998 resultados para Aro, Laura


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Comunicação apresentada nas Jornadas de Língua e Direito, organizadas pelo ISCAP e pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Outubro de 2013.


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A nota de rodapé nasce no séc. XVI com os anotadores da Bíblia e transforma-se em recurso erudito no decurso do séc. XIX. A nota do tradutor, mais próxima do comentário, é fortemente desencorajada pela indústria editorial, que procura apagar as marcas da intermediação operada pelo tradutor no texto traduzido.


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A eliminação da prática da tradução no ensino de línguas estrangeiras, aliada ao conhecimento por vezes insuficiente da língua-fonte por parte dos alunos de tradução, faz com que estes se concentrem excessivamente no signo linguístico e que o texto de chegada produzido seja o resultado de uma operação quase mecânica de substituição lexical. Numa tentativa de evitar fórmulas prescritivas de ensino unidireccional professor/aluno e favorecendo uma perspectiva de construção de significado através da interacção com o texto, propõe-se uma actividade simples em que se passa do nível do nível da palavra e da frase ao nível do texto como um todo. Tanto pela sua própria natureza como pela sua abundância no par SP-PT, os falsos cognatos oferecem uma boa oportunidade para pôr de manifesto a necessidade de utilizar procedimentos que considerem o texto como a unidade de tradução.


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Comentário da figura e obra de Jorge Luis Borges, e da sua relação com a música e as tradições de Buenos Aires.


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O trabalho específico do tradutor inserido num projecto de localização exige deste competências diferentes das do tradutor técnico ou literário. A definição destas competências distintas é em parte determinada pelos materiais com que uns e outros são confrontados. O presente artigo analisa as diferenças ao nível dos textos de partida e das diversas estratégias utilizadas na produção dos textos de chegada.


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Tradução para a língua portuguesa do conto "Nota al pie", do escritor argentino Rodolfo Walsh.


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In order to cater for an extended readership, crime fiction, like most popular genres, is based on the repetition of a formula allowing for the reader's immediate identification. This first domestication is followed, at the time of its translation, by a second process, which wipes out those characteristics of the source text that may come into conflict with the dominant values of the target culture. An analysis of the textual and paratextual strategies used in the English translation of José Carlos Somoza's La caverna de las ideas (2000) shows the efforts to make the novel more easily marketable in the English-speaking world through the elimination of most of the obstacles to easy readability.


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This study reports the embryogenesis of T. infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). Morphological parameters of growth sequences from oviposition until hatching (12-14 d 28ºC) were established. Five periods, as percent of time of development (TD), were characterized from oviposition until hatching. The most important morphological features were: 1) formation of blastoderm within 7% of TD; 2) germ band and gastrulation within 30% of TD; 3) nerve cord, limb budding, thoracic and abdominal segmentation and formation of body cavity within 50% of TD; 4) nervous system and blastokinesis end, and development of embryonic cuticle within 65% of TD; 5) differentiation of the mouth parts, fat body, and Malphigian tubules during final stage and completion of embryo at day 12 to day 14 around hatching. These signals were chosen as appropriate morphological parameters which should enable the evaluation of embryologic modifications due to the action/s of different insecticides


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An integrated chemical-biological effects monitoring was performed in 2010 and 2012 in two NW Iberian estuaries under different anthropogenic pressure. One is low impacted and the other is contaminated by metals. The aim was to verify the usefulness of a multibiomarker approach, using Carcinus maenas as bioindicator species, to reflect diminishing environmental contamination and improved health status under abiotic variation. Sampling sites were assessed for metal levels in sediments and C. maenas, water abiotic factors and biomarkers (neurotoxicity, energy metabolism, biotransformation, anti-oxidant defences, oxidative damage). High inter-annual and seasonal abiotic variation was observed. Metal levels in sediments and crab tissues were markedly higher in 2010 than in 2012 in the contaminated estuary. Biomarkers indicated differences between the study sites and seasons and an improvement of effects measured in C. maenas from the polluted estuary in 2012. Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) index depicted sites with higher stress levels whereas Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed associations between biomarker responses and environmental variables. The multibiomarker approach and integrated assessments proved to be useful to the early diagnosis of remediation measures in impacted sites.


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Concurrent exposure of estuarine organisms to man-made and natural stressors has become a common occurrence. Numerous interactions of multiple stressors causing synergistic or antagonistic effects have been described. However, limited information is available on combined effects of emerging pharmaceuticals and natural stressors. This study investigated the joint effects of the antidepressant sertraline and salinity on Carcinus maenas. To improve knowledge about interactive effects and potential vulnerability,experiments were performed with organisms from two estuaries with differing histories of exposure to environmental contamination. Biomarkers related to mode of action of sertraline were employed to assess effects of environmentally realistic concentrations of sertraline at two salinity levels. Synergism and antagonism were identified for biomarkers of cholinergic neurotransmission, energy production,anti-oxidant defences and oxidative damage. Different interactions were found for the two study sites highlighting the need to account for differences in tolerance of local ecological receptors in risk evaluations.


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Fasciola hepatica somatic antigen, its partially purified fractions and excretion-secretion products were investigated as to serological, electrophoretic and biological properties. In a Sephadex G-100 column (SG-100), Fasciola hepatica total antigen (FhTA) gave 5 fractions, and SDS-PAGE analysis showed they were glycoproteins ranging from 14 to 94 kDa molecular weight (MW). When these fractions were analyzed by enzyme linked immunotransfer blot (EITB) and immunodiffusion in gel (ID) with serum from immunized rats with FhTA, the presence of different antigenic components was revealed. In the SDS-PAGE of excretor-secretor antigen (ESA), it was possible to observe peptides from 12 to 22 kDa, which were also present in FhTA. When the FhTA, its fractions and the ESA were analyzed by EITB with the immune rat serum (IRS), it was observed that only some fractions of the SG-100 shared antigens with the FhTA and ESA. Moreover, DTH and ITH responses were studied in FhTA immunized rats challenged with these different antigen components, revealing that the protein/carbohydrate ratio is important for inducing DTH response. The ESA was the most active component in the DTH and ITH response.


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Let F be a field with at least four elements. In this paper, we identify all the pairs (A, B) of n x n nonsingular matrices over F, satisfying the following property: for every monic polynomial f (x) = x(n) + a(n-1)x(n-1) +... + a(1)x + a(0) over F, with a root in F and a(0) = (-1)(n) det(AB), there are nonsingular matrices X, Y is an element of F-nxn such that XAX(-1)Y BY-1 has characteristic polynomial f (x).


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A Dot-ELISA using a measles virus (MV) antigen obtained by sodium deoxycholate treatment was standardized and evaluated for IgM and IgG antibody detection in measles patients and measles-vaccinated subjects. A total of 192 serum samples were studied, comprising 47 from patients with acute and convalescent measles, 55 from 9-month old children prior to measles vaccination and 41 from children of the same age after vaccination, and 49 from patients with unrelated diseases. The diagnostic performances of the IgG Dot-ELISA and IgG immuno fluorescence test (IFT) were found to be close, varying from 0.97 to 1.00 in sensitivity and the specificities were maximum (1.00). Nevertheless, the sensitivity of the IgM Dot-ELISA (0.85) was higher than that (0.63) of the IgM IFT, although both assays had comparably high (1.00) specificities. The IgM Dot-ELISA in particular proved to be more sensitive in relation to other assays studied by revealing antibodies in 80.0% (12/15) of vaccinated children on the 15th day after immunization. In contrast the IgM IFT, failed to detect antibodies in the same group of vaccinated children. The stability of the MV antigen was longer than that of the IFT antigen, and the reproducibility of the Dot-Elisa was satisfactory.