O contributo de Julián Marías para uma teoria da filosofia aplicada à questão da felicidade

Autoria(s): Dias, Jorge Humberto Guerreiro




Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de doutor em filosofia

As is the case in other fields of knowledge, applied philosophy is the use of the available theoretical corpus from over 2500 years of history of philosophy to undertake personal and social projects. One of its branches is philosophical consultation, which aims to work on the concept of understanding in people's lives, with the objective of dissolving their problems and / or conflicts. In the still recent history of philosophical consultation, we can verify that its practice emerged, firstly, in a professional context but without a specific academic / scientific framework. Only when the number of philosophical consultants started to rise, did the first technical meetings and the first organizations appear. In that process, which may have started in the 1980s in Germany, with Gerd Achenbach, but which had greater scientific dissemination with Louis Marinoff, in the USA, the need for deepening methodological and professional identity questions was felt, particularly in respect to ethics. From that moment forth, we started to find academic initiatives at various universities across the world: conferences, courses in undergraduate, postgraduate and Master's programs, publications, research groups and Master's / PhD theses. This is the situation we currently have. Thus, this thesis falls in line with the research that aims to support the theory of philosophical consultation, including its methodological dimension, based on the qualitative, systematic and critical study of the work of an author that is part of the history of philosophy. We selected spanish philosopher Julián Marías, for several reasons. We point out only two in this abstract: 1) His work on the development and exploration of the ´raciovitalista´ paradigm, started by Ortega y Gasset, which, in our perspective, represented a "paradigmatic revolution", having boosted the place of spanish philosophy in the history of philosophy and allowed human life to once again be the subject of study for philosophy. In this respect, we felt it essential to follow the research conducted by Julián Marías himself, in order to understand the past of that 'punto de inflexión', as well as its consequences for the future. From Dilthey to Heidegger, passing through Ortega, always remembering Aristotle; 2) The original venture in the philosophical question of happiness, metaphysically and structurally understood as accomplishing the vital and personal projectivity, addressing, in this context, the fundamental question of the philosophical needs of the person and interpreting the concept of 'ilusión' in an equally creative and positive way, assuming an essential historical impact on the sentimental education of the person. These two reasons substantiate the study of this author, mainly in respect to the consideration of a personalistic and “raciofelicitário” paradigm, suitable for the reasoning, not only of philosophical consultation, but mainly of a method to guide the work of the consultant and that allows the promotion of the main objective of personal life: happiness.







Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa



Palavras-Chave #Felicidade #Filosofia aplicada #Razão vital #Consultoria filosófica #Projecto #Pessoa #Método
