983 resultados para felt obligation


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Tutkimuksella selvitettiin eri tekijöiden merkitystä hammaslääkärien tehdessä uraansa koskevia valintoja lähtien ammatinvalinnasta. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin erilaisissa työpaikoissa toimivien hammaslääkärien sekä hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoiden odotuksia ja kokemuksia. Tutkimus tehtiin kyselynä postitse lähetetyin lomakkein. Kyselyyn osallistui 350 hammaslääkäriä ja 115 opiskelijaa. Kiinnostus lääketieteeseen ja työn konkreettisuus olivat keskeisimmät syyt lähteä hammaslääketiedettä opiskelemaan. Suurin osa sekä hammaslääkäreistä että opiskelijoista valitsisi vähintään todennäköisesti saman ammatin uudelleen, hammaslääkäreistä yksityishammaslääkärit useimmin. 69 % hammaslääkäreistä oli aloittanut työuransa terveyskeskuksessa, opiskelijoista 46 % toivoi työpaikkaa yksityissektorilta ja 37 % terveyskeskuksesta. Hammaslääkärit kokivat työn mielekkyyden, positiivisen kaiun, työn ja elämän reunaehtojen sekä taloudellisen turvallisuuden vaikuttaneen ensimmäiseen työpaikkaan menoon vähemmän kuin opiskelijat arvioivat niiden vaikuttavan. Työssä tärkeänä sekä hammaslääkärit että opiskelijat pitivät hyviä työolosuhteita ja mielekästä työn sisältöä. Toimiva yhteistyö työparin kanssa oli myös erittäin tärkeää. Hammaslääkärit pitivät hyviä työoloja ja autonomiaa tärkeämpinä kuin opiskelijat, joille puolestaan uralla eteneminen ja työajan joustot olivat tärkeämpiä. Hammaslääkärit arvostivat työtä ja työssä suoriutumista sekä hyvää työpaikkaa enemmän kuin opiskelijat. Parhaiten työssään toteutuvana suhteessa asian merkitykseen hammaslääkärit kokivat autonomian ja huonoiten ilmapiirin. Naiset kokivat asioiden toteutumisessa enemmän puutteita kuin miehet. Työpaikkaansa heikosti sitoutuneita oli 8 %, joista valtaosa terveyskeskushammaslääkäreitä. Heikosti sitoutuneet kokivat sitoutuneita huonompina varsinkin työilmapiirin, työolosuhteet ja mahdollisuuden uralla etenemiseen. Hammaslääkärit olivat halukkaampia jatkokoulutukseen kuin kokivat siihen olevanmahdollisuuksia; 25 % oli harkinnut erikoistumista, mutta luopunut ajatuksesta, ja20 % halusi erikoistua, mutta koki siihen käytännön esteitä. Jatkossa tulisi tarkemmin analysoida ja toistettavin tutkimuksin seurata hammaslääkärien urakokemuksia ja valintoja sekä koetun työssä vallitsevan tilanteen ja asioiden merkityksen välistä suhdetta. Myös opiskelijoiden urasuunnitelmia ja arvostuksia tulisi tutkia säännöllisin väliajoin.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the clinical validation of a Virtual Reality Environment (VRE) designed to normalize eating patterns in Eating Disorders (ED). The efficacy of VR in eliciting emotions, sense of presence and reality of the VRE were explored in 22 ED patients and 37 healthy eating individuals. The VRE (non-immersive) consisted of a kitchen room where participants had to eat a virtual pizza. In order to assess the sense of presence and reality produced by the VRE, participants answered seven questions with a Likert scale (0-10) during the experience, and then filled out the Reality Judgment and Presence Questionnaire (RJPQ) and ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory (ITC-SOPI). The results showed that the VRE induced a sense of presence and was felt as real for both groups, without differences in the experience of 'ease' with the VRE, sense of physical space, or the ecological validity assigned to the virtual kitchen and eating virtually. However, the ED patients reported paying more attention and experiencing greater emotional involvement and dysphoria after virtual eating. The results suggest that the VRE was clinically meaningful to the ED patients and might be a relevant therapy tool for normalizing their eating patterns.


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La mort i el procés de morir són fets quotidians en les persones grans i, conseqüentment, en els centres sociosanitaris, on bona part de les persones usuàries són d’edat avançada. Tot i que es tracta d’un fenomen natural que s’inclou dins del cicle vital de les persones, en la nostra societat la mort encara provoca rebuig, por, ansietat, tristesa i inquietud. En aquest marc, les estudiants1 d’infermeria són un col·lectiu que poden patir especialment l’impacte de la mort. Primer, perquè com a membres de la societat tenen interioritzat el codi social preestablert envers aquest tema i, segon, perquè durant la seva formació estan en contacte amb persones que estan al final de la vida i poden presenciar vivències de mort. En el primer període de pràctiques dels estudis d’infermeria, les estudiants han de fer front a diverses situacions del dia a dia fins aleshores desconegudes. Els conflictes interpersonals amb l'equip de treball i la inseguretat sobre les habilitats i les competències professionals són alguns dels aspectes que acostumen a viure amb més tensió. Tot i això, el que més impacte els provoca és la cura de les persones al final de la vida. Davant d'una situació de tensió, la persona viu un component estressor, que suposa el punt d’inflexió. A partir d’aquí s’activen els components adaptatius, que és el que emocionalment fa que la persona pugui fer front a aquesta situació estressant. A més, hi ha un component de suport, que són les ajudes que té. Segons com es treballi el component adaptatiu farà que la persona reaccioni en un futur de forma més automàtica i inconscient o, al contrari, que la persona respongui de forma més conscient i intencionada. El present treball està concebut per comprendre quins elements psicosocials – components estressors i components de suport– poden afectar a les estudiants que presencien la vivència de la mort de malalts geriàtrics terminals en el primer període de pràctiques en un centre sociosanitari. S’ha dissenyat un estudi descriptiu transversal quantitatiu, de caràcter exploratori, per tal de descriure la freqüència i algunes característiques psicosocials al voltant de la mort en estudiants d'infermeria en el seu primer període de pràctiques, tant a nivell personal com a nivell professional. La mostra de l'estudi són 65 estudiants, la majoria són dones d'entre els 18 i els 29 anys –més d’un 90%–. Els resultats indiquen que un 80% dels futurs professionals estudiats han patit la mort d’alguna persona significativa al llarg de la seva vida; d'aquests, gairebé un de cada quatre presenta dol complicat. Quant a la vivència de mort en les pràctiques, el 83% l'ha experimentat. Tot i aquest elevat percentatge, no totes les experiències tenen una connotació negativa. En prop de la meitat dels casos, les morts són percebudes com una experiència enriquidora i natural. Els components estressors més impactants que les estudiants han viscut durant les pràctiques per la mort d’alguna persona malalta són: la reacció de la família del finat, el patiment que es genera al seu voltant, algun signe o símptoma físic experimentat pel malalt al final del procés, i la pròpia reacció emocional. Els components de suport expressats són: saber gestionar les pròpies emocions, tenir més formació sobre relació d’ ajuda i empatia, tenir més formació en control de símptomes i comunicació, per atendre usuaris –tant malalts com familiars- i que algú els informés i orientés en el procés. Altres resultats a tenir en compte són que la població estudiada té més preocupació o inquietud per la mort i el procés de morir de la persona estimada i menys per la pròpia mort. A més, tot i que la meitat no hagués escollit geriatria com opció a les primeres pràctiques clíniques, gairebé tot el grup estudiat ho recomanaria després d'haver viscut l'experiència. Les implicacions pràctiques d'aquest estudi porten a pensar que es pot reorientar la informació i preparació que es dóna a les estudiants d’infermeria abans del primer contacte amb la realitat dels centres sociosanitaris, així com també el paper de formació i suport que pot fer tant la persona tutora de pràctiques com les infermeres de referència dels diferents centres. En conclusió, caldria dissenyar estratègies formatives i de suport entorn a la preparació psicològica personal de l’estudiant; entorn a l’acompanyament, les cures pal·liatives i el dol; i valorar la seva eficiència en el futur.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on identifioida julkisten osakeyhtiöiden toimintakertomusta säätelevien normien muutokset vuosien 2005 ja 2008 välillä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan sisältyvätkö kaikki normien edellyttämät tiedot yhtiöiden vuodelta 2008 julkistettuihin toimintakertomuksiin, esiintyykö puutteita joidenkin tiettyjen tietovaatimusten osalta, esiintyykö yhtiöiden toimintakertomuksissa selkeitä laadullisia eroja ja ovatko yhtiöt esittäneet vapaaehtoisesti joitain tietoja jo vuoden 2005 toimintakertomuksissa. Tutkimusaineiston muodostavat Helsingin pörssissä noteerattujen markkinaarvoltaan pienten ja suurten suomalaisten julkisten osakeyhtiöiden toimintakertomukset vuosilta 2005 ja 2008. Tutkimus on laadullinen kuvaileva tapaustutkimus, jolla pyritään keräämään yksityiskohtaista, intensiivistä tietoa sekä suomalaisten julkisten osakeyhtiöiden toimintakertomuksiin kohdistuvista normistomuutoksista tarkastelujaksolla että laadullisista eroavaisuuksista yhtiöiden toimintakertomusten välillä. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että suomalaisten julkisten osakeyhtiöiden toimintakertomuksissa esiintyy edelleen puutteita, vaikka tarkastelujaksolla oli tapahtunut myös selvää parannusta. Toimintakertomuksissa esiintyi selviä yhtiökohtaisia eroavaisuuksia, mutta selkeää eroa ei havaittu pienten ja suurten yhtiöiden toimintakertomusten välillä.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaiset ovat controllereiden työtehtävät ja controllereilta vaadittavat ominaisuudet tänä päivänä. Teoreettisena taustana tutkimuksessa oli johdon laskentatoimen kehitys 1980-luvulta tähän päivään. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisin menetelmin analysoimalla tänä vuonna julkaistuja suomalaisia ja ruotsalaisia controller-rekrytointi-ilmoituksia ja haastattelemalla henkilökohtaisesti controllerin työtehtävissä työskenteleviä henkilöitä useilta toimialoilta. Tutkimuksen keskeisimpänä tuloksena havaittiin, että yrityksen työpaikkailmoituksissa vaadittavissa ominaisuuksissa on eroavaisuuksia suhteessa haastattelussa painotettuihin ominaisuuksiin. Ilmoituksissa mainitut controllereiden työtehtävät olivat enemmän linjassa todellisten työtehtävien kanssa. Sekä työpaikkailmoituksissa että haastatteluissa kävi ilmi, että controllerin työtehtävä sisältää useasti edelleen ulkoiseen laskentaan liittyviä työtehtäviä. Tämä viittaa siihen, että controller-nimikkeen käyttö ei ole vielä vakiintunut vastaamaan johdon laskentatoimen tehtäviä. Controllereiden haastatteluissa nousi esiin useita controller-toiminnon kehityskohteita. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että controllerin työtehtävien ja ominaisuuksien kehittämiseen ovat vaikuttaneet johdon laskentatoimen tietojärjestelmien kehitys, uudet laskentainnovaatiot ja controllerin roolinmuutos kohti strategista liiketoiminnan tukijaa. Yritysten controller-toimintoa ei ole haastatteluiden perusteella kuitenkaan vielä organisoitu vastaamaan tätä roolinmuutosta, joten controllerit kokivat, että heillä ei ole riittävästi aikaa analysointityöhön. Lisäksi controllereiden yhteistyötä kollegojen ja sidosryhmien kanssa pitäisi lisätä ja controller-toiminto tulisi tuoda lähemmäs liiketoimintaa.


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The research assesses the skills of upper comprehensive school pupils in history. The focus is on locating personal motives, assessing wider reasons hidden in historical sources and evaluating source reliability. The research also questions how a wide use of multiple sources affects pupils’ holistic understanding of historical phenomena. The participants were a multicultural group of pupils. The origins of their cultures can be traced to the Balkan, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. The number of native Finnish speakers and pupils speaking Finnish as their second language was almost equal. The multicultural composition provides opportunities to assess how culturally responsive learning history from sources is. The intercultural approach to learning in a multicultural setting emphasizes equality as a precondition for learning. In order to set assignments at least to some extent match with all participants only those answers were taken into account which were produced by pupils who had studied history for a similar period of time in the Finnish comprehensive school system. Due to the small number of participants (41), the study avoids wide generalizations. Nevertheless, possible cultural blueprints in pupils’ way of thinking are noted. The first test examined the skills of pupils to find motives for emigration. The results showed that for 7th graders finding reasons is not a problematic task. However, the number of reasons noticed and justifications varied. In addition, the way the pupils explained their choices was a distinguishing factor. Some pupils interpreted source material making use of previous knowledge on the issue, while other pupils based their analysis solely on the text handed and did not try to add their own knowledge. Answers were divided into three categories: historical, explanatory and stating. Historical answers combined smoothly previously learned historical knowledge to one’s own source analysis; explanatory answers often ignored a wider frame, although they were effective when explaining e.g. historical concepts. The stating answers only noticed motives from the sources and made no attempts to explain them historically. Was the first test culturally responsive? All pupils representing different cultures tackled the first source exam successfully, but there were some signs of how historical concepts are understood in a slightly different way if the pupil’s personal history has no linkage to the concepts under scrutiny. The second test focused on the history of Native Americans. The test first required pupils to recognize whether short source extracts (5) were written by Indians or Caucasians. Based on what they had already learned from North American history, the pupils did not find it hard to distinguish between the sources. The analysis of multiphase causes and consequences of the disputes between Native Americans and white Americans caused dispersion among pupils. Using two historical sources and combining historical knowledge from both of them simultaneously was cumbersome for many. The explanations of consequences can be divided into two groups: the ones emphasizing short term consequences and those placing emphasis on long term consequences. The short term approach was mainly followed by boys in every group. The girls mainly paid attention to long term consequences. The result suggests that historical knowledge in sources is at least to some extent read through role and gender lenses. The third test required pupils to explain in their own words how the three sources given differed in their account of living conditions in Nazi Germany, which turned out to be demanding for many pupils. The pupils’ stronghold was rather the assessment of source reliability and accounts why the sources approached the same events differently. All participants wrote critical and justified comments on reliability and aspects that might have affected the content of the sources. The pupils felt that the main reasons that affected source reliability were the authors’ ethnic background, nationality and profession. The assessment showed that pupils were well aware that position in a historical situation has an impact on historical accounts, but in certain cases the victim’s account was seen as a historical truth. The account of events by a historian was chosen most often as the most reliable source, but it was often justified leniently with an indication to professionalism rather than with clear ideas of how historians conduct accounts based on sources. In brief, the last source test demonstrates that pupils have a strong idea that the ethnicity or nationalism determines how people explained events of the past. It is also an implication that pupils understand how historical knowledge is interpretative. The results also imply that history can be analyzed from a neutral perspective. One’s own membership in an ethnical or religious group does not automatically mean that a person’s cultural identity excludes historical explanations if something in them contradicts with his or her identity. The second method of extracting knowledge of pupils’ historical thinking was an essay analysis. The analysis shows that an analytical account of complicated political issues, which often include a great number of complicated political concepts, leads more likely to an inconsistent structure in the written work of pupils. The material also demonstrates that pupils have a strong tendency to take a critical stance when assessing history. Historical empathy in particular is shown if history somehow has a linkage to young people, children or minorities. Some topics can also awake strong feelings, especially among pupils with emigrant background, if there is a linkage between one’s own personal history and that of the school; and occasionally a student’s historical experience or thoughts replaced school history. Using sources during history lessons at school seems to have many advantages. It enhances the reasoning skills of pupils and their skills to assess the nature of historical knowledge. Thus one of the main aims and a great benefit of source work is to encourage pupils to express their own ideas and opinions. To conclude, when assessing the skills of adolescents in history - their work with sources, comments on history, historical knowledge and finally their historical thinking - one should be cautious and avoid cut off score evaluations. One purpose of pursuing history with sources is to encourage pupils to think independently, which is a useful tool for further identity construction. The idea that pupils have the right to conduct their own interpretations of history can be partially understood as part of a wider learning process, justification to study history comes from extrinsic reasons. The intrinsic reason is history itself; in order to understand history one should have a basic understanding of history as a specific domain of knowledge. Using sources does not mean that knowing history is of secondary importance. Only a balance between knowing the contextual history, understanding basic key concepts and working with sources is a solid base to improve pupils’ historical understanding.


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An analysis of the activities that contributed to the birth of Green Chemistry (GC) about twenty years ago has shown that it emerged in response to the problems of pollution and wastes felt by the Chemical Industry. This close connection between GC and the Chemical Industry is similar to that found earlier between Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry before they separated. It was also found that since its very beginning the Chemical Industry has occasionally practiced GC. Broad implications of these findings to the teaching of GC are discussed.


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The pedagogic training of university professors has been overlooked in institutions of higher education. In the second semester of 2009, students of the Graduate Chemistry Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais participated in an investigation that aimed to evaluate the students' perceptions of their own training to become professors. It was found that a large number of students felt prepared to teach at institutions of higher education, despite their lack of experience at this education level. A significant point in this work was the finding that most students do not acknowledge the need of associating the teaching practice with teaching-learning theories, but instead consider the knowledge of scientific content important.


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Rajoitetun preoperatiivisen paaston ohjaus lasten päiväkirurgisessa nielurisaleikkauksessa Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko sairaanhoitajan toteuttama, vanhempien interaktiivinen preoperatiivinen ohjaus lapsen rajoitettuun preoperatiiviseen paastoon ja aktiiviseen nesteyttämiseen turvallista, kuinka vanhemmat omaksuvat kyseistä tietoa ja edistääkö se turvallisesti lapsen postoperatiivista toipumista päiväkirurgisen nielurisaleikkauksen jälkeen. Aineisto koostui sadastakuudestatoista perheestä, joiden lapsi, iältään 4 – 10 vuotta, oli kutsuttu päiväkirurgiseen nielurisaleikkaukseen. Koeryhmä (n= 58) ohjattiin interaktiivisesti lapsen preoperatiiviseen paastoon ja aktiiviseen preoperatiiviseen nesteyttämiseen. Lapsen suositellut preoperatiiviset paastoajat olivat: 4t syömättä ja 2t juomatta. Leikkauspäivän aamuna vanhemmat rohkaisivat lapsia juomaan annokset kirkkaita nesteitä kahteen otteeseen; jälkimmäinen annos 2t ennen leikkausta. Kontrolliryhmä (n= 58) sai preoperatiivisen ohjauksen kirjallisena ilman interaktiivista ohjausta; paastoajat olivat samat kuin koeryhmässä: 4t syömättä ja 2t juomatta. Vanhempien tiedontasoa lapsen leikkaukseen liittyvästä paastosta mitattiin tietotestillä, joka sisälsi myös preoperatiivista tiedontarvetta ja ahdistusta mittaavan mittarin (The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information scale, APAIS). Mittaukset suoritettiin ennen preoperatiivista ohjausta tai kirjallisten ohjeiden lähettämistä sekä lapsen leikkausta seuraavana päivänä. Lapsen leikkauksen jälkeen vanhemmat arvioivat myös heille välitetyn informaation tasoa. Lapsen postoperatiivista kipua, pahoinvointia, janoa ja nälkää lapset itse arvioivat VAS- asteikolla (10cm), ja vanhemmat ja sairaanhoitajat numeerisella 0 – 10 asteikolla. Mittaukset suoritettiin 2t, 4t, 8t, ja 24t lapsen leikkauksen jälkeen. Vanhemmat pitivät päiväkirjaa lapsen ravinnosta ja kipulääkityksestä. Aineisto analysoitiin sekä tilastollisesti että sisällön analyysilla. Vanhempien tiedontaso lapsen leikkauksen jälkeen oli molemmissa ryhmissä merkitsevästi parantunut, mutta kontrolliryhmän vanhempien ahdistus ei ollut helpottanut verrattuna heidän ahdistukseensa ennen lapsen leikkausta. Mitä korkeammat pisteet vanhemmat saivat tietotestistä lapsen leikkauksen jälkeen sitä vähemmän he tunsivat tiedontarvetta ja ahdistusta. Merkitsevästi alhaisemmat pisteet tietotestistä oli vanhemmilla, joilla oli alempi peruskoulutus. Kontrolliryhmän lapset paastosivat preoperatiivisesti merkitsevästi pitempään kuin koeryhmän lapset. Perioperatiivisesti lapset paastosivat kiinteästä ruuasta yhtä kauan, mutta nesteistä kontrolliryhmä merkitsevästi pitempään. Postoperatiivisen toipumisen alussa koeryhmän lapset olivat merkitsevästi kivuttomampia. Molemmissa ryhmissä lapset olivat kipeimpiä kahdeksan tuntia leikkauksesta ja pahoinvointisimpia neljä tuntia leikkauksesta. Ensimmäisen kahdeksan tunnin aikana leikkauksen jälkeen lapset eivät olleet janoisia tai nälkäisiä, mutta VAS- arvot koeryhmässä jäivät alhaisemmalle tasolle kuin kontrolliryhmässä 24 postoperatiivisen tunnin ajan. Leikkausta seuraavana aamuna kontrolliryhmän lapset olivat merkitsevästi janoisempia ja nälkäisempiä kuin interventioryhmän lapset. Sairaanhoitajan toteuttama vanhempien interaktiivinen preoperatiivinen ohjaus lapsen rajoitettuun preoperatiiviseen paastoon lisää vanhempien tiedontasoa ja vähentää preoperatiivista tiedontarvettaan ja ahdistusta, ja turvallisesti parantaa lapsen kokemusta leikkausprosessin ja postoperatiivisen toipumisen aikana nielurisaleikkauksen jälkeen. Kaikkien leikkaukseen tulevien lasten nesteyttäminen kaksi tuntia ennen päivän ensimmäistä leikkausta voi olla ratkaisu lasten kohtuuttomien perioperatiivisten paastoaikojen estämiseksi. Aina ei kuitenkaan ole mahdollisuuksia vanhempien henkilökohtaiseen kohtaamiseen, mikä haastaa hoitotieteellisen tutkimuksen kartoittamaan muita mahdollisuuksia vanhempien interaktiiviseen ohjaukseen.


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In this work the degradation of textile dyes were evaluated, using Fenton, photo-Fenton and electro-Fenton processes. Under optimized conditions Fenton and photo-Fenton processes showed high decolorization capacity of the model dyes. The electro-Fenton process was carried out in an undivided electrochemical reactor (1000 mL) equipped with a carbon-felt cathode (253 cm²) and a platinum gauze anode (6 cm²). Under optimal conditions (J: 1.6 mA cm-2, Na2SO4: 0.075 mol L-1, pH: 3) H2O2 concentration of about 60 mg L-1 was observed. The addition of Fe2+ (15 mg L-1) induces Fenton reactions that permit almost total decolorization of textile dyes.


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The objective of this study is to create measurement system that is capable to measure performance in basic industry’s service centers. First it is examined what is performance and how it can be measured. The study also introduces commonly known measurement frameworks. After theory the study investigates how companies in the field of basic industry measure their operations in practise. The investigation is done examining three case examples and by analyzing survey results from basic industry companies. On the survey results focus is on what meters and measurement systems companies use. It is also viewed what measurement problems companies have faced. In the applied part of the study harmonized performance measurement system is created. The framework of the measurement system is introduced and measurement system for the target company is created. The target company felt that the harmonized performance measurement system has good potential and continues to develop it further.


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Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is associated with decreased functional status, diminished quality of life (QoL), amputation, myocardial infarction, stroke, and death. Nevertheless, public awareness of PAD as a morbid and mortal disease is low. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence of major lower extremity amputation due to PAD, the extent of reamputations, and survival after major lower extremity amputation (LEA) in a population based PAD patient cohort. Furthermore, the aim was to assess the functional capacity in patients with LEA, and the QoL after lower extremity revascularization and major amputation. All 210 amputees due to PAD in 1998–2002 and all 519 revascularized patients in 1998–2003 were explored. 59 amputees alive in 2004 were interviewed using a structured questionnaire of QoL. Two of each amputee age-, gender- and domicile-matched controls filled in and returned postal self-administered QoL questionnaire as well as 231 revascularized PAD patients (the amount of these patients who engaged themselves to the study), and one control person for each patient completed postal self-administered QoL questionnaire. The incidence rate of major LEA was 24.1/100 000 person-years and it was considerably high during the years studied. The one-month mortality rate was 21%, 52% at one-year, and the overall mortality rate was 80%. When comparing the one-year mortality risk of amputees, LEAs were associated with a 7.4-fold annual mortality risk compared with the reference population in Turku. Twenty-two patients (10%) had ipsilateral transversions from BK to AK amputation. Fifty patients (24%) ended up with a contralateral major LEA within two to four amputation operations. Three bilateral amputations were performed at the first major LEA operation. Of the 51 survivors returning home after their first major LEA, 36 (71%) received a prosthesis; (16/36, 44%) and were able to walk both in- and outdoors. Of the 68 patients who were discharged to institutional care, three (4%) had a prosthesis one year after LEA. Both amputees and revascularized patients had poor physical functioning and significantly more depressive symptoms than their controls. Depressive symptoms were more common in the institutionalized amputees than the home-dwelling amputees. The surviving amputees and their controls had similar life satisfaction. The amputees felt themselves satisfied and contented, whether or not they lived in long-term care or at home. PAD patients who had undergone revascularizations had poorer QoL than their controls. The revascularized patients’ responses on their perceived physical functioning gave an impression that these patients are in a declining life cycle and that revascularizations, even when successful, may not be sufficient to improve the overall function. It is possible that addressing rehabilitation issues earlier in the care may produce a more positive functional outcome. Depressive symptoms should be recognized and thoroughly considered at the same time the patients are recovering from their revascularization operation. Also primary care should develop proper follow-up, and community organizations should have exercise groups for those who are able to return home, since they very often live alone. In rehabilitation programs we should consider not only physical disability assessment but also QoL.


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Tämän lainopillisen tutkimuksen aiheena on sijoituspalveluita tarjoavan tahon tiedonantovelvollisuus ei-ammattimaista asiakasta kohtaan. Tiedonantovelvollisuutta käsitellään sekä vakuutussopimuslain että arvopaperimarkkinalain kannalta. Viime vuosikymmenien aikana tiedonantovelvollisuuksiin liittyvä sääntely on lisääntynyt suuresti pankkisektorilla. Tiedonantovelvollisuuden tarkoituksena on antaa asiakkaalle riittävät tiedot perutellun päätöksen tekemiseksi. Riittävä tiedonannon taso vaihtelee tapauksesta ja asiakkaasta riippuen. Joissakin sijoituspalvelutyypeissä yleinen tiedonanto riittää, kun taas toisissa vaaditaan tuote- ja asiakaskohtaista erityistä tietoa. Yleisesti ottaen ei-ammattimaiset asiakkaat tarvitsevat enemmän tietoa kuin ammattimaiset asiakkaat. Yleisenä sääntönä voidaan kuitenkin esittää, että mitä suurempi taloudellinen merkitys palvelulla on asiakkaalle, sitä kattavampi tulisi tiedonantovelvollisuuden olla.


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Marine traffic is expected to increase rapidly in the future, both in the Baltic Sea and in the Gulf of Finland. As the number of vessels in the area increases, so does the risk of serious marine accidents. To help prevent such accidents in the future, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has put forth the International Safety Management Code (the ISM Code), which aims to improve the safety of the vessels. The second work package of the Development of maritime safety culture (METKU) project investigates the effects of the ISM Code and potential areas of improvement in maritime safety. The first phase in the work package used a literature review to determine how maritime safety culture could be improved. Continuous improvement, management commitment and personnel empowerment and motivation were found to be essential. In the second phase, shipping companies and administrators were interviewed. It was discovered that especially incident reporting based on continuous improvement was felt to be lacking. This third phase aims to take a closer look at incident reporting and suggest improvements based on the findings. Both the IMO and national legislation encourage shipping companies in incident reporting, and on the national level a shared incident reporting system (ForeSea) is being pushed forward. The objective of this research project was to find out the IMO’s attitude towards incident reporting, to establish a theoretical framework of reference in incident reporting, and to observe how reporting is actually being employed on the seas. Existing incident reporting systems were also researched. The study was carried out using a literature review and the results previously gathered in interviews. The results of phase two were elaborated further for themes relating to incident reporting. According to the findings of this research, the theoretical background of incident reporting dates back to the early 20th century. Although some theories are widely accepted, some have also received criticism. The lack of a concise, shared terminology poses major difficulties in maritime incident reporting and in determining its efficiency. A central finding is the fact that existing incident reporting focuses mostly on information flow away from the ship, whereas the backward information flow is much less planned and monitored. In incident reporting, both nationally and internationally, stakeholders are plenty. The information produced by these parties is scattered, however, and thus not very usable. Based on this research, the centralizing of this information should be made a priority. Traditionally, the success of incident reporting has been determined statistically, from the number of reported incidents. Yet existing reporting systems have not been designed with such statistical analysis in mind, so different methodologies might yield a more comprehensive view. The previous findings of seafarers and management (including shipping companies and administration) having differing views on safety work and safety management were backed up by the results of this study. Seafarers find seamanship and storytelling important, while management wants a more systematic and broad approach on safety matters. The research project was carried out by the Centre for Maritime Studies of the University of Turku, in the Kotka unit (Maritime Logistics Research), with coordination by the Kotka Maritime Research Centre. The major financiers of the project were the European Union and the city of Kotka. The financing authority was the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme. Partners in the project were the shipping companies Finnlines Oyj, Kristina Cruises Oy, Meriaura Oy and VG-Shipping Oy, and the ports of Helsinki, Kotka and Hamina. The partners provided both funding for the project and information for the research.


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The skill of programming is a key asset for every computer science student. Many studies have shown that this is a hard skill to learn and the outcomes of programming courses have often been substandard. Thus, a range of methods and tools have been developed to assist students’ learning processes. One of the biggest fields in computer science education is the use of visualizations as a learning aid and many visualization based tools have been developed to aid the learning process during last few decades. Studies conducted in this thesis focus on two different visualizationbased tools TRAKLA2 and ViLLE. This thesis includes results from multiple empirical studies about what kind of effects the introduction and usage of these tools have on students’ opinions and performance, and what kind of implications there are from a teacher’s point of view. The results from studies in this thesis show that students preferred to do web-based exercises, and felt that those exercises contributed to their learning. The usage of the tool motivated students to work harder during their course, which was shown in overall course performance and drop-out statistics. We have also shown that visualization-based tools can be used to enhance the learning process, and one of the key factors is the higher and active level of engagement (see. Engagement Taxonomy by Naps et al., 2002). The automatic grading accompanied with immediate feedback helps students to overcome obstacles during the learning process, and to grasp the key element in the learning task. These kinds of tools can help us to cope with the fact that many programming courses are overcrowded with limited teaching resources. These tools allows us to tackle this problem by utilizing automatic assessment in exercises that are most suitable to be done in the web (like tracing and simulation) since its supports students’ independent learning regardless of time and place. In summary, we can use our course’s resources more efficiently to increase the quality of the learning experience of the students and the teaching experience of the teacher, and even increase performance of the students. There are also methodological results from this thesis which contribute to developing insight into the conduct of empirical evaluations of new tools or techniques. When we evaluate a new tool, especially one accompanied with visualization, we need to give a proper introduction to it and to the graphical notation used by tool. The standard procedure should also include capturing the screen with audio to confirm that the participants of the experiment are doing what they are supposed to do. By taken such measures in the study of the learning impact of visualization support for learning, we can avoid drawing false conclusion from our experiments. As computer science educators, we face two important challenges. Firstly, we need to start to deliver the message in our own institution and all over the world about the new – scientifically proven – innovations in teaching like TRAKLA2 and ViLLE. Secondly, we have the relevant experience of conducting teaching related experiment, and thus we can support our colleagues to learn essential know-how of the research based improvement of their teaching. This change can transform academic teaching into publications and by utilizing this approach we can significantly increase the adoption of the new tools and techniques, and overall increase the knowledge of best-practices. In future, we need to combine our forces and tackle these universal and common problems together by creating multi-national and multiinstitutional research projects. We need to create a community and a platform in which we can share these best practices and at the same time conduct multi-national research projects easily.