587 resultados para Melero, Remedios


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir y analizar las ofertas terapéuticas que utilizan el arte, con el fin de prevenir, aliviar o sanar malestares físicos, emocionales o sociales en un contexto de medicinas múltiples. Los actores sociales en el proceso de atención de la salud en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires, hacen uso de diversas terapias que encuentran a disposición. Para atender los malestares que los aquejan, seleccionan y combinan la atención biomédica, remedios caseros, terapias religiosas y alternativas, entre las que se incluyen las herramientas terapéuticas que aportan los lenguajes artísticos (como la musicoterapia, danza-terapia, arte-terapia, entre otras opciones que se recrean continuamente). Estas intervenciones sobre la salud del paciente impactan de manera positiva a nivel físico, emocional y social, según lo explorado a través de las entrevistas realizadas. Metodológicamente se pretende desarrollar una etnografía que dé cuenta de las vivencias y significados que explican los procesos asociados a la combinación de medicinas en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Inscribiéndose en las corrientes hermenéuticas y fenomenológicas, para acceder a las experiencias del sujeto, las que constituyen el núcleo central del análisis, recurriendo a material que proviene de observaciones y entrevistas abiertas, extensas y recurrentes con informantes calificados


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The telescopic conversion of glucose to fructose and then 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), the latter a potential, bio-derived platform chemical feedstock, has been explored over a family of bifunctional sulfated zirconia catalysts possessing tuneable acid-base properties. Characterisation by acid-base titration, XPS, XRD and Raman reveal that submonolayer SO4 coverages offer the ideal balance of basic and Lewis-Brønsted acid sites required to respectively isomerise glucose to fructose, and subsequently dehydrate fructose to 5-HMF. A constant acid site normalised turnover frequency is observed for fructose dehydration to 5-HMF, confirming a common Brønsted acid site is responsible for this transformation. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The telescopic conversion of glucose to fructose and then 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), the latter a potential, bio-derived platform chemical feedstock, has been explored over a family of bifunctional sulfated zirconia catalysts possessing tuneable acid-base properties. Characterisation by acid-base titration, XPS, XRD and Raman reveal that submonolayer SO4 coverages offer the ideal balance of basic and Lewis-Brønsted acid sites required to respectively isomerise glucose to fructose, and subsequently dehydrate fructose to 5-HMF. A constant acid site normalised turnover frequency is observed for fructose dehydration to 5-HMF, confirming a common Brønsted acid site is responsible for this transformation. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Zirconium-containing periodic mesoporous organosilicas (Zr-PMOs) with varying framework organic content have been synthesized through a direct synthesis method. These materials display the excellent textural properties of the analogous inorganic solid acid Zr-SBA-15 material. However, the substitution of silica by organosilicon species provides a strong hydrophobic character. This substitution leads to meaningful differences in the environment surrounding the zirconium metal sites, leading the modification of the catalytic properties of these materials. Although lower metal incorporation is accomplished in the final materials, leading to a lower population of metal sites, hydrophobisation leads to an impressive beneficial effect on the intrinsic catalytic activity of the zirconium sites in biodiesel production by esterification/transesterification of free fatty acid -containing feedstock. Moreover, the catalytic activity of the highly hybridised materials is hardly affected in presence of large amounts of water, confirming their very good water-tolerance. This makes Zr-PMO materials interesting catalysts for biodiesel production from highly acidic water-containing feedstock. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Worldwide concern over dwindling fossil fuel reserves and impact of CO2 emissions on climate change means there is an urgent need to reduce our dependence on oil based sources of fuels and chemicals. The direct conversion of lignocellulosic derived glucose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) is an attractive process for the production of chemicals and fuels but requires a bi-functional catalyst with acid-base or Lewis-Brönsted sites which can operate efficiently in the aqueous phase. While conventionally viewed as a superacid, the potential for tuning the acid strength in SO4/ZrO2 and potential for coupling bi-functional ZrO2-SO4/ZrO2 sites at low sulfate contents have been overlooked. Our previous work has shown effective tuning of the acid strength in SO4/ZrO2 can be used to direct selectivity in terpene isomerisation thus we rationalised control over HMF selectivity could achieved in a similar fashion. Here we report on a systematic study of the impact of acid properties of SO4/ZrO2 catalysts on the conversion of C6 sugars to 5-HMF in aqueous media and correlate the surface acid-base properties with glucose isomerisation and dehydration capabilities.


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Here we describe a simple route to creating conformal sulphated zirconia monolayers throughout an SBA-15 architecture that confers efficient acid-catalysed one-pot conversion of glucose to ethyl levulinate.


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Arenesulfonic-acid functionalized SBA-15 materials have been used in the production of biodiesel from low grade oleaginous feedstock. These materials display an outstanding catalytic activity, being able to promote the transformation of crude palm oil with methanol into fatty acid methyl esters with high yield (85%) under mild reaction conditions. However, high sensitivity of the catalyst against poisoning by different substances has also been detected. Thus, alkaline metal cations, such as sodium or potassium exert a negative influence on the catalytic activity of these materials, being necessary amounts around 500 ppm of sodium in the reaction media to decrease the catalytic activity of these materials to a half of its initial value in just two reaction runs. The deactivation of arenesulfonic acid functionalized SBA-15 materials seems to occur in this case by ion exchange of the acid protons at the sulfonic groups. Organic unsaponifiable compounds like lecithin or retinol also induce a negative influence in the catalytic activity of these sulfonic acid-based materials, though not so intense as in the case of alkaline metals. The deactivating mechanism associated to the influence of the organic compounds seems to be linked to the adsorption of such substances onto the catalytic acid sites as well as on the silica surface. The accumulation of lecithin in the surface of catalyst, observed by means of thermogravimetric analysis, suggest the creation of a strong interaction, probably by ion pair, between this compound and the sulfonic acid group.


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The grafting and sulfation of zirconia conformal monolayers on SBA-15 to create mesoporous catalysts of tunable solid acid/base character is reported. Conformal zirconia and sulfated zirconia (SZ) materials exhibit both Brönsted and Lewis acidity, with the Brönsted/Lewis acid ratio increasing with film thickness and sulfate content. Grafted zirconia films also exhibit amphoteric character, whose Brönsted/Lewis acid site ratio increases with sulfate loading at the expense of base sites. Bilayer ZrO2/SBA-15 affords an ordered mesoporous material with a high acid site loading upon sulfation and excellent hydrothermal stability. Catalytic performance of SZ/SBA-15 was explored in the aqueous phase conversion of glucose to 5-HMF, delivering a 3-fold enhancement in 5-HMF productivity over nonporous SZ counterparts. The coexistence of accessible solid basic/Lewis acid and Brönsted acid sites in grafted SZ/SBA-15 promotes the respective isomerization of glucose to fructose and dehydration of reactively formed fructose to the desired 5-HMF platform chemical.


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Open Access funded by Natural Environment Research Council Acknowledgements Field sample collection was funded by NERC grants NE/E006434/1 and NE/J01396X/1 to XL and a Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF 300288-grant to YM. We thank the Scottish Mink Initiative, staff, funders and multiple mink volunteers for the continued effort, samples and data. Also to Eduardo Salazar Villaverde for his assistance in the preparation of figures in early drafts of this manuscript, and Professor Colin Prescott (Reading University) for comments on the biochemistry of ARs. Finally, to Kenneth McNeill for providing data on farm sizes and distributions.


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Aim: This study is going to assess the prevalance of prolonged grief diagnoses and it will evaluate the severity of the symptoms of depression, anxiety and complicated grief two months after a loved one is lost. We also intend to study which variables associated with the risk of grief could be more decisive when diagnosing it, its symptoms and the consequent emotional distress.Method: A total of 66 families of patients in the Palliative Care Unit (PCU) at Hospital San Cecilio in Granada have been evaluated. Measurements were taken two months after the death. This investigation has explored the existing emotional distress using the following questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG) and Prolongued Grief Disorder (PG-12).Results: The results show that 33.3% and 21.21% of the sufferers had high levels of depression and clinical anxiety two months after the death. The prevalence of prolongued grief diagnoses, according to the PG-12, is 10.6% and 53.03% of the participants showed symptoms of complicated grief according to the ICG. Additionally, statistically significant differences are found in the sufferers with and without a prolongued grief diagnosis and scores in the ICG and BDI-II. The family’s financial situation is linked to the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression and complicated grief, with the most determining variable being the risk of grief. Finally, the greater the age of the deceased and the longer the time spent in the PCU is linked to fewer symptoms of grief. However, important links have been found between the sufferers who have experienced stressful critical events prior to losing their loved one, with symptoms of depression, anxiety and complicated grief.Conclusions: The high numbers of cases of symptoms of complicated grief and levels of anxiety and clinical depression two months after a death suggests that early interventions should be carried out in those individuals with greater vulnerability.


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Miguel de Unamuno fue un constante lector de poesía épica, en la que Homero siempre tuvo un lugar preferente, y no solo por motivos profesionales. A lo largo de su obra, tanto en prosa como en verso, pueden rastrearse distintas y a veces contradictorias referencias a la Ilíada y la Odisea sobre las que hizo profundas reflexiones, intentando siempre ajustarlas a su propia visión de la vida y de la muerte. Desde esta perspectiva se acerca a escenarios como el ‘prado de asfódelos’, o, a partir del símil homérico, al ‘sucederse de las generaciones de las hojas y de los hombres’, o a figuras míticas como las Sirenas, Helena, Tántalo, Sísifo y Ulises.


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After an approach to the translation in Spain during the xviiith century, the purpose of this text is to present the almost unknown version of Terence’s Andria (1786) by M. Dequeisne, written in order to substitute Simon Abril’s one. It consists on the theoretical exposition of the prologue, the issue of the retranslation and the own characteristics of the translation itself, along with a comparison with Simon Abril’s version.


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El poblamiento rural de origen andalusí en la antigua Algarbía malagueña es un gran desconocido para la historiografía medieval. Las excavaciones y prospecciones con metodología arqueológica son prácticamente inexistentes y el recurso a la documentación escrita, en concreto la de origen castellana, ha dado un resultado muy limitado. Como excepción tenemos la información correspondiente al antiguo espacio residencial de Pereila y su territorio. La alquería estaba situada dentro del actual término municipal de Coín (Málaga) y un pleito en el 1537 entre el cabildo Catedralicio de Málaga y los beneficiados de Coín por el cobro del diezmo de dicho lugar, nos ha aportado una información valiosa sobre los límites territoriales del poblamiento, y en menor medida, de sus espacios de trabajo. También utilizaremos la metodología propia de la arqueología extensiva y los principios de la arqueología hidráulica que nos servirán para complementar la información aportada por la documentación escrita.