938 resultados para Absetz, Brad: In other words


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The purpose of this work was to study the effect of aspen and alder on birch cooking and the quality of the pulp produced. Three different birch kraft pulps were studied. As a reference, pure aspen and alder were included. The laboratory trials were done at the UPM Research Centre in Lappeenranta, Finland. The materials used were birch, aspen and alder mill chips that were collected around the area of South-Carelia in Finland. The chips used in the study were pulped using a standard kraft process. The pulps including birch fibres were ECF-bleached at laboratory scale to a target brightness of 85 %. The bleached pulps were beaten at low consistency by a laboratory Voith Sulzer refiner and tested for optical and physical properties. The theoretical part is a study of hardwoods that takes into accounts the differences between birch, aspen and alder. Major sub-areas were fibre and paper-technical properties as well as chemical composition and their influence on the different properties. The pulp properties of birch, aspen and alder found in previous studies were reported. Russian hardwood forest resources were also investigated. The fundamentals of kraft pulping and bleaching were studied at the end of theoretical part. The major effect of replacing birch with aspen and alder was the deterioration (lowering) of tensile and tear strengths. In other words, addition of aspen and alder to a birch furnish reduced strength properties. The reinforcement ability of the tested pulps was the following: 100 % birch > 80 % birch, 20 % aspen > 70 % birch, 20 % aspen, 10 % alder. The second thing noted was that blending of birch together with aspen and alder give better smoothness, optical properties and also formation. It can be concluded, that replacement of birch with alder during cooking by more than 10 % can negatively affect on the paper-technical properties of birch pulp. Mixing pure birch and aspen pulps would be more beneficial when producing printing paper made from chemical pulp.


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The design methods and languages targeted to modern System-on-Chip designs are facing tremendous pressure of the ever-increasing complexity, power, and speed requirements. To estimate any of these three metrics, there is a trade-off between accuracy and abstraction level of detail in which a system under design is analyzed. The more detailed the description, the more accurate the simulation will be, but, on the other hand, the more time consuming it will be. Moreover, a designer wants to make decisions as early as possible in the design flow to avoid costly design backtracking. To answer the challenges posed upon System-on-chip designs, this thesis introduces a formal, power aware framework, its development methods, and methods to constraint and analyze power consumption of the system under design. This thesis discusses on power analysis of synchronous and asynchronous systems not forgetting the communication aspects of these systems. The presented framework is built upon the Timed Action System formalism, which offer an environment to analyze and constraint the functional and temporal behavior of the system at high abstraction level. Furthermore, due to the complexity of System-on-Chip designs, the possibility to abstract unnecessary implementation details at higher abstraction levels is an essential part of the introduced design framework. With the encapsulation and abstraction techniques incorporated with the procedure based communication allows a designer to use the presented power aware framework in modeling these large scale systems. The introduced techniques also enable one to subdivide the development of communication and computation into own tasks. This property is taken into account in the power analysis part as well. Furthermore, the presented framework is developed in a way that it can be used throughout the design project. In other words, a designer is able to model and analyze systems from an abstract specification down to an implementable specification.


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It is very well known that the addition of polymers to a liquid increases the shear viscosity of the solution. In other words, the polymer increases the dissipation of the flow energy. Contrarily, in turbulent flow, some particular macromolecules in very low concentration are able to produce large attenuation in the turbulence and thus, decreasing the dissipation of the energy. This article present a brief revision about macroscopic and molecular models used to explain this dynamic effect. Some of the experimental techniques used to quantify the attenuation of the turbulence and the main active substances are also discussed.


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Appearance of trust in regional, co-operative networks In our times, the value of social networks has been widely acknowledged. One can say that it is important for private persons to get networked, whilst it is even a must for companies and organizations in business life. This doctor's thesis examines three co-operative regional networks. Networks are located in Western Uusimaa (Länsi-Uusimaa) region in southernmost Finland, and they had both public organizations and private companies as participants (later called ‘players’). Initially, all of them were co-financed from public funds, and two of them are still operational while writing this. The main target of these networks has been to act as learning networks. The learning network stands for an ensemble of research and development units and workplaces constituting a common forum for learning. The main focus in this study has been on qualitative and structural characteristics of the networks, and how they are relating with intrinsic trust. In addition to the development of trust, it has been studied, at what level organizational learning within the networks takes place, and lastly, what kind of factors facilitate the development of social capital. The theoretical framework for the study is built on analysing trust and social capital. It is a 'mission impossible' to find single definitions for such major concepts. In this study, from the research questions' point of view it has been more relevant to concentrate on the aspects of networking and the relationships between the participating organizations. The total view in this study is very network-centric, and therefore those theories which have similar point of view have been prioritized. Such is the theory about structural holes by Ronald S. Burt (1992). It has been widely applied; especially his views on constraints affecting players in networks. The purpose of this study has not been to create new theories or to analyse and compare thoroughly the existing theoretical trends. Instead, the existing theories have provided the study with conceptual tools, which have been utilized for supporting the empirical results. The aim has been to create an explanatory case study consisting relevant discussion on the relationship between the network characteristics and the appearance of trust. The conceptual categorization for confidence vs. trust created by Niklas Luhmann (1979) is another important theoretical building block. In most cases, co-operation in networks is initiated by people already trusting in each other and willing to work together. However, personal trust is not sufficient in the long run to sustain the co-operation within the network: more abstract systemic trust described by Luhmann must also emerge. In the networks with different structures and at different development phases, these forms of trust appear at different levels. In this study, Luhmann’s systemic trust as a term has been replaced by the concept of 'trust in network as a system'. Structural characteristics of a network (density, centrality, structural holes etc.) have been selected to explain the creation of social capital and trust. The ability to adapt new information is essential for the development of social capital. Qualitative analysis for development phase has been used, and the Learning Network Maturity Test by Leenamaija Otala (2000) and her work have been applied. Thus, the qualitative characteristics and the structural characteristics of the networks are utilized together, when the creation of social capital and appearance of trust are assessed. Social Network Analysis, questionnaires and interviews have been the research methods. Quantitative and qualitative data have been combined. There is a similarity in viewpoints to research data with Extensive Case Study method, in which different cases are searched by exploring various cases and comparing certain common features between them and generic models. Development of trust, social capital and organizational learning has been explained in the study by comparing the networks in hand. Being a case study, it doesn't have targets to provide with general results and findings like conventional surveys. However, in this work phenomena and mechanisms related to them are interpreted from the empirical data. Key finding of this study is that the networks with high structural equality and clear target setting enable building trust to the network as a system. When systemic trust is present, e.g. changes in personnel involved in the co-operation won't hinder the network from remaining operational. On the other hand, if the players are not well motivated to co-operate, if the network is extremely centralized structurally, or if the network has players holding very much more beneficial position compared to the others, systemic trust won't develop: trust tends to remain at the personal level, and is directed to some players only. Such networks won't generate results and benefits to its players, and most probably they won’t live very long. In other words, learning networks cannot solely be based on willingness to learn, but also on willingness to co-operate.


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Asbesti on yleisnimike kuitumaisille silikaattimineraaleille. Sillä on monia hyviä ominaisuuksia. Siksi sitä on käytetty useisiin eri käyttötarkoituksiin jo yli 4 000 vuoden ajan. Sisäänhengitettynä asbesti aiheuttaa kuitenkin vakavia terveyshaittoja, mm. asbestoosia, keuhkosyöpää ja mesotelioomaa. Vuosina 1918-1988 Suomessa käytettiin asbestia 300 000 tonnia. Yleisintä käyttö oli 1960-70-lukujen vaihteessa. Sairauksien viive altistumisesta on 10-40 vuotta. Sairauksien esiintyminen onkin nyt suurimmillaan. Suurin osa sairauksista on hyvänlaatuisia keuhkopussin paksuuntumia eli plakkeja. Vuosittain asbestin aiheuttamiin sairauksiin, etupäässä syöpiin, kuolee Suomessa noin 100 ihmistä. Yhteensä altistuneita arvellaan olevan 250 000. Heistä elossa on noin 50 000. Vaarallisuutensa vuoksi asbestin käyttö on useissa maissa kielletty, mutta maailmalla sitä käytetään edelleen suuria määriä. Suomessa asbestin käyttöä rajoitettiin jo 1970-luvulla. Pieniä poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta täyskielto tuli voimaan 1.1.1994. Suomessa asbestia esiintyy edelleen vanhoissa rakennuksissa. Asbestipurkutyö on luvanvaraista. Asbestitöissä on huolehdittava siitä, että kukaan ei altistu asbestille. Asbestipitoisen materiaalin tunnistaminen silmämääräisesti on vaikeaa. Materiaali luokitellaan asbestipitoiseksi, jos siinä on asbestia yli 1 painoprosenttia tai jos sitä voidaan pölyävyytensä takia pitää vaarallisena. Asbestipitoisen materiaalin kartoituksessa voidaan käyttää rakennussuunnitelmia, vanhoja asiakirjoja kuten urakoitsijan laskuja sekä tuntemusta rakennusajan yleisistä rakennustavoista. Varmuus saadaan kuitenkin vain tutkimalla materiaali esimerkiksi laboratoriokokeissa. Tässä diplomityössä on pyritty selvittämään, voidaanko asbesti tunnistaa ChemPro 100 -keinonenällä. Laite perustuu ioniliikkuvuusspektrometriaan eli eri yhdisteiden erilaiseen liikkuvuuteen kaasumaisessa väliaineessa. Menetelmä on nopea ja yksinkertainen. Tutkimusta varten hankittiin asbestipitoisia materiaaleja, joista saatuja tuloksia vertailtiin toisiinsa. Nykyiset asbestintunnistusmenetelmät ovat monimutkaisia ja hitaita. Jos keinonenä pystyttäisiin kouluttamaan tunnistamaan asbestimateriaali, helpottaisi se asbestikartoituksen tekemistä.


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The profitability on transportation field has been low for a long time. The re-cession that started in the fall of 2008 has caused even more trouble to transportation companies as the number of transportations has gone down and the competition has gotten tougher since the time before the recession. Because the low profitability level does not allow competing with prices, transportation companies must come up with other means to differ from their competitors. The main goal of the research was to find out how a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) on transportation field should manage its customer relationships. Due to limited resources, companies should direct their resources to serving their most valuable customers. Companies should first make a determination of their customer base. This works as a base for establishing customer portfolios, in other words making customer groups based on e.g. profitability, buying volumes and loyalty. Companies can gain competitive advantage also by improving their service quality. Important information regarding the selection criteria of a transporta-tion company, transaction methods, service time and accessibility of person-nel, customers’ expectations on transportation company’s personnel, utiliza-tion of IT-solutions as a part of transportation service, the image of a transportation company and necessity of quality control meetings was gathered for this research by interviewing customers. By utilizing this information, transportation company can adapt its service offering to equal the customer needs and expectations better. A service process example was created to improve the service quality of the transportation company. It shows the whole process from the customer sending the transportation order to the point when the customer receives an invoice from the transportation company. The example process shows the most fragile stages of the service process: the interaction points. An example of this is when the driver and the customer meet at the unloading place. The results show that even a SME can have the opportunity to succeed in competitive markets by managing CRM. Expensive software are usually out of reach of a SME, but having a CRM software does not automatically guar-antee success in customer relationship management. Small and medium-sized firms can commit their current customers and recruit new customers by utilizing customer knowledge, offering top quality service, being innovative and offering functional services.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli rakentaa kustannuslaskentamalli, jota hyödynne-tään varastopalvelutoimintojen kustannusten tarkastelussa. Tavoitteena oli määrittää ”hintalaput” varaston eri toiminnoille eli selvittää minkä tyyppisiä resursseja toiminnot kuluttavat ja kuinka paljon. Lisäksi mallin tuloksien perusteella pyrittiin kartoittamaan tekijöitä joihin puuttumalla varastopalveluiden kustannustehokkuutta voitaisiin ke-hittää. Rakennettava laskentamalli perustui toimintolaskentaan. Tutkimus jakautui teoria- ja empiiriaosuuteen. Teoriaosuudessa käytiin läpi perinteistä kustannuslaskentaa ja toi-mintolaskentaa sekä verrattiin niitä keskenään. Teoriaosuudessa käytiin läpi myös toimintoperusteiden kustannuslaskentamallin rakentamisen vaiheet sekä perehdyttiin yleisimpiin varastopalvelutoimintoihin ja niiden kustannuslajeihin. Empiiriaosuudessa tutustuttiin Case-yrityksen varastointitoimintoihin, sen kustannuslaskennan nyky-tilaan ja kehityskohteisiin. Lopuksi laskentamallia testattiin yrityksen varastotoimin-toihin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena rakennetun laskentamallin todettiin antavan ymmärrettävää ja analyyttistä tietoa toimintojen ja laskentakohteiden kustannuksista. Laskentamallin tuloksien perusteella päästiin paremmin kiinni kustannusten aiheuttajiin ja tuloksia todettiin voitavan hyödyntää kustannustehokkuuden kehittämisessä. Suurena etuna voitiin täten pitää lisääntynyttä kustannustietoisuutta.


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In general, the traditional Physics courses needs examples of the aplications of the Physics concepts in other areas such as Chemistry and Biology. This lacks tend to demotivate Chemistry and Biology students regarding to deal with Physical concepts developed in classroom. In this work, the analogy among mechanic and electric oscillators is investigated to be applied in Chemistry and Biology areas, showing to be valuable due to its aplication in techniques that aims to measure mass variation with high precision. This measure could be made in a direct or indirect way. These techniques are known as electrogravimetric techniques and they are important in biosensor aplications. Thus, this paper explores the electromechanic analogy in an interdisciplinary way involving areas like Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Based on this analogy, it is proposed an experiment that can be applied in different ways, i.e. by an basic approach or more deeper, depending on the students specific formation, in other words, Physics, Chemistry or Biology.


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The increasing power demand and emerging applications drive the design of electrical power converters into modularization. Despite the wide use of modularized power stage structures, the control schemes that are used are often traditional, in other words, centralized. The flexibility and re-usability of these controllers are typically poor. With a dedicated distributed control scheme, the flexibility and re-usability of the system parts, building blocks, can be increased. Only a few distributed control schemes have been introduced for this purpose, but their breakthrough has not yet taken place. A demand for the further development offlexible control schemes for building-block-based applications clearly exists. The control topology, communication, synchronization, and functionality allocationaspects of building-block-based converters are studied in this doctoral thesis. A distributed control scheme that can be easily adapted to building-block-based power converter designs is developed. The example applications are a parallel and series connection of building blocks. The building block that is used in the implementations of both the applications is a commercial off-the-shelf two-level three-phase frequency converter with a custom-designed controller card. The major challenge with the parallel connection of power stages is the synchronization of the building blocks. The effect of synchronization accuracy on the system performance is studied. The functionality allocation and control scheme design are challenging in the seriesconnected multilevel converters, mainly because of the large number of modules. Various multilevel modulation schemes are analyzed with respect to the implementation, and this information is used to develop a flexible control scheme for modular multilevel inverters.


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Female sexual dysfunctions, including desire, arousal, orgasm and pain problems, have been shown to be highly prevalent among women around the world. The etiology of these dysfunctions is unclear but associations with health, age, psychological problems, and relationship factors have been identified. Genetic effects explain individual variation in orgasm function to some extent but until now quantitative behavior genetic analyses have not been applied to other sexual functions. In addition, behavior genetics can be applied to exploring the cause of any observed comorbidity between the dysfunctions. Discovering more about the etiology of the dysfunctions may further improve the classification systems which are currently under intense debate. The aims of the present thesis were to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Finnish-language version of a commonly used questionnaire for measuring female sexual function, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), in order to investigate prevalence, comorbidity, and classification, and to explore the balance of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology as well as the associations of a number of biopsychosocial factors with female sexual functions. Female sexual functions were studied through survey methods in a population based sample of Finnish twins and their female siblings. There were two waves of data collection. The first data collection targeted 5,000 female twins aged 33–43 years and the second 7,680 female twins aged 18–33 and their over 18–year-old female siblings (n = 3,983). There was no overlap between the data collections. The combined overall response rate for both data collections was 53% (n = 8,868), with a better response rate in the second (57%) compared to the first (45%). In order to measure female sexual function, the FSFI was used. It includes 19 items which measure female sexual function during the previous four weeks in six subdomains; desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain. In line with earlier research in clinical populations, a six factor solution of the Finnish-language version of the FSFI received supported. The internal consistencies of the scales were good to excellent. Some questions about how to avoid overestimating the prevalence of extreme dysfunctions due to women being allocated the score of zero if they had had no sexual activity during the preceding four weeks were raised. The prevalence of female sexual dysfunctions per se ranged from 11% for lubrication dysfunction to 55% for desire dysfunction. The prevalence rates for sexual dysfunction with concomitant sexual distress, in other words, sexual disorders were notably lower ranging from 7% for lubrication disorder to 23% for desire disorder. The comorbidity between the dysfunctions was substantial most notably between arousal and lubrication dysfunction even if these two dysfunctions showed distinct patterns of associations with the other dysfunctions. Genetic influences on individual variation in the six subdomains of FSFI were modest but significant ranging from 3–11% for additive genetic effects and 5–18% for nonadditive genetic effects. The rest of the variation in sexual functions was explained by nonshared environmental influences. A correlated factor model, including additive and nonadditive genetic effects and nonshared environmental effects had the best fit. All in all, every correlation between the genetic factors was significant except between lubrication and pain. All correlations between the nonshared environment factors were significant showing that there is a substantial overlap in genetic and nonshared environmental influences between the dysfunctions. In general, psychological problems, poor satisfaction with the relationship, sexual distress, and poor partner compatibility were associated with more sexual dysfunctions. Age was confounded with relationship length but had over and above relationship length a negative effect on desire and sexual satisfaction and a positive effect on orgasm and pain functions. Alcohol consumption in general was associated with better desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm function. Women pregnant with their first child had fewer pain problems than nulliparous nonpregnant women. Multiparous pregnant women had more orgasm problems compared to multiparous nonpregnant women. Having children was associated with less orgasm and pain problems. The conclusions were that desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain are separate entities that have distinct associations with a number of different biopsychosocial factors. However, there is also considerable comorbidity between the dysfunctions which are explained by overlap in additive genetic, nonadditive genetic and nonshared environmental influences. Sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent and are not always associated with sexual distress and this relationship might be moderated by a good relationship and compatibility with partner. Regarding classification, the results supports separate diagnoses for subjective arousal and genital arousal as well as the inclusion of pain under sexual dysfunctions.


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The purpose of this study was to examine if germination is a critical phase on Enterolobium glaziovii regeneration. Hence, the germinative response of E. glaziovii seeds was investigated in relation to some of the main environmental factors (temperature, light and water stress) to which its seeds are subjected in the forest, as well as its dormancy and the longevity of its burial seeds. According to our results, its seeds may be regarded as photoblastic neutral. They do not need alternating temperatures to germinate and can germinate under a broad range of water stress. However, only about 10% of E. glaziovii seeds remain viable after one year. In other words, the annual fruiting, instead seed longevity, seems to maintain the long-term seed availability of this species. Consequently, the seed longevity could be a critical phase of E. glaziovii germination.


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Tässä työssä tarkastellaan teollisuuden ylijäämälämmön hyödyntämistä kaukolämpöverkoissa liiketoimintamallin näkökulmasta. Työn tilaaja on YIT Teollisuus Oy, joka haluaa osaltaan olla mukana ratkaisemassa ilmastonmuutoksesta ja hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämistarpeista aiheutuvia yhteiskunnan kehitystarpeita. Energiatehokkuuden parantaminen on yksi nopeimmista keinoista vähentää päästöjä. Teollisuuden energiatehokkuutta voidaan parantaa ottamalla talteen sähköntuotannossa ja tuotantoprosesseissa syntyvää ylijäämälämpöä. Aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella tiedetään, että Suomessa syntyy vuosittain noin 4–6 TWh ylijäämälämpöä, joka voitaisiin hyödyntää jo olemassa olevien kaukolämpöverkkojen välityksellä rakennusten lämmittämiseen. Kuitenkin vuonna 2008 teollisuus myi ylijäämälämpöä kaukolämpöverkkoihin yhteensä vain 770 GWh, mikä vastaa noin 2,5 prosenttia kokonaiskaukolämmön tarpeesta. Tämän työn tuloksena syntyi liiketoimintamalli, joka esittelee ne palvelut, jotka YIT tuottaa asiakkailleen tilanteissa, joissa teollisuudessa syntyvää ylijäämälämpöä hyödynnetään kaukolämpöverkoissa. Jotta liiketoimintamalli toimisi käytännössä, on siitä oltava hyötyä kaikille osapuolille. Asiakkaan on siis voitava kattaa palvelusta ja sen rahoituksesta syntyvät kustannukset myydyn ylijäämälämmön tuotolla (teollisuuslaitos) tai säästyneistä energian hankintakustannuksista (kaukolämpöyhtiö). Eniten ylijäämälämmön käytöstä voivat hyötyä kaukolämpöyhtiöt, joiden tuotannosta korkeintaan pieni osa tulee yhteistuotannosta ja joilla uusiutuvien energialähteiden osuus on vähäinen. Lisäksi kaukolämpöverkon koon vuotuisena kulutuksena mitattuna on oltava riittävän suuri ja kaukolämmön hinnan suhteellisen korkea. Myös alueen ennustettu väestönkasvu ja uudet suunnitteilla olevat asuinalueet saattavat parantaa ylijäämälämmön hyödyntämisen houkuttelevuutta. YIT:n näkökulmasta ylijäämälämmön talteenottoprojektit ovat hyvä lisä sen nykyiseen palvelutarjontaan. Myös yhteiskunnallisella tasolla aihe on merkittävä. Vaikka nykytietämyksen mukaan energian käytön tehostaminen ja päästöttömän tuotannon lisääminen ovat molemmat yhtä merkittäviä keinoja ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamisen kannalta, panostetaan Suomessa tällä hetkellä lähinnä tuotannon tukemiseen. Lähivuosien poliittiset ratkaisut vaikuttavatkin vahvasti siihen, kuinka paljon tulevaisuudessa ylijäämälämpöä hyödynnetään rakennusten lämmittämisessä.


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More and more innovations currently being commercialized exhibit network effects, in other words, the value of using the product increases as more and more people use the same or compatible products. Although this phenomenon has been the subject of much theoretical debate in economics, marketing researchers have been slow to respond to the growing importance of network effects in new product success. Despite an increase in interest in recent years, there is no comprehensive view on the phenomenon and, therefore, there is currently incomplete understanding of the dimensions it incorporates. Furthermore, there is wide dispersion in operationalization, in other words, the measurement of network effects, and currently available approaches have various shortcomings that limit their applicability, especially in marketing research. Consequently, little is known today about how these products fare on the marketplace and how they should be introduced in order to maximize their chances of success. Hence, the motivation for this study was driven by the need to increase our knowledge and understanding of the nature of network effects as a phenomenon, and of their role in the commercial success of new products. This thesis consists of two parts. The first part comprises a theoretical overview of the relevant literature, and presents the conclusions of the entire study. The second part comprises five complementary, empirical research publications. Quantitative research methods and two sets of quantitative data are utilized. The results of the study suggest that there is a need to update both the conceptualization and the operationalization of the phenomenon of network effects. Furthermore, there is a need for an augmented view on customers’ perceived value in the context of network effects, given that the nature of value composition has major implications for the viability of such products in the marketplace. The role of network effects in new product performance is not as straightforward as suggested in the existing theoretical literature. The overwhelming result of this study is that network effects do not directly influence product success, but rather enhance or suppress the influence of product introduction strategies. The major contribution of this study is in conceptualizing the phenomenon of network effects more comprehensively than has been attempted thus far. The study gives an augmented view of the nature of customer value in network markets, which helps in explaining why some products thrive on these markets whereas others never catch on. Second, the study discusses shortcomings in prior literature in the way it has operationalized network effects, suggesting that these limitations can be overcome in the research design. Third, the study provides some much-needed empirical evidence on how network effects, product introduction strategies, and new product performance are associated. In general terms, this thesis adds to our knowledge of how firms can successfully leverage network effects in product commercialization in order to improve market performance.


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Katupölyn torjumisessa hiekoitushiekan poistossa kaupunkiympäristössä tutkittiin, miten katujen talvikunnossapidon toimenpiteet ja talven hiekoitushiekkojen poistotyö vaikuttavat yhdyskuntailman hengitettävien hiukkasten PM10 -katupölyn määrään ja selvitettiin nykyiset käytännöt sekä uusia menetelmiä vähentää katupölyn määrää. Tutkimus on tehty Lappeenrannan kaupungin teknisen toimen katujen kunnossapidon tulosalueelle. Hankkeessa keskityttiin löytämään uusi ja tehokkaampi työmenetelmä sekä työjärjestys hiekanpoistoon, jotta työnaikaisen katupölyn määrä saataisiin minimoitua. Tehokkaita menetelmiä tutkimuksen perusteella olivat katujen ennalta kastelua ja työnaikainen pölynsidonta suolaliuoksella katupölyn vähentämiseen sekä oikean menetelmän käyttö. Pölynsidonta suolaliuoksella osoittautui tehokkaaksi akuutin katupölyn vähentämiskeinoksi. Pölynsidonta ei kuitenkaan poista katupölyä ja puhdistus tulee tehdä myöhemmin. Kadunvarren lumessa on suuria hiekoitushiekan kiintoainespitoisuuksia ja lumen poisviennillä voidaan saavuttaa hyötyjä katupölyongelman kannalta. Hiekoituspäivien lukumäärä on myös suoraan verrannollinen katupölyn määrään. Hiekoituksen ohella myös nastarenkaiden käyttö lisää katupölypäästöjä kaupunkialueilla. Nastarenkaiden vaikutusta katupölyn määrään ei selvitetty tässä tutkimuksessa tarkemmin, koska nastarenkaiden käyttökiellon voidaan olettaa lisäävän liikennetapaturmia sekä myös liukkaudentorjunnan tarvetta, eli hiekoitusta.


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Djur och djurskyddet hör till ett rättsligt regleringsområde som inte varit föremål för omfattande rättsvetenskaplig forskning i vårt land även om intresset för djurs välbefinnande ökat både i samhället och inom EU. Avhandlingen har avfattats som en artikelavhandling och är en offentligrättslig studie om djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Tematiken har behandlats både ur djurens och djurens ägares eller innehavares synvinkel med utgångspunkt i djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Forskningen är fokuserad huvudsakligen på skyddet av och välbefinnandet hos produktions- och slaktdjur även om bland annat de begrepp som granskas också berör andra djurkategorier. De övergripande frågeställningarna i avhandlingen är två. För det första, vad är det som avses med djurs välbefinnande och skydd i regleringen av djurskyddet och för det andra, hur realiseras dessa i djurskyddsmyndigheternas förvaltningsverksamhet? I forskningen presenteras och diskuteras bland annat en ny begreppskonstruktion: djurs rättsliga välbefinnande. Den empiriska delen i avhandlingen omfattar förvaltningsverksamheten inom området av djurskydd under åren 1996–2006. Sammanlagt 10468 dokument som upprättats av djurskyddsmyndigheten i samband med verkställandet av djurskyddsövervakning ingår i undersökningen. Forskningen utmynnar i en åtgärdsförteckning med förslag till utvecklingen av området för djurskydd.