931 resultados para German as a foreign language, engineering students


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This paper analyzes an ideal model of teaching, thinking after 5-10 years in Universities in the world. We propose the collaborative work for a fruitful learning. According with that, we expose some of our previous projects in this area and some ideas for the ?global education?, focused on the teaching and learning of mathematics to engineering students. Furthermore we explain some of our initiatives for implementing the "Bologna process?. Aspects related to the learning and assessments will be analyzed. The establishment of the new teaching paradigm has to change the learning process and we will suggest some possible initiatives for adapting the learning to the new model. The paper ends by collecting some conclusions.


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The present work is aimed at discussing several issues related to the teamwork generic competence, motivational profiles and academic performance. In particular, we study the improvement of teamwork attitude, the predominant types of motivation in different contexts and some correlations among these three components of the learning process. The above-mentioned aspects are of great importance. Currently, the professional profile of engineers has a strong teamwork component and the motivational profile of students determines both their tendencies when they come to work as part of a team, as well as their performance at work. Taking these issues into consideration, we suggest four hypotheses: (H1) students improve their teamwork capacity through specific training and carrying out of a set of activities integrated into an active learning process; (H2) students with higher mastery motivation have a better attitude towards teamwork; (H3) students with different types of motivations reach different levels of academic performance; and (H4) students show different motivation profiles in different circumstances: type of courses, teaching methodologies, different times of the learning process. This study was carried out with Computer Science Engineering students from two Spanish universities. The first results point to an improvement in teamwork competence of students if they have previously received specific training in facets of that competence. Other results indicate that there is a correlation between the motivational profiles of students and their perception of teamwork competence. Finally, results point to a clear relationship between some kind of motivation and academic performance. In particular, four kinds of motivation are analyzed and students are classified into two groups according to them. After analyzing several marks obtained in compulsory courses, we perceive that those students that show higher motivation for avoiding failure obtain, in general, worse academic performance.


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Esta tesis doctoral consiste en un estudio empírico de la competencia lingüística del alumnado de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII), de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) en el uso de los grupos nominales (GN) en inglés profesional y académico (IPA). Mediante el análisis estadístico de los datos de las pruebas de nivel de inglés general y de conocimiento de los rasgos lingüísticos diferenciadores del IPA, se ha buscado constatar que los GN, tan presentes en los textos ingleses de carácter científico-técnico, son uno de los rasgos IPA que más dificultad presenta para el alumnado de ingeniería de habla española, cuya enseñanza es necesario abordar de forma diferenciada para que se puedan usar correctamente. El trabajo comienza presentando las características lingüísticas generales del IPA, entre las que destaca la frecuente presencia de los GN en las comunicaciones de carácter científico y técnico. Comprueba la hipótesis de que la comprensión y el uso de los GN es el rasgo lingüístico que ofrece mayor dificultad para esta población. Se detiene en explicar las propiedades de los GN en inglés y de las palabras que lo forman; es decir, muestra clases de palabras, regularidades y excepciones que están presentes en los textos científico-técnicos. También expone y razona el comportamiento de las distintas categorías gramaticales que pueden figurar como premodificadoras y se centra en ejemplos reales y datos objetivos, para llegar a conclusiones cuantitativas sobre el uso y la frecuencia de los GN en el discurso científico-técnico, así como en los diferentes grados de dificultad que dichas construcciones presentan al alumnado. El método de investigación seguido consiste en la recopilación y análisis estadístico de los datos procedentes de una muestra de población de alumnos de 5º curso de la ETSII de la UPM utilizando el análisis de la varianza ANOVA. Los datos se han tratado teniendo en cuenta el nivel general de inglés de cada alumno, según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL), que oscila entre el nivel A2 y el C1, con una mayor frecuencia de B1 y B2. Las conclusiones se basan en el análisis de los datos empíricos obtenidos, que nos permiten deducir unos principios generales relevantes respecto al uso de los GN –simples y complejos- en el inglés para la ciencia y la tecnología (ICT) y al grado de dificultad que sus distintos tipos presentan al alumnado, con un grado de confianza superior al 95%. A partir de estos datos se ofrece un planteamiento didáctico que facilite la comprensión y elaboración de los distintos tipos de GN. La estructura general de la tesis se divide en seis capítulos. El capítulo 1 es una introducción en la que se presentan las razones que han motivado esta tesis, las hipótesis, los objetivos y la metodología de la misma. En el capítulo 2 se recogen los rasgos lingüísticos distintivos del ICT, incidiendo en la relación competencia comunicativa/competencia lingüística. En el capítulo 3 se analizan los GN profundizando en aspectos lingüísticos. El capítulo 4 se centra en el estudio empírico propiamente dicho y en el análisis estadístico de los datos. Del análisis se extraen las conclusiones objetivas sobre la dificultad que presentan los diferentes rasgos IPA analizados, con detenimiento en los GN simples y complejos. El capítulo 5 ofrece un planteamiento didáctico práctico sobre la enseñanza de los GN en el contexto del ICT, con una investigación sobre el terreno y el análisis estadístico de los resultados obtenidos antes y después de la aplicación didáctica. En el capítulo 6 se comentan los resultados obtenidos a lo largo del estudio, aportando las conclusiones, las limitaciones y las recomendaciones para futuros trabajos de investigación sobre el tema de la tesis. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis consists of an empirical study of the linguistic competence of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) industrial engineering students on the use of nominal groups (NG) in English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP). In order to confirm that NG is the EAPP linguistic feature that presents the greatest difficulty to Spanish engineering students, a statistical analysis of the data obtained from the application of a general English test and the EAPP linguistic features tests -developed for this purpose- was carried out. Consequently, this linguistic feature needs to be specifically taught in order to be used correctly by Spanish engineering students. The study begins by presenting the general language characteristics of EAPP, among which the frequent presence of NG in scientific and technical writings stands out. It verifies the hypothesis that the understanding and use of NG in English is the most difficult linguistic feature for Spanish engineering students. It explains the features of English NG analyzing the words they are composed of by depicting the types of words, regularities and exceptions that are present in technical and scientific English. It also explains the behavior of the different grammar categories that act as pre-modifiers of the noun and focuses on real examples taken from authentic publications and quantitative data, to reach objective conclusions about the use and degree of difficulty of the NG for the students. The research methodology includes the gathering of data from the 5th year industrial engineering students´ tests and analyzing them by means of the ANOVA statistical application. The data have been treated in relation to the students’ Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) levels, which range from A2 to C1, although the majority lye between B1 and B2 levels. The conclusions are based on the results, which allow us to obtain relevant information about the understanding and use of NG –simple and complex- by the focus group, with a 95% confidence level. From these data, a methodological approach to NG teaching has been tested to help students to acquire such linguistic feature. The general structure of this thesis is divided into six chapters. The first is an introduction containing the reasons that have motivated this piece of research, the hypotheses, objectives and methodology employed. The second deals with the distinctive linguistic features of EST underlying the concepts of linguistic and communicative competence. Chapter three focuses on the grammar aspects of NG. Chapter four contains the empirical study and the statistical analysis of the data. Results allow us to reach objective conclusions about the degree of difficulty of the EAPP linguistic features studied, focusing on simple and complex NG. Chapter five discusses a methodological approach to the teaching of NG in an EST context, comparing students’ test results before and after the NG teaching application. Finally, chapter six discusses the findings obtained along the study, presenting the conclusions, limitations and recommendations for future research in this area.


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La progresiva internacionalización de las universidades españolas convierte a estas organizaciones en escenarios plurilingües. El español convive en ellos con otras lenguas, en especial el inglés, como vehículo de acceso y transmisión de conocimiento especializado. Esto requiere un proceso de alfabetización académica en lengua extranjera que tendrían que asumir las universidades de acogida, con objeto de preservar a los alumnos de los fracasos en los programas internacionales. Por el momento, en España, los programas de grado o de posgrado no establecen filtros con umbrales lingüísticos mínimos de acceso, a excepción de algunas universidades que se limitan a requerir certificados de grado de dominio del español general. No existen exámenes públicos de ingreso, o exámenes propios de postadmisión, que evalúen la habilidad lingüística comunicativa en contextos académicos. En este trabajo, se parte de la hipótesis de que los exámenes que certifican un grado de dominio de español general no sirven al propósito de discriminar a los alumnos capaces de seguir con éxito los programas de las universidades. Para verificarla, se desarrolla una prueba de examen específica que mida la capacidad de emplear el español en contextos académicos. La prueba se centra en las tareas que se revelan, en una primera fase exploratoria de la investigación, como más necesarias en lo que se refiere al uso del español como lengua vehicular: las clases magistrales. Una vez pilotada, se administró junto con otras destinadas a evaluar el grado de dominio de la lengua en contextos generales. Los resultados obtenidos del contraste de estas mediciones y de diversos análisis de los datos arrojan evidencias de que este tipo de prueba mide un constructo específico: la habilidad de uso del español en contextos académicos. ABSTRACT The progressive internationalization of Spanish universities has transformed these organizations into plurilingual scenarios. Spanish lives in them sharing the stage with other languages, especially English, as a means of access and transmission of expert knowledge. This requires a process of academic literacy in foreign language that host universities should assume, in order to safeguard students from failures in international programs. At the moment, in Spain, undergraduate or graduate programs do not set filters with minimum language requirements to gain access, except for some universities that merely require certificates of general Spanish. There are no Spanish language public admission exams, or post-enrollment tests of their own, to assess the communicative language ability of foreign students in academic contexts. In this dissertation, we start from the hypothesis that those tests that certify the student degree of mastery of the Spanish language do not serve the purpose of discriminating against students capable of successfully pursuing university programs. To prove it, a specific test that measures the ability to use Spanish in academic contexts was developed. This language test focused on the tasks associated with the most common genre, which revealed prominent in a first exploratory phase of the investigation, related to the use of Spanish as a means of instruction: university lectures. Once piloted, the test was administered along with others designed to assess the degree of mastery of the language in general contexts. Contrast results of these measurements and various analyzes of the data showed evidence that this type of test measures a specific construct: the ability to use Spanish in academic contexts.


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Many of the educational structures in public education today have their roots in the educational reforms of the industrial and Cold War eras. These educational structures served the United States well in a time of industrialization and two-state global superpowers. However, society has rapidly become more interconnected and globalized. K-12 education has not required that students develop the new skills and habits of mind needed for success in the twenty-first century. This study proposes three curricular and instructional changes to help students meet the needs of a global society in Adams Twelve Five-Star Schools located in Thornton, Colorado. These curricular and instructional reforms, while intended to address globalization, will also help the district stay competitive among local districts.


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As business translator trainers we have to encourage our students to practice translation into their mother tongue and into the foreign language. The aim of this paper is to present various types of exercises that we use in our classes in order to develop strategies in the practice of translation into the foreign language. These kinds of tasks are based on work previously carried out by translator trainers and researchers. First, references on teaching translation into the foreign language) will be reviewed. Then we show the kind of tasks focusing on mother tongue proficiency and translation technologies. Our experience tells us that our students seem to feel comfortable with the exercises and find them useful to face the practice of translation into non-mother tongue.


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Introducción y objetivos: Conocer y analizar las preferencias laborales y la intención de emigrar de los estudiantes de 4º de Grado en Enfermería de la Universidad de Murcia (España). Método: Estudio de diseño descriptivo concurrente e incidental, previo análisis bibliográfico. Se incluyó 37 test. Los participantes recibieron personalmente una encuesta de variables sociodemográficas y de intención de futuro. El análisis estadístico de los datos se realizó mediante el SPSS 15.0. Resultados: De los 37 encuestados el 35,1% fueron varones y el 64,9% mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 50 años. La mayoría de encuestados (94,6%) conoce al menos un idioma. La primera intención de futuro mayoritaria es trabajar en España (40,5%), seguida de preparar la especialización (EIR) (35,1%); la segunda intención muestra las mismas preferencias que la primera. En ambos casos emigrar lo eligió el 15%. No dominar ningún idioma es factor excluyente para emigrar, aunque saber algún idioma no es determinante para emigrar. Todos los encuestados que eligieron emigrar son menores de 25 años. Ninguno de los mayores de 25 años eligió como primera opción preparar la especialización, siendo en los menores de 25 años la opción preferida. Conclusiones: Los jóvenes enfermeros españoles deciden desarrollar su profesión fuera de España impulsados más por una necesidad que al interés por trabajar en el extranjero. Los órganos gestores españoles deberían poner en marcha programas que fomentasen la rápida inserción laboral de los jóvenes enfermeros en su país.


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This thesis explores the role of multimodality in language learners’ comprehension, and more specifically, the effects on students’ audio-visual comprehension when different orchestrations of modes appear in the visualization of vodcasts. Firstly, I describe the state of the art of its three main areas of concern, namely the evolution of meaning-making, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and audio-visual comprehension. One of the most important contributions in the theoretical overview is the suggested integrative model of audio-visual comprehension, which attempts to explain how students process information received from different inputs. Secondly, I present a study based on the following research questions: ‘Which modes are orchestrated throughout the vodcasts?’, ‘Are there any multimodal ensembles that are more beneficial for students’ audio-visual comprehension?’, and ‘What are the students’ attitudes towards audio-visual (e.g., vodcasts) compared to traditional audio (e.g., audio tracks) comprehension activities?’. Along with these research questions, I have formulated two hypotheses: Audio-visual comprehension improves when there is a greater number of orchestrated modes, and students have a more positive attitude towards vodcasts than traditional audios when carrying out comprehension activities. The study includes a multimodal discourse analysis, audio-visual comprehension tests, and students’ questionnaires. The multimodal discourse analysis of two British Council’s language learning vodcasts, entitled English is GREAT and Camden Fashion, using ELAN as the multimodal annotation tool, shows that there are a variety of multimodal ensembles of two, three and four modes. The audio-visual comprehension tests were given to 40 Spanish students, learning English as a foreign language, after the visualization of vodcasts. These comprehension tests contain questions related to specific orchestrations of modes appearing in the vodcasts. The statistical analysis of the test results, using repeated-measures ANOVA, reveal that students obtain better audio-visual comprehension results when the multimodal ensembles are constituted by a greater number of orchestrated modes. Finally, the data compiled from the questionnaires, conclude that students have a more positive attitude towards vodcasts in comparison to traditional audio listenings. Results from the audio-visual comprehension tests and questionnaires prove the two hypotheses of this study.


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O presente Relatório de Estágio tem por objetivo descrever todo o processo de aplicação de estratégias para a interiorização e consequente execução na lecionação de uma Língua Estrangeira recorrendo ao mínimo à Língua Materna, realizado no decorrer da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no Ensino Básico da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Essa descrição implica a consequente reflexão expressa e fundamentada neste relatório. Por conseguinte, tentámos fundamentar a nossa posição através de vários posicionamentos teóricos aliados a uma componente prática forte. Deste modo, durante a PES, proporcionou-se, aos alunos, uma interação maioritariamente na Língua Estrangeira (LE) nas aulas da mesma, ainda que estivesse sempre subjacente a grande importância da língua materna na aprendizagem de uma LE. Soará impossível aprender uma LE sem qualquer tipo de exemplos e referências auditivas (como o recurso a audio e video, não se baseando única e simplesmente na intervensão do professor na LE), no entanto, e visto estar a ser dada cada vez mais importância às macrocapacidades de compreensão oral e expressão oral, defende-se uma maior prática oral na lecionação de uma LE na LE.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e Espanhol, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016


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Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine


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Esta é uma investigação em linguística aplicada que, ao procurar perceber melhor o modo como o processo de aprendizagem do aprendente chinês de português como língua estrangeira(PLE)pode ser afetado pela aquisição do significado metafórico, assume um pendor linguístico, não deixando de se situar no âmago do ato pedagógico. Admitindo a hipótese da existência de uma correlação positiva entre a frequência do uso da metáfora gramatical e o nível de proficiência dos aprendentes na expressão escrita, esta dissertação pretende aprofundar a compreensão dos mecanismos de aquisição do Português por aprendentes (PLE/PL2) que têm como língua materna o Chinês, designadamente os que se prendem com a aquisição de processos metafóricos. Neste estudo, teremos como referência a teorização sobre o significado metafórico proposto por Halliday (1985, 1994, 2004). A ocorrência de metáforas gramaticais foi escrutinada emdois manuais de ensino de PLE concebidos para os níveis A2 e B1 do QECR, de forma a poder identificar, qualitativa e quantitativamente, os padrões textuais metafóricos com que os aprendentes têm que lidar nestes momentos específicos do processo de aprendizagem. Para compreender a produção escrita de pendor metafórico dos aprendentes, é realizada análise sistemática de amostras da expressão escrita de alunos de PLE chineses dos mesmos dois níveis, constantes no Corpus de Português Língua Estrangeira/Língua Segunda, COPLE2. Do confronto dos dados dos dois planos de análise, foi possível confirmar que a transição entre os dois níveis subsequentes escolhidos (A2 e B1) representa uma mudança crucial no padrão metafórico, quer dos textos propostos aos aprendentes, quer dos textos por estes produzidos, mudança esta que pode explicar alguns dos bloqueios de aprendizagem associados ao nível B1 e seguintes. Foi possível, entre outros aspetos, identificar a primazia da metáfora ideacional na acomodação da expressão metafórica, compreender como o aprendente evita o recurso metafórico, tornando a sua escrita menos abstrata e densa, como o aprendente aborda a metáfora interpessoal, restringindo o seu uso a géneros discursivos muito específicos. Sendo, embora, um estudo exploratório, permite confirmar que esta linha de investigação oferece dados inestimáveis aos professores de PLE e agentes de ensino, em geral.


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Falling amounts of natural resources and the ‘peak oil’ question, i.e. the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of easily-accessible oil reserves is reached, have been among the key issues in public debate in Germany on all levels: expert, business and – most crucially – the government level. The alarming assessments of German analysts anticipate a rapid shrinkage of oil reserves and a sharp rise in oil prices, which in the longer term will affect the economic and political systems of importer countries. Concerns about the consequences of the projected resource deficit, especially among representatives of German industry, are also fuelled by the stance of those countries which export raw materials. China, which meets 97% of global demand for minerals crucial for the production of new technologies, cut its exports by 40% in summer 2010 (compared to 2009), arguing that it had to protect its reserves from overexploitation. In 2009 the value of natural resources Germany imported reached €84 billion, of which €62 billion were spent on energy carriers, and €22 billion on metals. For Germany, the shrinkage of resources is a political problem of the utmost importance, since the country is poor in mineral resources and has to acquire petroleum and other necessary raw materials abroad1. In autumn 2010, the German minister of economy initiated the establishment of a Resources Agency designed to support companies in their search for natural resources, and the government prepared and adopted a national Raw Material Strategy. In the next decade the policy of the German government, including foreign policy, will be affected by the consequences of the decreasing availability of natural resources. It can be expected that the mission of the Bundeswehr will be redefined, and the importance of African states and current exporter countries such as Russia and China for German policies will increase. At the same time, Germany will seek to strengthen cooperation among importer countries, which should make pressure on resource-exporting states more effective. In this context, it can be expected that the efforts taken to develop an EU resource strategy or even a ‘comprehensive resource policy’ will be intensified; or at least, the EU’s energy policy will permanently include the issue of sourcing raw materials.


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No longer distributed to depository libraries in tangible format, .


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On cover, no. 6-[11̈: Bulletin of Purdue university ... (in no. [10-11̈ (1914-15) the serial numbers of the periodical are replaced on t.-p. by the Bulletin numbers v. 14, no. 7 and v. 15, no. 8, respectively)