815 resultados para Petróleo e gás Indústria. Projetos de Exploração e Produção. Legislação ambiental. Modelagem de equações estruturais. Stakeholders externos. Desempenho ambiental


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo abordar as estruturas de financiamento de sondas de perfurao de poos de petróleo, tendo sido duas opes selecionadas para serem discutidas: o uso de emprstimos bancrios e o uso de Project Bonds. O trabalho sugere uma estrutura hbrida de financiamento que tem sido usada no Brasil desde 2010 para sondas de perfurao de poos de petróleo, mas de forma no planejada, sem uma anlise mais robusta dos fatores que podem interferir na escolha de uma opo em detrimento da outra. Se por um lado as restries ao financiamento bancrio de longo prazo esto aumentando, principalmente devido adoo das regras da Basilia III, logo isso tende a diminuir a preferncia dos bancos por financiamentos de longo prazo. Por outro lado, o investidor institucional tem buscado diversificar seus investimentos de longo prazo, principalmente aps a diminuio das taxas de juros nos pases desenvolvidos (Europa e Amrica do Norte). O momento atual favorvel para a discusso desta temtica, portanto, o trabalho analisa de forma crtica o cenrio e as opes mais utilizadas de financiamento e sugere uma alternativa de financiamento das sondas usadas na perfurao de poos para exploração de petróleo. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de caso, onde foi feita uma simulao de financiamento de uma sonda de perfurao do tipo drillship usando duas estruturas de financiamento: a primeira foi um emprstimo bancrio via Project Finance e a segunda foi um emprstimo bancrio via Project Finance pelo perodo de construo e um Project Bond aps o perodo de construo pelo prazo remanescente. Em seguida foi feita uma anlise quantitativa de algumas variveis (taxa Treasury e risco de crdito da Petrobrs) que podem impactar as duas opes de estrutura de financiamento com o objetivo de fazer inferncias sobre quais consideraes os indivduos tomadores de deciso do mercado, tais como o banco e o investidor institucional, precisam analisar antes de contratar a construo de uma sonda. Esta anlise contribuir para aumentar a previsibilidade na escolha da alternativa de financiamento de forma a proporcionar ao empreendedor a opo de financiamento mais barata antecipadamente e para que ele no precise esperar o perodo de construo acabar para optar em continuar no emprstimo bancrio ou emitir um Project Bond. Se o empreendedor souber como essas duas variveis se comportam durante o perodo de construo, poder optar pela alternativa de financiamento mais barata no momento da estruturao do emprstimo inicial, economizando dinheiro devido ao fato de o perodo de emprstimo ser menor (o emprstimo seria apenas pelo perodo de construo) e, consequentemente, teria taxas de juros menores, quanto pelos custos adicionais cobrados em duplicidade (durante a estruturao do emprstimo e depois durante a emisso do Project Bond) que poderiam ser cobrados considerando a operao como um todo.


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Fuses e aquisies so tipos de transformaes organizacionais frequentemente adotadas no mundo corporativo, e a fase de integrao tem papel fundamental para que haja a criao de valor na operao. Este trabalho analisa pesquisas acadmicas e publicaes de empresas de consultoria especializadas no tema fuses, aquisies e integrao, e apresenta um processo de integrao de uma aquisio realizada na indústria do petróleo no Brasil, bem como fatores que motivaram a realizao da operao e os impactos organizacionais na rea financeira da empresa. Ao final, so analisados os resultados observados em campo, as boas prticas e lies aprendidas so confrontadas com o referencial terico estudado, indicando fatos aderentes e no-aderentes teoria encontrada na literatura no campo de fuses e aquisies


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As can be inferred by the title of its study The constitutional principle of sustainable development and the utilization of hidrical resources in the oil industry the transcribed pages are dedicated to the approach of the mentioned subjects which, despite being apparently different, will be shown intrinsically connected as goes by the study. The superation of this first step by the reader will lead to an important perception of the title: that the situation requires, urgently, a defined posture, a complete conduct change and, therefore, a modification of the paradigms currently establisheds. To brake barriers, modifying what is lived by, is the ultimate goal. For that, there is no unique path, linear, but there were broached the development themes, the hidrical resources theme and oil and natural gas industry at the necessary points to achieve, by the end, a comprehension for the Brazilian Federal Republic goals in the search for the application of these juridical norms. The ones whom lay down over this study shall notice that, more than a simple approach over these themes (which are still less worked and searched in Brazil), the heavy critic of an instituted and pacifically accepted reality, directly offensive of the constitutional principles. The debate evolves from punctual and specific aspects, it gains life, flies, searching how the juridical order equalizes the economic model to the environment defense. Standing by the possibility of conciliation among constitutional principles, the remodeling of an economic segment is defended, aligning it to the sustainable limits. Development, sustainable, becomes means and goals to the implementation of liberty, capacitating everyone to achieve their goals of life, their libertments, fruit of the inherent antagonism of the Constitution the sustainable development offers, while an axiological vector, a new reality to the economic order, turning it into a motriz element to the fortification of constitutional normative force and for the national development


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Recognizing the need to preserve a national ethnic minority, the Constitution, inspired by the pluralistic values of the Constitutional Law State, stipulated a series of rights and guarantees for the conservation of indigenous cultural singularity, disciplining in article 231 the Indians right to maintain their social organization, customs, languages, beliefs and traditions, as well as safeguarding the rights to the lands they traditionally occupy, and the exclusive use of the wealth existing in them, premise of ensuring their physical and cultural continuity, breaking decisively with the paradigm the assimilation of the Indian national civilization. However, despite the Indian policy of ethnic and cultural preservation, the Constitution allowed the exploitation of minerals in aboriginal territory, incorporated herein hydrocarbons, provided they meet certain predetermined requirements, leaving it to the legislature the discipline of ordinary matter. However, this law has not yet been published, with some projects in the National Congress, leaving thus precluding the indigenous subsurface oil exploration until the enactment of enabling legislation. Meanwhile, this paper carries out an integrated analysis of the constitutional protection of ethnic and cultural uniqueness of indigenous peoples, Convention N 169 of the International Labour Organization and the bill presented by Deputy Eduardo Valverde, in an attempt to consolidate sustainable development practices in the sector, through developing a system of social and environmental responsible oil exploration, aligning with national energy needs to maintain a balanced environment and preservation of socio-cultural organization of a minority so weakened and beaten over five centuries of domination


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The search for a sustainable development is result of the exhaustion of the natural resources of the planet that demands globalizated politics with practical of compatible economic development with the protection of the quality of life for the future generations. This work presents a study on the thematic on the environmental liabilities in the organizations with focus in the industry of the oil and the production of oil in land in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Some types of environmental liabilities are presented, as well as, some estimates techniques. Moreover, this work presents surveys of some variable that stimulate the organizations to implant technologies of reduction of the impacts in the environment as: the environmental legislation, costs, the main impacts of the production of oil in land. On the basis of the bibliographical research and in the identified variable, it was carried a case study with state and municipal technician that act in the sectors of fiscalization (IBAMA-RN and IDEMA-RN) with the objective to deepen the discussion regarding the impacts of the industry of the oil, the effectiveness of the current law, the performance of the institutions the federal level and how to prevent impacts in the environment. It was observed that the environmental liabilities are a little spread subject in the organizations, perhaps to be unknown and of few theoretical referencees at the national level, regarding to the evaluation techniques. At the same time, absentee in the national politics that conducts the oil exploration


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It is analyzed through the concepts of tribology and mechanical contact and damage the suggestion of implementing a backup system for traction and passage of Pipeline Inspection Gauge (Pig) from the inside of pipelines. In order to verify the integrity of the pipelines, it is suggested the possibility of displacement of such equipment by pulling wires with steel wires. The physical and mechanical characteristics of this method were verified by accelerated tests in the laboratory in a tribological pair, wire versus a curve 90. It also considered the main mechanisms of wear of a sliding system with and without lubricant, in the absence and presence of contaminants. To try this, It was constructed a test bench able to reproduce a slip system, work on mode back-and-forth ("reciprocation"). It was used two kinds of wires, a galvanized steel and other stainless steel and the results achieved using the two kinds of steel cables were compared. For result comparative means, it was used steel cables with and without coating of Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). The wires and the curves of the products were characterized using metallographic analysis, microhardness Vickers tests, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Refraction (XRF) and tensile tests. After the experiments were analyzed some parameters that have been measurable, it demonstrates to the impracticality of this proposed method, since the friction force and the concept of alternating request at the contact between the strands of wire and the inner curves that are part ducts caused severe wear. These types of wear are likely to cause possible failures in future products and cause fluid leaks


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The use of the natural gas is growing year after year in the whole world and also in Brazil. It is verified that in the last five years the profile of natural gas consumption reached a great advance and investments had been carried through in this area. In the oil industry, the use of the natural gas for fuel in the drive of engines is usual for a long date. It is also used to put into motion equipment, or still, to generate electric power. Such engines are based on the motor cycle of combustion Otto, who requires a natural gas with well definite specification, conferring characteristic anti-detonating necessary to the equipment performance for projects based on this cycle. In this work, process routes and thermodynamic conditions had been selected and evaluated. Based on simulation assays carried out in commercial simulators the content of the methane index of the effluent gas were evaluated at various ranges of pressure, temperature, flowrate, molecular weight and chemical nature and composition of the absorbent. As final result, it was established a route based on process efficiency, optimized consumption of energy and absorbent. Thereby, it serves as base for the compact equipment conception to be used in locu into the industry for the removal of hydrocarbon from the natural gas produced


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The aim of this work is to use a new technology in the treatment of produced wastewaters from oil industry. An unit for treat produced waters called UTMDIF, was designed, installed and operated in an industrial plant for treatment of effluents from oil industry. This unit operates by means of the method of separation of phase inversion and can become a promising alternative to solve the problem of oil/water separation. This method constitutes the basis of the working of a new design of mixersettler of vertical configuration which occupies small surface area. The last characteristic becomes specially important when there is limitation on the lay-out of the plant, for example, over maritime platforms to explore oil. This equipment in a semi-industrial scale treats produced wastewaters contaminated with oil at low concentrations (ranging from 30 to 150 mg/L) and throughputs of 320 m3/d (47,4 m3 m-2 h-1). Good results were obtained in oil/water separation which leads to the necessary specification to discharge those wastewaters. Besides, the non dependence of the efficiency of separation in spite of the salinity of the medium becomes the equipment an attractive new technology to treat wastewaters containing oil at low concentrations


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Coletnea sobre os antecedentes da Poltica Nacional do Petróleo e das atribuies do Conselho Nacional do Petróleo; incluindo legislação, discursos parlamentares, estudos especializados, memoriais, investigaes oficiosas e particulares que permitem uma viso da histria econmica do petróleo brasileiro. Rene projetos, requerimentos e outros documentos parlamentares, do perodo de 1824 a 1957, que precederam ao projeto da Petrobrs, da tramitao na Cmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal at reunio do Congresso para decidir sobre o veto. Inclui inquritos da comisso especializada sobre a Petrobrs em atividade.


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Consultoria Legislativa - rea XII - Recursos Minerais, Hdricos e Energticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - rea XII - Recursos Minerais, Hdricos e Energticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - rea XII - Recursos Minerais, Hdricos e Energticos.


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Analisa o efeito da legislação aplicvel destinao de recursos para educao pela exploração de petróleo, quando da elaborao da lei oramentria e da sua execuo.


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Analisa o arranjo institucional da indústria do petróleo e derivados no Brasil, descreve a situao da rea de refino no Pas e prope alteraes no modelo atual, de modo a permitir a expanso da oferta interna de derivados.


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A integrao da sustentabilidade ambiental junto responsabilidade social tem sido cada vez mais o foco de inmeras discusses de mbito mundial. Assim com a expanso deste conceito, a valorizao do colaborador e a preservao do meio ambiente ganham importncia como instrumento de gesto, no apenas para aderir legislação, mas tambm para aprimorar a qualidade, a competitividade e as reivindicaes da comunidade. Deste modo, os indicadores, como ferramenta de apoio, buscam atender as observncias atravs de informaes que mensuram e apontam postura socioambiental a expectativas empresariais. Neste contexto, este estudo aponta a necessidade da proposio de indicadores globais que integrados e sistmicos auxiliem no gerenciamento empresarial cujos resultados primem pelo desenvolvimento de maneira convergente sustentabilidade nas diversas reas que compem a indústria de fornecimento de insumos para o refino de petróleo. Com a utilizao de questionrio sobre relevncia e disponibilidade dos dados sobre os indicadores e atravs da metodologia da Soma ponderada foi organizada uma priorizao entre os indicadores levantados na empresa, contguo proposio de indicadores de responsabilidade social. Em seguida, foram elaborados os respectivos indicadores globais: sustentabilidade ambiental e desempenho ambiental. Destarte, so recomendadas maiores pesquisas para o desenvolvimento contnuo dos indicadores globais, alm da implantao de indicadores de responsabilidade social, a fim de contribuir ao posicionamento terico e avaliao das atuaes prticas