699 resultados para Lytle, Rob
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: 'Rob??tica educativa'. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
El mundo de los computadores es interesante, porque ??stos pueden modificar e interactuar con el entorno, tanto en el ??mbito f??sico, como en el social y el comunicativo. Se comenta la importancia que proporciona la rob??tica educativa y la motivaci??n que genera en los estudiantes, por ser una entrada al aprendizaje del siglo XXI al mismo tiempo que se convierte en una posibilidad de crear y desarrollar capacidades aut??nomas.
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: 'Programaci??n inform??tica y rob??tica en la ense??anza b??sica'
The article features a conversation between Rob Cross and Martin Kilduff about organizational network analysis in research and practice. It demonstrates the value of using social network perspectives in HRM. Drawing on the discussion about managing personal networks; managing the networks of others; the impact of social networking sites on perceptions of relationships; and ethical issues in organizational network analysis, we propose specific suggestions to bring social network perspectives closer to HRM researchers and practitioners and rebalance our attention to people and to their relationships.
Between ethnology and sociology: K. Rob. V. Wikman as a mediator in Finland and Sweden K. Rob. V. Wikman, professor in sociology at the Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland, played a central role both within Finnish and Swedish sociology in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a student of Westermarck and thus his own research represented an ethnosociological tradition, which at that time was challenged by modern, American-influenced sociological ideas. The aim of this article is to discuss the adaptation of “modern sociology” and the drawing of boundaries in Nordic sociology after the Second World War by focusing on Wikman’s work in Finnish as well as Swedish sociology, especially the assessor assignments he was given, and by giving emphasis to some of those that served as border poles or border markers in this process. The comparative starting point gives us reason to discuss some nationally characterized similarities and differences that can be observed in the establishment process of modern sociology in Finland and Sweden.
O presente trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento e aplicação de um sistema de visão para um robô industrial, dedicado a tarefas de manipulação. Para seu desenvolvimento, foi feita a integração de equipamentos comerciais de captação de vídeo com um PC, onde é executada a análise das imagens. Os resultados são enviados ao controlador do robô através de um sistema de comunicação, sendo recebidos por um programa de manipulação que executa as tarefas. Como peça central do sistema de captura e processamento de imagens tem-se o programa RobVis, desenvolvido em linguagem Visual Basic e que tem a função principal de identificar a posição e orientação de objetos a serem manipulados pelo robô, que interpreta as imagens captadas por uma câmera de vídeo do tipo CCD, ligada a uma placa de captura de imagens. Após definidas as variáveis de interesse, estas são transmitidas ao controlador do robô, através de um sistema de comunicação IRBCom, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Robótica da UFRGS. No controlador, um programa de manipulação escrito em linguagem Rapid, nativa do manipulador empregado, recebe as variáveis para execução da tarefa de captura de objetos em posições aleatórias e depósito em um ponto de descarga pré-definido. O sistema de visão desenvolvido caracteriza-se como de fácil implementação e aplicação em tarefas de manipulação robótica industrial que exijam a determinação da posição e orientação de objetos de trabalho dentro de uma porção do volume de trabalho do robô, coberta por um sistema de visão.
BRITTO, Ricardo S.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.; ALSINA, Pablo J. Uma arquitetura distribuída de hardware e software para controle de um robô móvel autônomo. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMAÇÃO INTELIGENTE,8., 2007, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: SBAI, 2007.
This thesis presents a new structure of robust adaptive controller applied to mobile robots (surface mobile robot) with nonholonomic constraints. It acts in the dynamics and kinematics of the robot, and it is split in two distinct parts. The first part controls the robot dynamics, using variable structure model reference adaptive controllers. The second part controls the robot kinematics, using a position controller, whose objective is to make the robot to reach any point in the cartesian plan. The kinematic controller is based only on information about the robot configuration. A decoupling method is adopted to transform the linear model of the mobile robot, a multiple-input multiple-output system, into two decoupled single-input single-output systems, thus reducing the complexity of designing the controller for the mobile robot. After that, a variable structure model reference adaptive controller is applied to each one of the resulting systems. One of such controllers will be responsible for the robot position and the other for the leading angle, using reference signals generated by the position controller. To validate the proposed structure, some simulated and experimental results using differential drive mobile robots of a robot soccer kit are presented. The simulator uses the main characteristics of real physical system as noise and non-linearities such as deadzone and saturation. The experimental results were obtained through an C++ program applied to the robot soccer kit of Microrobot team at the LACI/UFRN. The simulated and experimental results are presented and discussed at the end of the text
This work presents the localization and path planning systems for two robots: a non-instrumented humanoid and a slave wheeled robot. The localization of wheeled robot is made using odometry information and landmark detection. These informations are fused using a Extended Kalman Filter. The relative position of humanoid is acquired fusing (using another Kalman Filter) the wheeled robot pose with the characteristics of the landmark on the back of humanoid. Knowing the wheeled robot position and the humanoid relative position in relation to it, we acquired the absolute position of humanoid. The path planning system was developed to provide the cooperative movement of the two robots,incorporating the visibility restrictions of the robotic system