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Bioelectrochemical systems could have potential for bioremediation of contaminants either in situ or ex situ. The treatment of a mixture of phenanthrene and benzene using two different tubular microbial fuel cells (MFCs) designed for either in situ and ex situ applications in aqueous systems was investigated over long operational periods (up to 155 days). For in situ deployments, simultaneous removal of the petroleum hydrocarbons (>90% in term of degradation efficiency) and bromate, used as catholyte, (up to 79%) with concomitant biogenic electricity generation (peak power density up to 6.75 mWm−2) were obtained at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 days. The tubular MFC could be operated successfully at copiotrophic (100 ppm phenanthrene, 2000 ppm benzene at HRT 30 days) and oligotrophic (phenanthrene and benzene, 50 ppb each, HRT 10 days) substrate conditions suggesting its effectiveness and robustness at extreme substrate concentrations in anoxic environments. In the MFC designed for ex situ deployments, optimum MFC performance was obtained at HRT of 30 h giving COD removal and maximum power output of approximately 77% and 6.75 mWm−2 respectively. The MFC exhibited the ability to resist organic shock loadings and could maintain stable MFC performance. Results of this study suggest the potential use of MFC technology for possible in situ/ex situ hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater treatment or refinery effluents clean-up, even at extreme contaminant level conditions.
Information on when and how best to explore Long-Term Care options on a power point presentation.
The mercury-indium phase diagram has been investigated over the whole composition range from -78°C to the melting point of indium, using thermal analysis, X-ray and superconductivity techniques. This is believed to be the first application of superconductivity measurements to phase diagram investigations. A compound, HgIn, of very limited range of composition, melts congruently at -19.3°C; and gives rise to eutectics at 61.5 at. % indium and -31°C, and at 34.7% indium and -37.2°C. The β phase extends from 2.5 to 19.1 % indium and has a maximum melting point of -14.2°C at 14.2% indium. It forms a peritectic or eutectic at a temperature indistinguishable from the melting point of pure mercury with a solid solution in mercury containing some, but less than 0.3%, indium. A transition from face-centred tetragonal to face-centred cubic in the indium-rich solid solutions at about 93% indium gives rise to a peritectic at 108°C. The solubility of mercury in this face-centred cubic phase falls from about 22% at-31°C to 13% at -78°C. © 1963.
En los últimos años ha aumentado el deterioro del medio ambiente causado por la contaminación doméstica e industrial, dañando el aire, el agua y el suelo; afectando la vida de los seres vivos y causando enfermedades. Queremos llegar a los educandos ha que tomen conciencia, se sensibilicen, apliquen alternativas de control de la contaminación y sean multiplicadores de la información, para ello se ha elaborado un material audiovisual, en Power Point con información sencilla, actual, de fácil comprensión sobre los causas y efectos que produce la contaminación producida por el Parque Industrial de Cuenca
Este trabajo consistió en el diseño, la implementación, validación y verificación de estrategias innovadoras para el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de los contenidos matemáticos del bloque número 1 del 2do año de bachillerato de la U. E. Zoila Esperanza Palacios, mediante el uso de las TIC´s. Se trabajó con dos paralelos para posteriormente poder hacer la comparación respectiva de los logros alcanzados, en las clases se implementaron estrategias previamente diseñadas, utilizando recursos informáticos como: Sitios web con animaciones de formato ¨swf¨, plataforma online THATQUIZ, Algebrator, GeoGebra, videos y Microsoft: Power Point. Lo anterior se logró mediante la propuesta de una ¨Guía Didáctica Para el Docente¨, que incluye las estrategias diseñadas, además a esto se elaboró la planificación micro curricular del bloque número 1. También se elaboraron y aplicaron encuestas para realizar una contextualización del grupo con el que se trabajó, y una segunda encuesta para determinar el nivel de satisfacción de software utilizado. La verificación del impacto de la aplicación de las estrategias propuestas se realizó de la siguiente manera: 1. Obtención y análisis de las notas obtenidas por los 2 paralelos en el primer bloque el año lectivo 2013-2014. 2. Obtención y análisis de las notas obtenidas por los dos paralelos en el primer bloque el año lectivo (2014-2015) 3. Comparación de los análisis obtenidos. 4. Aplicación y análisis de resultados de encuestas de contextualización y satisfacción de software al paralelo intervenido.
El interés de esta investigación diagnóstica es establecer la incidencia de la focalización de la pobreza en la construcción de capacidades ciudadanas de los usuarios de los Comedores Comunitarios de Ciudad Bolívar. Se identifica y analiza cómo los mecanismos de focalización aún cuando permiten que se implemente la política pública de Seguridad Alimentaria dentro de esta localidad, limitan el escenario de construcción de capacidades ciudadanas, en tanto que convierten al usuario en un sujeto de la política asistencial que carece de libertades para superar su condición de pobreza. Este ejercicio diagnóstico se apoya en la teoría de libertades y capacidades de Amartya Sen para su diseño metodológico, así como también para el análisis de la información obtenida en el marco de esta investigación.
El presente estado del arte se propone abordar lo concerniente a la ética en las actuaciones de los servidores públicos en Colombia, mediante una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura pertinente que existe del tema, así como de las distintas normas regulatorias y documentos oficiales que versan sobre los servidores públicos. De esta manera, se hará especial énfasis en los cambios que ha tenido la organización, el funcionamiento y el control de quienes sirven al Estado colombiano desde la instauración de la actual Constitución Política de 1991. En consecuencia, se encontrarán algunas reflexiones sobre el tema, las cuales provienen de la investigación y de entrevistas realizadas a servidores públicos.
Actualmente, las barreras comerciales a nivel internacional resultan cada vez menos tangibles entre los diferentes mercados, haciendo que las oportunidades de comercialización de bienes y servicios entre países sea cada vez mayor. Sin embargo, es muy común todavía encontrarse con historias de fracaso en los esfuerzos de diferentes empresarios medianos y pequeños que en su momento decidieron emprender el camino de la internacionalización de sus compañías y que por diferentes factores, bien sea desconocimiento de leyes comerciales internacionales, desinformación primordial del mercado objetivo o simplemente por situaciones ajenas a ellos sufrieron esta adversidad y dejaron de lado su impulso e interés por internacionalizarse. Por tal razón, hemos enfocado nuestros esfuerzos en tratar de identificar las diferentes potencialidades y oportunidades que el empresario colombiano puede llegar a tener en cuatro estados de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Nuevo Hampshire y Nebraska específicamente. La metodología a desarrollar a lo largo de esta investigación principalmente recoge información cualitativa y cuantitativa que nos permitirá desglosar diversos aspectos con mayor profundidad, para que el empresario interesado tenga un panorama más claro de lo que puede llegar a encontrarse en los estados mencionados anteriormente.
Durante os últimos 1O anos, em particular, tem-se assistido à descoberta e desenvolvimento de materiais com propriedades únicas e potencialmente úteis em vários domínios da Ciência e Tecnologia. Quer seja na área das Ciências Biomédicas e do Ambiente, na área das Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação ou nas Novas Tecnologias relacionadas com sistemas de Conversão e Armazenamento de Energia Eléctrica, encontram-se inúmeros exemplos de Novos Materiais com propriedades muito interessantes, e cujas aplicações inovadoras podem revolucionar o nosso Mundo. O presente trabalho é uma proposta de contextualização e experimentação do tema "Materiais Electrocrómicos e Mecaelectroquímicos" no Programa de Química de 12° Ano, nomeadamente na terceira Unidade - Plásticos, Vidros e Novos Materiais. Neste, é apresentada uma sub-unidade que possa integrar a unidade referida. Faz-se especial referência às aplicações dos polímeros condutores, que pela sua inovação e actualidade tomam a leccionação do tema mais apelativa, interessante e facilitadora de uma literacia científica. São apresentadas experiências laboratoriais demonstrativas e elucidativas do tema em questão. Como forma de apoiar a leccionação do referido tema, é apresentada a proposta de uma animação gráfica animada em Power Point. ABSTRACT: During the past 1O years, in particular, it has witnessed to the discovery and development of materials with unique properties and potentially useful in various fields of Science and Technology. There are numerous examples of new materials in different areas, such as Biomedical, Energy and Environmental Sciences and New information and Communication Technologies, with very interesting properties, and whose innovative applications can have an outstanding impact in our world. This dissertation is a proposal of contextualization and experimentation of theme "Electrochromic Materials and Electrochemical Artificial Muscles" in the Program of Chemistry, in 12th year, particularly in the third unit - Plastics, Glass and New Materials. lt will present a sub-unit that can integrate the unit above. The definitions and some applications of the Electrochromic Materials and Electrochemical Artificial Muscles are showed. Demonstrative and illustrative laboratory experiments of the theme are proposed. ln order to support the teaching of that subject, it is presented an animated graphical presentation in Power Point.
Distributed Wireless Smart Camera (DWSC) network is a special type of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that processes captured images in a distributed manner. While image processing on DWSCs sees a great potential for growth, with its applications possessing a vast practical application domain such as security surveillance and health care, it suffers from tremendous constraints. In addition to the limitations of conventional WSNs, image processing on DWSCs requires more computational power, bandwidth and energy that presents significant challenges for large scale deployments. This dissertation has developed a number of algorithms that are highly scalable, portable, energy efficient and performance efficient, with considerations of practical constraints imposed by the hardware and the nature of WSN. More specifically, these algorithms tackle the problems of multi-object tracking and localisation in distributed wireless smart camera net- works and optimal camera configuration determination. Addressing the first problem of multi-object tracking and localisation requires solving a large array of sub-problems. The sub-problems that are discussed in this dissertation are calibration of internal parameters, multi-camera calibration for localisation and object handover for tracking. These topics have been covered extensively in computer vision literatures, however new algorithms must be invented to accommodate the various constraints introduced and required by the DWSC platform. A technique has been developed for the automatic calibration of low-cost cameras which are assumed to be restricted in their freedom of movement to either pan or tilt movements. Camera internal parameters, including focal length, principal point, lens distortion parameter and the angle and axis of rotation, can be recovered from a minimum set of two images of the camera, provided that the axis of rotation between the two images goes through the camera's optical centre and is parallel to either the vertical (panning) or horizontal (tilting) axis of the image. For object localisation, a novel approach has been developed for the calibration of a network of non-overlapping DWSCs in terms of their ground plane homographies, which can then be used for localising objects. In the proposed approach, a robot travels through the camera network while updating its position in a global coordinate frame, which it broadcasts to the cameras. The cameras use this, along with the image plane location of the robot, to compute a mapping from their image planes to the global coordinate frame. This is combined with an occupancy map generated by the robot during the mapping process to localised objects moving within the network. In addition, to deal with the problem of object handover between DWSCs of non-overlapping fields of view, a highly-scalable, distributed protocol has been designed. Cameras that follow the proposed protocol transmit object descriptions to a selected set of neighbours that are determined using a predictive forwarding strategy. The received descriptions are then matched at the subsequent camera on the object's path using a probability maximisation process with locally generated descriptions. The second problem of camera placement emerges naturally when these pervasive devices are put into real use. The locations, orientations, lens types etc. of the cameras must be chosen in a way that the utility of the network is maximised (e.g. maximum coverage) while user requirements are met. To deal with this, a statistical formulation of the problem of determining optimal camera configurations has been introduced and a Trans-Dimensional Simulated Annealing (TDSA) algorithm has been proposed to effectively solve the problem.
In this paper, a method of tracking the peak power in a wind energy conversion system (WECS) is proposed, which is independent of the turbine parameters and air density. The algorithm searches for the peak power by varying the speed in the desired direction. The generator is operated in the speed control mode with the speed reference being dynamically modified in accordance with the magnitude and direction of change of active power. The peak power points in the P-omega curve correspond to dP/domega = 0. This fact is made use of in the optimum point search algorithm. The generator considered is a wound rotor induction machine whose stator is connected directly to the grid and the rotor is fed through back-to-back pulse-width-modulation (PWM) converters. Stator flux-oriented vector control is applied to control the active and reactive current loops independently. The turbine characteristics are generated by a dc motor fed from a commercial dc drive. All of the control loops are executed by a single-chip digital signal processor (DSP) controller TMS320F240. Experimental results show that the performance of the control algorithm compares well with the conventional torque control method.
We consider a discrete time system with packets arriving randomly at rate lambda per slot to a fading point-to-point link, for which the transmitter can control the number of packets served in a slot by varying the transmit power. We provide an asymptotic characterization of the minimum average delay of the packets, when average transmitter power is a small positive quantity V more than the minimum average power required for queue stability. We show that the minimum average delay will grow either as log (1/V) or 1/V when V down arrow 0, for certain sets of values of lambda. These sets are determined by the distribution of fading gain, the maximum number of packets which can be transmitted in a slot, and the assumed transmit power function, as a function of the fading gain and the number of packets transmitted. We identify a case where the above behaviour of the tradeoff differs from that obtained from a previously considered model, in which the random queue length process is assumed to evolve on the non-negative real line.
This paper presents a Radix-4(3) based FFT architecture suitable for OFDM based WLAN applications. The radix-4(3) parallel unrolled architecture presented here, uses a radix-4 butterfly unit which takes all four inputs in parallel and can selectively produce one out of the four outputs. A 64 point FFT processor based on the proposed architecture has been implemented in UMC 130nm 1P8M CMOS process with a maximum clock frequency of 100 MHz and area of 0.83mm(2). The proposed processor provides a throughput of four times the clock rate and can finish one 64 point FFT computation in 16 clock cycles. For IEEE 802.11a/g WLAN, the processor needs to be operated at a clock rate of 5 MHz with a power consumption of 2.27 mW which is 27% less than the previously reported low power implementations.
In concentrated solar power(CSP) generating stations, incident solar energy is reflected from a large number of mirrors or heliostats to a faraway receiver. In typical CSP installations, the mirror needs to be moved about two axes independently using two actuators in series with the mirror effectively mounted at a single point. A three degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator, namely the 3-RPS parallel manipulator, is proposed to track the sun. The proposed 3-RPS parallel manipulator supports the load of the mirror, structure and wind loading at three points resulting in less deflection, and thus a much larger mirror can be moved with the required tracking accuracy and without increasing the weight of the support structure. The kinematics equations to determine motion of the actuated prismatic joints in the 3-RPS parallel manipulator such that the sun's rays are reflected on to a stationary receiver are developed. Using finite element analysis, it is shown that for same sized mirror, wind loading and maximum deflection requirement, the weight of the support structure is between 15% and 60% less with the 3-RPS parallel manipulator when compared to azimuth-elevation or the target-aligned configurations.
Active network scanning injects traffic into a network and observes responses to draw conclusions about the network. Passive network analysis works by looking at network meta data or by analyzing traffic as it traverses a fixed point on the network. It may be infeasible or inappropriate to scan critical infrastructure networks. Techniques exist to uniquely map assets without resorting to active scanning. In many cases, it is possible to characterize and identify network nodes by passively analyzing traffic flows. These techniques are considered in particular with respect to their application to power industry critical infrastructure.