796 resultados para Educational system reform


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Citizenship in the making for a new millenium – education and citizen formation in 21st century Sweden. The aim of this article is to analyse citizenship formation in Swedish education. In highlighting trends regarding the assignment of the educational system to provide for democratic citizenship there are certain depictions of citizenship prevail- ing. The first stresses an inward-looking and inward-feeling citizenship, characterizing the citizen as deliberative and emotional. The second stresses an inward-looking and outward-making citizenship, characterizing the citizen as entrepreneurial and willing. Here, democracy is portrayed as already achieved. This, we argue, is hazardous as society risk being pictured as apolitical and democratically ‘saturated’. This situation does not open up for democratic change to come into question as desirable or even possible. Put differently, it leaves us with the notion that things have to be as they are, as we are living in the best of worlds.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the causes of teachers' turnover intentions in selected Swedish schools. Research methodology – This research took the form of a qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore the causes of teachers' turnover intentions within the schools selected for this study. The sample was composed by 9 teachers that work in Säter. In order to provide a different yet meaningful perspective, a further interview with the Säter school department has been conducted. Results – Several of the results were coherent with the literature: elements such as motivations to teach, administrative support, workload, class size and collaboration were found to be related to teachers’ turnover intentions and therefore confirmed the previous studies. However, factors like salary, mentoring, autonomy, physical conditions and orderly environment were not found to have a connection with the respondents’ turnover intentions, hence constituting a result that did not confirm the literature. Originality – This thesis extended the previous research related to the causes of teachers’ turnover intentions by focusing on Sweden, which had not been investigated yet to that matter. The Swedish context appears particularly worth researching because of both the particularity of its decentralized educational system and the widespread turnover intentions of teachers.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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The transformations economical, cultural and social that happen in world ambit they are associated to the intense progress and expansion of new technologies, forcing governments, people, companies and nations to the introduction of new patterns of behavior, forcing, in that way, to the continuous renewal of products and technological processes to maintain the competitiveness, so much among nations, as in the managerial world. In that matter, the technological innovation is recognized as basic factor of maintainable economical competitiveness, being the responsible for the breaking and/or improvement of the techniques and production processes, what presupposes the systematization varied institutional arrangements that they involve firms, interaction nets among companies, government agencies, universities, research institutes, laboratories of companies and scientists and engineers activities. Those arrangements, to the if they articulate with the educational system, with the industrial and managerial section and, also, with the financial institutions, they take the form that Freeman (1987) it coined of national system of innovation, promoted through public politics of CT&I, which seek to induce and to support innovative initiatives in the companies, as well as to establish demands and to prioritize vocations and regional potentialities. In that context of government support to the technological innovation interferes this study, that it looked for to know the reasons of the fragility innovative in the pharmaceutical industry of State of Pará in Brazil, pointed for PINTEC (2005), starting from the point of view of the businessmen of that section. For such, the qualitative approach was used - with interviews directing semi and the technique of the content analysis. The results of the research pointed that the fragilities innovative of the section links to the ignorance of the government support to the technological innovation on the part of the businessmen of the pharmaceutical industry of State of Pará in Brazil


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Was man aus der deutschen PIAAC-Studie als prägnanteste Zusammenfassung herausziehen könnte, wäre: jeder sechste deutsche Erwachsene liest und rechnet auf dem Kompetenzniveau eines zehnjährigen Schülers und jeder zehnte deutsche Erwachsene kann mit einer "Maus" nicht umgehen. Oder, in Anlehnung an PIAAC: Im deutschen Bildungssystem besteht anscheinend nicht für alle Menschen die Möglichkeit, ein über elementare Grundkompetenzen hinaus gehendes Niveau zu erreichen. Diese Ergebnisse sind zwar statistisch valide und belastbar, verkürzen jedoch ohne weitere Differenzierungen das Gesamtanliegen von PIAAC. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Können offene Gesellschaften, die über eine bestimmte Staatsideologie nicht verfügen, sondern unterschiedliche Interessen organisieren, Ziele für ein öffentliches Bildungssystem überhaupt begründen? Nachdem die fraglose Eingliederung des Bildungswesens in die Staatsverwaltung nicht mehr legitim erscheint und nachdem sich eine Organisation nach dem Demokratieprinzip als fragwürdig erwiesen hat, ist zunehmend von vertraglichen Regelungen auch im Bildungswesen die Rede, von Marktmechanismen oder korporativistischen Prinzipien. Privatisierung ist dafür das falsche Stichwort, es scheint eher um die vertragliche Organisation öffentlichen Handelns zu gehen. Die neuere bildungspolitische Entwicklung geht in diese Richtung: De-Institutionalisierung, Effizienzerwartung, Multikulturalität, Wahlfreiheit, Beteiligung. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Muitos são os investigadores e estudiosos que, em todas as partes do mundo, se têm debruçado sobre a relação Escola–Família–Comunidade, tentando perceber os preditores que justificam, por exemplo, a indisciplina ou o (in)sucesso na sala de aula. Movidos pela curiosidade de 25 anos a trabalhar no sistema educativo, quisemos perceber o papel da mulher no que à educação formal dos filhos diz respeito. Empiricamente sabíamos que normalmente à mãe cabe mais esta tarefa de ser a Encarregada de Educação dos seus descendentes e quisemos perceber porquê. Que características concorrem para que a ela seja entregue esta “missão”? Igualmente quisemos saber se esta “missão” era solitária ou se o seu cônjuge coopera e de que forma. De uma parte teórica baseada na literatura existente através da qual procurámos perceber o(s) papel(éis) da mulher anterior e posteriormente ao 25 de abril de 1974 e da lenta integração legal dos Encarregados de Educação nas escolas, partimos para um trabalho de investigação assente nos alunos do AENelas e respetivos Encarregados de Educação. Colaboraram connosco 44 Encarregados de Educação de alunos do 9.º ano que, através das suas respostas, permitiram perceber que os novos tempos são, teoricamente, de partilha, porém, na prática, é ao elemento feminino da família que compete a assunção do cargo de Encarregado de Educação. Os respondentes inclinam-se (nas suas respostas) para a disponibilidade de tempo, contudo, coincidência ou não, a maioria trabalha e a minoria, quer de Encarregados quer de Encarregadas de Educação, tem habilitações literárias inferiores ao seu cônjuge ou companheira(o). Há aspetos incontornáveis que não deixam dúvidas: a função de EE é “vitalícia” e marcadamente “feminina”.


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In Anbetracht der sich eher verschlechternden Lage des öffentlichen Schulwesens in den Ländern Schwarzafrikas sucht man in den internationalen und nationalen Diskussionen u.a. nach alternativen, auf traditionelle und private Bildungsformen aufbauenden Strategien zur Förderung der Grundbildung. Das sich verändernde islamische Bildungswesen in der zu über 90% muslimischen Republik Senegal könnte für einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung zu einer solchen Alternative werden, weil nur 48% der Kinder im Primarschulalter die öffentliche Schule besuchen, die sich am französischen Vorbild orientiert. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica, apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré – Escolar e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências da educação - Supervisão e orientação pedagógica


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At first moment we present a reflection about the history of theater and later a contextualization of didactic movements oriented to scenic arts. Through at the constant dialogue with authors of areas involving education, theatre, corporeality and music was possible analyzing, develop and criticize a education work under my responsibility involving fourteen classes. At the second moment will occur a critical self about the quality of theater classes his contents and methodologies. The technique will be at side of the emotion and together develop skills aimed at tracing paths for theater developed at a classroom of a especific private school in Natal-RN. At the third moment one class is chosen for analyze of the academic research and many experiments happen after this decision, initiated and sensitized through of the music with a significant look at the corporeality and prioritizing the theater as content in ninth grade - elementary school two. At the conclusion is possible see that learning is mutual and the theater can become life routine as well as the arts in general and when all arts will be regularized into the national educational system for public and private schools we will have more susceptible humans and more intellectual capacity


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação. Especialização em Educação Especial


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O estudo desenvolveu-se no âmbito do sistema educativo angolano, com professores peritos de Química que lecionavam a 7a classe (12-13 anos de idade), com o objetivo de caraterizar o conhecimento desses professores sobre o currículo tendo em conta que o currículo de qualquer disciplina e de qualquer nível de ensino representa as aprendizagens consideradas relevantes pelos decisores devendo considerar as capacidades e aspirações do aluno, a língua, o meio e a cultura, a história e a arte, as exigências de trabalho e as interações de caráter societal. Dai que o professor, para poder planear as atividades de ensino e aprendizagem, tem, necessariamente, de conhecer o currículo no sentido de proporcionar ao educando os saberes da disciplina e explorar as articulações necessárias para a sua digna integração na complexa sociedade atual. Para o efeito, entrevistamos 16 professores selecionados como peritos. Num desenho metodológico exploratório, a técnica utilizada foi a entrevista e os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e categorizados. Os resultados revelaram que os professores peritos manifestaram um considerável domínio de conhecimento do currículo de Química e valorizaram a articulação vertical e horizontal dos seus conteúdos.