992 resultados para Brazilian Poetry


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This study examines the position and meaning of Classical mythological plots, themes and characters in the oeuvre of the Russian Modernist poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941). The material consists of lyric poems from the collection Posle Rossii (1928) and two longer lyrical tragedies, Ariadna (1924) and Fedra (1927). These works are examined in the context of Russian Modernism and Tsvetaeva s own poetic development, also taking into account the author s biography, namely, her correspondence with Boris Pasternak. Tsvetaeva s appropriations of the myths enter into a dialogue with the Classical tradition and with the earlier Russian and Western literary manifestations of the source material. Her Classical texts are inextricably linked with her own authorial myth, they are used to project both her ideas about poetry as well as the authored self of her poems. An important context for Tsvetaeva s application of the Classical myths is the concept of the Platonic ladder of Eros. This plot evokes the process of transcendence of the mortal subject into the immaterial realm and is applied by the author as an extended metaphor of the poet s birth. Emphasizing the dialectical movement between the earthly and the divine, Tsvetaeva s Classical personae foreground various positions of the individual between these two realms. By means of kaleidoscopic reformulations of similar metaphors and concepts, Tsvetaeva s mythological poems illustrate the poet s position between the material and the immaterial and the various consequences of this dichotomy on the creative mission. At the heart of Tsvetaeva s appropriation of the Sibyl, Phaedra, Eurydice and Ariadne is the tension between the body and disembodiment. The two lyrical tragedies develop the dichotomous worldview further, nevertheless emphasizing the dual perspective of the divine and the earthly realms: immaterial existence is often evaluated from a material perspective and vice versa. The Platonic subtext is central for Ariadna, focussing on Theseus development from an earthly hero to a spiritual one. Fedra concentrates on Phaedra s divinely induced physical passion, which is nevertheless evoked in a creative light.


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Titled "An Essay on Antimetaphoric Resistance", the dissertation investigates what is here being called "Counter-figures": a term which has in this context a certain variety of applications. Any other-than-image or other-than-figure, anything that cannot be exhausted by figuration (and that is, more or less, anything at all, except perhaps the reproducible images and figures themselves) can be considered "counter-figurative" with regard to the formation of images and figures, ideas and schemas, "any graven image, or any likeness of any thing". Singularity and radical alterity, as well as temporality and its peculiar mode of uniqueness are key issues here, and an ethical dimension is implied by, or intertwined with, the aesthetic. In terms borrowed from Paul Celan's "Meridian" speech, poetry may "allow the most idiosyncratic quality of the Other, its time, to participate in the dialogue". This connection between singularity, alterity and temporality is one of the reasons why Celan so strongly objects to the application of the traditional concept of metaphor to poetry. As Celan says, "carrying over [übertragen]" by metaphor may imply an unwillingness to "bear with [mittragen]" and to "endure [ertragen]" the poem. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first consists of five distinct prolegomena which all address the mentioned variety of applications of the term "counter-figures", and especially the rejection or critique of either metaphor (by Aristotle, for instance) or the concept of metaphor (defined by Aristotle, and sometimes deemed "anti-poetic" by both theorists and poets). Even if we restrict ourselves to the traditional rhetorico-poetical terms, we may see how, for instance, metonymy can be a counter-figure for metaphor, allegory for symbol, and irony for any single trope or for any piece of discourse at all. The limits of figurality may indeed be located at these points of intersection between different types of tropes or figures, and even between figures or tropes and the "non-figurative trope" or "pseudo-figure" called catachresis. The second part, following on from the open-ended prolegomena, concentrates on Paul Celan's poetry and poetics. According to Celan, true poetry is "essentially anti-metaphoric". I argue that inasmuch as we are willing to pay attention to the "will" of the poetic images themselves (the tropes and metaphors in a poem) to be "carried ad absurdum", as Celan invites us to do, we may find alternative ways of reading poetry and approaching its "secret of the encounter", precisely when the traditional rhetorical instruments, and especially the notion of metaphor, become inapplicable or suspicious — and even where they still seem to impose themselves.


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Important modernists in their own countries, Anna Akhmatova and Edith Södergran are compared in this dissertation as poets whose poetry reflects the climactic events of the early twentieth century in Finland and Russia. A comparatist, biographical and historical approach is used to uncover the circumstances surrounding these events. First the poets’ early works are reviewed and their contemporaries are mentioned to provide a poetic context. Then a brief review of Finnish and Russian history situates them historically. Next, the rich literary diversity of St. Petersburg’s Silver Age is presented and the work of the poets is viewed in context before their poetry is compared, as the First World War, October Revolution and subsequent Finnish Civil War impact their writing. While biography is not the primary focus, it becomes important as inevitably the writers’ lives are changed by cataclysmic events and the textual analysis of the poems in Swedish, Russian and English shows the impact of war on their poetry. These two poets have not been compared before in a critical review in English and this work contributes to needed work in English. They share certain common modernist traits: attention to the word, an intimate, unconventional voice, and a concern with audience. In addition, they both reject formal traditions while they adopt new forms and use modern, outside influences such as art, architecture and philosophy as subject matter and a lens through which to focus their poetry. While it may seem that Anna Akhmatova was the most socially aware poet, because of the censorship she endured under Stalin, my research has revealed that actually Edith Södergran showed the most social consciousness. Thus, a contrast of the poets’ themes reveals these differences in their approaches. Both poets articulated a vibrant response to war and revolution becoming modernists in the process. In their final works created in the years before their deaths, they reveal the solace they found in nature as well as final mentions of the violent events of their youth. Keywords: St. Petersburg, Modernism, Symbolism, Acmeism, Silver Age, Finland-Swedish literature


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As failure to control Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) with phosphine is a common problem in the grain-growing regions of Brazil, a study was undertaken to investigate the frequency, distribution and strength of phosphine resistance in R. dominica in Brazil. Nineteen samples of R. dominica were collected between 1991 and 2003 from central storages where phosphine fumigation had failed to control this species. Insects were cultured without selection until testing in 2005. Each sample was tested for resistance to phosphine on the basis of the response of adults to discriminating concentrations of phosphine (20 and 48 h exposures) and full dose-response assays (48 h exposure). Responses of the Brazilian R. dominica samples were compared with reference susceptible, weak-resistance and strong-resistance strains from Australia in parallel assays. All Brazilian population samples showed resistance to phosphine: five were diagnosed with weak resistance and 14 with strong resistance. Five samples showed levels of resistance similar to the reference strong-resistance strain. A representative highly resistant sample was characterised by exposing mixed-age cultures to a range of constant concentrations of phosphine for various exposure periods. Time to population extinction (TPE) and time to 99.9% suppression of population (LT99.9) values of this sample were generally similar to those of the reference strong-resistance strain. For example, at 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1, LT99.9 values for BR33 and the reference strong-resistance strain were respectively 21, 6.4 and 3.7 days and 17, 6.2 and 3.8 days. With both strains, doubling phosphine concentrations to 2 mg L -1 resulted in increased LT99.9 and TPE. High level and frequency of resistance in all population samples, some of which had been cultured without selection for up to 12 years, suggest little or no fitness deficit associated with phosphine resistance. The present research indicates that widespread phosphine resistance may be developing in Brazil. Fumigation practices should be monitored and resistance management plans implemented to alleviate further resistance development.


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The Politics of Pulp Investment and the Brazilian Landless Movement (MST) The paper industry has been moving more heavily to the global South at the beginning of the 21st century. In a number of cases the rural populations of the global South have engaged in increasingly important resistance in their scuffle with the large-scale tree plantation-relying pulp investment model. The resistance had generally not yet managed to slow down Southern industrial tree plantation expansion until 2004. After all, even the MST, perhaps the strongest of the Southern movements, has limited power in comparison to the corporations pushing for plantation expansion. This thesis shows how, even against these odds, depending on the mechanisms of contention and case-specific conflict dynamics, in some cases the movements have managed to slow and even reverse plantation expansion. The thesis is based on extensive field research in the Brazilian countryside. It outlines a new theory of contentious agency promotion, emphasizing its importance in the shaping of corporate resource exploitation. The thesis includes a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of resistance influence on the economic outcomes of all (14) Brazilian large-scale pulp projects between 2004-2008. The central hypothesis of the thesis is that corporate resource exploitation can be slowed down more effectively and likely when the resistance is based on contentious agency. Contentious agency is created by the concatenation of five mutually supporting mechanisms of contention: organizing and politicizing a social movement; heterodox framing of pulp projects; protesting; networking; and embedding whilst maintaining autonomy. The findings suggest that contentious agency can slow or even reverse the expansion of industrial plantations, whereas when contentious agency promotion was inactive, fast or even unchecked plantation expansion was always the outcome. The rule applied to all the assessed 14 pulp conflict cases. The hypothesis gained strong support even in situations where corporate agency promotion was simultaneously active. In previous studies on social movements, there has been a lack of contributions that help us understand the causal mechanisms of contention influencing economic outcomes. The thesis answers to the call by merging a Polanyian analysis of the political economy with the Dynamics of Contention research program and making a case for the impact of contentious agency on capital accumulation. The research concludes that an efficient social movement can utilize mechanisms of contention to promote the potential of activism among its members and influence investment outcomes. Protesting, for example via pioneering land occupations, seemed to be particularly important. Until now, there has been no comprehensive theory on when and how contentious agency can slow down or reverse the expansion of corporate resource exploitation. The original contribution of this research is to provide such a theory, and utilize it to offer an extensive explanation on the conflicts over pulp investment in Brazil, the globalization of the paper industry, and slowing of industrial plantation expansion in the global South.


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Review of Representations of the Natural World in Old English Poetry, by Jennifer Neville (Cambridge UP, 1999).


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Analisa os aspectos da estrutura política brasileira que contribuem para falhas nos processos decisórios e ineficácia nos resultados finais de políticas de governo, com ênfase nos problemas institucionais do poder legislativo. Aborda os seguintes tópicos: fragmentação do sistema partidário, infidelidade partidária, modelo de federalismo, preenchimento de cargos públicos, larga utilização de medidas provisórias, disfunções do processo legislativo.


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During the English Civil War, Charles I appeared as a character in Royalist poetry, both directly and allegorically. These depictions drew on ancient Roman epic poems, particularly Lucan’s De Bello Civili, in their treatment of the subject matter of civil war and Charles as an epic hero. Though the authors of these poems supported Charles, their depictions of him and his reign reveal anxiety about his weakness as a ruler. In comparison to the cults of personality surrounding his predecessors and the heroes of De Bello Civili, his cult appears bland and forced. The lack of enthusiasm surrounding Charles I may help to explain his downfall at the hands of his Parliamentarian opponents.  


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O trabalho consiste em um exame da produção poética de Glauco Mattoso, tendo como horizonte a noção de transgressão e utilizando como corpus sua produção de sonetos e o Jornal Dobrabil. Com uma produção iniciada na década de 1970, o autor é um dos escritores mais prolíficos do cenário literário brasileiro contemporâneo, levantando questões referentes à perversão formal, à crítica do poder autoritário e à criação ficcional da persona autoral por meio da escrita de si. Acreditamos que, por sua técnica apurada e sua vasta produção, trata-se de um autor que merece um estudo acadêmico aprofundado, buscando o diálogo entre seus temas e as questões culturais que se apresentam ao pensamento contemporâneo


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Esta tese tem como proposta uma leitura de aspiração ensaística da correspondência entre os escritores Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Mário de Andrade durante o Modernismo, entre 1924 e 1929, com destaque para a afirmação da identidade do poeta brasileiro em sua relação com o nacionalismo. A correspondência, abordada como diálogo epistolar, é analisada cronologicamente, relacionando os temas propostos à produção artística dos escritores. A troca de opinião sobre originais dos próprios autores é um dos focos da análise do texto, em especial as cartas que envolvem a gênese do livro Alguma poesia, publicado por Carlos Drummond de Andrade em 1930. As cartas têm como antecedente o cuidado de si, oriundo da cultura greco-romana, exercido pelos antigos filósofos como um exercício espiritual e de reflexão sobre o cotidiano. Desse modo, a partir do convite epistolar de devotar-se ao Brasil feito por Mário, Carlos elabora poemas como respostas, em um diálogo que ganha permanência poética


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Este trabalho tem como problema central verificar se a integração do ensino médio facultada pelo Decreto n. 5.154/04 poderá constituir-se, ainda que sob os limites do capitalismo, num caminho que contribua para a concretização de uma concepção educacional voltada para a politecnia, tomando como referência a legislação educacional brasileira, no que diz respeito ao ensino médio e à educação profissional técnica de nível médio a partir da promulgação da LDB n. 9.394/96 e, tendo como foco principal de análise as disposições do Decreto n. 5.154/04 e as circunstâncias que eventualmente contribuem para que ele se constitua no caminho referido. Seu objetivo é analisar a precariedade, as limitações de alcance, mas também, as possibilidades do decreto como caminho alternativo na construção de outra concepção educacional, na perspectiva de superação do modelo vigente de inspiração neoliberal. O pressuposto ponto de partida é de que uma fundamentação teórico-metodológica, epistemológica e ético-política calcada na formação omnilateral e/ou politécnica que alcance significativamente os fóruns docentes, no âmbito do ensino médio e da educação profissional técnica de nível médio, dá suporte para que o Decreto n. 5.154/04 constitua-se de fato, numa possibilidade de travessia rumo à superação da concepção educacional de matiz neoliberal. No entendimento de que isso, todavia, não é algo que possa ocorrer espontaneamente, pelo contrário. Entendendo que a possibilidade dessa travessia implica uma intencionalidade e a disputa de um projeto que é também social. Uma preocupação se revela recorrente ao longo do trabalho: o que fazer? Face à opacidade do tempo presente pródigo em reduzir o oxigênio das nossas esperanças, em exaurir a possibilidade de se conceber uma sociabilidade que, diferente desta, tenha o homem como centro, agir de que maneira? E, principalmente, como propor uma ação que não pareça histriônica, descolada das atuais condições de tempo e espaço? Ao otimismo da vontade, ainda que face ao pessimismo da razão do pensamento gramsciano somamos utopia e poesia na expectativa de tornarmos a dimensão da transcendência mais tangível. Para lembramos que o homem pode ser maior do que o acabrunhado papel para ele determinado pelo sistema dominante. Com a intenção de dialogarmos com as experiências que se dão no chão das escolas, realizamos uma pesquisa intencional no campo empírico e através de dados colhidos junto a dirigentes e professores de três instituições da rede federal de educação tecnológica, de três unidades da federação, procuramos confrontar as informações obtidas com os principais argumentos apresentados no trabalho.


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Este trabalho propõe uma discussão sobre a relação entre vida e poesia na obra do poeta Roberto Piva, cujas influências provém em especial do movimento surrealista e da beat generation que, na obra do poeta, abrange a poética do caos urbano da cidade de São Paulo, as questões relacionadas ao erotismo e, na última etapa, a incursão na esfera sagrada da poesia que conferiu a Piva a designação de poeta-xamã. Situam-se também o autor e a sua obra na literatura brasileira contemporânea, ressaltando-se os aspectos autobiográficos e o diálogo com a Periferia Rebelde


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A partir do pequeno livro Os caminhos do Conhecer, publicado em 1981 pela Editora Noa Noa, esta dissertação procurou analisar os principais aspectos da obra da poeta Angela Melim, tal como pensar sua escrita, com relação à poesia contemporânea brasileira. Primeiramente, traçamos um breve panorama do contexto no qual surgiu a poeta, os ávidos anos 70, para em seguida entender o que foi a poesia marginal e qual relação Melim manteve com ela. Detivemo-nos, depois, na leitura e análise de Os caminhos do Conhecer e nas importantes questões que ele suscita, como, por exemplo, a relação entre sujeito e paisagem, o feminino na literatura, o tempo e o espaço literários, o ritmo, o gênero do texto etc. Usamos, para tal, os conceitos de (des)limites entre poesia e prosa (a partir de Agamben e de Masé Lemos), de gênero (segundo Derrida), de outramento (Evando Nascimento), de tempo (Maurice Blanchot), entre outros