683 resultados para Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UAM


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In this article we plan to demonstrate the usefulness of `Gutzmer's formula' in the study of various problems related to the Segal-Bargmann transform. Gutzmer's formula is known in several contexts: compact Lie groups, symmetric spaces of compact and noncompact type, Heisenberg groups and Hermite expansions. We apply Gutzmer's formula to study holomorphic Sobolev spaces, local Peter-Weyl theorems, Paley-Wiener theorems and Poisson semigroups.


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En la actualidad no existe ningn registro de estudios de aceptacin y/o adopcin de sistemas agroforestales o bien sobre las obras fsicas, prcticas y tecnologas de conservacin de suelo y agua de parte de agricultores que tienen establecidos estos sistemas de produccin de alguno de los siete municipios de la zona seca del occidente de Nicaragua, de ah la necesidad de realizar estudios de aceptacin y adopcin en la zona. Los objetivos del estudio fueron describir las obras agronmicas y fsicas de conservacin de suelo ms utilizadas por los agricultores en los sistemas productivos adaptativos de Granos Bsicos con rboles Dispersos ( GBAD), y Granos Bsicos en Callejones Mejorados (GBCM), y evaluar el grado de aceptacin y adopcin de los dos sistemas productivos adaptativos promovidos por el Proyecto Manejo Sostenible de la Tierra (MST); y ejecutado por las familias productoras de siete municipios de la zona seca de Len, Chinandega y un municipio de Managua en el perodo 2006-2008. Este estudio es descriptivo y de corte transversal con valoraciones cualitativas y cuantitativas en relacin al uso actual y potencial de los sistemas productivos. La metodologa de investigacin utilizada fue la del anlisis de la toma de decisiones por medio del mtodo rpido de sistemas diversos. Dicha metodologa est diseada para tomar decisiones utilizando indicadores sencillos para priorizar los problemas a nivel de finca con base a tres criterios: prioridad, capacidad de manejo y disposicin del medio. Para evaluar el grado de aceptacin y adopcin se utiliz la metodologa del Programa para la Agricultura Sostenible en Laderas de Centro Amrica PASOLAC. Los agricultores que poseen grandes extensiones de tierra fueron los que menos adoptaron y aceptaron las tecnologas difundidas, mientras que agricultores con fincas de menor extensin territorial mostraron mayor grado de aceptacin y adopcin de los Sistemas Agroforestales (SAF). Los organismos capacitadores que han tenido mayor presencia en las zonas de estudio son el Instituto Nicaragense de Tecnologa Agropecuaria (INTA), junto al proyecto MST, estos han ido de la mano para la divulgacin de las nuevas tecnologas. Menor presencia tuvo el organismo Unidad Ambiental (UAM). La adopcin de ambos sistemas agroforestales fue de 100 % en casi todos los municipios. Un consolidado de la adopcin de todos los municipios muestra que 73% de los mismos han adoptado ambos sistemas (GBAD y GBCM). Un alto porcentaje de los agricultores encuestados mantienen las tecnologas promovidas, expandiendo as ambos sistemas agroforestales en sus parcelas productivas, logrando un manejo sostenible de la tierra.


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This paper shortly outlines the present status of English in Norway, principally in relation to the growing presence of English lexical borrowings in Norwegian. Some attention will also be devoted to the views held by Norwegian linguists towards the potential threat that the English language represents, particularly in domains where it is likely to supersede the Norwegian language.


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The author of the article attempts to present the situation of comparative studies as a field of research and a way of thinking about the contemporary world on the basis of the analyses presented in Comparative Literature at a Crossroads? in the monographic issue of Comparative Studies 2006. Much attention is paid to the phenomenon of the crisis of comparative studies connected with a noticeable reluctance towards great theoretical models shared by many researchers, the extensiveness of the topic area and resulting methodological problems but also the fact that comparatists abandon the studies of other languages. This results in a need of searching for a satisfactory definition of this field of study, its scope of research and applicable research methods. Among the specific issues raised in the article there is, e.g. the case of world literature seen in the context of the classical contradiction between cultural hegemony and cultural pluralism. Moreover, an interesting review of the picture of the Polish culture from the perspective of postcolonial theories and intracultural differences is presented.


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The definite article in the Modern Nordic languages is a suffix, etymologically related to a demonstrative. The form is not attested in runic inscriptions, the oldest linguistic sources, but first appears in Icelandic sagas as well as in Swedish and Danish legal codices from 13th century onwards. However, in these texts it does not appear with the same regularity as in modern languages. The Old Swedish form constitutes an intermediate form between a demonstrative, from which it is derived, and the article it has become in Modern Swedish. In the oldest texts it appears in contexts where demonstratives can only be found sporadically and its form suggests it no longer is a demonstrative. At the same time it is not yet obligatory. The aim of this paper is to show the grammaticalization of the definite article as a gradual, dynamic process, involving changes in the form and functional scope of the grammaticalizing item and to consider the properties of the Old Swedish form -in, derived from the distal demonstrative hin that.


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Niniejsza publikacja podejmuje problem, ktry jest dla antropologii symbolicznej fundamentalny. Jest nim ukazanie tego, jak w ramach tego kierunku ujmowano kwesti dziaa o charakterze symbolicznym oraz tego, jak dziaaj same symbole w kulturze. Rwnie istotnym problemem wicym si ze sposobem pojmowania przez ten nurt powyszych kwestii jest jego uwarunkowanie kontekstualne. Chodzi w tym miejscu nie tylko o rda naukowych inspiracji, ale rwnie o mniej oczywiste czynniki ksztatujce teoretyczne stanowiska Geertza czy Turnera. Antropologia symboliczna stanowia cz paradygmatu interpretacyjnego. To wanie wpyw wicego si ze zwrotem interpretacyjnym klimatu intelektualnego, jak te instytucjonalne oddziaywanie wspomnianych powyej orodkw akademickich jest najbardziej interesujce. Historyczno-naukowa kontekstualizacja okrelonych prdw naukowych wywiera wpyw na ksztat realizowanych w ich ramach teorii w takim samym stopniu, co relacje pomidzy stanowiskami poszczeglnych badaczy i ich autorskie programy antropologiczne.


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Pakiet oprogramowania InfoCult Analyser 1.4 stanowicego obudow ksiki do pobrania ze strony: ewaluacja.amu.edu.pl


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The article concerns the crucial role of language in the creation of the characters identity. This issue is analysed by the author on the basis of the Russian writer Tatiana Tolstojs short stories. In the works of T. Tolstoj the idiosyncratic language of the character, full of surprising metaphors, repetitions and syntactic innovations creates the prose style named ornamental prose by H. Goscilo. According to the author of the article, the metaphor plays a special role in Tolstojs short stories. The short story becomes subordinate to one superior metaphor accompanied by a number of subsidiary metaphors. By means of applying the metaphor that transcendents the reality, Tolstojs realistic prose becomes deeply emotional and presents unexpected and unknown aspects of Russian reality.


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The author analyses the theoretical and historical work of the Czech literary theoretician entitled Citliv msto (eseje z mytopoetiky), Praha 2006, ss. 416. Hodrovas work is focused on the topic of the city as an architectural creation and a complicated social and cultural phenomenon. In the post-modern anthropological thought the city is the subject of interest as an area that defines the identity of the human being through urban notions. The historical model of Hodrovas reflection is the Czech Prague seen through the eyes of writers, artists, architects but also through the European tradition of presenting the city. Ipso facto, the monograph that reconstructs the artistic means of presenting Prague transforms into a dispute in the area of social psychology, mythical studies and anthropology.


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Wykorzystanie seksualne dziecka jest zwizane z przestpstwami z art. 200 i z kilku artykuw pokrewnych polskiego Kodeksu karnego. Czynniki spoeczno-kulturowe oddziaywaj na to zjawisko poprzez dwa rodzaje socjalizacji. Socjalizacja wtrna zachodzi w populacji polskiej w sposb jednolity dla wszystkich sprawcw, natomiast rnicuje ich socjalizacja pierwotna, w zwizku z czym to ona winna by przedmiotem bada. Najlepsze wyjanienia zjawiska oferuj ujcia zintegrowane, akcentujce, midzy innymi, rol czynnikw rodzinnych w jego powstawaniu. W niniejszym artykule, jako teoretyczn podstaw bada, wykorzystano zintegrowan teori etiologii przestpstw seksualnych, ktra uznaje rodzinne dowiadczenia sprawcy za gwn przyczyn pniejszego seksualnego wykorzystywania dzieci. Zaproponowano cztery cieki rozwoju patologii wskazujce, w jaki sposb wczesne uwarunkowania psychologiczne (typ opieki i postawy rodzicw) przyczyniaj si do zostania sprawc wykorzystania seksualnego dziecka w przyszoci, oraz zweryfikowano je w badaniach wasnych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych bada czciowo potwierdzaj zaprezentowany model teoretyczny i pozwalaj wyznaczy kierunki dalszych poszukiwa.


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This paper analyzes different experiences of space by which memory of Holocaust could be passed on. The Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin gives visitors the feeling of insecurity and overwhelms them with monumentality. For that reason it is criticized as reflecting the other side of German memory: The Third Reichs megalomania and dream about power. The Hamburger memorial against fascism designed in 1986 by conceptual artists Jochen and Esther Gerz offers quite an opposite experience of space. A twelve-meter-high pillar has been established for visitors to sign on it. Once the area was covered by signature it was lowered into the ground till it completely disappeared. The intention of the artists was to put memory not into the monument but into people. Pozdrowienia z Alej Jerozolimskich (Greetings from the Jerusalem Avenue, 2002) by Joanna Rajkowska a fifteen-meter tall artificial palm tree installed in the centre of Warsaw is an attempt to infuse with Israel's scenery a Warsaw's street whose name and history sends the observer to the history of the Jews in Poland. In another work called Dotleniacz (Oxygenator, 2007) Rajkowska created an artificial lake with oxygen concentrators, gold fish, flowers and banks. Again, the installation was placed in a very meaningful place Grzybowski Square which is strongly connected with Jewish life in Poland as well as Polish anti-Semitism. The synagogue in Poznan was transformed during the Nazi occupation into a swimming pool which it has remained until the present day. This fact ( just like the building) seems to be invisible for most citizens. In 2003 Rafa Jakubowicz changed the fact by projecting a Hebrew inscription - (swimming pool) on the faade of the former synagogue. In Berek (The Game of Tag, 1999) by Artur mijewski a group of naked men and women of various age play tag. The artist filmed them in two rooms: in a symbolically neutral space and in a gas chamber of a former Nazi death camp. The film is an attempt at breaking the spell of this horrifying and paralysing space.


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The paper discusses social practices of creating as well as producing authentic objects and space. My deliberations are based on the thesis of the authors of the books The tourist gaze (John Urry), The tourist. A new theory of the leisure class (Dean MacCannell); Contested natures (Phil Macnaghten and John Urry), but also on my own research concerning attitudes towards wolfs in western and eastern Poland. The point of the article is that at the age of the new visual media, postmodernism and posttourism, when it is difficult to recognize whether an object is the original or a copy, man still wants to stand on the firm ground of genuine values. The sociologists mentioned above claim that this is why in the modern world there is a demand for authentic objects and so in an answer to this need such attractions like w i l d n e s s and r u s t i c i t y are produced. In the first part of the article I present an example of a visual product an English cottage. Secondly, basing on the results of some research concerning attitudes towards wolves, I attempt to show that in Poland there are also some practices the idea of which is to create an authentic space - wild nature. Finally I emphasize that constructed authentic space, scenes, and landscapes are examples of myths wildness, rusticity the consequence of nostalgia for lost authentic world.


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The phenomenon analyzed in the essay My Personal Space The Private Virtual Collections of Art is the possibility of visiting the worlds museums by means of the Internet visiting indirect, nevertheless enabling peaceful, profound, multiple and free contemplation of art. The function of Mon espace personnel (My Personal Space) of French museums of Louvre and Orsay that reveals some radical modifications in the perception, understanding and reception of art, is an illustration of this phenomenon. Using Mon espace personnel means traversing the virtual Louvre or Orsay and choosing works of art, their descriptions, analyses, publications etc. and then adding them to the internauts personal thematic albums. The phenomenon described is a starting point to the reflection on the significance of the space in which art exists (called, according to Golka, the form of arts presence) with its ontology as well as its functions and the character of its reception. The identification of what this space is, in the context of the hybridization of the form and the content and the emergence of the computer culture (Manovich) as well as in the context of the popularization of the reality (Krajewski) and the decentralization of the world of art (Wjtowicz), is an important part of this essay. These phenomena are also inscribed in a wider context of the changes of the character, mission and role of the museum in the time of the digital revolution.


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Autorka, stawiajc pytanie o zasadno pojcia Europy rodkowej, przypomina histori rnic pogldowych pomidzy czeskimi a polskimi uczonymi na temat (nie)istnienia wsplnoty na tym terytorium: ci pierwsi w XIX wieku gosili ide panslawizmu, w 30-tych latach XX wieku potrzeb syntezy kultur i literatur sowiaskich, a po II wojnie wiatowej przeciwstawiali sowiasko Zachodowi, co wywoywao krytyk tych drugich. Std wynika odmienne rozumienie obszaru rodkowoeuropejskiego w Czechach przewanie lokowanego w granicach Austro-Wgier, za w Polsce pojmowanego znacznie szerzej. Natomiast pewnego rodzaju spjny wyrnik Europy rodkowej mona znale w literaturze, przytaczany bywa szczeglnie gatunek powieci (np. Kafki, Haka, Musila, Gombrowicza), poprzedzony jak przypomina autorka polsk gawd i popularnym w Polsce szkicem fizjologicznym. Zawarty w nich element humoru, przeszed w stadium satyry, a nastpnie groteski, tworzc dziki temu niepowtarzalny odcie humoru rodkowoeuropejskiego, czsto okrelanego jako drugi wyrnik omawianego terytorium. Zdaniem autorki, rodkowoeuropejska specyfika cile zwizana jest z kodem euroatlantyckim, a w tym wanie kontekcie zawsze powinna by rozpatrywana.