as governmental languages and utilized in new literary productions as Persian was gradually marginalized from the centre of literary and governmental polities. Three interrelated colonial policies reshaped the historical consciousness of South Asia and Britain: the production of new Persian histories commissioned under British patronage, the initiation of Urdu historiography through the translation of Persian and English histories, and the construction of the British history of India written in English. This article explores the historical and social dynamics of these events and situates the origins and evolution of the colonial historiographical project. Major works discussed are the Tārīkh-i Bangālah of Salīm Allāh Munshī (fl. 1763), James Mill's (1773-1836) The History of British India first published in 1817, Mīr Sher ʿAlī Afsos' the Ārāʾish-i mahfil, as well as the production of original Urdu histories such as Muḥammad Zakāʾ-Allāh's (1832-1910) the Tārīkh-i Hindustān.
El present estudi pretén posar en valor part del paper de l’Home del Programa MaB (Men and Biosphere). En concret, pretén descobrir la importància i el paper que pot tenir (o que té realment) l’anomenat patrimoni cultural per a la consecució dels objectius de la Reserva de la Biosfera, i les pròpies potencialitats que ofereix aquest patrimoni per al consum del turisme cultural