972 resultados para Open access publishing


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El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar los fenómenos en las traducciones de Las baladas del ajo, de texto original chino traducido primero al inglés, y del inglés al español. Asimismo, tenemos dos objetivos específicos, por un lado estudiamos las fórmulas de traducción de los elementos culturales –muy frecuentes– detectados en Las baladas del ajo y por el otro, observamos la traducción indirecta del inglés al español a través de una comparación entre el texto original en chino, la versión en inglés y la española. Las conclusiones de este trabajo nos permiten estudiar tanto las soluciones adoptadas para los elementos culturales, así como hacer una evaluación general de la traducción de segunda mano.


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In this paper, 36 English and 38 Spanish news articles were selected from English and Spanish newspapers and magazines published in the U.S.A. from August 2014 to November 2014. All articles discuss the death of Michael Brown, the ensuing protests and police investigations. A discourse analysis shows that there are few differences between reporting by the mainstream and the Hispanic media. Like the mainstream media, the Hispanic media adopts a neutral point of view with regard to the African-American minority. However, it presents a negative opinion with regard to the police. It appears that the Hispanic media does not explicitly side with the African-American community, but rather agrees more with the mainstream media’s opinion and is substantially influenced by it.


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This paper focuses on two basic issues: the anxiety-generating nature of the interpreting task and the relevance of interpreter trainees’ academic self-concept. The first has already been acknowledged, although not extensively researched, in several papers, and the second has only been mentioned briefly in interpreting literature. This study seeks to examine the relationship between the anxiety and academic self-concept constructs among interpreter trainees. An adapted version of the Foreign Language Anxiety Scale (Horwitz et al., 1986), the Academic Autoconcept Scale (Schmidt, Messoulam & Molina, 2008) and a background information questionnaire were used to collect data. Students’ t-Test analysis results indicated that female students reported experiencing significantly higher levels of anxiety than male students. No significant gender difference in self-concept levels was found. Correlation analysis results suggested, on the one hand, that younger would-be interpreters suffered from higher anxiety levels and students with higher marks tended to have lower anxiety levels; and, on the other hand, that younger students had lower self-concept levels and higher-ability students held higher self-concept levels. In addition, the results revealed that students with higher anxiety levels tended to have lower self-concept levels. Based on these findings, recommendations for interpreting pedagogy are discussed.


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This study investigates the Spanish indefinite pronoun uno (“one”). After a detailed analysis of its occurrences in authentic language, we find that its interpretation varies depending on the linguistic context. Therefore, we examine which elements of the context - we focus on the broader context, beyond the sentence – have an impact on its interpretation and develop a typology of the indefinite pronoun as to its interpretation. The pronoun may be interpreted as completely generic or specific (referring to the speaker, the listener or a third person). Its interpretation can also be located in an intermediate position between these interpretive extremes.In addition, we compare its use in various discursive genres - spontaneous conversations, academic essays and web forum - which are distinguished by the presence or absence of interactivity and of more or less subjectivity / intersubjectivity. The comparison shows that pronoun use depends on these characteristics.


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El ensayo examina la cuestión de la aplicación de las reglas y de la capacidad real para tratar casos específicos, llegando a la conclusión de que es la excepción la que confirma la regla, a condición de que sea dialógicamente construida, para que sea interpretable y aplicable por parte de sus numerosos destinatarios en las políticas públicas más complejas y conflictuales, sobre todo a nivel local.


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Numerous studies have found a positive connection between learners’ motivation towards foreign language and foreign language achievement. The present study examines the role of motivation in receptive vocabulary breadth (size) of two groups of Spanish learners of different ages, but all with 734 hours of instruction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL): a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) group in primary education and a non-CLIL (or EFL) group in secondary education. Most students in both groups were found to be highly motivated. The primary CLIL group slightly overcame the secondary non-CLIL group with respect to the mean general motivation but this is a non-significant difference. The secondary group surpass significantly the primary group in receptive vocabulary size. No relationship between the receptive vocabulary knowledge and general motivation is found in the primary CLIL group. On the other hand, a positive significant connection, although a very small one, is identified for the secondary non-CLIL group. We will discuss on the type of test, the age of students and the type of instruction as variables that could be influencing the results.


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Recent studies show that higher order oscillatory interactions such as cross-frequency coupling are important for brain functions that are impaired in schizophrenia, including perception, attention and memory. Here we investigated the dynamics of oscillatory coupling in the hippocampus of awake rats upon NMDA receptor blockade by ketamine, a pharmacological model of schizophrenia. Ketamine (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg i.p.) increased gamma and high-frequency oscillations (HFO) in all depths of the CA1-dentate axis, while theta power changes depended on anatomical location and were independent of a transient increase of delta oscillations. Phase coherence of gamma and HFO increased across hippocampal layers. Phase-amplitude coupling between theta and fast oscillations was markedly altered in a dose-dependent manner: ketamine increased hippocampal theta-HFO coupling at all doses, while theta-gamma coupling increased at the lowest dose and was disrupted at the highest dose. Our results demonstrate that ketamine alters network interactions that underlie cognitively relevant theta-gamma coupling.


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This paper presents a multi-class AdaBoost based on incorporating an ensemble of binary AdaBoosts which is organized as Binary Decision Tree (BDT). It is proved that binary AdaBoost is extremely successful in producing accurate classification but it does not perform very well for multi-class problems. To avoid this performance degradation, the multi-class problem is divided into a number of binary problems and binary AdaBoost classifiers are invoked to solve these classification problems. This approach is tested with a dataset consisting of 6500 binary images of traffic signs. Haar-like features of these images are computed and the multi-class AdaBoost classifier is invoked to classify them. A classification rate of 96.7% and 95.7% is achieved for the traffic sign boarders and pictograms, respectively. The proposed approach is also evaluated using a number of standard datasets such as Iris, Wine, Yeast, etc. The performance of the proposed BDT classifier is quite high as compared with the state of the art and it converges very fast to a solution which indicates it as a reliable classifier.


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En este trabajo hemos examinado comentarios a la traducción al latín del ejercicio de la Fábula de los Progymnasmata de Aftonio para ver cómo afecta la traducción de algunos términos al comentario. Dado que, al traducir de una lengua a otra, difícilmente hay correspondencia exacta, el traductor opta por la solución que estima más adecuada, primando ciertos matices sobre otros y, con frecuencia, llega, incluso, a dotar al término de acepciones en la lengua meta que no existían en la lengua origen. La elección realizada no parece obedecer a otra razón que a preferencias del traductor, pero tiene consecuencias e influye en los comentaristas. Por otra parte, la existencia de un término acuñado no impide que tanto los traductores como los escoliastas creen otros nuevos, tal vez por deseo de mostrar originalidad. Finalmente, la traducción tiene una doble vertiente: de un lado, influye en el entendimiento del concepto y en el comentario, y, de otro, refleja la concepción que de la realidad tiene el traductor.


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Durante años la investigación literaria ha encontrado fruición en buscar y encontrar inconsistencias narrativas en la Tebaida de Estacio. Concretamente, hay cierto grado de consenso respecto a que las incongruencias en que incurre Júpiter son debidas a negligencia o incuria por parte del poeta. De hecho, no se puede negar que el soberano del cielo se contradice en las ocasiones en que alude a su relación con el Destino. No obstante, no será únicamente el poeta flavio el objeto de mi atención en este artículo. Hoy día se continúa acudiendo a la autoridad filosófica de Séneca (fundamentalmente a Dial. 1.5.8) siempre que el Zeus/Júpiter poshomérico (también el virgiliano) incurre en lo que hemos dado en considerar «incoherencias». Sin embargo, excepción hecha de las composiciones hesiódicas, el estatuto teológico de Zeus/Júpiter es altamente inestable en toda la tradición literaria griega y romana. Quizá deberíamos aceptar, entonces, que durante siglos los que estudiamos literatura antigua hemos tendido a prescindir de la voz autorial y de su autoridad omnímoda para manipular el material literario preexistente con el objeto de generar nuevos significados y nuevas cosmovisiones. En definitiva, nos hemos mostrado proclives a calificar de inconsistencias todo aquello que no se adecua a nuestras expectativas o prejuicios.


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Background: Athletic groin pain (AGP) is prevalent in sports involving repeated accelerations, decelerations, kicking and change-of-direction movements. Clinical and radiological examinations lack the ability to assess pathomechanics of AGP, but three-dimensional biomechanical movement analysis may be an important innovation. Aim: The primary aim was to describe and analyse movements used by patients with AGP during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. The secondary aim was to determine if specific anatomical diagnoses were related to a distinct movement strategy. Methods: 322 athletes with a current symptom of chronic AGP participated. Structured and standardised clinical assessments and radiological examinations were performed on all participants. Additionally, each participant performed multiple repetitions of a planned maximum effort change-of-direction task during which whole body kinematics were recorded. Kinematic and kinetic data were examined using continuous waveform analysis techniques in combination with a subgroup design that used gap statistic and hierarchical clustering. Results: Three subgroups (clusters) were identified. Kinematic and kinetic measures of the clusters differed strongly in patterns observed in thorax, pelvis, hip, knee and ankle. Cluster 1 (40%) was characterised by increased ankle eversion, external rotation and knee internal rotation and greater knee work. Cluster 2 (15%) was characterised by increased hip flexion, pelvis contralateral drop, thorax tilt and increased hip work. Cluster 3 (45%) was characterised by high ankle dorsiflexion, thorax contralateral drop, ankle work and prolonged ground contact time. No correlation was observed between movement clusters and clinically palpated location of the participant's pain. Conclusions: We identified three distinct movement strategies among athletes with long-standing groin pain during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. These movement strategies were not related to clinical assessment findings but highlighted targets for rehabilitation in response to possible propagative mechanisms. Trial registration number NCT02437942, pre results.


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A revista Ibirapuitã foi criada pelo poeta e jornalista Felisberto Soares Coelho, em Alegrete, interior do Rio Grande do Sul, ao final dos anos trinta. O periódico promoveu a divulgação de autores locais e considerável efervescência cultural no município. No presente trabalho, busca-se o resgate da poesia veiculada pela revista em sua fase inicial, compreendida entre os anos de 1938 e 1939, por se tratar de gênero que se destaca ao longo de seu percurso editorial. Ademais, pretende-se analisar tal produção abarcada em uma organização temática, estabelecendo relações com a história da literatura. Por meio da localização, catalogação e leitura do mensário foram selecionados trinta e nove poemas, obedecendo ao critério de freqüência/ocorrência de publicação de cada colaborador. Como resultado, além da análise da produção poética, pretende-se organizar uma antologia acompanhada de notas biobibliográficas e material iconográfico. Desta forma, pretende-se facilitar o acesso pela comunidade a uma das publicações que possivelmente contribuiu para a formação do sistema literário sul-rio-grandense, proporcionando abertura a novos estudos referentes à história da literatura alegretense.


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A ciência, alicerçada por seu método, suas técnicas, suas demonstrações e suas descobertas, desde sua emergência no século XVII, tem estado em pauta nas discussões sobre a produção do conhecimento. Por suas características – dogmática, quantificável, experimental e determinista –, a ciência constitui o campo de conhecimento que foi o grande regime de verdade na episteme da modernidade. Diferentes formas de conceber a ciência foram produzidas por estudiosos, filósofos e cientistas, como René Descartes, Francis Bacon, Paul Feyerabend, entre outros. Como campo teórico utilizamos os estudos de Michel Foucault. Partindo desses entendimentos, essa tese tem como objetivo investigar e problematizar o discurso de ciência produzido por seis grupos de cinco universidades do Rio Grande do Sul pertencentes à Rede Nacional de Educação e Ciência: Novos Talentos da Rede Pública (RNEC/NT). Essa Rede existe há quase 20 anos e é composta por grupos de pesquisadores de diferentes universidades, instituições de pesquisa e institutos federais do país e visa a melhoria das condições de ensino de ciências a jovens carentes de todo o país, desenvolvendo metodologias que facilitam o aprendizado e desmistifiquem a ciência. Os grupos dessa Rede desenvolvem atividades como cursos para professores e estudantes da Educação Básica e estágios em laboratórios de pesquisa para o mesmo público alvo. Para a produção dos dados, foram realizadas visitas aos seis grupos analisados, nas quais foram feitas entrevistas com coordenadores e monitores dos grupos e foi feito o acompanhamento de um curso para professores e/ou estudantes de Educação Básica de cada grupo. Essas entrevistas e o curso observado foram gravados em vídeo e transcritos na forma de texto. Como metodologia de análise utilizamos conceitos da análise de discurso foucaultiano como discurso, enunciado e enunciação. Verificamos que há um discurso inicial de ciência na emergência da RNEC/NT pautado em três enunciados: fazer ciência envolve um caminho e a geração de produtos “novos” publicáveis; a formação do cientista na díade inatismo e empirismo; formação de cientistas pela inclusão social. Esse discurso inicial é atualizado nos grupos pesquisados por meio de diferentes enunciações que enfocam tanto um entendimento de ciência pelo uso do método científico, do empirismo e da razão, quanto um afrouxamento no entendimento de ciência ao vinculá-la à educação e ao questionamento do que é dado como naturalizado e verdadeiro, o que parece ter afinidade com as configurações ditas líquidas da contemporaneidade. Em relação aos cursos, para a maioria dos grupos, o discurso científico é vinculado aquele produzido no espaço do laboratório com suas técnicas e padrões, típico do entendimento moderno. Nesses cursos vemos ainda aparecer um modo de trabalhar, ensinar e apresentar essa ciência para os professores ou estudantes participantes, mostrando a presença de um discurso pedagógico atrelado ao científico. Como resultado, defendemos a tese de que há uma diversidade discursiva sobre a ciência nos grupos do sul da RNEC/NT que, ao ser atualizada e colocada em operação, é interpelada por elementos de um discurso pedagógico.


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The composition and condition of membrane lipids, the morphology of erythrocytes, and hemoglobin distribution were explored with the help of laser interference microscopy (LIM) and Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have significant changes in the composition of their phospholipids and the fatty acids of membrane lipids. Furthermore, the microviscosity of the membranes and morphology of the erythrocytes are altered causing disordered oxygen transport by hemoglobin. Basic therapy carried out with the use of antiaggregants, statins, antianginals, beta-blockers, and calcium antagonists does not help to recover themorphofunctional properties of erythrocytes. Based on the results the authors assume that, for the relief of the ischemic crisis and further therapeutic treatment, it is necessary to include, in addition to cardiovascular disease medicines, medication that increases the ability of erythrocytes’ hemoglobin to transport oxygen to the tissues. We assume that the use of LIM and Raman spectroscopy is advisable for early diagnosis of changes in the structure and functional state of erythrocytes when cardiovascular diseases develop.


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This chapter discusses the historical development, current practice and future prospects of the self-archiving of research papers in open-access repositories (so-called 'e-print archives'). It describes how the development of interoperable e-print repositories in a number of subject communities has shown that self-archiving can benefit academic researchers (and potentially others) by enabling quick and easy access to the research literature and therefore maximising the impact potential of papers. Realising that the possible benefits are high and the technical entry barriers low, many organisations such as universities have recently tried to encourage widespread self-archiving by setting up institutional repositories. However, major barriers to self-archiving remain - most of them cultural and managerial. There are concerns about quality control, intellectual property rights, disturbing the publishing status quo, and workload. Ways in which these issues are currently being addressed are discussed in this chapter. A number of self-archiving initiatives in different countries have been set up to address the concerns and to kick-start e-print repository use. However, issues remain which require further investigation; those discussed in this chapter include discipline differences, definitions of 'publication', versioning problems, digital preservation, costing and funding models, and metadata standards. The ways in which these issues are resolved will be important in determining the future of self-archiving. Possible futures are discussed with particular reference to journal publishing and quality control. If widely adopted, self-archiving might come to assume a central place in the scholarly communication process, but a great deal of restructuring of the process needs to take place before this potential can be realised.