589 resultados para Maggiani, Maurizio


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This paper addresses the condition of domestic work in Argentina, in a perspective that draws from the literature on care work. In this approach, domestic work can be interpreted as one of the mercantile forms in which care work is socially organized, due to the persistence of the traditional sexual division of labor and the weakness of public policies. From these considerations, I develop a quantitative study on the levels of informality, precarity, and wage inequality that characterize domestic work in that country. Thereafter, I discuss the main measures adopted by the Argentine government since 2003, with the goal of reducing legal discrimination of domestic workers and promoting their formalization. On this basis, the paper highlights the advances in the recognition of domestic workers’ labor rights, while emphasizing how social and cultural restraints still permeate labor relations in this sector.


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Research on the relationship between reproductive work and women´s life trajectories including the experience of labour migration has mainly focused on the case of relatively young mothers who leave behind, or later re-join, their children. While it is true that most women migrate at a younger age, there are a significant number of cases of men and women who move abroad for labour purposes at a more advanced stage, undertaking a late-career migration. This is still an under-estimated and under-researched sub-field that uncovers a varied range of issues, including the global organization of reproductive work and the employment of migrant women as domestic workers late in their lives. By pooling the findings of two qualitative studies, this article focuses on Peruvian and Ukrainian women who seek employment in Spain and Italy when they are well into their forties, or older. A commonality the two groups of women share is that, independently of their level of education and professional experience, more often than not they end up as domestic and care workers. The article initially discusses the reasons for late-career female migration, taking into consideration the structural and personal determinants that have affected Peruvian and Ukrainian women’s careers in their countries of origin and settlement. After this, the focus is set on the characteristics of domestic employment at later life, on the impact on their current lives, including the transnational family organization, and on future labour and retirement prospects. Apart from an evaluation of objective working and living conditions, we discuss women’s personal impressions of being domestic workers in the context of their occupational experiences and family commitments. In this regard, women report varying levels of personal and professional satisfaction, as well as different patterns of continuity-discontinuity in their work and family lives, and of optimism towards the future. Divergences could be, to some extent, explained by the effect of migrants´ transnational social practices and policies of states.


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The intersection of gender, welfare and immigration regimes has been one of the main focus of a rich scholarship on paid domestic work in Europe. This article brings into the discussion the nexus of employment and immigration law regimes to reflect on the role of legal regulation in structuring and reducing the vulnerability of domestic workers. I analyse this nexus by looking at the cases of Cyprus and Spain, two states falling under the cluster of Southern Mediterranean welfare regimes, that share certain characteristics in terms of immigration regimes, but have substantially different employment law regulation models. The first part sketches the debate on the employment law regulation of domestic work. The second part starts by giving an overview of the immigration regimes of Cyprus and Spain in relation to migrant domestic workers and then proceeds to analyse the two countries’ models and substance of employment law regulation in domestic work. The comparison of these two divergent approaches informs the debate on how the legal regulation of domestic work should be best structured. In Spain there have been recent dynamic legislative changes in the employment law regulation of domestic work. The final part of the article traces these changes and reflects on why such processes have not taken place in Cyprus.


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Paid reproductive work, especially in the case of cleaning and home-care for elderly people, is an important sector for foreign women in Italy. For this reason, since the beginning of the current economic crisis, scholars have wondered about the impact of the recession on migrant domestic workers. They have looked particularly at possible competition with Italian women entering the sector for lack of better alternatives. Our paper takes this discussion a step further by assessing the overall changes affecting migrant women in the Italian labour market, 2007-2012. We will look at how their position has been transformed, by taking both an ethnic perspective, in relation to Italian women, and a gender perspective, in relation to migrant men. By way of a conclusion, the argument will be made that there is a substantial lack of competition between Italian and foreign women in the care and domestic sector due to differences in their earnings, hours of work and activities.


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This paper presents the "state of the art" and some of the main issues discussed in relation to the topic of transnational migration and reproductive work in southern Europe. We start doing a genealogy of the complex theoretical development leading to the consolidation of the research program, linking consideration of gender with transnational migration and transformation of work and ways of survival, thus making the production aspects as reproductive, in a context of globalization. The analysis of the process of multiscale reconfiguration of social reproduction and care, with particular attention to its present global dimension is presented, pointing to the turning point of this line of research that would have taken place with the beginning of this century, with the rise notions such as "global care chains" (Hochschild, 2001), or "care drain" (Ehrenreich and Hochschild, 2013). Also, the role of this new agency, now composed in many cases women who migrate to other countries or continents, precisely to address these reproductive activities, is recognized. Finally, reference is made to some of the new conceptual and theoretical developments in this area.


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Este artículo se propone analizar la escena del cresmólogo intruso en Aves, revalorizando la comedia aristofánica como fuente de conocimiento histórico. Este análisis se centra en la práctica oracular como una técnica de producción escrita vinculada a la autoridad religiosa. De esta manera, se exploran dos campos de estudios, como la comedia antigua y la adivinación griega, cuyo vínculo no ha sido explorado en profundidad. Para dar cuenta del momento crítico de la institución oracular durante la Guerra del Peloponeso, se reconstruyen perspectivas sobre dicho fenómeno en otras fuentes como Tucídides o Demóstenes. Esto no solo ofrece una mirada «cómica» sobre la adivinación, sino que también permite comprender la práctica oracular como técnica y, en consecuencia, qué elementos de su funcionamiento podían ser manipulados.


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El objetivo del artículo es analizar algunos aspectos de los orígenes de la “política cultural” estadounidense en Argentina. La atención se concentrará en el pasaje desde las declaraciones del presidente Hoover, que contribuyeron a favorecer un clima útil y propicio a la intensificación de los intercambios, a los primeros pasos concretos realizados en el periodo de la presidencia de Roosevelt. Se tratará, en particular, de individualizar las características de la cooperación establecida entre organismos estadounidenses y argentinos para favorecer la proyección cultural estadounidense en el país y el intercambio cultural entre Estados Unidos y Argentina, donde se iba intensificando la difusión de un sentimiento anti-imperialista, y que era entonces objetivo de formas de propaganda particularmente agresivas por parte de los regímenes totalitarios.


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In this paper we advocate the Loop-of-stencil-reduce pattern as a way to simplify the parallel programming of heterogeneous platforms (multicore+GPUs). Loop-of-Stencil-reduce is general enough to subsume map, reduce, map-reduce, stencil, stencil-reduce, and, crucially, their usage in a loop. It transparently targets (by using OpenCL) combinations of CPU cores and GPUs, and it makes it possible to simplify the deployment of a single stencil computation kernel on different GPUs. The paper discusses the implementation of Loop-of-stencil-reduce within the FastFlow parallel framework, considering a simple iterative data-parallel application as running example (Game of Life) and a highly effective parallel filter for visual data restoration to assess performance. Thanks to the high-level design of the Loop-of-stencil-reduce, it was possible to run the filter seamlessly on a multicore machine, on multi-GPUs, and on both.


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A network connected host is expected to generate/respond to applications and protocols specific messages. Billions of Euro of electricity is wasted to keep idle hosts powered up 24/7 just to maintain network presence. This short paper describes the design of our cooperative Network Connectivity Proxy (NCP) that can impersonate sleeping hosts and responds to packets on their behalf as they were connected and fully operational. Thus, NCP is in fact an efficient approach to reduce network energy waste.


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In 1904 Ludovico Nocentini described China as a hub of colonial and commercial development for European powers. Europe in the Far East and the Italian Interests in China was Nocentini’s last and most critical book, in which he compared the performance of the Italian government with that of other countries and showed Rome’s inefficiency overseas. The book expatiated on the “carving up” of China into spheres of influence by the Western powers, while examining how the Italian government’s scant regard for the definition and pursuit of the country’s national interest jeopardized not only the development of its colonial policy, but also its foreign trade and industrial progress.


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La presente tesi si occuperà di studiare l'efficienza delle partizioni orizzontali e verticali di un edificio facente parte di un complesso situato a Borgo Montone, in provincia di Ravenna, costruito dalla ditta Acmar, sotto il piano acustico: saranno cercate le conferme dei dati teorici degli elementi costruttivi in un riscontro con i dati acustici studiati nuovamente attraverso le formule. Saranno tenuti in particolare considerazione l'isolamento acustico di facciata, l'isolamento acustico tra partizioni interne ed, infine, la prestazione acustica dei solai.


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An electrolytic cell for Aluminium production contains molten metal and molten electrolyte, which are subject to high dc-currents and magnetic fields. Lorentz forces arising from the cross product of current and magnetic field may amplify natural gravity waves at the interface between the two fluids, leading to short circuits in extreme cases. The external magnetic field and current distribution in the production cell is computed through a detailed finite element analysis at Torino Polytechnic. The results are then used to compute the magnetohydrodynamic and thermal effects in the aluminium/electrolyte bath. Each cell has lateral dimensions of 6m x 2m, whilst the bath depth is only 30cm. the electrically resistive electrolyte path, which is critical in the operation of the cell, has layer depth of only a few centimetres below each carbon anode. Because the shallow dimensions of the liquid layer a finite-volume shallow-layer technique has been used at Greenwich to compute the resulting flow-field and interface perturbations. The information obtained from this method, i.e. depth averaged velocities and aluminium/electrolyte interface position is then embedded in the three-dimensional finite volume code PHYSICA and will be used to compute the heat transfer and phase change in the cell.


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Introduction. Routine use of nasogastric tubes (NGT) after abdominal operations is intended to hasten the return of bowel function, diminish the risk of anastomotic leakage and prevent pulmonary complications. The aim of our study was to prospectively assess the tolerability and the safety of the non use of NGT after elective colorectal open operations. Patients and methods. Between March 2009 and December 2010, 110 consecutive patients underwent colo-rectal elective open surgery for neoplasm without nasogastric decompression. We analyzed the incidence of nausea and vomiting, the pulmonary complications, the return of bowel function the deep wound breakdown (fascial dehiscence) and the anastomotic leakage. Results. Only 15 patients (13,6%) reported nausea without vomiting immediately after surgery and 9 cases of vomiting were observed (8%), requiring the insertion of the NGT (nasogastric tube) in 5 (4,5%). A total of 105 patients (96,3%) were NGT free. No deep wound dehiscence was observed and only one real pneumonia occurred. Anastomotic dehiscence occured in 4 patients (3,6%) and a second surgical procedure was needed in three cases. The return of bowel function, except in the last four patients, occurred in 3,8 days average (range 2-7 days). Conclusion. We confirm the uselessness of the NGT in the framework of fast track program adopted in elective open colo-rectal surgery.


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La presente invención se relaciona con nuevos complejos de rutenio de fórmula general I, así como con su procedimiento de obtención, su aplicación como catalizadores en la metátesis de olefinas y con composiciones catalíticas que los contienen.


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Background. Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a rare disease which accounts for approximately 5-9% of all thyroid cancers and originates from the calcitonin-secerning parafollicular C cells. MTC can be divided into two subgroups: sporadic (75%) or inherited (25%). The majority of patients with invasive MTC have metastasis to regional lymph nodes at the time of diagnosis, as evidenced by the frequent finding of persistently elevated calcitonin levels after thyroidectomy and the high rates of recurrence in the cervical lymph nodes reported in retrospective studies. Objectives. The purpose of the study is to review our single institution's experience with MTC since 1998 and to evaluate surgical strategy, patterns of lymph node metastases and calcitonin response to compartment-oriented lymphadenectomy in patients with primary or recurrent sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma. Methods. A retrospective review of 26 patients treated for MTC at the “Antonio Cardarelli” Hospital referral center, in Naples, between 1998 and 2012. There were 18 female and 8 male patients, median age at presentation was 55 years, and median follow-up for survivors was 5 years. Total thyroidectomy was performed in all 26 patients; central compartment (CC) node dissection (level VI) in 12 (46%) patients; central plus lateral compartment (LC) node dissection (levels II, III, and IV) in 7 (27%) patients. 4 patients (15%) underwent reoperation for loco-regional recurrent/persistent MTC. Results. After a median post-surgical follow-up of 5 years (range 1-10 years), 63 % of patients were living disease-free, 15% were living with disease and/or persistently elevated calcitonin levels after surgery, 11% were deceased due to MTC and 11 % were lost to follow-up. Conclusions. We agree with most authors advocating for a total thyroidectomy and prophylactic central neck dissection in the setting of clinically detected MTC. Lateral neck dissection may be best reserved for patients with positive preoperative imaging. Nevertheless MTC has a high rate of lymph node metastases that are sub optimally detected preoperatively in the central compartment by neck ultrasound or intra-operatively by the surgeon, and reoperation is associated with a higher rate of surgical complications. In our limited experience, patients with thyroid confined nodular pathology, without nodal disease and unknown preoperative diagnosis of MTC, underwent only total thyroidectomy with a good prognosis.