868 resultados para reading motivation
A escritora mexicana Rosario Castellanos incorpora silêncios em suas obras de uma forma que permite ao leitor a questionar o próprio significado da agência e da natureza da subjetividade de uma protagonista feminina. Silêncios tendem a criar brechas no texto, iluminando as diferenças sociais e raciais que a narração em primeira pessoa foge. Além disso, é revelado que o sujeito se imagina em oposição ao silêncio de mulheres menos privilegiadas, e que realmente não existe um local em que o subalterno pode falar. Este projecto se centra em seu romance Balún Canan (1957), em que a babá Indígena de uma menina complica o desejo de ascender dentro da estrutura patriarcal da sua família mais privilegiada, como a menina descobre que o que faria sua vida confortável é a causa da subjugação de sua “outra mãe.” O texto é desenvolvido em torno de um desejo de falar a partir das margens, e há um esforço claro para dar voz aos subalternos. No entanto, a relação entre a menina e sua babá não é nem romântica nem idealizada; a presença da mulher colonizada resiste a marginalização e ressalta que está sendo coberto no processo de desenvolvimento individual. Ansiedadesurge dentro da narração da menina como ela percebe seu privilégio como membro da classe latifundiária, e a escrita navega entre diferentes manifestações de silêncio: o silenciamento da babá em uma replicação de violência colonial, e a manutenção do silêncio como uma barreira respeitosa.
This literature review explores the role of reading fluency in children who are deaf or hard of hearing and the essential role reading fluency plays in reading comprehension. The information gathered in this paper supports the importance of direct instruction of reading fluency with children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
This paper discusses a study of four reading series at the third grade reading level for hearing impaired children.
This study examines the benefits and most effective techniques of reading aloud to children who are deaf or hard of hearing, including an instructional video and booklist for parents.
This Study examines the relationship between scores on adolescents’ self-generated narratives and standardized reading-comprehension scores. This relationship is also compared with the more simple language metrics: vocabulary and syntax.
This paper examines two individually administered diagnostic reading tests, the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests and the Diagnostic Reading Scales, to determine their value for use with hearing-impaired children.
This paper discusses the use of sight vocabulary drills, experience and sequence stories, pre-primers, basal readers and text books as part of a reading curriculum for hearing-impaired children.
This paper discusses visual-motor tests and reading tests for hearing impaired children.
This paper discusses the effectiveness of a remedial reading program for hearing impaired children.
S.P.I.R.E., at use at Central Institute for the Deaf, is a comprehensive, multi-sensory systematic reading and language program that targets at risk and struggling students. The purpose of this project was to write additional stories and sentences for students who are hearing impaired through reader 2 that may be used in conjunction with the exiting stories and supplements.
This paper reviews measurement of phonological processes in reading among deaf children and children who are of normal hearing.
This paper discusses a project to compile a set of reading materials for parents of young children who are enrolled in speech or language therapy.
This paper discusses the importance of parental efforts in the reading achievement attained by their hearing impaired children and the need for those parents to have the appropriate tools and resources to effectively assist their children.
The structural component of linguistic meaning and the reading of normally hearing and deaf children
This paper discusses an experiment in psycholinguistic method and its application to the field of education.
This paper presents a study comparing two elementary school reading programs, the Scott Foresman 2000 Reading series and the Specialized Program Individualized Reading Excellence (S.P.I.R.E.) program.