937 resultados para Professional Competence
The goal of this research is to study how knowledge-intensive business services can be productized by using the service blueprinting tool. As services provide the majority of jobs, GDP and productivity growth in Europe, their continuous development is needed for Europe to retain its global competitiveness. As services are turning more complex, their development becomes more difficult. The theoretical part of this study is based on researching productization in the context of knowledge-intensive business services. The empirical part is carried out as a case study in a KIBS company, and utilizes qualitative interviews and case materials. The final outcome of this study is an updated productization framework, designed for KIBS companies, and recommendations for the case company. As the results of this study indicate, productization expanded with service blueprinting can be a useful tool for KIBS companies to develop their services. The updated productization framework is provided for future reference.
The main strengths of professional knowledge-intensive business services (P-KIBS) are knowledge and creativity which needs to be fostered, maintained and supported. The process of managing P-KIBS companies deals with financial, operational and strategic risks. That is why it is reasonable to apply risk management techniques and frameworks in this context. A significant challenge hides in choosing reasonable ways of implementing risk management, which will not limit creative ability in organization, and furthermore will contribute to the process. This choice is related to a risk intelligent approach which becomes a justified way of finding the required balance. On a theoretical level the field of managing both creativity and risk intelligence as a balanced process remains understudied in particular within KIBS industry. For instance, there appears to be a wide range of separate models for innovation and risk management, but very little discussion in terms of trying to find the right balance between them. This study aims to shed light on the importance of well-managed combination of these concepts. The research purpose of the present study is to find out how the balance between creativity and risk intelligence can be managed in P-KIBS. The methodological approach utilized in the study is strictly conceptual without empirical aspects. The research purpose can be achieved through answering the following research supporting questions: 1. What are the characteristics and role of creativity as a component of innovation process in a P-KIBS company? 2. What are the characteristics and role of risk intelligence as an approach towards risk management process implementation in a P-KIBS company? 3. How can risk intelligence and creativity be balanced in P-KIBS? The main theoretical contribution of the study conceals in a proposed creativity and risk intelligence stage process framework. It is designed as an algorithm that can be applied on organizational canvas. It consists of several distinct stages specified by actors involved, their roles and implications. Additional stage-wise description provides detailed tasks for each of the enterprise levels, while combining strategies into one. The insights driven from the framework can be utilized by a vast range of specialists from strategists to risk managers, and from innovation managers to entrepreneurs. Any business that is designing and delivering knowledge service can potentially gain valuable thoughts and expand conceptual understanding from the present report. Risk intelligence in the current study is a unique way of emphasizing the role of creativity in professional knowledge-intensive industry and a worthy technique for making profound decisions towards risks.
Modern research on literacy, the scriptualization of the administration and the interaction between the governing and the governed as part of the political culture, has brought to the fore the issue of different scripts and their terms. The present dissertation focuses on the parish scribes in the county of Ostrobothnia during the period 1721–1868. The peasantry had been given the right to pay parish scribes in 1624. The parish scribes who were to assist the peasants in connection with the collection of taxes simultaneously supervised the bailiffs who collected the taxes. Their writing skills made the scribes indispensable also in many other contexts. In Ostrobothnia, the peasantry had use for parish scribes, who worked as mediators between Swedish and Finnish, between the oral and the written and vice versa. The aim of this dissertation is on the one hand to explore the recruitment of parish scribes, and on the other to examine the parish scribes as a professional and social group. The parish scribes’ significance for the peasantry in everyday life, local decision-making and in connection with political processes will be analyzed by examining their work and professional activities. The recruitment of parish scribes and has been analyzed as a decision process where different actors were able to influence the election. The parish scribes’ competence requirements and terms of employment have been analyzed. The parish scribes as a professional body or a social group has not previously been explored. The examination of the 154 parish scribes as a professional and social group has been carried out in the form of a collective biography. Parish scribes’ tasks originally consisted of the collection of taxes, but the duties within the parish administration increased in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The private writing assignments consisted of many different documents: bills of sale, probate inventories and estate distributions, wills, land tenancy agreements, life annuity and crofter agreements, promissory notes, auction records and different survey documents. The interaction with state power has been analyzed by examining five political decision-making processes that the peasants actively participated in.
Customer knowledge management (CKM) practices enable organizations to create customer competence with systematic use of customer information that is integrated throughout the organization. Nonetheless, organizations are not able to fully exploit the vast amount of data available. Previous research on use of customer information is limited especially in a multichannel environment. The aim of this study was to identify the main obstacles for utilizing customer information efficiently across multiple sales channels. The study was conducted as a single case study in order to gain deeper understanding of the research problem. The empirical findings indicate that lack of CKM practices and a common goal are major challenges obstructing effective utilization of customer information. Furthermore, decentralized organizational structure and insufficient analytical skills create obstacles for information sharing and capabilities to process information and create new knowledge. The implications of the study suggest that in order to create customer competence organizations should shift their focus from technology to the organizational factors affecting use of information and implement CKM practices throughout the organization.
Rapid changes in working life and competence requirements of different professions have increased interest in workplace learning. It is considered an effective way to learn and update professional skills by performing daily tasks in an authentic environment. Especially, ensuring a supply of skilled future workers is a crucial issue for firms facing tight competition and a shortage of competent employees due to the retirement of current professionals. In order to develop and make the most of workplace learning, it is important to focus on workplace learning environments and the individual characteristics of those participating in workplace learning. The literature has suggested various factors that influence adults' and professionals’ workplace learning of profession-related skills, but lacks empirical studies on contextual and individual-related factors that positively affect students' workplace learning. Workers with vocational education form a large group in modern firms. Therefore, elements of vocational students’ successful workplace learning during their studies, before starting their career paths, need to be examined. To fill this gap in the literature, this dissertation examines contributors to vocational students’ workplace learning in Finland, where students’ workplace learning is included in the vocational education and training system. The study is divided into two parts: the introduction, comprised of the overview of the relevant literature and the conclusion of the entire study, and five separate articles. Three of the articles utilize quantitative methods and two use qualitative methods to examine factors that contribute to vocational students’ workplace learning. The results show that, from the students’ perspective, attitudinal, motivational, and organizationrelated factors enhance the student’s development of professionalism during the on-the-job learning period. Specifically, the organization-related factors such as innovative climate, guidance, and interactions with seniors have a strong positive impact on the students’ perceived development of professional skills because, for example, the seniors’ guidance and provision of new viewpoints for the tasks helps the vocational students to gain autonomy at work performance. A multilevel analysis shows that of those factors enhancing workplace learning from the student perspective, innovative climate, knowledge transfer accuracy, and the students’ performance orientation were significantly related to the workplace instructors’ assessment regarding the students’ professional performance. Furthermore, support from senior colleagues and the students’ self-efficacy were both significantly associated with the formal grades measuring how well the students managed to learn necessary professional skills. In addition, the results suggest that the students’ on-the-job learning can be divided into three main phases, of which two require efforts from both the student and the on-the-job learning organization. The first phase includes the student’s application of basic professional skills, demonstration of potential in performing daily tasks, and orientation provided by the organization at the beginning of the on-the-job learning period. In the second phase, the student actively develops profession-related skills by performing daily tasks, thus learning a fluent working style while observing the seniors’ performance. The organization offers relevant tasks and follows the student’s development. The third level indicates a student who has reached the professional level described as a full occupation. The results suggest that constructing the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning period requires feedback from seniors, opportunities to learn to manage entire work processes, self-efficacy on the part of the students, proactive behavior, and initiative in learning. The study contributes to research on workplace learning in three ways: firstly, it identifies the key individual- and organization-based factors that influence the vocational students’ successful on-the-job learning from their perspective and examines mutual relationships between these factors. Second, the study provides knowledge of how the factors related to the students’ view of successful workplace learning are associated with the workplace instructors’ perspective and the formal grades. Third, the present study finds elements needed to construct a successful on-the-job learning for the students.
Yrityksen aineeton pääoma ja etenkin osaaminen on arvokasta, mutta sen mittaaminen on vaikeaa. Osaaminen on ensin tunnistettava, jotta sitä voidaan kehittää. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tarkoitus luoda kaupan alalle osaamiselle lukuarvo, joka voidaan viedä ketjun tuloskorttiin. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kuvailevasta ja tilastollisesta osasta. Case yrityksenä on Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaan Sale-ketju ja kartoitus kohdentuu päivittäistavarakaupan myyjän osaamistarpeisiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, mutta yhteenvedossa on myös kvantitatiivisia piirteitä. Kuvaileva aineisto koostui ryhmähaastattelusta, joka tehtiin lomakkeen suunnitteluvaiheessa haastattelemalla Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaan Sale-ketjun esimiehiä tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeista. Tilastollinen aineisto koostui osaamistarpeiden kartoituksessa käytetystä kyselystä. Tutkimuksessa tulevaisuuden osaamisen tarve eroaa tutkijoiden esittämästä näkemyksestä ja painottuu asenne osaamiseen. Sale-ketjun asenne osaamisissa vahvuuksia ovat: sitoutuminen omaan työhön ja halu oppia. Ammattiosaamiset kuten hyllytys ja kassatyö ovat myös vahvuuksia. 2013 vuoden tutkimuksessa suurimmat kehitystarpeet olivat tilausjärjestelmien hallitsemisessa sekä kilpailuetuosaamisissa. Yksiköiden välissä tarkastelussa löytyi selkeitä eroja, mutta erot eivät olleet riippuvaisia yksikön koosta tai työryhmän keski-iästä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena jokaiselle yksikölle tuotettiin yhteenveto sen hetkisestä osaamisesta, selvittäen vahvuudet ja kehittämisalueet. Näiden pohjalta tehtiin yksiköille kehityssuunnitelmat sekä jokaiselle työntekijälle henkilökohtainen kehityssuunnitelma kehityskeskustelun yhteydessä. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan osaaminen, työtyytyväisyys ja asiakastyytyväisyys korreloivat keskenään. Yksikössä, jossa on hyvä osaaminen, ovat myös työtyytyväisyys ja asiakaspalvelu kunnossa. Vaikuttava tekijä taustalla on johtaminen. Esimiehet, jotka jakavat vastuuta työryhmässään saavuttivat osaamisessa suurempaa kehitystä kuin ne esimiehet, jotka eivät vastuuta jakaneet. Päivittäistavarakauppa on murroksessa tällä hetkellä ja tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeet ovat muuttuneet jo tämän tutkimuksen aikana. Vuonna 2014 toteutettiin sama kartoitus kuin vuonna 2013 ja voitiin todeta osaamistarpeen muuttuneen. Kustannustietous ja kriisienhallinta ovat työryhmien arkea ja osaamisalueet kuten työssä jaksaminen, ripeys ja muutosvalmius ovat korostuneet vuoden aikana. Henkilöstöjohtamisen luonteessa on myös havaittavissa muutoksia, kauaskantoinen tekeminen on muuttunut ketteräksi ja joustavaksi strategiseksi kumppanuudeksi. Osaamista johdetaan edelleen hyvin perinteisin menetelmin, johtaminen on vain entistä kohdennetumpaa. Tutkimuksessa syntyi kuvaava malli henkilöstöjohtamisen luonteesta sekä kaupanalan osaamistarpeesta 2014.
The objective of this study was to increase understanding of the link between the identification of required HR competences and competence management alignment with business strategy in a Finnish, global company employing over 8,000 people and about 100 HR professionals. This aim was approached by analyzing the data collected in focus group interviews using a grounded theory method and in parallel reviewing the literature of strategic human resource management, competence-based strategic management, strategy and foresight. The literature on competence management in different contexts dismisses in-depth discussions on the foresight process and individuals are often forgotten in strategic frameworks. However, corporate foresight helps in the detection of emerging opportunities for innovations and in the implementation of strategy. The empirical findings indicate a lack of strategic leadership and an alignment with HR and business. Accordingly, the most important HR competence areas identified were the need for increasing business understanding and enabling change. As a result, the study provided a holistic model for competence foresight, which introduces HR professionals as strategic change agents in the role of organizational futurists at the heart of the company: facilitating competence foresight and competence development on individual as well as organizational levels, resulting in an agile organization with increased business understanding, sensitive sensors and adaptive actions to enable change.
Studies of cooking-generated NO2 effects are rare in occupational epidemiology. In the present study, we evaluated the lung function of professional cooks exposed to NO2 in hospital kitchens. We performed spirometry in 37 cooks working in four hospital kitchens and estimated the predicted FVC, FEV1 and FEF25-75, based on age, sex, race, weight, and height, according to Knudson standards. NO2 measurements were obtained for 4 consecutive days during 4 different periods at 20-day intervals in each kitchen. Measurements were performed inside and outside the kitchens, simultaneously using Palm diffusion tubes. A time/exposure indicator was defined as representative of the cumulative exposure of each cook. No statistically significant effect of NO2 exposure on FVC was found. Each year of work as a cook corresponded to a decrease in predicted FEV1 of 2.5% (P = 0.046) for the group as a whole. When smoking status and asthma were included in the analysis the effect of time/exposure decreased about 10% and lost statistical significance. On predicted FEF25-75, a decrease of 3.5% (P = 0.035) was observed for the same group and the inclusion of controllers for smoking status and asthma did not affect the effects of time/exposure on pulmonary function parameter. After a 10-year period of work as cooks the participants of the study may present decreases in both predicted FEV1 and FEF25-75 that can reach 20 and 30%, respectively. The present study showed small but statistically significant adverse effects of gas stove exposure on the lung function of professional cooks.
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan osaamisen johtamista Lappeenrannan seurakuntayhtymässä kirkkoherrojen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kirkkoherrojen osaamisen johtamista voidaan kehittää. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kirkkoherrojen roolia ja tehtäviä sekä käytössä olevia osaamisen kehittämisen menetelmiä. Lisäksi paneudutaan osaamisen johtamisen haasteisiin ja hengellisen työn erityispiirteisiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla Lappeenrannan seurakuntayhtymän kaikkia viittä kirkkoherraa. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan havaita, että osaamisen johtaminen ei seurakuntayhtymässä ole kovin suunnitelmallista tai pitkäjänteistä. Tulevaisuuden haasteina nähdään etenkin kirkon yhteiskunnallisen aseman muuttuminen ja jäsenmäärän väheneminen. Suurimpana osaamisen johtamiseen liittyvänä haasteena kirkkoherrat kokevat ajan puutteen. Kirkkoherrojen näkemyksissä omasta roolistaan osaamisen johtamisessa korostuvat kokonaisuuksien hallinta, yleisten suuntaviivojen määrittely ja yhteisen suunnan selkiyttäminen. Osaamisen kehittämisen menetelmiä on käytössä monia, mutta pääpaino on keskusteluissa ja palavereissa sekä koulutuksissa. Hengellisen työn erityispiirteinä nähdään kirkon erityinen arvomaailma sekä uskon henkilökohtainen ja intiimi olemus. Osaaminen tulisi seurakuntayhtymässä ottaa tietoiseksi johtamisen kohteeksi. Kirkkoherrat voivat kehittää omaa osaamisen johtamistaan parantamalla tietoisuutta esimiehen eri rooleista ja tehtäväkentistä. Erityisesti yksilöiden oppimisen tukemiseen ja oppimista edistävän ilmapiirin luomiseen tulisi tulevaisuudessa kiinnittää huomiota. Osaamisen kehittämisen menetelmistä suositeltavia ovat etenkin erilaiset työssä oppimisen keinot.
The purpose of this research was to study how management trainee program participants experienced the program with respect to their learning and competence development. Additionally, the purpose was also to examine what the trainees learned and how the learning occurred. Furthermore, factors affecting learning in the workplace were examined. The theoretical framework of this research was formed utilizing individual competence and informal learning frameworks. Research was conducted as a single case study and data was gathered by thematic interviews. The results of this research indicate that the trainees experienced the program as a good method for learning the overall picture of the organization and its business. Regarding competence development, especially knowledge- and cognitive competence categories were developed during the program. The best learning outcomes were achieved through learning by doing, in co-operation with others, and learning from others. The results indicate that the planning of the program and its structure have a significant effect on learning. Furthermore, a sufficient level of challenge was experienced as being important for the quality of the learning as well.
The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of green tea polyphenols (GTPs) supplementation during in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization, and in vitro culture on the developmental competence of bovine oocytes. Cumulus-oocyte complexes aspirated from the ovaries were matured in vitro (38.5ºC for 24 h) and fertilized (38.5ºC for 15-18 h) and embryos were cultured (38.5ºC for 192 h) in a defined conditioned medium with or without GTPs supplementation. The GTPs used in the present study contained 99% catechin derivatives, with the major components being 50% (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, 22% (-)-epicatechin gallate, 18% (-)-epigallocatechin, and 10% (-)-epicatechin. Four replicate trials were done for each type of experiment. GTPs supplementation (15 µM) of the maturation medium led to a significant increase in the rate of blastocyst formation (34.0 vs 21.4%, P < 0.05). However, the rate of blastocyst formation was not improved when higher GTPs concentrations (20 or 25 µM) were added to the in vitro maturation medium. During in vitro fertilization, supplementation with higher GTPs concentrations (20 or 25 µM) significantly reduced the rate of blastocyst formation (P < 0.05). Supplementation of the culture medium with 15 µM GTPs improved the rate of blastocyst formation, while higher GTPs concentrations (25 µM) significantly reduced embryo development (P < 0.05). In conclusion, these results demonstrate that supplementation with GTPs at low concentration (15 µM) during in vitro maturation and in vitro culture improved the developmental competence of bovine oocytes.
During cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), stroke volume can be indirectly assessed by O2 pulse profile. However, for a valid interpretation, the stability of this variable over time should be known. The objective was to analyze the stability of the O2 pulse curve relative to body mass in elite athletes. VO2, heart rate (HR), and relative O2 pulse were compared at every 10% of the running time in two maximal CPETs, from 2005 to 2010, of 49 soccer players. Maximal values of VO2 (63.4 ± 0.9 vs 63.5 ± 0.9 mL O2•kg-1•min-1), HR (190 ± 1 vs188 ± 1 bpm) and relative O2 pulse (32.9 ± 0.6 vs 32.6 ± 0.6 mL O2•beat-1•kg-1) were similar for the two CPETs (P > 0.05), while the final treadmill velocity increased from 18.5 ± 0.9 to 18.9 ± 1.0 km/h (P < 0.01). Relative O2 pulse increased linearly and similarly in both evaluations (r² = 0.64 and 0.63) up to 90% of the running time. Between 90 and 100% of the running time, the values were less stable, with up to 50% of the players showing a tendency to a plateau in the relative O2 pulse. In young healthy men in good to excellent aerobic condition, the morphology of the relative O2 pulse curve is consistent up to close to the peak effort for a CPET repeated within a 1-year period. No increase in relative O2pulse at peak effort could represent a physiologic stroke volume limitation in these athletes.
On-going process of globalization makes companies all over the world to go beyond the national markets and internationalize. Organizational form of multinational corporation (MNC) has capabilities for establishing the affiliate companies in several countries. Thus, the relocation of resources occurs and particularly, the cross-border transfer of knowledge which possesses the competitive advantage. However, differences in countries` business environments and cultures may constrain this capability. The research aim of this thesis is to investigate the role of subsidiary’s network competence (ability to build and manage the relationships with other local business units) and international business competence in relation to the benefits that MNC receives from a subsidiary. Additionally, subsidiary’s business adaptation, partnerships and knowledge transfer mechanism with parent company and external partners are investigated. This research, conducted in the Finnish-Russian context, consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The qualitative approach in the form of multiple case studies is employed. The empirical data incorporated primary and secondary data in the form of interviews collected in 2013 and 2015 years. Interviews were collected from four Finnish case companies in Saint-Petersburg and Kaluga region and five Russian partner companies. Results are drawn from two cases from Saint-Petersburg. The abductive research approach for the results analysis is adopted. The results indicate that both competencies lead to the subsidiary’s local embeddedness in the form of mutual business activities with local business partners and product adaptation for the local market needs. In addition to the monetary benefits in form of payments or turnover share, local embeddedness brings the knowledge of the local environment which is utilized by an MNC in the long-term planning. Another found tacit benefit is the access to the national market. This is strategically useful benefit not only for parent MNC but also for the subsidiary’s partners, i.e. international suppliers.
Tämän tutkielman aiheena on ammattikääntäjien tiedonhaku, kun käytettävissä on ainoastaan verkkolähteitä. Tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu, mistä ja miten ammattikääntäjät etsivät tietoa internetistä kääntäessään lähtötekstiä englannista suomeen. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on osoittaa, että tiedonhakutaidot ja lähdekriittisyys ovat käännöskompetensseja, joita tulisi sekä ylläpitää että opettaa osana kääntäjäkoulutusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin empiirisesti käyttämällä kolmea metodia. Käännösprosessi ja sen aikana tapahtunut tiedonhaku tallennettiin käyttäen Camtasia-näyttövideointiohjelmaa ja Translog-II -näppäilyntallennusohjelmaa. Lisäksi tutkimukseen osallistuneet kääntäjät täyttivät kaksi kyselyä, joista ensimmäinen sisälsi taustatietokysymyksiä ja toinen itse prosessiin liittyviä retrospektiivisiä kysymyksiä. Kyselyt toteutettiin Webropol-kyselytyökalulla. Aineistoa kerättiin yhteensä viidestä koetilanteesta. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin lähemmin kolmen ammattikääntäjän tiedon-hakutoimintoja erottelemalla käännösprosesseista ne tauot, joiden aikana kääntäjät etsivät tietoa internetistä. Käytettyjen verkkolähteiden osalta tutkimuksessa saatiin vastaavia tuloksia kuin aiemmissakin tutkimuksissa: eniten käytettyjä olivat Google, Wikipedia sekä erilaiset verkkosanakirjat. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuitenkin paljastui, että ammattikääntäjien tiedonhaun toimintamallit vaihtelevat riippuen niin kääntäjän erikoisalasta kuin hänen tiedonhakutaitojensa tasosta. Joutuessaan työskentelemään tutun työympäristönsä ja oman erikoisalansa ulkopuolella turvautuu myös osa ammattikääntäjistä alkeellisimpiin tiedonhakutekniikoihin, joita käännöstieteen opiskelijoiden on havaittu yleisesti käyttävän. Tulokset paljastivat myös, että tiedonhaku voi viedä jopa 70 prosenttia koko käännösprosessiin kuluvasta ajasta riippuen kääntäjän aiemmasta lähtötekstin aihepiiriin liittyvästä tietopohjasta ja tiedonhaun tehokkuudesta. Tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että myös ammattikääntäjien tulisi kehittää tiedonhakutaitojaan pitääkseen käännösprosessinsa tehokkaana. Lisäksi kääntäjien pitäisi muistaa arvioida kriittisesti käyttämiään tietolähteitä: lähdekritiikki on tarpeen erityisesti verkkolähteitä käytettäessä. Tästä syystä tiedonhakutaitoja ja lähdekriittisyyttä tulisikin opettaa ja harjoitella jo osana kääntäjäkoulutusta. Kääntäjien ei myöskään pidä jättää tiedonhakua pelkkien verkkolähteiden varaan, vaan jatkossakin käyttää hyväkseen niin painettuja tietolähteitä kuin myös henkilölähteitä.