962 resultados para Ortega, Rufino
Prevalence estimations for Autism Spectrum Disorder have been increasing over the past few years with rates now reported to be at 1:68. Interventions that are based on Applied Behaviour Analysis are significantly related to best outcomes and are widely considered ‘treatment as usual’ in North America. In Europe, this is not the case, instead a rather ill-defined ‘eclectic’ approach is widely promoted and in this paper we discuss some of the roots of this gulf between Europe and North America and correct some of the misconceptions that prevail about Applied Behaviour Analysis in Europe.
The coupling between magnetization and polarization in a room temperature multiferroic (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3–Pb(Fe,Ta)O3) is explored by monitoring changes in capacitance that occur when a magnetic field is applied in each of three orthogonal directions. Magnetocapacitance effects, consistent with P2M2 coupling, are strongest when fields are applied in the plane of the single crystal sheet investigated.
The European Eye Epidemiology (E3) consortium is a recently formed consortium of 29 groups from 12 European countries. It already comprises 21 population-based studies and 20 other studies (case-control, cases only, randomized trials), providing ophthalmological data on approximately 170,000 European participants. The aim of the consortium is to promote and sustain collaboration and sharing of data and knowledge in the field of ophthalmic epidemiology in Europe, with particular focus on the harmonization of methods for future research, estimation and projection of frequency and impact of visual outcomes in European populations (including temporal trends and European subregions), identification of risk factors and pathways for eye diseases (lifestyle, vascular and metabolic factors, genetics, epigenetics and biomarkers) and development and validation of prediction models for eye diseases. Coordinating these existing data will allow a detailed study of the risk factors and consequences of eye diseases and visual impairment, including study of international geographical variation which is not possible in individual studies. It is expected that collaborative work on these existing data will provide additional knowledge, despite the fact that the risk factors and the methods for collecting them differ somewhat among the participating studies. Most studies also include biobanks of various biological samples, which will enable identification of biomarkers to detect and predict occurrence and progression of eye diseases. This article outlines the rationale of the consortium, its design and presents a summary of the methodology.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a new observatory for very high-energy (VHE) gamma rays. CTA has ambitions science goals, for which it is necessary to achieve full-sky coverage, to improve the sensitivity by about an order of magnitude, to span about four decades of energy, from a few tens of GeV to above 100 TeV with enhanced angular and energy resolutions over existing VHE gamma-ray observatories. An international collaboration has formed with more than 1000 members from 27 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America. In 2010 the CTA Consortium completed a Design Study and started a three-year Preparatory Phase which leads to production readiness of CTA in 2014. In this paper we introduce the science goals and the concept of CTA, and provide an overview of the project. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Desde antes de la conquista el maíz era el principal producto alimenticio del hombre y de los animales en los pueblos americanos, el 15 de noviembre de 1492 dos mensajeros de Colón, al regresar de una exploración a Cuba, declararon haber visto "una clase de grano, que llaman maíz, de buen sabor cocinado, seco y en harina". El maíz se fue encontrando luego sucesivamente en toda América, desde Chile hasta Canadá. Aunque los conquistadores no llegaron a darse cuenta de ello, este grano dorado nativo de América era de mayor importancia para el mundo que todo el oro y la plata de México y el Perú. Actualmente no hay ningún país en el América Latina que no siembre maíz. En las tierras bajas del trópico se pueden producir varias cosechas al año; en otras regiones se da una, por lo general. El maíz constituye, con los frijoles, el alimento fundamental en los países americanos, en Estados Unidos lo llaman corn y se produce en escala gigantesca. Se estima que si la cosecha anual de dicho país se colocara en camiones de tamaño corriente, formarían una fila o procesión que daría la vuelta a la tierra cinco o seis veces. Las plantaciones de maíz cubren más de la décima parte de las tierras laborales de los E.U.A., los principales países productores son: China, la U.R.S.S., Brasil, México, Francia, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Italia, Rep. Sudáfrica y Argentina. El maíz pertenece a la familia de las gramíneas.
Aim: to evaluate the effects of a 12-weeks combined aerobic-resistance exercise therapy on fatigue and isokinetic muscle strength, glycemic control and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in moderately affected type 2 diabetes (T2DM) patients. Methods: a randomized controlled trial design was employed. Forty-three T2DM patients were assigned to an exercise group (n = 22), performing 3 weekly sessions of 60 minutes of combined aerobic-resistance exercise for 12-weeks; or a no exercise control group (n = 21). Both groups were evaluated at a baseline and after 12-weeks of exercise therapy for: 1) muscle strength and fatigue by isokinetic dynamometry; 2) plasma glycated hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C); and 3) HRQoL utilizing the SF-36 questionnaire. Results: the exercise therapy led to improvements in muscle fatigue in knee extensors (-55%) and increased muscle strength in knee flexors and extensors (+15 to +30%), while HbA1C decreased (-18%). In addition, the exercising patients showed sizeable improvements in HRQoL: physical function (+53%), vitality (+21%) and mental health (+40%). Conclusion: 12-weeks of combined aerobic-resistance exercise was highly effective to improve muscle strength and fatigue, glycemic control and several aspects of HRQoL in T2DM patients. These data encourage the use of aerobic and resistance exercise in the good clinical care of T2DM.
A leitura da obra de Paul Auster, desde os primeiros poemas e ensaios até à mais recente ficção, revela uma constante reflexão metalinguística e metaficcional sobre o trabalho da escrita. Auster equaciona o problema da escrita enquanto acto, permitindo ao leitor acompanhar e participar desse processo de construção. A narrativa e a linguagem intelectualizam-se, tornam-se conscientes, o que possibilita uma aproximação privilegiada ao ensino da tradução de textos literários através da própria literatura. The Invention of Solitude é como uma arte poética inspirada na experiência efectiva do sujeito, enquanto escritor e tradutor. Podemos considerá-lo um romance-manifesto em duas partes (Portrait of an Invisible Man e The Book of Memory), com especial incidência na exploração analítica da cena da escrita, utilizando a personagem-escritor e suas vivências como cobaia neste processo de auto e heteroconhecimento. A partir da análise aplicada de The Invention of Solitude, este artigo irá remeter também para os ensaios de Ernest Gellner sobre Wittgenstein em Language and Solitude, entre outros escritores que se debruçaram igualmente sobre questões ligadas à tradução literária, como Dryden, Goethe, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Ortega y Gasset e Octávio Paz.
Este artigo foi criado na sequência de uma sessão realizada na Casa das Dominicanas, em Fátima, do IX Colóquio Internacional «DISCURSOS E PRÁTICAS ALQUÍMICAS», “O Céu e a Terra”, Benedita - 29-30 de Maio de 2010. Foi publicado na revista do ISTA (Instituto São Tomás de Aquino), nº 21, Ano XIII. Lisboa. pp. 195-208. O evento teve lugar no Centro Cultural Gonçalves Sapinho, e foram promotores o Instituto de S. Tomás de Aquino; o TRIPLOV; Barafunda, AJCSS; e CEPSE - Cooperativa de Estudos e Intervenção em Projectos Socioeconómicos.(José Augusto Mourão, Estela Guedes, Isabel Rufino).
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de doutor em filosofia
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da educação
O objectivo principal deste relatório consiste em averiguar se a Filosofia no Ensino Secundário promove a autonomia do discente. A indagação apoia-se em dois pressupostos. Primeiro, na nossa actividade lectiva desenvolvida no ano lectivo de 2013/2014 na Escola Secundária de Miraflores. E, segundo, numa reflexão apoiada, sobretudo, na pedagogia vitalista de Ortega y Gasset e na introdução da aprendizagem não-formal como modo primordial para promover a autonomia do discente.