962 resultados para Conscience clause
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a cláusula de não indenizar, expressão utilizada como gênero do qual são espécies a cláusula que exonera e a que limita o dever de indenizar, à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O estudo se justifica em virtude da cada vez mais frequente utilização deste ajuste para regular negócios jurídicos e por não existir um marco legislativo a respeito da matéria. A controvérsia inicial diz respeito à validade da convenção, que é resultado da ponderação do direito de autorregular suas relações e o princípio da reparação integral. Os seus principais requisitos de validade são a inexistência de dolo do agente causador do dano e a não violação a normas de ordem pública. A convenção pode incidir sobre a obrigação principal, salvo quando esta for personalíssima ou quando a indenização for a única forma de o credor obter o resultado equivalente à prestação Para ser eficaz, a convenção deve, ainda, guardar relação de equilíbrio e proporcionalidade entre os riscos assumidos e o benefício daquele que se submete ao risco de não ter ou ter parcialmente reparado os danos que lhe foi causado. O inadimplemento, absoluto ou relativo, é basicamente o risco contratual ao qual se submetem todos os contratantes e, nesse contexto, a cláusula de não indenizar tem como função alterar a distribuição dos riscos já fixados pelo legislador. A negociação dos riscos submete-se a alguns limites, destacando-se a possibilidade de os riscos serem previstos, o respeito aos princípios da boa-fé objetiva e do equilíbrio contratual, bem como a necessidade de ultrapassar o juízo de merecimento de tutela (meritevolezza). Nos contratos de adesão, a cláusula pode ser prevista, desde que a obrigação que atinge não seja personalíssima ou que tenha a indenização como única forma de o credor obter o equivalente a prestação. Já nas relações de consumo, é possível a limitação do dever de indenizar nos vícios de produtos e serviços, desde que o consumidor seja pessoa jurídica e a situação seja justificável, o que ocorre quando há negociação entre as partes, o consumidor é beneficiado com uma expressa vantagem e é assistido por consultor jurídico que lhe aponte os riscos inerentes àquela convenção.
Inicialmente, o presente trabalho busca trazer um panorama geral sobre a relação entre o Estado hospedeiro e o investidor estrangeiro. Para tanto, faz-se um breve estudo sobre a soberania do Estado sobre os recursos naturais, destacando-se, dentre outros aspectos, a importância deste tema para o desenvolvimento dos povos, e sobre a contratação com o Estado, de forma a destacar, dentre as principais cláusulas presentes nos contratos entre Estado hospedeiro e investidor estrangeiro, a cláusula de arbitragem internacional de investimentos como um dos principais meios de equilíbrio desta relação. Analisa-se, por consequinte, a estrutura da arbitragem internacional de investimento, buscando trazer suas principais regras. O trabalho culmina em um breve estudo sobre alguns dos principais laudos arbitrais que envolvem não apenas os temas tratados ao longo do trabalho, mas também a relação entre o Estado e as empresas petrolíferas, dando-se destaque ao papel da arbitragem internacional de investimento na indústria do petróleo, dado ser esta uma indústria essencialmente internacional e de grande importância estratégica para o Estado.
A presente Tese aborda o tema do efetivo reconhecimento do princípio da lealdade processual à prestação jurisdicional, com as consequências daí decorrentes. Como se trata de um novo modo de se observar a lealdade processual (que, historicamente, tem sido desenvolvida por doutrina e jurisprudência basicamente sob o prisma das partes e, quando, muito de seus procuradores), fez-se necessário desenvolver, em uma primeira parte do trabalho, as premissas teóricas que pudessem dar sustentabilidade ao tema, em particular a constitucionalização do direito processual, as novas feições da jurisdição como implementadora dos direitos fundamentais e a inserção da cláusula geral da lealdade processual, com os respectivos corolários. A segunda parte da Tese, por seu turno, traça parâmetros para a tentativa de definição daquilo que se alcunhou um novo modelo de juiz, a partir de uma necessária revisitação das tradicionais garantias associadas à prestação jurisdicional e à própria magistratura. Nesse propósito, foram elencados, como elementos indispensáveis à configuração de um juiz leal, o contraditório participativo, a cooperação processual e a gestão processual. Na terceira e última parte, após breve estudo das teorias do abuso do direito, foram levantadas algumas hipóteses de abusos jurisdicionais, até mesmo para que, ainda que a contrario sensu, fosse possível se aproximar do já mencionado juiz leal. Por fim, foram investigadas as sanções processuais cabíveis aos magistrados atualmente existentes no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, e propostas algumas sugestões (de lege lata e de lege ferenda) na expectativa de se melhorar as formas de combate aos abusos citados e, principalmente, respeitar-se o processo justo.
A presente dissertação busca analisar os aspectos subjacentes à celebração do pacto de não concorrência após o término da relação de emprego no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O estudo implica a necessidade de verificação dos limites da autonomia da vontade das partes contratantes na relação de emprego, objetivando demonstrar que a pactuação da não concorrência não atenta contra os princípios protetivos do Direito do Trabalho. Da mesma forma, faz-se necessária a análise do conceito de concorrência e suas repercussões na relação empregatícia, de maneira a determinar quais empregados podem ser sujeitos da cláusula de não concorrência. A investigação feita pela dissertação também abarca o conflito entre a liberdade de trabalho e a livre iniciativa e concorrência, direitos constitucionalmente garantidos, razão pela qual faz necessária uma composição que observe a proporcionalidade dos direitos cuja proteção é almejada. Com essa abordagem, acrescida da consulta a alguns textos legislativos estrangeiros e às tentativas legislativas feitas no Brasil acerca do tema, pretende-se perquirir sobre a legalidade e legitimidade da celebração do pacto de não concorrência no Brasil. Por fim, o objetivo desta dissertação consiste em apontar quais são os requisitos validade da cláusula de não concorrência, considerando-se a inexistência de legislação regulamentando a matéria.
We study three contractual arrangements—co-development, licensing, and co-development with opt-out options—for the joint development of new products between a small and financially constrained innovator firm and a large technology company, as in the case of a biotech innovator and a major pharma company. We formulate our arguments in the context of a two-stage model, characterized by technical risk and stochastically changing cost and revenue projections. The model captures the main disadvantages of traditional co-development and licensing arrangements: in co-development the small firm runs a risk of running out of capital as future costs rise, while licensing for milestone and royalty (M&R) payments, which eliminates the latter risk, introduces inefficiency, as profitable projects might be abandoned. Counter to intuition we show that the biotech's payoff in a licensing contract is not monotonically increasing in the M&R terms. We also show that an option clause in a co-development contract that gives the small firm the right but not the obligation to opt out of co-development and into a pre-agreed licensing arrangement avoids the problems associated with fully committed co-development or licensing: the probability that the small firm will run out of capital is greatly reduced or completely eliminated and profitable projects are never abandoned.
Numerous studies have shown that accentuation and implicit verb causality influenced pronoun resolution. However, many researchers cannot agree on the time course, as well as they know little about the interaction between the two types of information during comprehending Chinese sentences. The study aimed to explore the effects of accentuation and implicit verb causality on the pronoun processing during spoken Chinese sentences comprehension as well as their time courses, using auditory moving window technique and cross-modal probe paradigm. The main results were: 1) The reading time of the second clause in stressed pronoun condition was significantly longer than that in unstressed pronoun condition. Accentuation influenced the activation level of candidate antecedents. 2) Implicit verb causality influenced the pronoun interpretation during spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. It also affected the activation level of candidate antecedents immediately after people heard the pronoun. 3) There was “the first-mentioned effect” in spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. The effect seemed as if a general phenomenon during the pronoun processing. 4) Accentuation, Implicit verb causality and the first-mentioned effect interacted during the pronoun processing and spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. This study supported the focus hypothesis, indicating accentuation could shift the center of attention even in nonparallel-structure sentences; implicit verb causality influences the pronoun processing immediately; there was interaction between accentuation and implicit verb causality during spoken sentence comprehension.
Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, which are one of common factors effected on mental health of secondary school students, have been rarely studied at home and abroad. In accordance with the problems existed in these literature up till now, the thesis had mainly studied the measured tool, contents and structure, developmental features, psychosocial risk factors and integrated model of obsessive-compulsive symptoms from them by means of investigation with quetionnaires. The entire research was divided into three phases. 3185 students(age 14.68±1.75 years) were firstly measured with the 20-item Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version(LOI-CV) at four secondary schools including six grades in Beijing city, which was applied to revise LOI-CV, and to study the structure and contents, developmental features and screen of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Then, 216 subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, paired with controls in the light of school, grade and gender, were investigated with 10 self-rating scales on obsessive-compulsive symptoms, anxiety, depression, personality, coping and attributional style, negative life events, parent's rearing style, family environment and life adaptation in school, and with an inventory on social demography. The results were used to explore psychosocial risk factors and integrated model of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The third survey was only carried out, about two months after the second, among 264 subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms through MMOCI and Negative Life Event Scale for Adolescents, in order to probe into the integrated model. The research had mainly found: (1) LOI-CV can be used as a screen tool for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in urban adolescents in China; (2) Total screening-out ratio of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was 13.6% (male:15.0%, female:12.2%). The most common manifestations of obsessive-compulsive symptoms were hating dirt and contamination, doing things in exact manner, angry if someone messes desk, bad conscience but no one else, worry about cleanliness, repeated thoughts or words; the least were favorite or special number, spending extra time on homework, special number or words to avoid, talking or moving to avoid bad luck, fussy about hands. The checking and repetition, cleanliness and tidiness, general obsessions were more common forms than numbers-luck; (3) No differences were existed in serious degree of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, but the screening-out ratio in male was higher than it in female; (4) No differences were detected in the serious degree of obsessive-compulsive symptoms except the scores of cleanliness and tidiness among grades, but the screening-out ratio of the grades justly entering secondary school or going to graduate were higher than other ones; (5) The main psychosocial risk factors for obsessive-compulsive symptoms included anxiety, mother's over-protecting and over-interfering, fantasy, flexibility, self-actualization, peers relationship, sense of responsibility, negative life events, mother's occupation, help-seeking, and (6) The integrated model on psychosocial risk factors suggested that the possible developed and sustained mechanism of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was that personality, coping and attributional styles constructed the developmental diathesis foundation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms; negative life events were promoting factors of them. There was a dynamic interaction between personality and environmental factors. Negative emotion played a core role in the developmental process of them. The continued existence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was related to pre-existed obsessive-compulsive symptoms and negative life events experienced by an individual. Therefore, this research not only let us get a deeper understanding of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and more entirely find out psychosocial risk factors, firstly applied diathesis-stress theory to comprehend the psychological mechanism of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and, moreover, elaborate and expand it, but also has more important practice significance of treatment, prevent and education for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in secondary school students.
Abrahamsen, R. (2005). Blair's Africa: The Politics of Securitization and Fear. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. 30(1), pp.55-80 RAE2008
Meyrick, Robert, 'Wealth Wise and Culture Kind', In: 'Things of Beauty: What Two Sisters did for Wales', (Cardiff: National Museum Wales Books), pp.96-111, 2007 RAE2008
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Romańskiej
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej
Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Antropologia
Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Psicologia
Much work has been done on learning from failure in search to boost solving of combinatorial problems, such as clause-learning and clause-weighting in boolean satisfiability (SAT), nogood and explanation-based learning, and constraint weighting in constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Many of the top solvers in SAT use clause learning to good effect. A similar approach (nogood learning) has not had as large an impact in CSPs. Constraint weighting is a less fine-grained approach where the information learnt gives an approximation as to which variables may be the sources of greatest contention. In this work we present two methods for learning from search using restarts, in order to identify these critical variables prior to solving. Both methods are based on the conflict-directed heuristic (weighted-degree heuristic) introduced by Boussemart et al. and are aimed at producing a better-informed version of the heuristic by gathering information through restarting and probing of the search space prior to solving, while minimizing the overhead of these restarts. We further examine the impact of different sampling strategies and different measurements of contention, and assess different restarting strategies for the heuristic. Finally, two applications for constraint weighting are considered in detail: dynamic constraint satisfaction problems and unary resource scheduling problems.
This thesis critically assesses the impact of neoliberal ideology on liberal thought and contemporary politics specifically examining the question, To what extent has neoliberalism, as elucidated originally by Hayek affected change in contemporary politics? This question is crucial to understanding the nature, role, influence and impact of neoliberal ideas. This investigation required a broad engagement with the literature, identifying and discussing the relationships within neoliberalism allowing a clearer understanding of the role of ideas in neoliberalism’s continuing hegemony. The methodological approach adopted a social constructivist character that encompassed an individual centric emphasis, acknowledging the breadth and complexity of Neoliberalization through the use of interpretive repertoires. The initial chapters examine the ideational process and the role of particular understanding in motivating political conduct. In this context of the transfer of ideas through their everyday resonance eventually becoming ‘stubborn social facts’ (Habermas 2006:413) is highlighted. Later chapters discuss the historical and economic context of Neoliberalization focussing on the role of the hegemon and its influence, outlining and evaluating the contribution of Hayek to liberal thought. The penultimate chapter deals with the contemporary situation and the irony associated with Hayek’s original ideas. Concluding, several findings emerged contributing by combining available knowledge in a uniquely fresh way and generating originality by linking old ideas, new ideas and new facts. The results are grouped as, - Pragmatic, recognising that political pragmatism trumps ideological aspiration where liberal democratic processes require politicians are held to account. - Realistic, recognising the contrast and irony between political action and ideological insight reflected in the operationalization of neoliberalism. - General, recognising Hayek’s on-going but increasingly indirect influence. The thesis finishes with a short aside on ideational change within the context of the current crisis and advocates an introspective approach that includes entrepreneurial spirit, good conscience and duty as part of future deliberations.