903 resultados para Information technology.
Information technology (IT) sees information as a fluid, to be stored, regulated and exchanged. This is a profoundly economic model, whose dreams are those of the marketplace – and now, university managers. But no teacher, of course, holds that teaching can be reduced to the movement of information from one point to another. Teaching is never quite absorbed into the models of IT. Where they meet, we do not have the utopia of the virtual classroom, at last freed from the strictures of timetables and the face-to-face; we have, rather, the grinding of two radically irreducible models. This has nothing to do with Luddism; on the contrary, it is the value and necessity of IT for us at present, as teachers. At a time when the tertiary sector’s massive investment in IT is motivated in part by its own dream of the teacherless classroom, one of the pressing tasks for us may be simply to argue as rigorously as we can the structural necessity of our own position as teachers, without nostalgia or humanist sentimentality.
The Smart State initiative requires both improved education and training, panicularly in technical fields, plus entrepreneurship to commercialise new ideas. In this study, we propose an entrepreneurial intentions model as a guide to examine the educational choices and entrepreneurial intentions of first-year University students, focusing on the effect of role models. A survey of over 1000 first-year University students revealed that the most enterprising students were choosing to study in the disciplines of information technology and business, economics and law, or selecting dual degree programs that include business. The role models most often identified for their choice of field of study were parents, followed by teachers and peers, with females identifying more role models than males. For entrepreneurship, students' role models were parents and peers, followed by famous persons and teachers. Males andfemales identified similar numbers of role models, but malesfound starting a business more desirable and more feasible, and reponed higher entrepreneurial intention. The implications of these findings for Sman State policy are discussed.
One of the most important advantages of database systems is that the underlying mathematics is rich enough to specify very complex operations with a small number of statements in the database language. This research covers an aspect of biological informatics that is the marriage of information technology and biology, involving the study of real-world phenomena using virtual plants derived from L-systems simulation. L-systems were introduced by Aristid Lindenmayer as a mathematical model of multicellular organisms. Not much consideration has been given to the problem of persistent storage for these simulations. Current procedures for querying data generated by L-systems for scientific experiments, simulations and measurements are also inadequate. To address these problems the research in this paper presents a generic process for data-modeling tools (L-DBM) between L-systems and database systems. This paper shows how L-system productions can be generically and automatically represented in database schemas and how a database can be populated from the L-system strings. This paper further describes the idea of pre-computing recursive structures in the data into derived attributes using compiler generation. A method to allow a correspondence between biologists' terms and compiler-generated terms in a biologist computing environment is supplied. Once the L-DBM gets any specific L-systems productions and its declarations, it can generate the specific schema for both simple correspondence terminology and also complex recursive structure data attributes and relationships.
Quais as funcionalidades necess??rias aos sistemas de compras eletr??nicas no ambiente da administra????o p??blica? Que par??metros s??o relevantes para a an??lise e a avalia????o desses sistemas? O trabalho aborda a aplica????o da tecnologia da informa????o ??s compras governamentais, focalizando o caso do Sistema Integrado de Administra????o de Servi??os Gerais (Siasg) e seu portal na Internet, o Comprasnet, desenvolvido pela Administra????o P??blica Federal brasileira. Contextualiza a emerg??ncia do com??rcio eletr??nico e sua aplica????o ?? administra????o p??blica. Sistematiza as fases e os procedimentos do processo de compras e contrata????es na administra????o p??blica brasileira, indicando os componentes e as funcionalidades que devem compor os sistemas de compras eletr??nicas governamentais. Prop??e par??metros de an??lise para a avalia????o desses sistemas: abrang??ncia, inser????o e impacto na transforma????o da gest??o. A aplica????o desses par??metros ao estudo de caso evidencia que o Siasg/Comprasnet apresenta abrang??ncia ainda incompleta, inser????o consolidada e impacto transformador mais acentuado sobre as compras realizadas por meio de modalidades de licita????o eletr??nicas.
A partir de 1998, teve in??cio, na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Pernambuco, o Programa de Moderniza????o Fazend??ria (Promofaz), que promoveu diversas mudan??as organizacionais, concentrando esfor??os em projetos estruturadores, incluindo investimentos no planejamento de tecnologia da informa????o (TI). Dentre os projetos de TI, destacou-se a elabora????o das arquiteturas de sistemas e tecnol??gicas. Neste trabalho, foi realizada uma revis??o dos processos organizacionais da moderniza????o fazend??ria, abrangendo aspectos de cultura, mudan??a e aprendizagem organizacionais, confrontados com referenciais hist??ricos e te??ricos, e maior enfoque na ??rea de tecnologia da informa????o. Apesar das dificuldades, o processo de informatiza????o tem provocado fortes impactos nos componentes culturais da institui????o. Sem a utiliza????o da tecnologia da informa????o como ferramenta, provavelmente n??o se implantariam os novos modelos de gest??o adotados pela Sefaz, mas se observou que a tecnologia, sozinha, n??o faz o milagre da mudan??a, sendo necess??rio todo um conjunto de esfor??os e um trabalho paralelo com outros fatores de mudan??a.
A redefini????o do papel do Estado na sociedade e a conseq??ente transforma????o das Organiza????es P??blicas (OPs) implementadoras deste novo papel t??m sido t??picos-alvo constantes de discuss??o e a????o de governos, tanto em pa??ses desenvolvidos, quanto nos em desenvolvimento. Neste artigo ?? apresentada uma proposta metodol??gica para a transforma????o de OPs, utilizando-se de tecnologia da informa????o (TI) como fator propulsor deste processo de transforma????o. O arcabou??o metodol??gico proposto est??, basicamente, ancorado em duas for??as de mudan??a: uma for??a externa ?? OP ??? Institutional Accountability, e uma for??a interna ?? OP ??? Equipes de Trabalho, que, sinergicamente, encontram-se nos processos de trabalho executados pela OP transformada. As TIs que viabilizam e prov??em suporte ?? implementa????o das for??as externa e interna s??o, respectivamente: Sistema de Informa????o Executivo e Groupware.
O texto apresenta parte do referencial te??rico de pesquisa de doutorado, que buscou estabelecer rela????es te??ricas e pr??ticas entre as necessidades de informa????o de uma determinada atividade e as compet??ncias informacionais desenvolvidas para atend??-las. A premissa da pesquisa foi que a atividade estudada, a supervis??o indireta de institui????es financeiras, era intensiva em informa????o e poderia ser estudada como atividade informacional, a partir do uso de par??metros informacionais. Os par??metros utilizados nos modelos te??ricos foram o ciclo e a tecnologia da informa????o e os contextos de comunica????o da informa????o. A pesquisa emp??rica se iniciou com a identifica????o dos fatores cr??ticos de sucesso da atividade, visando a posterior mapeamento das necessidades de informa????o e das compet??ncias dos profissionais supervisores. Os resultados obtidos e sua an??lise permitiram relacionar os fatores cr??ticos de sucesso da atividade ??s necessidades de informa????o dos profissionais de supervis??o indireta e ??s suas compet??ncias informacionais.
ABSTRACTEnvironmental sustainability has become increasingly important to businesses as a response to the rapid depletion of natural resources. Information Technology (IT) in particular represents a meaningful part of the environmental issues that society has been facing. Therefore, Green IT emerges as a way of combining available resources and sustainable and economic policies, thus, generating benefits for both the environment and businesses. The purpose of this paper, hence, is to explain the dynamics of Green IT implementation in organizations in light of the structurationist view of technology. We conducted a case study research based on the cases of three Brazilian companies interested in this movement. Results provide a better understanding of the relationship among technology, individuals, and organization institutional properties, thus enhancing the role played by IT teams in institutionalizing the environmental dimension of sustainability in organizations.
In sport there is a great need to obtain as much information as possible about the factors which affect the dynamics of play. This study uses sequential analysis and temporal patterns (T-patterns)to examine the evolution of defence (against an equal number of attackers)as used by the Spanish handball team at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The aim is to help handball coaches (during their training and gathering of professional experience)to understand the importance of the structure of defensive systems. This can be achieved through observational processes that reveal the evolution and adaptation of these defensive systems according to different variables: the match score, the response of the opposing team and progress through the tournament.
A compactação dos equipamentos de tecnologia de informação e os aumentos simultâneos no consumo de energia dos processadores levam a que seja assegurada a distribuição adequada de ar frio, a remoção do ar quente, a capacidade adequada de arrefecimento e uma diminuição do consumo de energia. Considerando-se a cogeração como uma alternativa energeticamente eficiente em relação a outros métodos de produção de energia, com este trabalho faz-se a análise à rentabilidade de uma eventual integração de um sistema de cogeração num centro informático.
We present new populational growth models, generalized logistic models which are proportional to beta densities with shape parameters p and 2, where p > 1, with Malthusian parameter r. The complex dynamical behaviour of these models is investigated in the parameter space (r, p), in terms of topological entropy, using explicit methods, when the Malthusian parameter r increases. This parameter space is split into different regions, according to the chaotic behaviour of the models.
This article describes the main research results in a new methodology, in which the stages and strategies of the technology integration process are identified and described. A set of principles and recommendations are therefore presented. The MIPO model described in this paper is a result of the effort made regarding the understanding of the main success features of good practices, in the web environment, integrated in the information systems/information technology context. The initial model has been created, based on experiences and literature review. After that, it was tested in the information and technology system units at higher school and also adapted as a result of four cycles of an actionresearch work combined with a case study research. The information, concepts and procedures presented here give support to teachers and instructors, instructional designers and planning teams – anyone who wants to develop effective b‐learning instructions.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Assessoria de Administração
IRMA International Conference under the theme Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications with Information Technology, May 19-23, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
We are working on the confluence of knowledge management, organizational memory and emergent knowledge with the lens of complex adaptive systems. In order to be fundamentally sustainable organizations search for an adaptive need for managing ambidexterity of day-to-day work and innovation. An organization is an entity of a systemic nature, composed of groups of people who interact to achieve common objectives, making it necessary to capture, store and share interactions knowledge with the organization, this knowledge can be generated in intra-organizational or inter-organizational level. The organizations have organizational memory of knowledge of supported on the Information technology and systems. Each organization, especially in times of uncertainty and radical changes, to meet the demands of the environment, needs timely and sized knowledge on the basis of tacit and explicit. This sizing is a learning process resulting from the interaction that emerges from the relationship between the tacit and explicit knowledge and which we are framing within an approach of Complex Adaptive Systems. The use of complex adaptive systems for building the emerging interdependent relationship, will produce emergent knowledge that will improve the organization unique developing.