998 resultados para hydrothermal crystal growth


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This study describes the growth of a low-temperature AlN interlayer for crack-free GaN growth on Si(111). It is demonstrated that, in addition to the lower growth temperature, growth of the AlN interlayer under Al-rich conditions is a critical factor for crack-free GaN growth on Si(111) substrates. The effect of the AlN interlayer thickness and NH3/TMA1 ratios on the lattice constants of subsequently grown high temperature GaN was investigated by X-ray triple crystal diffraction. The results show that the elimination of micro-cracks is related to the reduction of the tensile stress in the GaN epitaxial layers. This was also coincident with a greater number of pits formed in the AlN interlayer grown under Al rich conditions. It is proposed that these pits act as centers for the generation of misfit dislocations, which in turn leads to the reduction of tensile stress. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) in an InAlGaAs matrix, lattice-matched to InP substrate, have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), double-crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) and photoluminescence (PL) are used to study their structural and optical properties. In InAs/InAlGaAs/ InP system, we propose that when the thickness of InAs layer deposited is small, the random strain distribution of the matrix layer results in the formation of tadpole-shaped QDs with tails towards random directions, while the QDs begin to turn into dome-shaped and then coalesce to form islands with larger size and lower density to release the increasing misfit strain with the continuous deposition of InAs. XRD rocking curves showing the reduced strain with increasing thickness of InAs layer may also support our notion. The results of PL measurements are in well agreement with that of TEM images. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silicon sheets from powder (SSP) ribbons have been prepared by modified SSP technique using electronic-grade (9N purity) silicon powder. The surface morphology, crystallographic quality, composition and electric properties of the SSP ribbons were investigated by surface profiler, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), metallurgical microscope, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and four-point probe apparatus, respectively. The results show that the SSP ribbon made from electronic-grade silicon powder is a suitable candidate for the substrates of crystalline silicon thin film (CSiTF) solar cells, which could meet the primary requirements of CSiTF solar cell process on the substrates, including surface smoothness, crystallographic quality, purity and electric conductivity, etc. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gadolinium oxide thin films have been prepared on silicon (100) substrates with a low-energy dual ion-beam epitaxial technique. Substrate temperature was an important factor to affect the crystal structures and textures in an ion energy range of 100-500 eV. The films had a monoclinic Gd2O3 structure with preferred orientation ((4) over bar 02) at low substrate temperatures. When the substrate temperature was increased, the orientation turned to (202), and finally, the cubic structure appeared at the substrate temperature of 700 degreesC, which disagreed with the previous report because of the ion energy. The AES studies found that Gadolinium oxide shared Gd2O3 structures, although there were a lot of oxygen deficiencies in the films, and the XPS results confirmed this. AFM was also used to investigate the surface images of the samples. Finally, the electrical properties were presented. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Self-organized Al0.3Ga0.7As islands generated on the (100) facet are achieved by liquid phase epitaxy. Three particularly designed experimental conditions-partial oxidation, deficient solute and air quenching-result in defect-free nucleation. Micron-sized frustums and pyramids are observed by a scanning electron microscope. The sharp end of the tip has a radius of curvature less than 50 nm. It is proposed that such Al0.3Ga0.7As islands may be potentially serviceable in microscale and nanoscale fabrication and related spheres. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of rapid thermal annealing on the InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by atomic layer molecular beam epitaxy and capped with InGaAs layer has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence (PL). Different from the previously reported results, no obvious blueshift of the PL emission of QDs is observed until the annealing temperature increases up to 800 degreesC. The size and shape of the QDs annealed at 750 degreesC have hardly changed indicating the relatively weak Ga/In interdiffusion, which is characterized by little blueshift of the PL peak of QDs. The QD size increases largely and a few large clusters can be observed after 800 degreesC RTA, implying the fast interdiffusion and the formation of InGaAs QDs. These results indicate that the delay of the blueshift of the PL peak of QDs is correlated with the abnormal interdiffusion process, which can be explained by two possible reasons: the reduction of excess-As-induced defects and the redistribution of In, Ga atoms around the InAs QDs resulted from the sub-monolayer deposition of InGaAs capping layer. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural and optical properties of MBE-grown GaAsSb/GaAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) as well as strain-compensated GaAsSb/GaAs/GaAsP MQWs are investigated. The results of double crystal X-ray diffraction and reciprocal space mapping show that when strain-compensated layers are introduced, the interface quality of QW structure is remarkably improved, and the MQW structure containing GaAsSb layers with a high Sb composition can be coherently grown. Due to the influence of inserted GaAsP layers on the energy band and carrier distribution of QWs, the optical properties of GaAsSb/GaAs/GaAsP MQWs display a lot of features mainly characteristic of type-I QWs despite the type-II GaAsSb/GaAs interfaces exist in the structure. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we report the dependences of infrared luminescence properties of Er-implanted GaN thin films (GaN:Er) on the kinds of substrates used to grow GaN, the growth techniques of GaN, the implantation parameters and annealing procedures. The experimental results showed that the photoluminescence (PL) intensity at 1.54 mum was severely influenced by different kinds of substrates. The integrated PL peak intensity from GaN:Er /Al2O3 (00001) was three and five times stronger than that from GaN:Er /Si (111) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), respectively. The PL spectra observed from GaN:Er/Al2O3 (0001) grown by MOCVD and by MBE displayed a similar feature, but those samples grown by MOCVD exhibited a stronger 1.54 mum PL. It was also found that there was a strong correlation between the PL intensity with ion implantation parameters and annealing procedures. Ion implantation induced damage in host material could be only partly recovered by an appropriate annealing temperature procedure. The thermal quenching of PL from 15 to 300 K was also estimated. In comparison with the integrated PL intensity at 15 K, it is reduced by only about 30 % when going up to 300 K for GaN:Er/Al2O3 sample grown by MOCVD. Our results also show that the strongest PL intensity comes from GaN:Er grown on Al2O3 substrate by MOCVD. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photoluminescence (PL) and temperature-dependent Hall effect measurements were carried out in (0001) and (11 (2) over bar0) AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown on sapphire substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. There are strong spontaneous and piezoelectric electric fields (SPF) along the growth orientation of the (0001) AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. At the same time there are no corresponding SPF along that of the (1120) AlGaN/GaN. A strong PL peak related to the recombination between two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and photoexcited holes was observed at 3.258 eV at room temperature in (0001) AlGaN/GaN heterointerfaces while no corresponding PL peak was observed in (11 (2) over bar0). The existence of a 2DEG was observed in (0001) AlGaN/GaN multi-layers with a mobility saturated at 6000 cm(2)/V s below 80 K, whereas a much lower mobility was measured in (11 (2) over bar0). These results indicated that the SPF was the main element to cause the high mobility and high sheet-electron-density 2DEG in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Different submicron ferromagnets are fabricated into GaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice through ion implantation at two different temperatures followed by thermal annealing. The structural and magnetic properties of the granular film are studied by an atomic force microscope, X-ray diffraction and alternating gradient magnetometer. By analyzing the saturation magnetization M-s, remanence M-r, coercivity H-c and remanence ratio S-q, it is confirmed that both MnGa and MnAs clusters are formed in the 350degreesC-implanted samples whereas only MnAs clusters are formed in the room-temperature implanted samples. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of low-temperature AlN buffer layer thickness on GaN epilayer was investigated by triple-axis X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence measurements. A method was proposed to measure the screw and edge dislocation densities by XRD. It was found that the buffer layer thickness was a key parameter to affect the quality of GaN epilayer and an appropriate thickness resulted in the best structural and optical properties except the lateral grain size. After the thickness exceeding the appropriate value, the compressive stress in the epilayer decreased as the thickness increased, which led to the redshift of the near-band edge luminescence. The experimental results showed the buffer layer thickness had more influence on edge dislocation than screw type and the former was perhaps the main source of the yellow band. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structure and photoluminscence (PL) properties of Pr-implanted GaN thin films have been studied. RBS/channeling technique was used to explore the damage recovery at high annealing temperature and study the dependence of the radiation damage with ion implantation direction. A complete recovery of the ion implantation damage cannot be achieved at annealing temperatures up to 1050degreesC. It is found that the channeling implantation results in the decrease of the damage. The PL experimental results indicate that the PL efficiency increases exponentially with annealing temperature up to the maximum temperature of 1050degreesC. Moreover, the PL intensity is also seriously affected by ion implantation geometries. The PL intensity for the sample implanted along channeled direction is nearly 2 times more intense than that observed from the sample implanted along random direction. The thermal quenching of PL intensity from 10 to 300K for sample annealed at 1050degreesC is only 30%. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mn+ irons were implanted to n-type Ge(1 1 1) single crystal at room temperature with an energy of 100 keV and a dose of 3 x 10(16) cm(-2). Subsequently annealing was performed at 400degreesC for 1 h under flowing nitrogen gas. X-ray diffraction measurements show that as-implanted sample is amorphous and the structure of crystal is restored after annealing. Polycrystalline germanium is formed in annealed sample. There are no new phases found except germanium. The samples surface morphologies indicate that annealed sample has island-like feature while there is no such kind of characteristic in as-implanted sample. The elemental composition of annealed sample was analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy. It shows that manganese ions are deeply implanted into germanium substrate and the highest manganese atomic concentration is 8% at the depth of 120 nm. The magnetic properties of samples were investigated by an alternating gradient magnetometer. The annealed sample shows ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gd2O3 thin films were deposited on Si (100) substrates at 650degreesC by a magnetron sputtering system under different Ar/O-2 ratios of 6:1, 4:1 and 2:1. The effect of the oxygen concentration on the properties of oxide thin films was investigated by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and capacitance-voltage (C-V)measurement. X-ray diffraction shows that the structure of oxide films changed from the monoclinic Gd2O3 phase to cubic Gd2O3 phase when the oxygen concentration increased. According to C-V measurement, the dielectric constant value of the samples deposited at different Ar/O-2 ratios is about 12. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Zn1-xMgxS-based Schottky barrier ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors were fabricated using the molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE) technique. The influence of Mg content on MBE-grown Zn1-xMgxS-based UV photodetectors has been investigated in details with a variety of experimental techniques, including photoresponse (PR), capacitance-voltage, deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) and photoluminescence (PL). The room-temperature PR results show that the abrupt long-wavelength cutoffs covering 325, 305 295. and 270 nm with Mg contents of 16%, 44%, 57%, and 75% in the Zn1-xMgxS active layers, respectively, were achieved. But the responsivity and the external quantum efficiency exhibited a slight decrease with the Mg content increasing. In good agreement with the PR results, both of the integrated intensity of the PL spectra obtained from Zn1-xMgxS thin films with different Mg compositions (x = 31% and 52%, respectively) and the DLTFS spectra obtained from Zn1-xMgxS-based (x = 5% and 45%, respectively) UV photodetector samples clearly revealed a significant concentration increase of the non-radiative deep traps with increasing Mg containing in the ZnMgS active layers. Our experimental results also indicate that the MBE-grown ZnMgS-based photodetectors can offer the promising characteristics for the detection of short-wavelength UV radiation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.