781 resultados para Secondary school graduation certificate
„Abstract“ Pantring, Heinz Schulische Umwelterziehung und Umweltbewußtsein. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Umwelterziehung und zum Umweltbewußtsein an Wiesbadener Schulen. Das Ziel der als Fallstudie konzipierten Untersuchung bestand darin, die Wirksamkeit schulischer Umwelterziehung nicht nur auf der Wissens- und Einstellungsdimension des Umweltbewußtseins, sondern vor allen Dingen auf die Dimension des Umwelthandelns im Sinne von „ökologischem Tun“ in Abhängigkeit von manifesten Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen wie Alter, Geschlecht und Dauer des Schulbesuchs zu überprüfen. Diese Überprüfung geschah durch das Angebot an alle Schüler und Lehrer, sich an einer konkreten Umweltaktion - Anlage eines Feuchtbiotops - zu beteiligen. An den Fragebogenerhebungen waren 1821 Schüler der 4., 8. und 12. Klassen aus 19 Wiesbadener Grund- und weiterführenden Schulen beteiligt. Parallel wurden bei den 550 Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, die an den entsprechenden Schulen unterrichteten, unter anderem Ausmaß und Qualität schulischer Umwelterziehung und umweltbezogener Fortbildung sowie Aspekte der Ökologisierung von Schule und Ansichten zum Umweltunterricht erfaßt. Wesentliche Ergebnisse waren: 1) Die zur Zeit praktizierte umweltorientierte Lehrerfortbildung erreicht nur einen geschlossenen Teilnehmerkreis. 2) Eine qualitative Verbesserung des Umweltunterrichtes ist eher auf Privatinitiative, als auf ein umfassendes institutionalisiertes umweltbezogenes Fortbildungsange-bot zurückzuführen. 3) Grundschüler zeigen ein ausgeprägteres Umweltbewußtsein als Schüler weiterführender Schulen. 4) Ein Großteil der in den Grundschulen durch eine intensive Schüler - Lehrer - Interaktion erreichte Motivation für Umweltprobleme und Umweltthemen geht beim Übergang von den Grundschulen zu den weiterführenden Schulen - insbesondere Gymnasien - verloren. Im Alter von 13 - 16 Jahren fallen die Schüler in ein „Motivationsloch“ für Umwelt-erziehung. 5) Schüler zeigen eine deutliche Diskrepanz zwischen verbalem umweltorientierten Engagement und dem faktisch praktizierten „Ökologischen Tun“. 6) Es gibt keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der umweltbezogenen Handlungsbereitschaft von Schülern und der Qualität des Umweltunterrichtes. 7) Das bei Schülern allgemein entwickelte Umweltbewußtsein hängt eher mit ihrer Sozialisation in einer umweltbewußteren Zeit als mit den unmittelbaren Anstrengungen der Schule zusammen.
Diese Arbeit analysiert den Alltag in einem gymnasialen Jungeninternat in der Upper West Region in Ghana und setzt diese Analyse in eine anthropologische Perspektive zum Staat. Angeregt durch die Überlegungen von Michel Foucault zu Disziplinarmechanismen und „Technologien des Selbst“ steht die alltägliche Disziplinierung der Schüler im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. Dabei wird Disziplin nicht als restriktiv, übergeordnet und allgegenwärtig gedacht, sondern als etwas, das die Schüler aktiv mitgestalten. Einerseits sind die Schüler der Nandom Secondary School Disziplinartechniken ausgesetzt, die sich auf die Kontrolle ihrer Körper beziehen: Sie werden vereinheitlicht, klassifiziert, hierarchisiert, überwacht, geprüft und bestraft. Andererseits sind die Schüler keine übermächtigten Objekte einer totalen Institution, sondern sie wirken kreativ mit beim Flechten des Netzes aus Kontrolle und Freiräumen in ihrer Schule: Sie spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Kontrolle der Lehrer; sie erkennen und nutzen Freiräume, deren Rahmen sie mit den Lehrern aushandeln. Auch ihr Selbst bekommen die Schüler nicht von den Lehrern einfach diktiert. Zwar wird ihnen durch das Bild des guten Schülers eine bestimmte Sicht auf sich selbst nahe gelegt, doch wie sie dieses Bild aufnehmen, ablehnen oder umdeuten liegt in ihren eigenen Händen.
Diese Arbeit analysiert, welche Erziehungsziele ein gymnasiales Mädcheninternat in der Upper West Region in Ghana verfolgt und wie diese Erziehungsziele im Schulalltag praktisch umsetzt werden. Angeregt durch das Goffmansche Konzept der „totalen Institution“ untersucht die Arbeit den umfassenden Einfluss der katholischen Internatsschule auf die Schülerinnen, die mit dem Eintritt in die Schule ihre dörfliche Herkunftswelt verlassen und ein Übergangsstadium durchlaufen. Die Schülerinnen werden nicht nur im Unterricht erzogen, sondern der gesamte Schulalltag wird von Regeln bestimmt, die aus den Schülerinnen gute Staatsbürgerinnen machen sollen. Dabei entwickelte sich die 1959 gegründete St. Francis Girls’ Secondary School im Lauf der Zeit von einer Institution, die vor allem christliche Haus- und Ehefrauen produzieren wollte, zu einer Schule, die die Mädchen auch akademisch gut ausbilden will und ihnen vermittelt, dass sie künftig zu einer „Elite“ gehören werden. Dass der Einfluss des Internats aber weder „total“ ist, noch die Schülerinnen passiv sind, zeigt sich daran, dass die Schülerinnen zum einen die Schulregeln nicht immer befolgen und sich zum anderen auch gegenseitig, und dies nicht immer im Sinne der Regeln, disziplinieren.
This work seeks to understand what kind of impact educational policies have had on the secondary school students among internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their identity reconstruction in Georgia. The study offers a snapshot of the current situation based on desk study and interviews conducted among a sample of secondary school IDP pupils. In the final chapter, the findings will be reflected against the broader political context in Georgia and beyond. The study is interdisciplinary and its methodology is based on social identity theory. I shall compare two groups of IDPs who were displaced as a result of two separate conflicts. The IDPs displaced as a result of conflict in Abkhazia in 1992–1994 are named as old caseload IDPs. The second group of IDPs were displaced after a conflict in South Ossetia in 2008. Additionally, I shall touch upon the situation of the pupils among the returnees, a group of Georgian old caseload IDPs, who have spontaneously returned to de facto Abkhazia. According to the interviews, the secondary school student IDPs identify themselves strongly with the Georgian state, but their group identities are less prevailing. Particularly the old case load IDP students are fully integrated in local communities. Moreover, there seems not to be any tangible bond between the old and new caseload IDP students. The schools have neither tried nor managed to preserve IDP identities which would, for instance, make political mobilisation likely along these lines. Right to education is a human right enshrined in a number of international conventions to which the IDPs are also entitled. Access to education or its denial has a deep impact on individual and societal development. Furthermore, education has a major role in (re)constructing personal as well as national identity.
Il presente lavoro di ricerca si focalizza sulla rappresentazione della cultura arabo-islamica, così come viene restituita nei libri di storia per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Il fatto che il mondo di oggi è caratterizzato, ora più che mai, da continui e inevitabili incontri tra persone con multiple appartenenze esige un forte impegno volto a favorire pacifici rapporti interculturali. A tale scopo si ritiene che i contenuti dei libri di testo abbiano un ruolo molto rilevante. Di qui, uno degli obiettivi consiste nel verificare se i libri di testo veicolano un’efficace educazione alla conoscenza e al rispetto delle altre culture e religioni, all’ascolto e al dialogo interculturale; nonché al superamento dell'etnocentrismo, degli stereotipi e dei pregiudizi. Si è cercato così di verificare – nel campione dei libri di testo presi in esame – quali eventuali pregiudizi ricorrenti, stereotipi o prospettive etnocentriche vengono costruite, consolidate, reiterate e trasmesse, consapevolmente o inconsapevolmente, attraverso le affermazioni o le immagini che illustrano la cultura arabo-islamica. La prima parte della tesi, quella teorica, è dedicata all'approfondimento di due temi: il primo riguarda il rapporto Oriente-Occidente e la rappresentazione dell'altro e il secondo riguarda invece la condizione della donna musulmana tra stereotipi e realtà. La seconda parte invece, quella empirica, è dedicata principalmente all'analisi del contenuto dei testi di storia. Dall'analisi effettuata è evidente l'interesse, da parte degli autori e degli editori dei libri di testo, per il tema della cultura arabo-islamica. Nonostante ciò, si è potuto riscontrare nei libri presi in esame, sebbene in misura differente, la presenza (o compresenza) di stereotipi, generalizzazioni e informazioni parziali, imprecise o errate attorno alla cultura arabo-islamica e a chi vi appartiene.
Symptom development during the prodromal phase of psychosis was explored retrospectively in first-episode psychosis patients with special emphasis on the assumed time-related syndromic sequence of "unspecific symptoms (UN)-predictive basic symptoms (BS)-attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS)-(transient) psychotic symptoms (PS)." Onset of syndromes was defined by first occurrence of any of their respective symptoms. Group means were inspected for time differences between syndromes and influence of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on the recalled sequence. The sequence of "UN-BS/APS-PS" was clearly supported, and both BS and, though slightly less, APS were highly sensitive. However, onset of BS and APS did not show significant time difference in the whole sample (N = 126; 90% schizophrenia), although when each symptom is considered independently, APS tended to occur later than first predictive BS. On descriptive level, about one-third each recalled an earlier, equal and later onset of BS compared with APS. Level of education showed the greatest impact on the recall of the hypothesized sequence. Thereby, those with a higher school-leaving certificate supported the assumed sequence, whereas those of low educational background retrospectively dated APS before BS. These findings rather point out recognition and recall bias inherent to the retrospective design than true group characteristics. Future long-term prospective studies will have to explore this conclusively. However, as regards the criteria, the results support the notion of BS as at least a complementary approach to the ultrahigh risk criteria, which may also allow for an earlier detection of psychosis.
Acer saccharum Marsh., is one of the most valuable trees in the northern hardwood forests. Severe dieback was recently reported by area foresters in the western Upper Great Lakes Region. Sugar Maple has had a history of dieback over the last 100 years throughout its range and different variables have been identified as being the predisposing and inciting factors in different regions at different times. Some of the most common factors attributed to previous maple dieback episodes were insect defoliation outbreaks, inadequate precipitation, poor soils, atmospheric deposition, fungal pathogens, poor management, or a combination of these. The current sugar maple dieback was evaluated to determine the etiology, severity, and change in dieback on both industry and public lands. A network of 120 sugar maple health evaluation plots was established in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan, northern Wisconsin, and eastern Minnesota and evaluated annually from 2009-2012. Mean sugar maple crown dieback between 2009-2012 was 12.4% (ranging from 0.8-75.5%) across the region. Overall, during the sampling period, mean dieback decreased by 5% but individual plots and trees continued to decline. Relationships were examined between sugar maple dieback and growth, habitat conditions, ownership, climate, soil, foliage nutrients, and the maple pathogen sapstreak. The only statistically significant factor was found to be a high level of forest floor impacts due to exotic earthworm activity. Sugar maple on soils with lower pH had less earthworm impacts, less dieback, and higher growth rates than those on soils more favorable to earthworms. Nutritional status of foliage and soil was correlated with dieback and growth suggesting perturbation of nutrient cycling may be predisposing or contributing to dieback. The previous winter's snowfall totals, length of stay on the ground, and number of days with freezing temperatures had a significant positive relationship to sugar maple growth rates. Sapstreak disease, Ceratocystis virescens, may be contributing to dieback in some stands but was not related to the amount of dieback in the region. The ultimate goal of this research is to help forest managers in the Great Lakes Region prevent, anticipate, reduce, and/or salvage stands with dieback and loss in the future. An improved understanding of the complex etiology associated with sugar maple dieback in the Upper Great Lakes Region is necessary to make appropriate silvicultural decisions. Forest Health education helps increase awareness and proactive forest management in the face of changing forest ecosystems. Lessons are included to assist educators in incorporating forest health into standard biological disciplines at the secondary school curricula.
Die vorliegende Untersuchung ist ein Beitrag, die Frage zu klären, warum in der westdeutschen Nachkriegszeit immer mehr Schulpflichtige nach Abschluss der Grundschule das Gymnasium besuchen. Ausgehend von einem entscheidungstheoretischen Modell der subjektiven Werterwartung werden Mechanismen der elterlichen Bildungsentscheidung aufgezeigt. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass sowohl zunehmende Bildungsmotivationen als auch Veränderungen in der subjektiven Bewertung von Kosten und Nutzen für eine höhere Bildung wichtige Voraussetzungen für die zunehmende Bildungsbeteiligung, aber auch Folgen der Bildungsexpansion waren. Die empirischen Analysen für drei Zeitpunkte in den 60er, 70er und 80er Jahren bestätigen diese Annahmen weitgehend. Ebenso wurde empirisch belegt, welch wichtige Rolle neben den Bildungsintentionen von Eltern und dem vorhergehenden Bildungsverlauf ihrer Kinder auch strukturelle Momente der Bildungsexpansion und ihre Eigendynamik beim tatsächlichen Bildungsübergang spielen. Schließlich gibt es Hinweise dafür, dass die Persistenz klassenspezifischer Bildungsungleichheiten auf einer konstanten Balance von Nutzen und Kosten zwischen den sozialen Klassen basiert.
This study reports the implementation of a Training of Intercultural Competence and Tolerance (TICT) for upper-secondary school students and the empirical evaluation of its effectiveness. The TICT program was developed to counteract increasing interethnic conflicts in the North Caucasus Federal District of Russia. It is based on the theoretical and empirical framework of social psychology and cross-cultural psychology. The training effectiveness was assessed by conducting pre- and post-surveys among the training participants. The results indicate that TICT contributes to the development of a positive ethnic identity and the formation of a civic identity among the participating youth. It also increases their optimism regarding the future of interethnic relations in Russia and the subjective level of intercultural competence of majority group youth towards minority cultures. Thus, the evaluation of the training effectiveness of the TICT has shown that the aims of the training have been achieved to a large extent and that the Training of Intercultural Competence and Tolerance can be effectively used to prevent interethnic conflicts and promote interethnic relations in multicultural schools. Suggestions for the practical implementation of the TICT as well as for future research on the training's effectiveness are discussed.
INTRODUCTION Out-migration from mountain areas is leaving behind half families and elderly to deal with managing the land alongside daily life challenges. A potential reduction of labour force as well as expertise on cropping practices, maintenance of terraces and irrigation canals, slope stabilization, grazing, forest and other land management practices are further challenged by changing climate conditions and increased environmental threats. An understanding of the resilience of managed land resources in order to enhance adaptation to environmental and socio-economic variability, and evidence of the impact of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) on the mitigation of environmental threats have so far not sufficiently been tackled. The study presented here aims to find out how land management in mountains is being affected by migration in the context of natural hazards and climate change in two study sites, namely Quillacollo District of Bolivia and Panchase area of Western Nepal, and which measures are needed to increase resilience of livelihoods and land management practices. The presentation includes draft results from first field work periods in both sites. A context of high vulnerability According to UNISDR, vulnerability is defined as “the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard”.Hazards are another threat affecting people’s livelihood in mountainous area. They can be either natural or human induced. Landslides, debris flow and flood are affecting peopleGood land management can significantly reduce occurrence of hazards. In the opposite bad land management or land abandonment can lead to negative consequences on the land, and thus again increase vulnerability of people’s livelihoods. METHODS The study integrates bio-physical and socio-economic data through a case study as well as a mapping approach. From the social sciences, well-tested participatory qualitative methodologies, typically used in Vulnerability and Capacity Analyses, such as semi-structured interviews with so-called ‘key informants’, transect walks, participatory risk and social resource mapping are applied. The bio-physical analysis of the current environmental conditions determining hazards and structural vulnerability are obtained from remote sensing analysis, field work studies, and GIS analysis The assessment of the consequences of migration in the area of origin is linked with a mapping and appraisal of land management practices (www.wocat.net, Schwilch et al., 2011). The WOCAT mapping tool (WOCAT/LADA/DESIRE 2008) allows capturing the major land management practices / technologies, their spread, effectiveness and impact within a selected area. Data drawn from a variety of sources are compiled and harmonised by a team of experts, consisting of land degradation and conservation specialists working in consultation with land users from various backgrounds. The specialists’ and land users’ knowledge is combined with existing datasets and documents (maps, GIS layers, high-resolution satellite images, etc.) in workshops that are designed to build consensus regarding the variables used to assess land degradation and SLM. This process is also referred to as participatory expert assessment or consensus mapping. The WOCAT mapping and SLM documentation methodologies are used together with participatory mapping and other socio-economic data collection (interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions, expert consultation) to combine information about migration types and land management issues. GIS and other spatial visualization tools (e.g. Google maps) will help to represent and understand these links. FIRST RESULTS Nepal In Nepal, migration is a common strategy to improve the livelihoods. Migrants are mostly men and they migrate to other Asian countries, first to India and then to the Gulf countries. Only a few women are migrating abroad. Women migrate essentially to main Nepali cities when they can afford it. Remittances are used primarily for food and education; however they are hardly used for agricultural purposes. Besides traditional agriculture being maintained, only few new practices are emerging, such as vegetable farming or agroforestry. The land abandonment is a growing consequence of outmigration, resulting in the spreading of invasive species. However, most impacts of migration on land management are not yet clear. Moreover, education is a major concern for the respondents; they want their children having a better education and get better opportunities. Linked to this, unemployment is another major concern of the respondents, which in turn is “solved” through outmigration. Bolivia Migration is a common livelihood strategy in Bolivia. In the area of study, whole families are migrating downward to the cities of the valleys or to other departments of Bolivia, especially to Chapare (tropics) for the coca production and to Santa Cruz. Some young people are migrating abroad, mostly to Argentina. There are few remittances and if those are sent to the families in the mountain areas, then they are mainly used for agriculture purpose. The impacts of migration on land management practices are not clear although there are some important aspects to be underlined. The people who move downward are still using their land and coming back during part of the week to work on it. As a consequence of this multi-residency, there is a tendency to reduce land management work or to change the way the land is used. As in Nepal, education is a very important issue in this area. There is no secondary school, and only one community has a primary school. After the 6th grade students have therefore to go down into the valley towns to study. The lack of basic education is pushing more and more people to move down and to leave the mountains. CONCLUSIONS This study is on-going, more data have to be collected to clearly assess the impacts of out-migration on land management in mountain areas. The first results of the study allow us to present a few interesting findings. The two case studies are very different, however in both areas, young people are not staying anymore in the mountains and leave behind half families and elderly to manage the land. Additionally in both cases education is a major reason for moving out, even though the causes are not always the same. More specifically, in the case of Nepal, the use of remittances underlines the fact that investment in agriculture is not the first choice of a family. In the case of Bolivia, some interesting findings showed that people continue to work on their lands even if they move downward. The further steps of the study will help to explore these interesting issues in more detail. REFERENCES Schwilch G., Bestelmeyer B., Bunning S., Critchley W., Herrick J., Kellner K., Liniger H.P., Nachtergaele F., Ritsema C.J., Schuster B., Tabo R., van Lynden G., Winslow M. 2011. Experiences in Monitoring and Assessment of Sustainable Land Management. Land Degradation & Development 22 (2), 214-225. Doi 10.1002/ldr.1040 WOCAT/LADA/DESIRE 2008. A Questionnaire for Mapping Land Degradation and Sustainable Land Management. Liniger H.P., van Lynden G., Nachtergaele F., Schwilch G. (eds), Centre for Development and Environment, Institute of Geography, University of Berne, Berne
The main aim of this article is to shed light on the extent to which differences in higher education participation between people with and without a migrant background of low/higher social origin can be explained by two macro-level characteristics of national educational institutions: stratification of the secondary school system and provision of alternative access to higher education. General assumptions are that people with a migrant background of low social origin benefit in low-stratified secondary school systems and in systems that provide alternative access to institutions of higher education more than their native peers in the same social stratum, owing to primary and secondary effects of migrant background. Database is a pooled dataset of the five waves of the European Social Survey. Results of logistic multi-level analyses indicate that a low-stratified secondary school system improves the probability of people with a migrant background/low social origin attaining a higher education degree. On the other hand, a stratified secondary school system reduces their chances regarding this educational stage. The provision of alternative access to an institution of higher education improves their likelihood of becoming higher education graduates.
The present article analyzed, how need for cognition (NFC) influences the formation of performance expectancies. When processing information, individuals with lower NFC often rely on salient information and shortcuts compared to individuals higher in NFC. We assume that these preferences of processing will also make individuals low in NFC more responsive to salient achievement-related cues because the processing of salient cues is cognitively less demanding than the processing of non-salient cues. Therefore, individuals lower in NFC should tend to draw wider ranging inferences from salient achievement-related information. In a sample of N = 197 secondary school students, achievement-related feedback (grade on an English examination) affected changes in expectancies in non-corresponding academic subjects (e.g., expectation of final grade in mathematics or history) when NFC was lower, whereas for students with higher NFC, changes in expectancies in non-corresponding academic subjects were not affected.
Self-control is defined as the overriding or modification of one’s own response tendencies. Dispositional self control capacity is positively linked to various kinds of adaptive behavior. In order to economically measure self-control capacity in German-speaking samples, the brief version of the Self-Control Scale by Tangney, Baumeister and Boone (2004) was adapted into German. The translated entire Self-Control Scale consisting of 36 items was administered to university students (N = 316, study 1) and secondary school students (N = 335, study 2). The brief version consisting of 13 items, which were included in the entire scale, proved to be one-dimensional, reliable, and valid in terms of expected correlations with criteria. The comparison between the brief and the entire scale showed that the costs of the more economical brief measure with regard to reliability and validity are low.
The color red has been considered to indicate threat in achievement contexts. Recent studies have used brief confrontations with red — either as the color or as the word red — to prime for implicit threat, and have found a related impairment of cognitive performance. In another line of research, it has been shown that initial self-regulatory efforts cause diminished investment of self-regulatory resources afterwards, leading to a relative shift from a controlled to an automatic mode of information processing. We assume that activation of implicit threat via the color or the word red impairs cognitive performance more strongly during automatic compared to controlled processing of information. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated undergraduates’ (n = 78) momentary processing mode (automatic vs. controlled) by an initial task that required either high or low self-regulatory effort. Afterwards, participants were briefly confronted with red or gray stimuli and were then asked to complete a standardized intelligence measure. As expected, confrontation with red, as opposed to gray, impaired intellectual performance when participants were in an automatic processing mode. In contrast, no color effect emerged when participants were in a relatively controlled processing mode. In a second study, we replicated this finding in a sample of secondary school students (n = 130), using the black-printed word red or gray to experimentally manipulate implicit threat. Among others, the present findings may help to explain occasional difficulties in replicating findings of priming research.
The importance of performance expectancies for the prediction of regulation of behavior and actual performance has long been established. Building on theories from the field of social cognition, we suggest that the level of performance expectancies, as well as the certainty of the expectancy, have a joint influence on an individual’s beliefs and behavior. In two studies (one cross sectional using a sample of secondary school students and one longitudinal using a sample of university students) we found that expectancies more strongly predicted persistence, and subsequent performance, the more certain the expectancy was. This pattern was found even if prior performance was controlled, as in Study 2. The data give an indication that it may be useful to include certainty as an additional variable in expectancy models.