916 resultados para Arranjos Produtivos Locais


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Com a aprovação do POCAL e a sua entrada em vigor, as autarquias locais ficaram obrigadas a implementar um sistema de contabilidade de custos. A implementação da contabilidade de custos é vantajosa para as autarquias locais, pois permite-lhes obter informações relacionadas com os custos que ajudam os gestores nas suas tomadas de decisão. O sistema de contabilidade de custos tem como finalidade contribuir para a melhoria do processo de tomada de decisão, nomeadamente nas questões relacionadas com a determinação dos preços e das taxas, mas também através do controlo dos custos. Atualmente, as autarquias locais deparam-se com algumas dificuldades financeiras, pelo que a escassez de recursos financeiros se mostra uma realidade tendo em consideração o acréscimo das necessidades que são verificadas ao longo do ano. Assim, a implementação de um sistema de contabilidade de custos mostra-se de extrema importância, pois permite imputar os custos às funções que os consumiram e perceber quais as funções que não se estão a mostrar rentáveis, mas também ajuda na fixação de tarifas e preços de bens e serviços. Desta forma, a elaboração deste relatório de estágio permite, por um lado, descrever o funcionamento de um sistema de contabilidade de custos e o seu enquadramento e, por outro lado, perceber como é que o sistema se encontra implementado no município de Pombal.


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The current study analyzes the birth and development of two strategic alliances established between shrimp producers in Rio Grande do Norte: the Unipesca and the Coopercam. To achieve this aim, two approaches which, at first sight, could be considered contradictory were used: the Transactional Costs Economy and Embeddedness. The first approach is fundamentally based in the studies of Williamson (1985; 1991; 1996; 1999; 2000; 2002). Embededness, on the other hand, went through the review of a series of authors, such as Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973; 1985), Uzzi (1997), Gulati (1994; 1995; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000), Nielsen (2005), Ring (2002), Ring and Van de Ven (1994), Zafirovski (2002), among others. To analyze the birth and development of the cooperatives in this study, Gulati s work (1998) was used. This study shows the steps to be studied for a better comprehension of an alliance: the decision of starting an alliance and the choice of the partners, the decision about the governance structure, the evolution of the alliance and the development of the companies which established this partnership. To carry this study out, a study case accordingly to Yin s proposal (2001) was adopted. Semi-structured interviews with pre-defined plots were conducted in two phases: in the beginning of 2006 and in the beginning of 2007. The subjects from the research were, in 2006, representative members of the main associations and corporations, besides the shrimp producers from the state, when the context of the activity was set. In the second phase, in 2007, representative members from the two cooperatives that were listed above were interviewed the president from Coopercam and the marketing manager from Unipesca. Besides these two members, directors from two important organizations in each of these cooperatives were also interviewed, giving out the necessary information for the research. Secondary data was also collected from the Brazilian Association of Crab producers website, as well as from news from important newspapers in RN, such as Tribuna do Norte. The primary data was analyzed in terms of quality, accordingly to the documental analysis technique. Thus, through the data that was collected, it can be concluded that the reasons that motivated the companies to cooperate can be explained in terms of the transactional costs economy. However, the choice of partners is more connected to aspects approached by the social embededness. When aspects related to development and evolution were analyzed, it could be seen that both aspects from TCE and Embededness were vital to explain the development of the cooperatives mentioned


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The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Auditoria


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A região sul do Rio Grande do Sul está em localização favorável à formação de tipos de brisa bem caracterizados devido a sua proximidade com os sistemas lacustres e também o Oceano Atlântico. A diferença de vegetação e as temperaturas da superfície do mar, da laguna e do solo, são os principais impulsionadores das circulações locais. Uma das formas de analisar estas circulações locais é através de modelos que simulam a formação da brisa. Desta forma utilizou-se o modelo de mesoescala Weather Research and Forecasting para caracterizar as circulações locais na região sul do Brasil devido às influências do Oceano Atlântico e das lagoas presentes na região: Lagoa dos Patos, Lagoa Mangueira e Lagoa Mirim. Ao todo foram realizadas três simulações: uma para a validação do modelo e duas para simulação das brisas. O modelo apresentou correlações entre 0,7 e 0,9 para a temperatura do ar a dois metros e para a pressão atmosférica. As correlações para a umidade específica e para o vento a dez metros ficaram entre 0,3 e 0,8. Na simulação básica, a brisa lacustre apresentou intensidade máxima às 15 UTC (12 HL) sobre a Lagoa dos Patos e Mangueira e às 18 UTC (15 HL) sobre a Lagoa Mirim. Nos horários entre 0 UTC (21HL) e 9 UTC (6 HL), período em que a brisa terrestre está atuante, observou-se a rotação do vento no sentido anti-horário e também diminuição de intensidade. Para a simulação idealizada onde foi suprimido o efeito sinótico, a brisa marítima no início de sua formação sofreu um bloqueio pela brisa lacustre no horário das 15 UTC (12 HL). Esta oclusão permanece até às 18 UTC (15 HL). Após este período a brisa lacustre diminui a intensidade e dá lugar a brisa marítima que possui direção leste com intensidade menor do que a que foi observada na simulação básica. A brisa terrestre teve início às 0 UTC (21 HL) e seu valor máximo foi de 4 m/s as 9 UTC (6 HL). Para a validação do modelo concluiu-se que o mesmo é adequado para a avaliação das circulações locais. A brisa terrestre caracterizou-se melhor sem a presença do vento sinótico. As brisas Lacustres das Lagoas Mirins e dos Patos possuem influência maior do que a brisa gerada pela Lagoa Mangueira e em determinados períodos opõem-se ao avanço da brisa marítima. A associação do vento sinótico a brisa marítima intensifica a velocidade dos ventos, que por sua vez sobrepõem-se a brisa lacustre no final da tarde. A brisa terrestre formada durante a noite não é forte o suficiente para sobrepor o vento sinótico, mas reduz sua intensidade e altera sua direção.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão de Instituições Financeiras


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Mestrado em Fiscalidade


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada na área Produção e Tecnologia Animal, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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Dissertação de mestrado apresentada na área Produção e Tecnologia Animal, na Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Zootécnica, 18 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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The current study analyzes the birth and development of two strategic alliances established between shrimp producers in Rio Grande do Norte: the Unipesca and the Coopercam. To achieve this aim, two approaches which, at first sight, could be considered contradictory were used: the Transactional Costs Economy and Embeddedness. The first approach is fundamentally based in the studies of Williamson (1985; 1991; 1996; 1999; 2000; 2002). Embededness, on the other hand, went through the review of a series of authors, such as Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973; 1985), Uzzi (1997), Gulati (1994; 1995; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000), Nielsen (2005), Ring (2002), Ring and Van de Ven (1994), Zafirovski (2002), among others. To analyze the birth and development of the cooperatives in this study, Gulati s work (1998) was used. This study shows the steps to be studied for a better comprehension of an alliance: the decision of starting an alliance and the choice of the partners, the decision about the governance structure, the evolution of the alliance and the development of the companies which established this partnership. To carry this study out, a study case accordingly to Yin s proposal (2001) was adopted. Semi-structured interviews with pre-defined plots were conducted in two phases: in the beginning of 2006 and in the beginning of 2007. The subjects from the research were, in 2006, representative members of the main associations and corporations, besides the shrimp producers from the state, when the context of the activity was set. In the second phase, in 2007, representative members from the two cooperatives that were listed above were interviewed the president from Coopercam and the marketing manager from Unipesca. Besides these two members, directors from two important organizations in each of these cooperatives were also interviewed, giving out the necessary information for the research. Secondary data was also collected from the Brazilian Association of Crab producers website, as well as from news from important newspapers in RN, such as Tribuna do Norte. The primary data was analyzed in terms of quality, accordingly to the documental analysis technique. Thus, through the data that was collected, it can be concluded that the reasons that motivated the companies to cooperate can be explained in terms of the transactional costs economy. However, the choice of partners is more connected to aspects approached by the social embededness. When aspects related to development and evolution were analyzed, it could be seen that both aspects from TCE and Embededness were vital to explain the development of the cooperatives mentioned


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The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.


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Na confeção de refeições em cozinhas profissionais, há uma grande geração de calor, substâncias químicas, fumo, vapor de água e odores que vão afetar o ambiente térmico e a qualidade do ar, pondo em causa as condições de trabalho dos seus profissionais. Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se estudar as condições térmicas a que os trabalhadores estão sujeitos quando confecionam os alimentos. Neste estudo, foram efetuadas medições em diferentes locais em várias cozinhas. Os dados recolhidos foram comparados com a tabela de valores climáticos recomendáveis com base nos dados da ACT. Verificou-se excedências aos valores considerados aceitáveis para as atividades realizadas. Complementarmente, foram inquiridos os trabalhadores, de forma a obter uma avaliação subjetiva e poder comparar com os resultados das medições.