955 resultados para Traduzione editoriale Inglese Italiano Naomi Shihab Nye Romanzo young adult Letteratura infanzia


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Il seguente elaborato presenta una proposta di traduzione dei primi due capitoli del romanzo autopubblicato “Summer at sea” della scrittrice americana Beth Labonte, uscito nel 2015. L'elaborato si articola a partire da un'analisi approfondita del genere della chick lit, cui il romanzo appartiene, e prosegue con un riassunto delle principali tappe all'interno della storia della teoria della traduzione. Segue il commento alla traduzione, che evidenzia le difficoltà riscontrate e le soluzioni traduttive impiegate durante la stesura dell’elaborato.


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Con questo elaborato intendo presentare la mia proposta di traduzione delle scene 1, 5, 7 e 9 dell'opera teatrale La Souffrance d'Alexandre di Jean Louvet e il relativo commento. L'elaborato si divide in tre capitoli: nel primo introduco l'autore Jean Louvet, parlando del suo teatro e del suo stile. Nel secondo capitolo presento l'opera La souffrance d'Alexandre, e nel terzo propongo la mia traduzione accompagnata dal relativo commento in cui illustro ogni problematica traduttiva incontrata e motivo ogni mia scelta traduttiva.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es la propuesta de traducción al italiano de Qué hacer cuando en la pantalla aparece The end, libro escrito e ilustrado por la ilustradora valenciana Paula Bonet. El trabajo consta de cuatro capítulos. En el primero se presentan la autora y el libro, en particular los datos técnicos, el género, el destinatario, el espacio y el tiempo de la narración y el estilo. El segundo capítulo se centra en el análisis detallado de los relatos y de las imágenes que componen el libro. El tercer capítulo se dedica totalmente a la propuesta de traducción. Finalmente, en el cuarto y último capítulo se presenta la metodología traductora empleada y se ilustran, con ejemplos, los principales problemas encontrados a la hora de traducir y las soluciones y estrategias encontradas para resolverlos.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di presentare una proposta di ritraduzione per i primi tre capitoli del primo romanzo di A Song of Ice and Fire. La scelta di questo tema è stata dettata dalla contestata traduzione ufficiale di quest'opera alla quale sono personalmente appassionato, e dal conseguente desiderio di sfruttare le conoscenze acquisite durante i miei studi per ovviare ai problemi della resa di Sergio Altieri. Il lavoro è sviluppato in tre capitoli e un'appendice. Nel primo capitolo vengono analizzate le problematiche generali legate alla traduzione. Viene inoltre presentata una sinossi all'opera per semplificare la lettura della tesi. Nel secondo capitolo vengono esaminati i problemi principali della traduzione di Altieri. Il terzo capitolo è dedicato al confronto tra l'opera originale, la traduzione ufficiale e la proposta di ritraduzione dei primi capitoli. In appendice è presente la mia traduzione integrale dei tre capitoli del romanzo.


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Настоящая работа представляет собой перевод с русского языка на итальянский шести рассказов из антологии 14. Женская проза «нулевых», которая была опубликована в Москве в 2012 году составителем Захаром Прилепиным. В сборнике был опубликован двадцать один текст – рассказы и повести, написанные четырнадцатью современными русскими писательницами. Перевод разных произведений разных авторов ставит своей целью предоставить широкий взгляд на современную женскую прозу и сравнить стили и темы характерные для этого направления современной русской литературы. Эти авторы отличаются друг от друга возрастом, происхождением и степенью известности – некоторые из них популярны и в России, и за рубежом, другие мало известны даже на Родине, но они все получали главные русские литературные премии. В Италии русская женская проза почти неизвестна, поэтому данная работа может помочь итальянским читателям познакомиться с этими писательницами. Доступный язык, на котором пишут эти женщины, и ежедневные ситуации, которые они описывают, могут приблизить итальянцев к русской культуре и показать сходства и различия между итальянской и русской жизнью и обществом. В первой главе работы представляется краткое изложение истории русской женской литературы до нашего времени, говорится о составителе сборника, и описываются толстые журналы, в которых были опубликованы рассказы этих молодых писательниц, а также главные русские литературные премии, полученные ими. Во второй главе описываются темы и стили каждого рассказа. В третьей главе предлагается перевод рассказов. В четвёртой главе обсуждаются трудности, с которыми мы столкнулись в процессе перевода, описываются лингвистические особенности и культурные различия между Италией и Россией, и объясняются стратегии, которые были предприняты для того, чтобы решить проблемы перевода.


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Il presente elaborato finale è la proposta di traduzione dall'italiano al francese del IV capitolo de "Il pinguino senza frac" di Silvio D'Arzo. Alla presentazione dell'autore, dell'illustratrice e dell'opera, segue un inquadramento nel panorama della letteratura per l'infanzia e delle problematiche traduttive connesse a questo ramo letterario. La parte più significativa dell'elaborato si concentra nell'analisi e nella traduzione del testo, con successivo commento alla traduzione, dove sono esposte e giustificate le strategie traduttive adottate per la risoluzione di passaggi critici e la scelta di una soluzione finale.


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Il seguente elaborato presenta la proposta di traduzione verso l’italiano del libro di poesia per l’infanzia “¿Sabrá volar el mar?” (2010), dell’autore spagnolo José Corredor-Matheos, illustrato da Noemí Villamuza ed edito dalla casa editrice spagnola El Jinete Azul. “¿Sabrá volar el mar?” è composto da 25 poesie brevi ed è diviso in 4 sezioni, ognuna delle quali ha un titolo che suggerisce al lettore le tematiche affrontate nelle poesie seguenti. Le poesie raccolte in questo libro creano un complesso gioco di specchi e ci invitano a guardare ciò che ci circonda da un punto di vista diverso, a porci delle domande su quanto diamo per scontato e a vedere la vita come un assurdo e inutile mistero a cui abbandonarsi con gioia e spontaneità. Si tratta di un libro “atipico” ed eterogeneo, con componimenti che si rifanno a una ninna nanna, altri a un haiku giapponese e altri ancora alla tradizione classica occidentale. Una raccolta di poesie che possono essere apprezzate tanto dai bambini quanto dagli adulti, perché il linguaggio delle emozioni è comprensibile a tutte le età. Durante il processo di traduzione è stato necessario prestare particolare attenzione all’aspetto fonetico e ritmico, alla stretta interazione tra parole e immagini, alle metafore e alle scelte lessicali. Il lavoro è suddiviso in diverse sezioni: un’introduzione di riflessione sul lavoro del poeta e del traduttore, seguita dal motivo della scelta del libro; la presentazione del libro originale e del suo autore; la proposta di traduzione con relativo commento alle problematiche traduttive e alle diverse strategie impiegate; l’intervista realizzate all’editore Antonio Ventura; una scheda di presentazione editoriale; e infine una breve analisi del ruolo della letteratura e in particolare della poesia, sia per l’infanzia che per un pubblico adulto.


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The present study aims at analyzing how dark humour as a cinematic genre travels cross-culturally through a specific mode of audiovisual translation, i.e. dubbing. In particular, it takes into consideration the processes involved in dubbing humour from English into Italian as observed in the English- and Italian-language versions of ten British and American dark comedies from the 1940s to the 2000s. In an attempt to identify some of the main mechanisms of the dark humour genre, the humorous content of the films was analyzed in terms of the elements on which specific scenes are based, mainly the non-verbal and verbal components. In the cases in which verbal elements were involved, i.e. the examples of verbally expressed humour, the analysis was concerned with whether they were adapted into Italian and to what effect. Quantification of the different kinds of dark humour revealed that in the sample of dark comedies verbal dark humour had a higher frequency (85.3%) than non-verbal dark humour (14.7%), which partially disconfirmed the first part of the research hypothesis. However, the significance of contextual elements in the conveying of dark humour, both in the form of Nsp VEH (54.31%) and V-V (V+VE) (21.68%), provided support for the hypothesis that, even when expressed verbally, dark humour is more closely linked to context-based rather than purely linguistic humour (4.9%). The second part of the analysis was concerned with an investigation of the strategies adopted for the translation of verbal dark humour elements from the SL (English) into the TL (Italian) through the filter of dubbing. Four translational strategies were identified as far as the rendering of verbal dark humour is concerned: i) complete omission; ii) weakening; iii) close rendering; and iv) increased effect. Complete omission was found to be the most common among these strategies, with 80.9% of dark humour examples being transposed in a way that kept the ST’s function substantially intact. Weakening of darkly humorous lines was applied in 12% of cases, whereas increased effect accounted for 4.6% and complete omission for 2.5%. The fact that for most examples of Nsp VEH (84.9%) and V-AC (V+VE) (91.4%) a close rendering effect was observed and that 12 out of 21 examples of V-AC (PL) (a combined 57%) were either omitted or weakened seemed to confirm, on the one hand, the complexity of the translation process required by cases of V-AC (PL) and V-AC (CS). On the other hand, as suggested in the second part of the research hypothesis, the data might be interpreted as indicating that lesser effort on the translator/adaptor’s part is involved in the adaptation of V-AC (Nsp VEH) and V-V (V+VE). The issue of the possible censorial intervention undergone by examples of verbal dark humour in the sample still remains unclear.


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My work is focused on George Friel, a distinguished Scottish writer known for his witty style bristling with puns and more or less literary allusions. In particular I proposed an annotated translation of what can be considered his masterpiece “Mr Alfred M.A.” in which wordplay has a central role for its plot. In the first part of my thesis I outlined the fundamental features of Friel’s writing: the wide variety of registers and styles, the rhythm and irony. Additionally I pointed out the strategies that the translator has to face when translating this text. Finally I identified the number of problems which may arise while translating Friel’s “Mr Alfred M.A.” into Italian with particular concern on the strategies of supplementation and explicitation for wordplay.


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Abstract This dissertation investigates the notion of equivalence with particular reference to lexical cohesion in the translation of political speeches. Lexical cohesion poses a particular challenge to the translators of political speeches and thus preserving lexical cohesion elements as one of the major elements of cohesion is undoubtedly crucial to their translation equivalence. We rely on Halliday’s (1994) classification of lexical cohesion which comprises: repetition, synonymy, antonymy, meronymy and hyponymy. Other traditional models of lexical cohesion are examined. We include Grammatical Parallelism for its role in creating textual semantic unity which is what cohesion is all about. The study shed light on the function of lexical cohesion elements as rhetorical device. The study also deals with lexical problems resulting from the transfer of lexical cohesion elements from the SL into the TL, which is often beset by many problems that most often result from the differences between languages. Three key issues are identified as being fundamental to equivalence and lexical cohesion in the translation of political speeches: sociosemiotic approach, register analysis, rhetoric, and poetic function. The study also investigates the lexical cohesion elements in the translation of political speeches from English into Arabic, Italian and French in relation to ideology, and its control, through bias and distortion. The findings are discussed, implications examined and topics for further research suggested.


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Abstract The academic environment has recently recognized the importance and benefits that an extensive research on the translation of advertising can have for translation studies. Despite the growing interest and increasing research activity in the field it is still difficult to speak about a theory of advertising translation in general. There is a need for further study encompassing different languages and both heterogeneous and homogenous cultures that will give the possibility to receive a more complete map of what the translation of advertising is and should be. Previous studies have been concentrated, for the most part, on Western European language pairs. This study is a research into perfume and cosmetics print advertisements translated from English into Russian where both visual and verbal elements are considered. Three broad translation approaches have been identified in what concerns the verbal message: Translated message, parallel translation, recreated adverts, and three approaches in dealing with the image: similar images, modified images, completely different images. The thesis shows that where Russian advertisements for perfume products tend to have a message, or create one, this is often lacking in the English copy. The article ends by suggesting that perfume advertisements favor the standardization approach when entering Russian market. The attempts to localize the advert have also been noticed although they are obviously less numerous in perfume adverts and are rather instances of adaptation - a mix between the localization and standardization approaches since they keep drawing on the same globally accepted universals about female beauty and concern for ‘woman’s identity’ (we focused our analysis on products designed for female consumers). This study, complementing previous studies, aims to be a contribution to the description of laws and strategies that guide the translation of advertising texts into Russian.


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The purpose of this thesis is to establish a direct relationship between literature and fields of knowledge such as science and technology, by focusing on some concepts that were fundamental for both science and the humanities at the beginning of the 20th century. The concepts are those of simultaneity, multiple points of view, map, relativity and acausality. In the spirit of several recent ideas, for example Katherine Hayles’ isomorphism notion, the dissertation shows how writers such as James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann and Robert Musil developed the mentioned concepts within their narratives. The working hypothesis is that those concepts were at a crossroad of human activities, and that those authors used them extensively within their narratives. It is further argued that those same concepts – as developed by Joyce in Ulysses, Woolf’s shorts stories and novels from the end of the 1910’s until the end of the1920’s, Mann’s Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain), and Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (The Man Without Qualities) — are still fundamental for our conception of time and space today. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first two chapters will analyse the concepts of simultaneity and multiple points of view and their relationship to cartography as developed within English literature and culture. The next two chapters will address the concepts of relativity and acausality, as developed within German literature and culture.


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The present dissertation aims at analyzing the construction of American adolescent culture through teen-targeted television series and the shift in perception that occurs as a consequence of the translation process. In light of the recent changes in television production and consumption modes, largely caused by new technologies, this project explores the evolution of Italian audiences, focusing on fansubbing (freely distributed amateur subtitles made by fans for fan consumption) and social viewing (the re-aggregation of television consumption based on social networks and dedicated platforms, rather than on physical presence). These phenomena are symptoms of a sort of ‘viewership 2.0’ and of a new type of active viewing, which calls for a revision of traditional AVT strategies. Using a framework that combines television studies, new media studies, and fandom studies with an approach to AVT based on Descriptive Translation Studies (Toury 1995), this dissertation analyzes the non-Anglophone audience’s growing need to participation in the global dialogue and appropriation process based on US scheduling and informed by the new paradigm of convergence culture, transmedia storytelling, and affective economics (Jenkins 2006 and 2007), as well as the constraints intrinsic to multimodal translation and the different types of linguistic and cultural adaptation performed through dubbing (which tends to be more domesticating; Venuti 1995) and fansubbing (typically more foreignizing). The study analyzes a selection of episodes from six of the most popular teen television series between 1990 and 2013, which has been divided into three ages based on the different modes of television consumption: top-down, pre-Internet consumption (Beverly Hills, 90210, 1990 – 2000), emergence of audience participation (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 1997 – 2003; Dawson’s Creek, 1998 – 2003), age of convergence and Viewership 2.0 (Gossip Girl, 2007 – 2012; Glee, 2009 – present; The Big Bang Theory, 2007 - present).