873 resultados para Quality Performance in Our World: What Fast Service Should Really Mean
Mahseers (Tor khudree), at one time considered to be of single species, are now represented by 6 valid species distributed all over India. Studies on their food habits, ecology of spawning grounds, eggs, larval development and especially methods of artificial propagation have advanced in recent years. Transport of eggs of Tor khudree by air in moist cotton has been possible for easy distribution. Breeding of T. khudree not only by hypophysation, but even without it in small ponds by manipulation of flow of water, exercise and feed has also been possible. Fry and fingerlings of T. khudree are being distributed to many of the states in the country to help conserve the species.
Various problems associated with the quality of the fishery products like spoilage, discolouration, microbiological problems, etc., are outlined. The reasons and remedial measures are discussed. The importance of proper handling, processing and hygiene is stressed.
Icing is the practice for preserving prawns on board fishing boats in India. Majority of these boats need to preserve the catch only for a few hours because of the short duration of the fishing trip. However, with the anticipated introduction of a considerable number of bigger fishing vessels which can remain in the fishing ground for longer periods, more than fortnight, preservation methods, other than icing are required to retain prime quality. Freezing and cold storage of whole prawns on board followed by thawing and processing on land is a possible proposition. The extent of quality loss in prawns during these operations is one of the important points to be considered. Hence, laboratory scale studies were undertaken on double freezing of prawns and the results are dealt within this communication.
Quality control is defined as the continuing assessment of a current operation. It is usually the responsibility of an individual or a department directly responsible to the management. In the case of fish and fishery products, quality control includes all the steps taken to protect the quality of the material since catch until it reaches the consumer.
During storage of Tilapia nilotica in refrigerated brine at 4°C, the whole (ungutted) fish had higher levels of free fatty acid and spoiled faster than the gutted fish. The shelf life of whole fish was 16 days and that of gutted 28 days; these values are, at least, as good as those reported for ice storage. Flavour of the cooked fish appeared to be the quahty-hm1tmg factor reducing the shelf-life of gutted tilapia to 28 days even though the raw gutted fish was judged acceptable, after 31 days retaining 65-70% freshness.
Changes in the quality of intermediate moisture (IM) fish during storage at 38°C were monitored by assessing the moisture content, pH, acid value, peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value periodically. Results adequately portrayed the hydrolysis and peroxidation of fats and the concomitant protein degradation and crosslinking reactions that have been shown by more sophisticated methods to occur in intermediate moisture fish. Since these changes markedly affect the organoleptic quality, acceptability/shelf-life and nutritive value of IM flesh-foods their predictability by simple fat analytical techniques is of practical value where/when the more sophisticated monitoring techniques are not feasible.
The eight member countries were assessed as to their sustainable use of resources within their Exclusive Economic Zones(EEZs). Indicators included; investment in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), impact of trawling, mariculture sustainability, protection of seabirds and marine mammals,ecosystem impacts, economic health and levels of reporting and compliance.
This study looked at improving knowledge base capacity and enhance capacity to address marine pollution and water quality monitoring issues in Myanmar. Significant capacity needs were identified and a follow up plan presented.