913 resultados para Educational institution


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Objetivo. Establecer la prevalencia de Desordenes Musculo Esqueléticos(DME) y su asociación con factores ergonómicos (postura, manipulación de carga y trabajo repetitivo) en trabajadores administrativos de una Institución Educativa de Nivel Superior (IENS). Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal a 146 trabajadores de una IENS de la ciudad de Neiva (Huila), entre Abril y Mayo de 2015. Para la recolección de la información se utilizaron dos instrumentos: un instrumento para la caracterización sociodemográfica y ocupacional y el cuestionario estandarizado para identificar daños y exposición a riesgos ergonómicos en el trabajo (ERGOPAR). Resultados. El 90,4 % de los trabajadores presentaron molestia o dolor en alguna de las áreas del cuerpo, dentro de las cuales las más afectadas fueron las zonas del Cuello, hombros y/o espalda dorsal con el 79,9%, la espalda lumbar con el 65,8% y las manos y/o muñecas con el 49,3%. Conclusiones. Se encontró una asociación entre la exposición a factores ergonómicos y la presencia de DME, indicando que las posturas de trabajo forzadas o prolongadas y la manipulación de cargas representan un alto riesgo biomecánica para los trabajadores, lo cual se puede ver reflejado a mediano o largo plazo con el desarrollo de trastornos o enfermedades que pueden llegar a ser incapacitantes para los trabajadores, afectando su calidad de vida y su productividad laboral.


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El objetivo de esta investigación diagnostica radica en explicar los efectos de la implementación de la Revolución Educativa en las instituciones de Educación Media Técnica en la Provincia Centro del Departamento de Boyacá. Es así que se pretende demostrar si los procesos de implementación de articulación de la Institución Educativa Francisco de Paula Santander y la Institución Técnica Nacionalizada con el SENA, responden o no a las necesidades de los estudiantes frente a la coyuntura Nacional y Regional actual. Para lograr dicho fin, fue imperativo abordar esta problemática desde los siguientes enfoques: descriptivo, explicativo, analítico y propositivo; adicionalmente se realizaron encuestas a estudiantes, profesores y directivos de las Instituciones Educativas, de igual manera se llevaron a cabo una serie de entrevistas al Director Regional del SENA y al Secretario de Educación Departamental, como actores fundamentales del proceso. Permitiendo así formular posibles soluciones que apoyen la consolidación del proceso de articulación.


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Introducción: La obesidad infantil ha venido en aumento en los últimos años y Colombia no es ajena a esta problemática. Uno de los lugares para intervención son los planteles educativos, en los cuales los escolares son quienes escogen sus alimentos. En el presente estudio se pretendió caracterizar los hábitos alimentarios de una población pediátrica en cuatro instituciones educativas, con el fin de conocer las prioridades infantiles en cuanto a la escogencia de los alimentos, y por ende generar recomendaciones. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo multicéntrico que presenta los resultados de encuestas dirigidas a escolares entre 8 y 18 años, usuarios de tiendas escolares. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de acuerdo a las preferencias de alimentación por institución, por género y por edad entre otros. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 512 escolares. La distribución por género y edad fue similar en las cuatro instituciones educativas. Entre los alimentos de preferencia predominaron los alimentos empaquetados, pizza, helados y en menor proporción las frutas. En cuanto a las bebidas predominó la gaseosa y té en botella. Entre las razones para escoger los alimentos predominó “el sabor” seguido de la “facilidad y rapidez” para su consumo; y la principal razón para no escoger los alimentos fue el precio. Discusión: Es necesario hacer intervención desde una temprana edad para generar hábitos de alimentación saludable y equilibrada, al igual que se debería tener un programa de detección de hábitos alimentarios inadecuados en las instituciones escolares para así poder combatirlos.


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This paper describes a case study of an electronic data management system developed in-house by the Facilities Management Directorate (FMD) of an educational institution in the UK. The FMD Maintenance and Business Services department is responsible for the maintenance of the built-estate owned by the university. The department needs to have a clear definition of the type of work undertaken and the administration that enables any maintenance work to be carried out. These include the management of resources, budget, cash flow and workflow of reactive, preventative and planned maintenance of the campus. In order to be more efficient in supporting the business process, the FMD had decided to move from a paper-based information system to an electronic system, WREN, to support the business process of the FMD. Some of the main advantages of WREN are that it is tailor-made to fit the purpose of the users; it is cost effective when it comes to modifications on the system; and the database can also be used as a knowledge management tool. There is a trade-off; as WREN is tailored to the specific requirements of the FMD, it may not be easy to implement within a different institution without extensive modifications. However, WREN is successful in not only allowing the FMD to carry out the tasks of maintaining and looking after the built-estate of the university, but also has achieved its aim to minimise costs and maximise efficiency.


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Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad som väcker uppmärksamhet hos arbetsgivaren i den digitala portfolion. Studiens fokus är riktad mot nyexaminerade studenter. Den digitala portfolion ersätter successivt den analoga portfolion och som grafisk designer är portfolion en viktig del av identiteten. Idag finns ingen anledning till att inte använda sig av en digital portfolio. Semistrukturerade djupintervjuer utfördes för att undersöka hur kreatören på bästa sätt väcker arbetsgivarens uppmärksamhet genom den digitala portfolion. Studien undersökte även vilken roll lärosätet har när arbetsgivaren granskar portfolion. Resultaten presenteras genom olika teman som t ex alstren ska vara i fokus, unika lösningar och nytänkande väcker uppmärksamhet och vikten av ett bra första intryck. Studien visade att alstren i en digital portfolio ska tala för sig själva och vara relevanta för tiden, ingen överarbetad design ska finnas på portfolion. Likaså är lärosätet mindre viktigt för arbetsgivare, däremot kan högre krav ställas på en portfolio från vissa lärosäten.


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Work-integrated learning (WIL) is an educational strategy in which students undergo conventional academic learning with an educational institution, and combine this with some time spent in a workplace relevant to their program of study and career aims. It goes under a number of names internationally; sandwich degree (Ward & Jefferies, 2004); cooperative education; and internships (Groenewald, 2004; Sovilla & Varty, 2004; Walters, 1947). The name cooperative education reflects the tripartite nature of WIL in which the student, tertiary education institution (TEI), and workplace work together collaboratively to develop a comprehensive skill set in students (Coll, 1996). Recently the World Association for Cooperative Education added 'integrated' in a by-line to its name to reflect a broader perspective of the nature of cooperative education that can include capstone programs [practicum], internships, sandwich degrees, and work-based learning via industry projects (Franks & Blomqvist, 2004). A key aspect of WIL is the notion that it entails the integration of knowledge and skills gained in the educational institution and in the workplace. It is the integration aspect of WIL that distinguishes it from workplace learning (i.e., simply what a student or employee learns in the workplace, see Boud & Falchikov, 2006).

Eames (2003) notes that whilst there is a rich literature on the success of WIL programs, such research is almost entirely concerned with what he terms 'operational outcomes', such as benefits for students (Dressler & Keeling, 2004), employers (Braunstein & Loken, 2004), and TEIs (Weisz & Chapman, 2004). For example, it has been reported that compared with conventional graduates students who participate in WIL programs gain employment more easily, fit in better in the workplace, advance more rapidly in their careers, and so on (Dressler & Keeling, 2004). However, there is a serious paucity of research into what WIL students learn, how they learn, whom they learn from (Eames & Bell, 2005), and how the learning might be better facilitated and supported. A key purpose of work-integrated learning is the notion of providing graduates with a comprehensive skill set desired by potential employers. However, the literature notes that it is problematic for tertiary education providers to provide students with such skills, especially behavioural skills; the so-called soft skills (Burchell, Hodges & Rainsbury, 2000; Coll & Zegwaard, 2006). In what way does the student take what he or she has learned into the workplace, and conversely in what way does what the student learns in the workplace become related to, or incorporated into, the next phase of academic learning when he or she returns to the TEI after completing a work-placement?


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A key aspect of work-integrated learning (WIL) is the notion that it entails the integration of knowledge and skills gained in the educational institution and in the workplace. WIL educators are interested in what way students take what they learn on campus into the workplace; and conversely how what they learn in the workplace becomes related to, or incorporated into, the next phase of learning when the student returns to the campus after completing a work placement Here we report on a major national study of the pedagogical approaches used in New Zealand WIL programs in terms of integration of student knowledge, and consider what impact these might have on student learning.


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Purpose – The purpose of the study is to identify factors impacting the effectiveness of internal audit services.

Design/methodology/approach – Based upon a case study of a large public sector higher educational institution in Ethiopia, the paper examines how internal audit quality, management support, organizational setting, auditee attributes, and the interplay among these factors, influence internal audit effectiveness.

Findings – The findings of the study highlight that internal audit effectiveness is strongly influenced by internal audit quality and management support, whereas organizational setting and auditee attributes do not have a strong impact on audit effectiveness.

Research limitation/implications – As in all case studies, the generalisability of the conclusions is limited.

Originality/value – Internal audit services have apparently hitherto been the subject of limited examination. However, this study, in arguably the most thorough treatment so far, highlights the areas requiring improvement.


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Apresentamos neste trabalho um estudo sobre a processualidade das relações da escola pública com a comunidade, enfocando os agenciamentos que operam na constituição de diferentes modos de relação em uma instituição situada na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Sob os referenciais de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, procuramos pensar as relações como acontecimentos, efeitos de sentidos, agenciados coletivamente por instâncias heterogêneas que compõem o real social. Nosso problema se inscreve no âmbito do discurso e da subjetividade, partindo da hipótese de que é possível pensar as relações nas instituições, para além das representações individuais, para além das relações interpessoais, para além do pressuposto da reprodução social. Procuramos articular conhecimentos da Análise de Discurso na vertente Francesa com as discussões empreendidas por Deleuze e Guattari sobre uma Filosofia da Linguagem e uma Teoria da Subjetividade. Utilizamos o recurso cartográfico proposto por estes autores, trabalhando com os discursos produzidos no encontro da escola com a comunidade. Para tal acompanhamos as atividades de uma escola durante um ano, realizando entrevistas, observações, leitura de documentos, participando de reuniões e encontros festivos. Encontramos em nosso estudo algumas dobras das relações da escola com a comunidade, dobras que nos falam da sua complexidade, a qual temos deixado escapar, ao entendermos as relações, marcados pelo modo-indivíduo de subjetivação, que ganhou força desde a modernidade. Nossa cartografia registrou várias dobras, algumas um pouco mais intensas, como a dobra burocrática, a qual impede que outras forças possam ser potencializadas na escola. Procuramos aqui construir um modo de pensar as relações nas instituições, um pensar nas dobras, para regar um pouco o campo da Análise Institucional no âmbito da Psicologia e da Educação.


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Procurou-se desenvolver uma reflexão sobre a escola brasileira atual, suas dificuldades e seus problemas, bem como investigar a idéia de cisão entre saber e poder presente nos postulados de neutralidade e objetividade da ciência moderna e dominante na concepçao de conhecimento que direciona a instituição educativa. Nossa análise partiu de uma perspectiva foucaultiana de poder para entender o processo disciplinar da escola e seus mecanismos de vigilância e controle que perpassam o cotidiano da mesma e que conduzem à sujeição e ao adestramento do corpo físico, material para se atingir a submissão cognitiva e política. A acumulação de capital precisou de uma minuciosa e calculada tecnologia da sujeição para produzir a acumulaçao de homens o que sustenta e expande um aparelho de produçao que, por sua vez, mantém e utiliza os homens. A economia capitalista apóia-se no poder disciplinar cuja "anatomia política" funciona através de regimes políticos, aparelhos e instituições diversas, entre as quais encontra-se a escola. Um trabalho em campo buscou detectar, tanto as tecnologias de poder vigentes e suas práticas, quanto as manifestações de resistência atuantes e seus modos de expressão. Tentou-se, ainda, analisar a dificuldade de mudar estas práticas, tendo como orientação as conceituações de Deleuze e Guaftari a respeito da "palavra de ordem". O pensamento de Nietzsche conduziu a crítica e a discussão desta escola que temos, bem como a proposição de novos valores para a educação, com o consequente questionamento e suspeição do valor dos valores que norteiam esta educação.


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Back in November, we wrote about an analysis of tweets in Brazil that illustrated the extreme polarisation of the country’s voters on the eve of the presidential election on October 26. A striking image (seen in miniature on the left) generated by Marco Aurélio Ruediger and colleagues at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, an educational institution in Rio de Janeiro, showed voters on each side of the two-way race talking exclusively among themselves and almost never to each other.


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Este trabalho disserta sobre o currículo da Escola Superior de Administração e Negócios (ESAN) desde a sua criação em 1941 pelo jesuíta Roberto Sabóia de Medeiros até o seu reconhecimento oficial como instituição de ensino superior pelo governo em 1961. Ao contextualizá-la perante o contexto político e econômico da sociedade paulista da época, a estruturação de disciplinas na escola foi também analisada de acordo com as principais características do ensino em administração no Brasil, conforme recentes trabalhos sobre o assunto. Esta pesquisa aponta que apesar da escola do Pe. Sabóia ser anterior à instituição das principais referências de ensino administrativo no país e no exterior, a ESAN estabeleceu em suas características a importação de saberes administrativos americanos e a racionalização como condição para a modernidade do país no fim do Estado Novo e, consequentemente, no fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial e início da Guerra Fria. Para tanto, foi utilizado como método de pesquisa a narrativa histórica, cujos princípios e delineamentos eram até então exclusivos ao campo da História e, por este motivo, contribuem para a perspectiva histórica em Estudos Organizacionais. Desta maneira, a narrativa analisa as atividades curriculares da ESAN à luz dos contextos social e da história da administração alusivos ao período estudado ao reiterar-se que o currículo de uma instituição de ensino é uma construção histórica, permeado por um discurso de poder e influenciado, direta e indiretamente, pelo contexto que o envolve. Por fim, este trabalho não teve como fim limitar uma análise sobre o currículo em administração no Brasil, mas sobretudo fomentar estudos sobre os primórdios do ensino na área do país, os quais mantém atualmente uma dedicação crescente.


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The democratic management is a challenge for education, on the one hand for its actualization needs a link between the government and the educational institution. From that, research aims to understand the main challenges faced by the school administration to consolidate the management of public schools in Natal/RN. Against this context the methodology used was multiple cases, qualitative approach in which respondent were manager (director, deputy director and coordinator) of the four municipal schools and two representatives of the Democratic Management Commission of a Government departament of Education, Natal/RN. The analysis was made by peers, between schools that had grade superior IDEB that average stipulated by the federal government and two that had grade lower and between managers and representatives of the Secretary. Were used techniques of categorization and content analysis of the speeches of respondents. Was note that managers understand the importance of the participation about whole community in the democratic management, however only one school highlighted means of attracting the parents against to the difficulty of representing these. The lack of knowledge about the democratic management is evident mainly in the pair of schools with lower IDEB. That schools with a lower IDEB adhere to this management as a way to meet rules. So unanimous, the broad role of director hampers knowledge about the legislation. About relationship of the Government department with managers, there are some contradictions between the understanding of the role of the coordinator by managers and representatives of the Government department. It was perceptible the no uniformity about a good relationship between managers and Government department. It was notable features of democratic management in all school units, well as the efforts of the Government department in this scope. However there are also undemocratic features that deserve further study


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This research work deals with the compilation of a dictionary on clothing terminology intended to be used as a pedagogic tool as part of the teaching and learning process in the Textile Engineering Course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The main terms were selected and assessed by a team of textile teachers and students with the objective to be structured as a conceptual body of information on the following sub-areas of clothing terminology: materials (fabrics and trimmings) and products (garments). This research comprises three main steps: (a) characterization and understanding of the technical vocabulary in the clothing area as well as the identification of a pedagogic demand for a dictionary on clothing terminology, clearly expressed by the textile lecturers and students involved in the assessment of the need and validation of this project development; (b) a proposal for a specific methodology for the compilation of the dictionary which could help the communication process in the lecturing of clothing terminology and (c) based on the terminological principles and the technique of focal groups the dictionary was assessed. The technique of focal groups was used in the first step. In the second step the technique used was that of the terminological methodology adapted to the teaching approach in the Textile Course. In the third step the technique of focal groups was again utilized. It was observed that the main concern of lecturers and students is the lack of a standardized vocabulary, which renders difficult the communication process in both the teaching and learning activities as well as the professional ones in the textile industries. Various aspects, which can overlap, cause this lack of standardization. The main ones pointed out by the study team in the focal groups are: usage of regional words or expressions, usage of foreign words or expressions, analogies, and the low level of formal education, mainly among the industry workers. Another aspect to be considered is the lack of textile literature written in the Portuguese language of Brazil. This evidence shows the importance of a clothing terminology dictionary which will benefit both the education and professional activties in this field of knowledge. This dictionary will also give a substantial contribution to terminological standardization in our research field. With view to fulfill this demand, a dictionary of clothing terminology was compiled with 760 main entries, according to the modern practice in terminology with the necessary modifications concerning our needs. The result of the dictionary assessment was very assertive regarding its structure, contents and possible use in various contexts. The team work emphasized their contribution to the standardization process of the terms that proved to be one of the most important and difficult aspects of this researh work. The significance of this structured terminological dictionary was confirmed by the focal group participants relating to its use for teaching and learning activities, as a reference book, as a source of technical information and also as a tool for pedagogic studies and planning, as well as a significant collaboration to the pedagogic practices in the textile engineering course at University or any other educational institution. Besides, this dictionary can also be used to supply information within the textile field. We are aware that the present work will not exhaust the objectives of this research due to its limitations in opposition to the vast complexity demanded by the compilation of a complete work including all the areas and sub-areas of textile engineering. However, it is an important source for dissemination of concepts on the field of clothing terminology and a tool to effective standardization of the terms used in this subject field