112 resultados para cactus
Es reintrodueix a l'arxipèlag una nova tortuga per ocupar el lloc d'una 'cosina extingida': s'adapta bé gràcies a la forma de la seva closca, que li permet sobreviure entre els cactus
The abatement of recalcitrant lignin macromolecules from effluents of pulp and paper industry was investigated by combined process. Flocculation and coagulation with aluminum sulfate and natural polyelectrolytes extracted from cactus Cereus peruvianus were used in the first step. After separation of solid residues by filtration, the photochemical methods using TiO2 as catalyst were employed for photocatalytic degradation of lignin compounds from solution. The abatement of lignin compounds after flocculation and coagulation was 46%, and after the overall process, the pollutants reduction observed were 66%. The remaining organic compounds may be removed by any biological treatment.
A rota dos estudos sobre a cochonilha em Portugal e no Brasil no século XIX: caminhos desencontrados
For imparting an intense and long-lasting red to fabrics, cochineal remained in high demand during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This period witnessed, accordingly, several initiatives aimed at producing the precious dye: publication of specialized texts, cultivation of the cactus and the insect from which the dye is extracted, and, also, attempts to obtain the secrets of production through espionage. The present paper analyses certain aspects of the measures adopted by the Portuguese government towards Brazil in this field. The work shows how people sought to take part in the network of cochineal production (yet they were unsuccessful most of the time).
La natura és sàvia i, després d'anys d'evolució, ha seleccionat materials amb propietats insuperables. Alguns experts creuen que el 80% de les solucions que la ciència busca estan en els animals i les plantes. S'investiga per aconseguir avions inspirats en el vol del cigne, edificis que imitin la termoregulació dels cactus, banyadors basats en les escates dels taurons per reduir la fricció amb l'aigua i materials tan resistents com les teranyines.
The objective of this work was to determine the effect of environmental variables and supplementation levels on physiological parameters of Moxotó goats in confined and semi-confined rising systems, in the Brazilian semi-arid region. The semi-confined individuals were kept on a grass based diet during the day and arrested in the end of the afternoon. The confined animals were kept in a management center, receiving two diets composed by forage cactus and maniçoba hay into two different levels (0.5 and 1.5% of the body weight). Inside the management center and in the external environment the environmental comfort parameters were set high during the afternoon period characterizing a situation of thermal discomfort for the animals. During the morning the semi-confined animals presented an average respiratory frequency (69.5 mov min-1) and rectal temperature (39.5 ºC) higher than the confined ones (62.6 mov min-1 and 39.0 ºC, respectively). The confined and semi-confined animals were able to maintain their rectal temperature within normal limits, with increase in the cardiac beatings rate and respiratory frequency. The greater percentage of the used supplementations (1.5%) seemed to increase rectal temperature in the two studied rising systems.
The present work examined the germination and morphology of the fruits and seeds of the cactus Pilosocereus gounellei (xique-xique) and describeb the different stages of seedling growth. Germination tests examined the effects of combinations of two illumination regimes (a 12 hour photoperiod and total darkness) and three temperature regimes (25, 30, and 20-30 ºC) on the seeds of this species. Germination counts were made daily until the 16th day after sowing and the germination percentage and velocity index, and average germination time were evaluated. Descriptions of seed morphology considered both their external and internal aspects. The processes of germination and seedling growth were evaluated during 150 days and eight developmental stages were identified based on morphological changes. The fruits of the xique-xique cactus are 40.67 ± 4.40 mm long and 48.09 ± 3.23 mm in diameter, weigh 53.85 ± 10.03 g, and contain 3713 ± 689.50 seeds. Alternating temperatures of 20-30 ºC together with a photoperiod of 12 hours of light resulted in the highest seed germination rate. The seeds are positively photoblastic and germination is epigeal and fanerocotyledonary. Seedling growth is slow, but at 150 days after sowing the plants had developed epicotyls, large numbers of thorns, and the whole plant averaged 59.56 mm in height.
Activation of NFkappaB plays a pivotal role in many cellular processes such as inflammation, proliferation and apoptosis. In Drosophila, nuclear translocation of the NFkappaB-related transcription factor Dorsal is spatially regulated in order to subdivide the embryo into three primary dorsal-ventral (DV) domains: the ventral presumptive mesoderm, the lateral neuroectoderm and the dorsal ectoderm. Ventral activation of the Toll receptor induces degradation of the IkappaB-related inhibitor Cactus, liberating Dorsal for nuclear translocation. In addition, other pathways have been suggested to regulate Dorsal. Signaling through the maternal BMP member Decapentaplegic (Dpp) inhibits Dorsal translocation along a pathway parallel to and independent of Toll. In the present study, we show for the first time that the maternal JAK/STAT pathway also regulates embryonic DV patterning. Null alleles of loci coding for elements of the JAK/STAT pathway, hopscotch (hop), marelle (mrl) and zimp (zimp), modify zygotic expression along the DV axis. Genetic analysis suggests that the JAK kinase Hop, most similar to vertebrate JAK2, may modify signals downstream of Dpp. In addition, an activated form of Hop results in increased levels of Cactus and Dorsal proteins, modifying the Dorsal/Cactus ratio and consequently DV patterning. These results indicate that different maternal signals mediated by the Toll, BMP and JAK/STAT pathways may converge to regulate NFkappaB activity in Drosophila.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con acentuación en Manejo y Administración de Recursos Vegetales) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, 2008.
Trabajo fronterizo entre arte y filosofía que hace evidente el poder del orden espacio-temporal que se ha establecido como trasfondo de los sistemas de dominación y explotación, que tambien viene siendo enfrentado por los debates post y decoloniales.
El presente ensayo explora un concepto de ‘nosotros’ que sin rechazar el uso gramatical de la enunciación se enfoca en la pragmática que le subyace, desde la cual las condiciones de colectividad y exclusividad del enunciado se confrontan con su alteridad ontológica fundamental. A la luz de la tesis sobre la antropología postestructural del etnólogo brasilero Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, se examinan, de un lado, la necesidad de enunciar al ‘nosotros’ en su calidad de radical diferenciador y, de otro, la imposibilidad de constituirlo sustancialmente en tanto remite inexorablemente a la otredad. En la primera parte, se expone que las teorías socioculturales no triviales de la antropología son realmente una coproducción entre el antropólogo y la comunidad estudiada. En segunda instancia, se presenta el modo por el cual el ‘nosotros’ da lugar a una diferencia irreductible no sólo previa al Mismo, sino esencial y afirmativa. En tercer lugar, se plantea una colectividad inmanente caracterizada por la multiplicidad que permanece por debajo de cualquier enunciación organizativa del ‘nosotros’ y compuesta por la alteridad maquínica. A modo de conclusión, el ensayo afirma al ‘nosotros’ en su devenir en cuanto un-otro-por-venir, el cual funciona como acto político existencial.
El presente estudio de caso analiza los aportes del Centro de Estudios Estratégicos de Defensa (CEED) de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (Unasur) en la formación de un pensamiento estratégico regional. Cuatro años han transcurrido desde la creación de dicho Centro, por lo que resulta pertinente estudiar sus principales logros y los aportes realizados al Consejo de Defensa Suramericano (CDS) para la formación de un pensamiento estratégico regional en materia de seguridad y defensa.
En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar cómo actúan en conjunto el plano de organización y el plano de consistencia que conforman el mapa del pensamiento en la escuela, según el cual, se puede afirmar que el pensamiento se escapa a la inhibición, la interpretación y la sujeción que provoca su traducción en términos de inteligencia, cuando, como resultado de la experimentación, se gesta un encuentro indeterminado con fuerzas que pueden conducir al devenir-niño del niño en la escuela. En este sentido, en un primer momento nos ocuparemos de señalar las líneas segmentarias que conforman las funciones, los criterios de interpretación y los puntos de subjetivación que inhiben el pensamiento como acontecimiento, esbozando el suelo sobre el cual se han consolidado prácticas y discursos acerca de la formación del pensamiento en la escuela. En la segunda parte, y sobre la base de los estratos, se aborda el entramado de líneas molares que conforman el modelo de la inteligencia en la escuela y las líneas moleculares del pensamiento que provocan, cuando su dirección es la fuga, el devenir niño del niño a partir de la experimentación, la conexión y el encuentro. Por último se presentan algunas conclusiones y se dejan abiertas algunas cuestiones para trabajos posteriores.
Cuando Peter decide participar en la competición anual cultivar y mostrar de la Sociedad de Jardines, planea cultivar cactus. No sólo le gustan sus nombres, sino que ha oído que cualquier aficionado puede cultivarlos. Lamentablemente, cualquier aficionado, no parece incluir a Peter. Aunque Peter no tiene suerte con sus cactáceas, accidentalmente consigue un cultivo de calabazas gigantes. Ahora sólo tiene que encontrar la forma de deshacerse de ellas.
The Baja California Peninsula is home to 85 species of cacti, of which 54 are endemic, highlighting its importance as a cactus diverse region within Mexico. Many species are under threat due to collection pressure and habitat loss, but ensuring maximal protection of cacti species requires a better understanding of diversity patterns. We assessed species richness, endemism, and phylogenetic and morphological diversity using herbarium records and a molecular phylogeny for 82 species of cacti found in the peninsula. The four diversity measures were estimated for the existing nature reserve network and for 314 hexagrids of 726 km2. Using the hexagrid data, we surveyed our results for areas that best complement the current protected cacti diversity in the Baja California Peninsula. Currently, the natural reserve network in Baja shelters an important amount of the cacti diversity (74% of the species, 85.9% of the phylogenetic diversity, 76% of endemics and all the growth forms). While species richness produced several solutions to complement the diversity protected, by identifying priority species (endemic species with high contribution to overall PD) one best solution is reported. Three areas (San Matías, Magdalena and Margarita Islands and El Triunfo), selected using species richness, PD and endemism, best complement the diversity currently protected, increasing species richness to 89%, PD to 94% and endemism to 89%, and should be considered in future conservation plans. Two of these areas could be included within nature reserves already established.
DNA barcodes could be a useful tool for plant conservation. Of particular importance is the ability to identify unknown plant material, such as from customs seizures of illegally collected specimens. Mexican cacti are an example of a threatened group, under pressure because of wild collection for the xeriscaping trade and private collectors. Mexican cacti also provide a taxonomically and geographically coherent group with which to test DNA barcodes. Here, we sample the matK barcode for 528 species of Cactaceae including approximately 75% of Mexican species and test the utility of the matK region for species-level identification. We find that the matK DNA barcode can be used to identify uniquely 77% of species sampled, and 79-87% of species of particular conservation importance. However, this is far below the desired rate of 95% and there are significant issues for PCR amplification because of the variability of primer sites. Additionally, we test the nuclear ITS regions for the cactus subfamily Opuntioideae and for the genus Ariocarpus (subfamily Cactoideae). We observed higher rates of variation for ITS (86% unique for Opuntioideae sampled) but a much lower PCR success, encountering significant intra-individual polymorphism in Ariocarpus precluding the use of this marker in this taxon. We conclude that the matK region should provide useful information as a DNA barcode for Cactaceae if the problems with primers can be addressed, but matK alone is not sufficiently variable to achieve species-level identification. Additional complementary regions should be investigated as ITS is shown to be unsuitable