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This essay analyses how the different types of memory may influence the process of identity formation. It shall be argued that not only memories formed upon the subject’s experiences play a key role in this process; intermediated, received narratives from the past, memories transmitted either symbolically or by elder members of the group, or, what has been meanwhile termed as “postmemory”, also play an important part in the development of an individual’s identitary map. This theoretical framework will be illustrated with the novelistic work of Austrian Israeli-born historian, writer and political activist Doron Rabinovici (*1961). As a representative of the so-called “second generation” of Holocaust writers, a generation of individuals who did not experience the nazi genocide violence, but who had to form their identities under the shadow of such a brutal past, Rabinovici addresses essential topics such as the intergenerational transmission of memory and guilt within survivor families, identity formation of second generation individuals (Jews and non-Jews) and the question of simultaneously belonging to different social, historical and linguistic contexts.


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Colóquio Narrativa, Média e Cognição, 14 julho 2015, Universidade Católica – Porto, Pólo da Foz (Auditório EC105).


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia


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Apresentação do Projecto de Dissertação Mestrado em Migrações, Minorias Étnicas e Transnacionalismo


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História, especialidade de Arqueologia.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação


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Dissertação de Doutoramento em História com especialidade de Arqueologia


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Tese de mestrado em Filosofia Contemporânea


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WWW is a huge, open, heterogeneous system, however its contents data is mainly human oriented. The Semantic Web needs to assure that data is readable and “understandable” to intelligent software agents, though the use of explicit and formal semantics. Ontologies constitute a privileged artifact for capturing the semantic of the WWW data. Temporal and spatial dimensions are transversal to the generality of knowledge domains and therefore are fundamental for the reasoning process of software agents. Representing temporal/spatial evolution of concepts and their relations in OWL (W3C standard for ontologies) it is not straightforward. Although proposed several strategies to tackle this problem but there is still no formal and standard approach. This work main goal consists of development of methods/tools to support the engineering of temporal and spatial aspects in intelligent systems through the use of OWL ontologies. An existing method for ontology engineering, Fonte was used as framework for the development of this work. As main contributions of this work Fonte was re-engineered in order to: i) support the spatial dimension; ii) work with OWL Ontologies; iii) and support the application of Ontology Design Patterns. Finally, the capabilities of the proposed approach were demonstrated by engineering time and space in a demo ontology about football.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Estudos Portugueses - Estudos Comparatistas


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Identity achievement is related to personality, as well as cognitive and interpersonal development. In tandem with the deep structural changes that have taken place in society, education must also shift towards a teaching approach focused on learning and the overall development of the student. The integration of technology may be the drive to foster the needed changes. We draw on the literature of multiple subject areas as basis for our work, namely: identity construction and self-representation, within a psychological and social standpoint; Higher Education (HE) in Portugal after Bologna, college student development and other intrinsic relationships, namely the role of emotions and interpersonal relationships in the learning process; the technological evolution of storytelling towards Digital Storytelling (DS) – the Californian model – and its connections to identity and education. Ultimately we propose DS as the aggregator capable of humanizing HE while developing essential skills and competences. Grounded on an interpretative/constructivist paradigm, we implemented a qualitative case study to explore DS in HE. In three attempts to collect student data, we gathered detailed observation notes from two Story Circles; twelve student written reflections; fourteen Digital Stories and detailed observation notes from one Story Show. We carried out three focus groups with teachers where we discussed their perceptions of each student prior to and after watching the Digital Stories, in addition to their opinion on DS in HE as a teaching and learning method and its influence on interpersonal relationships. We sought understandings of the integration of DS to analyze student selfperception and self-representation in HE contexts and intersected our findings with teachers’ perceptions of their students. We compared teachers’ and students’ perspectives, through the analysis of data collected throughout the DS process – Story Circle, Story Creation and Story Show – and triangulated that information with the students’ personal reflections and teacher perceptions. Finally we questioned if and how DS may influence teachers’ perceptions of students. We found participants to be the ultimate gatekeepers in our study. Very few students and teachers voluntarily came forth to take part in the study, confirming the challenge remains in getting participants to see the value and understand the academic rigor of DS. Despite this reluctance, DS proved to be an asset for teachers and students directly and indirectly involved in the study. DS challenges HE contexts, namely teacher established perception of students; student’s own expectations regarding learning in HE; the emotional realm, the private vs. public dichotomy and the shift in educational roles.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Antropologia


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A introdução das novas tecnologias na educação recria cenários da escola ao permitir reconstruir as práticas pedagógicas que encetam novos modos de ensinar e de aprender. O Podcasting é uma ferramenta que incita o investimento individual na conquista de melhores resultados e impulsiona a produção e a partilha de narrativas do conhecimento dando sentido à tarefa. Este estudo relata experiências vividas por alunos do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A metodologia utilizada incentivou o uso da ferramenta e a construção do conhecimento. Pretende-se uma reflexão crítica sobre a aplicação da ferramenta e ainda divulgar uma experiência que permitiu melhorar a motivação, a participação, a cooperação, a partilha e os resultados na área da Língua Portuguesa, além de melhorar as relações entre os diferentes atores da educação.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Antropologia especialidade em Poder, Resistência e Movimentos Sociais