1000 resultados para Manuel dos Santos


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The main purpose of this report is to inform about the work developed throughout the curricular training period, which took place in the Legal Department of The Portuguese Football Federation. Firstly, and in general terms, issues such as the evolution of football in Portugal and Sports Federations will be dealt with in this study. In addition, a characterization of the welcoming entity will be done as well, focusing not only on its legal context, but also on its organic structure and operating dynamics. Also, the work developed during the training period will be made known, namely the activities undertaken as part of the project. Besides all the above-mentioned, a study has been carried out essentially on the Regional District Football Associations, in what concerns the statutes of the various associations ( object of study ), including the statutes of FPF- since the main goal of this work is to understand whether the various District and Regional Football Associations, as regular partners of the Portuguese Football Federation, do or do not comply with the Duty of Statutory Adjustment imposed by it, regarding the amendment to the Sports Federation legal regime.


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In traumatic financial times, both shareholders and the media promptly blame companies for lack of decent corporate governance mechanisms. Proxy statement proposals have increasingly been used by the more active shareholders as to vindicate managers to correct anomalies and restore financial markets’ confidence. I examine the proposals of the largest companies in the S&P 500 index after the Lehmann Brothers crash and their effect on stock prices. Proposals initiated by shareholders negatively impact the company’s stock price, particularly if the proposers are unions, pension funds and institutional investors. Also, I find corporate governance proposals to harm firm’s market performance, unlike compensation and social policy proposals whose effects are intangible. The exception to these disappointing attempts to improve companies’ conduct relies on proposals shared by several investors.


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Esta dissertação tem por principal objetivo propor modelos BPMN que possam representar as boas práticas em gestão recursos humanos, a fim de facilitar a identificação dos principais requisitos dos pacotes de software para a Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Assim, foram estudadas as sub-áreas recrutamento e seleção, avaliação de desempenho, formação e desenvolvimento, cálculo e pagamento de salários e recompensas, e a gestão de carreira. Para o desenho dos modelos BPMN foi adotada a metodologia design science, adequada aos projetos de investigação em tecnologias e sistemas de informação que têm por objetivo o design de artefactos a partir de bases teóricas. Os modelos desenvolvidos foram disponibilizados para avaliação por gestores e executivos da área de gestão de recursos humanos o que permitiu refinar e melhorar os mesmos.


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This report aims to present and describe in detail the internship held in the Legal Division of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) from February, 15th to June, 15th 2015, in order to obtain a Master degree in Law. This internship had, as prior objective, to understand the work of the Legal Division and what its role in the organizational structure of FPF. Initially, and in order to acquaintance with the greatest diversity possible of topics on which the Legal Division has to pronounce, we proceed with the analysis and resolution of several questions that have been presented to us. In a second phase, and after deepen the study of a particular subject - the Intermediate – we sought to clarify the procedure that needed to be adopted after the entry into force of the two new Regulations on the matter - the FIFA Regulations and the FPF Regulations. The transfer of the responsibility for regulation of this matter from FIFA to the National Federations, has raised a new challenge, which this report aims help solving, becoming a quasi-instruction manual on the procedures involving intermediaries, in order to facilitate the role of those involved.


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Esta tese tem como anexo um vídeo e uma tabela excel estão disponíveis para consulta nesta Biblioteca.


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The present dissertation is aimed at finding out whether the existing criminal protection of the sports ethics value is sufficient, regarding the dangers arising from the global online sports betting market and its characteristics. In the first chapter, the main issue will be introduced: the association between online sports bets and competition manipulations from a criminal point of view. In the second chapter, online sports bets will be defined, the characteristics of the referred global market explained and the danger said features bear to the manipulation of sports competitions exposed – also analysing the participants in this phenomenon. In chapter 3, it will be shown that the protection of sports ethics is a matter of public interest and that this interest is carried out by the sports federations as well. In the fourth chapter, the focus will be the criminal protection of sports ethics: its necessity based on the penal dignity of this system of sport associated values; the need to re-evaluate the existing protection due to the recognition of the existence of the online sports betting market; the existing criminal norms regarding the manipulation of sports competitions. Finally, in chapter 5, the intent will be to propose solutions to the identified problems concerning the sufficiency of the existing criminal legislation.


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Nowadays, safety and security regarding the tourism and events industries are a fundamental subject to society. Portugal’s tourism has significantly increased its number of visitors, whether due to the increasing number of cruisers docking in Lisbon, or due to visitors arriving by air, travelling the country from North to South and staying in the most varied accommodation units. Issues like human security and internal security of the different countries, even the security in the world, as development factors of a modern society, are discussed on a daily basis. On the contrary, few deal with tourism and major events security as being part of internal security, as well as the existing barriers tourism encounters to integrate the system for fighting terrorism. Although two distinct activities, they are complementary and may influence the country’s economy, provided that they can offer certainty to all actors involved. It is this substance that organised crime groups look for when planning terror acts. Therefore, as tourism can offer deception and shelter opportunities and events the theatre of a possible attack, those events assemble all the necessary conditions for an attack to achieve its goals.


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O presente artigo constitui uma abordagem às manifestações da cultura visual na Sé de Coimbra, em contexto litúrgico, durante o episcopado de Miguel Salomão (1162-1176). A problemática em epígrafe é analisada numa perspectiva de caso, relacionada com um diploma conservado, sob a forma de cópia, no Livro preto, em que se procede à notificação da existência de bens pertencentes à catedral, extraviados ou indevidamente alienados, a pedido do prelado coimbrão, especificando-se as etapas de construção do templo, tal como as características do altar principal, na sua relação com imagens de santos.


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Um conjunto de desenhos da Biblioteca Pública de Évora, da autoria do arquitecto Joaquim de Oliveira, podem ser identificados com projectos para edifícios de Bibliotecas e Museus idealizados por Frei Manuel do Cenáculo para as suas colecções, primeiro em Beja e depois em Évora, as duas cidades onde ocupou a Mitra. São dos primeiros desenhos de arquitectura conhecidos para Museus em Portugal. Cenáculo esteve ligado à criação de algumas das primeiras bibliotecas públicas portuguesas, como a Biblioteca da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, a Biblioteca da Real Mesa Censória, antecessora da Biblioteca Nacional, e a Biblioteca Pública de Évora. Foi também o fundador do primeiro Museu Público, o Museu Sesinando Cenáculo Pacense, inaugurado em Beja, em 1791. A necessidade de unir a biblioteca e o museu como instrumentos essenciais de base da construção do edifício científico é exposta várias vezes no pensamento de Frei Manuel do Cenáculo que, até à sua morte, tentou por várias vezes dar forma a este projecto, finalmente concretizado na Biblioteca Pública de Évora em 1805, já depois da morte do arquitecto.


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This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal


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Recensão de: David Santos, "A Reinvenção do real – Curadoria e Arte contemporânea no Museu do Neo-realismo", Lisboa: Sistema Solar CRL (Documenta), 2014


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Até ao final dos anos 40, o DNA não era reconhecido como portador da informação genética. Era uma molécula demasiado simples, difícil de isolar e incompatível com os métodos de análise da química orgânica e da biologia. Quando alguns cientistas começam a acreditar na importância do DNA, percebem que são incapazes, tecnicamente, de determinar a sua estrutura. É nesse espírito que James Watson vai para a Europa e, na primavera de 1951, ao assistir à conferência de Maurice Wilkins, da King’s College, onde vê uma fotografia do padrão de difração de raios X, percebe que será esta a técnica chave para a determinação da estrutura do DNA e, subsequentemente, dos segredos da vida. É este o início de uma das possíveis narrativas sobre uma das principais descobertas científicas do séc. XX que muitas vezes se reduz a: “A dupla hélice do DNA foi descoberta em 1953 por Watson e Crick”. Esta dissertação propõe-se a demonstrar que, apesar de em termos estritos, se tratar de uma afirmação verdadeira, não é suficiente para garantir uma experiência pedagógica significativa, nem fazer jus ao que é o funcionamento da ciência, com todas as implicações humanas, contextuais, éticas, consequências e impacto.