862 resultados para Market-based reforms


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This paper deals with the product design, engineering, and material selection intended for the manufacturing of an eco-friendly chair. The final product is expected to combine design attributes with technical and legal feasibility with the implementation of new bio-based materials. Considering the industrial design, a range of objectives and trends were determined after setting the market requirements, and the final concept was proposed and modeled. The product geometry, production technology, and legal specifications were the input data for product engineering. The material selection was based on the technical requirements. Polypropylene (PP) composite materials based on coupled-fiberglass, sized-fiberglass, and coupled-stone ground wood reinforcements were prepared and characterized. Final formulations based on these PP composites are proposed and justified


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This study considered the current situation of solid and liquid biomass fuels in Finland. The fact that industry consumes more than half of the total primary energy, widely applied combined heat and power production and a high share of solid biomass fuels in the total energy consumption are specific to the Finnish energy system. Wood is the most important source of bioenergy in Finland, representing 20% of the total energy consumption in 2007. Almost 80% of the woodbased energy is recovered from industrial by-products and residues. As a member of the European Union, Finland has committed itself to the Union’s climate and energy targets, such as reducing its overall emissions of green house gases to at least 20% below 1990 levels by 2020, and increasing the share of renewable energy in the gross final consumption. The renewable energy target approved for Finland is 38%. The present National Climate and Energy Strategy was introduced in November 2008. The strategy covers climate and energy policy measures up to 2020, and in brief thereafter, up to 2050. In recent years, the actual emissions have exceeded the Kyoto commitment and the trend of emissions is on the increase. In 2007, the share of renewable energy in the gross final energy consumption was approximately 25% (360 PJ). Without new energy policy measures, the final consumption of renewable energy would increase to 380 PJ, which would be approximately only 31% of the final energy consumption. In addition, green house gas emissions would exceed the 1990 levels by 20%. Meeting the targets will need the adoption of more active energy policy measures in coming years. The international trade of biomass fuels has a substantial importance for the utilisation of bioenergy in Finland. In 2007, the total international trading of solid and liquid biomass fuels was approximately 77 PJ, of which import was 62 PJ. Most of the import is indirect and takes place within the forest industry’s raw wood imports. In 2007, as much as 21% of wood energy was based on foreign-origin wood. Wood pellets and tall oil form the majority of export streams of biomass fuels. The indirect import of wood fuels peaked in 2006 to 61 PJ. The foreseeable decline in raw wood import to Finland will decrease the indirect import of wood fuels. In 2004– 2007, the direct trade of solid and liquid biomass fuels has been on a moderate growth path. In 2007, the import of palm oil and export of bio-diesel emerged, as a large, 170 000 t/yr biodiesel plant came into operation in Porvoo.


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Both the competitive environment and the internal structure of an industrial organization are typically included in the processes which describe the strategic management processes of the firm, but less attention has been paid to the interdependence between these views. Therefore, this research focuses on explaining the particular conditions of an industry change, which lead managers to realign the firm in respect of its environment for generating competitive advantage. The research question that directs the development of the theoretical framework is: Why do firms outsource some of their functions? The three general stages of the analysis are related to the following research topics: (i) understanding forces that shape the industry, (ii) estimating the impacts of transforming customer preferences, rivalry, and changing capability bases on the relevance of existing assets and activities, and emergence of new business models, and (iii) developing optional structures for future value chains and understanding general boundaries for market emergence. The defined research setting contributes to the managerial research questions “Why do firms reorganize their value chains?”, “Why and how are decisions made?” Combining Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Resource-Based View (RBV) within an integrated framework makes it possible to evaluate the two dimensions of a company’s resources, namely the strategic value and transferability. The final decision of restructuring will be made based on an analysis of the actual business potential of the outsourcing, where benefits and risks are evaluated. The firm focuses on the risk of opportunism, hold-up problems, pricing, and opportunities to reach a complete contract, and finally on the direct benefits and risks for financial performance. The supplier analyzes the business potential of an activity outside the specific customer, the amount of customer-specific investments, the service provider’s competitive position, abilities to revenue gains in generic segments, and long-term dependence on the customer.


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An optimization tool has been developed to help companies to optimize their production cycles and thus improve their overall supply chain management processes. The application combines the functionality that traditional APS (Advanced Planning System) and ARP (Automatic Replenishment Program) systems provide into one optimization run. A qualitative study was organized to investigate opportunities to expand the product’s market base. Twelve personal interviews were conducted and the results were collected in industry specific production planning analyses. Five process industries were analyzed to identify the product’s suitability to each industry sector and the most important product development areas. Based on the research the paper and the plastic film industries remain the most potential industry sectors at this point. To be successful in other industry sectors some product enhancements would be required, including capabilities to optimize multiple sequential and parallel production cycles, handle sequencing of complex finishing operations and to include master planning capabilities to support overall supply chain optimization. In product sales and marketing processes the key to success is to find and reach the people who are involved directly with the problems that the optimization tool can help to solve.


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Due to its non-storability, electricity must be produced at the same time that it is consumed, as a result prices are determined on an hourly basis and thus analysis becomes more challenging. Moreover, the seasonal fluctuations in demand and supply lead to a seasonal behavior of electricity spot prices. The purpose of this thesis is to seek and remove all causal effects from electricity spot prices and remain with pure prices for modeling purposes. To achieve this we use Qlucore Omics Explorer (QOE) for the visualization and the exploration of the data set and Time Series Decomposition method to estimate and extract the deterministic components from the series. To obtain the target series we use regression based on the background variables (water reservoir and temperature). The result obtained is three price series (for Sweden, Norway and System prices) with no apparent pattern.


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Julkisen sektorin johtamista on uudistettu viime vuosikymmeninä uuden julkisjohtamisen suuntauksen kautta. Tässä keskeistä ovat olleet markkinamekanismin sekä yksityissektorin johtamisoppien soveltaminen julkiselle sektorille. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tuottaa tietoa johtamisoppien soveltamisesta kuntaorganisaation sosiaalija terveystoimessa. Mielenkiinnon kohteena ovat kysymykset, miten johtamisopit ovat tulleet kuntaorganisaatioon ja miten ne ovat levinneet, rakentuneet sekä rakentaneet kontekstiaan tarkasteluajanjaksolla 1985 - 2007. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on diskurssianalyyttinen ja nojaa epistemologialtaan tulkinnallisesta tieteen filosofiasta nousseeseen sosiaaliseen konstruktivismiin. Oppien leviämistä tarkastellaan tässä tutkimuksessa translaationa, kääntämisprosessina, jossa opin johtoportaaseen tullut ensimmäinen versio tulkitaan ja käännetään organisaation kielelle ja käytännöiksi. Oppien rakentumista kontekstissaan käsitteellistetään sedimentoitumisen käsitteen kautta, mikä auttaa ymmärtämään uusien ja vanhojen oppien elementtien kerrostumista lähes muuttumattomista syvärakenteista nopeasti muuttuviin pintarakenteisiin. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaationa on suomalainen, keskikokoinen kuntaorganisaatio. Aineistona on käytetty kirjallisia dokumentteja ja haastatteluja. Johtamisoppeja kuntaorganisaatioon välittäviä tahoja ovat olleet konsulttiyritykset, yliopistot, kuntien johtoportaan verkostot, uudet johtajat sekä koulutuspäivät. Organisaation valmius uuden johtamisopin omaksumiseen on yhteydessä organisaatioon, johtoon, tarjolla oleviin oppeihin sekä toimintaympäristöön liittyviin tekijöihin Levitäkseen organisaatiossa oppi tarvitsee johdon tasolta kannattajan, joka markkinoi sitä muulle virkamies- ja luottamushenkilöjohdolle. Kun oppi saavuttaa johdon enemmistön tuen, käynnistyy sen kääntämisprosessi johdon puheesta henkilöstön puheen ja käytäntöjen tasolle. Uudet johtamisopit kyseenalaistavat vanhoja ”totuuksia” ja samalla ne määrittävät, mikä on tärkeää ja mikä jää huomiotta. Uudet opit eivät syrjäytä kokonaan vanhoja, vaan opit sedimentoituvat: vanhojen oppien diskursiivisia elementtejä jää pois ja uusien oppien elementtejä tulee mukaan johtamispuheeseen. Johtamisopit rakentavat kontekstiaan sekä puheen, käytäntöjen että organisaatiorakenteiden tasolla, mutta joihinkin syvärakenteisiin ne eivät ole pystyneet vaikuttamaan tai vaikuttavat äärimmäisen hitaasti. Asiakaslähtöisyys muun muassa on ollut useimpien johtamisoppien diskursiivinen elementti, mutta se on jäänyt toistuvasti kuntaorganisaation sosiaali- ja terveystoimessa organisaatiolähtöisen palvelujen järjestämistavan ja talouden kautta tapahtuvan tuloksellisuuden arvioinnin varjoon. Diskurssit muutoksesta ja sen välttämättömyydestä, tehokkuudesta sekä julkisen rinnastaminen yksityiseen näyttäytyivät tässä tutkimuksessa metatason diskursseina, jotka oikeuttavat yksityiseltä sektorilta lähtöisin olevien johtamisdiskurssien soveltamisen muutoksen ja tehokkuuden aikaansaamiseksi julkiselle sektorille. Kuntien sosiaali- ja terveystoimen tuloksellisuuden ja tehokkuuden arviointi on kapeutunut liikkeenjohdon peruslähtökohdista nousevaksi talouden kautta tapahtuvaksi arvioinniksi. Tässä julkisen toiminnan omiin arvolähtökohtiin ja teoriataustaan pohjautuvien toiminnan tulosten ja saavutettujen hyvinvointivaikutusten arviointi sekä näistä kertovien mittarien kehittäminen yhdessä talouden mittarien kanssa on marginaaliin jäänyttä, mutta nousevaa puhetta.


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Työn tarkoituksena on kehittää suorittavalle esimiestasolle työkalu, millä voidaan mitata esimiehen kompetensseja. S-market esimiehen ydinosaamiset työssä jakautuvat kahteen kokonaisuuteen vuorovaikutus- ja ketjuyksikön johtamiseen. Työn tavoitteena on myös tarkastella millä esimiehen ydinosaamisella on merkitystä työtyytyväisyyteen ja yrityksen tulokseen. Tutkimus on kvantitatiivinen ja sen aineisto on verkkokyselylomakkeen avulla kerätystä 129 vastauksesta. Verkkokyselylomakkeen väittämät ovat rakennettu esimiestyön kompetensseista, jotka pohjautuvat tutkielman teoriaan. Verkkokyselyn, työtyytyväisyyden ja tuloksen lukuarvot on analysoitu tilastollisella tulostenkäsittelyohjelmalla, SPSS:llä. Työtyytyväisyystulokset ovat koottu tutkimukseen osallistuneen viidentoista S-marketin työtyytyväisyystutkimuksen tuloksista vuodelta 2008. Tuloksen mittareina tutkielmassa on käytetty samojen S-markettien työtehokkuutta ja toimintakateprosenttia vuodelta 2008. Työn tulokset vahvistivat sen, että esimiestyöllä on suora syy-seuraussuhde työtyytyväisyyteen ja tuloksellisuuteen. Tutkimustuloksien perusteella esimieskäyttämisen vaikutus työtyytyväisyyden kokemiseen on vahva. Hyvällä vuorovaikutusjohtamisella tuloksien perusteella oli vaikutusta työtyytyväisyyteen. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että työtyytyväisyyteen esimiehen kompetensseista eniten vaikuttivat yksilöllinen huomiointi, tavoitteisiin kannustaminen ja motivointi sekä asiakaslähtöisyys. Tuloksen mittareihin eniten vaikutti tulos- ja tavoitejohtaminen. Tuloksellisuuteen vaikuttavat tutkimuksen mukaan esimiehen jämäkkä ja vaativa tavoitteisiin ohjaava toiminta sekä päätöksenteko ja organisointikyky. Tarkempien ja täsmällisimpien S-market esimiehen kompetenssien löytämiseksi kehitysehdotuksena tutkielmassa on laajemman tutkimusaineiston käsittely neljän faktorin avulla.


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In 2011 China became the world’s second largest economy overtaking Japan. With its rapidly growing middle class buying diverse goods from consumption products to sophisticated technology and luxury products, it is also the fastest growing export market in the world. The purpose of this study is to examine what types of market entry modes Finnish SMEs use in China, which factors affect on their decisions and whether they have switched or combined the strategies after entering China. The goal is to understand the relevance of the entry mode choice related to the internationalization process and to evaluate how well it suits the Chinese business environment. The empirical part of the study is a semi structured qualitative analysis of six case companies that represent different industry fields. The cases were selected based on the recent literature about the Finnish industry fields China is interested in to gain knowledge and expertise from. Companies included in the study are an architect office, two pharmaceutical development companies, an ICT company, a plastic mechanics company and a clean tech company. The results of this study indicated that the market entry patterns of Finnish SMEs in China differ from each other based on the factors related to company’s background, mode concerns and Chinese market influences.


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The purpose of this study is to examine macroeconomic indicators‟ and technical analysis‟ ability to signal market crashes. Indicators examined were Yield Spread, The Purchasing Managers Index and the Consumer Confidence Index. Technical Analysis indicators were moving average, Moving Average Convergence-Divergence and Relative Strength Index. We studied if commonly used macroeconomic indicators can be used as a warning system for a stock market crashes as well. The hypothesis is that the signals of recession can be used as signals of stock market crash and that way a basis for a hedging strategy. The data is collected from the U.S. markets from the years 1983-2010. Empirical studies show that macroeconomic indicators have been able to explain the future GDP development in the U.S. in research period and they were statistically significant. A hedging strategy that combined the signals of yield spread and Consumer Confidence Index gave most useful results as a basis of a hedging strategy in selected time period. It was able to outperform buy-and-hold strategy as well as all of the technical indicator based hedging strategies.


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The worlds’ population is increasing and cities have become more crowded with people and vehicles. Communities in the fringe of metropolitans’ increase the traffic done with private cars, but also increase the need for public transportation. People have typically needs traveling to work located in city centers during the morning time, and return to suburbs in the afternoon or evening. Rail based passenger transport is environmentally friendly transport mode with high capacity to transport large volume of people. Railways have been regulated markets with national incumbent having monopoly position. Opening the market for competition is believed to have a positive effect by increasing the efficiency of the industry. National passenger railway market is opened for competition only in few countries, where as international traffic in EU countries was deregulated in 2010. The objective of this study is to examine the passenger railway market of three North European countries, Sweden, Denmark and Estonia. The interest was also to get an understanding of the current situation and how the deregulation has proceeded. Theory of deregulation is unfolded with literature analyses and empirical part of the study is constructed from two parts. Customer satisfaction survey was chosen as a method to collect real life experiences from the passengers and measure their knowledge of the market situation and possible changes appeared. Interviews of experts from the industry and labor unions give more insights and able better understanding for example of social consequences caused from opening the market for competition. Expert interviews were conducted by using semi-structured theme interview. Based on the results of this study, deregulation has proceeded quite differently in the three countries researched. Sweden is the most advanced country, where the passenger railway market is open for new entrants. Denmark and Estonia are lagging behind. Opening the market is considered positive among passengers and most of the experts interviewed. Common for the interviews were the labour unions negative perspective concerning deregulation. Despite the fact deregulation is considered positive among the respondents of the customer satisfaction survey, they could not name railway undertakings operating in their country. Generally respondents were satisfied with the commuter trains. Ticket price, punctuality of trains and itinerary affect the most to customer satisfaction.


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The purpose of the thesis is to examine the added value of combining value and momentum indicators in the Swiss stock exchange. Value indicators employed are P/E, EV/EBITDA, P/CF, P/B ja P/S. Momentum indicators examined are 52-week high, acceleration rate, 12-month past return and 6-month past return. The thesis examines whether the composite value measures based on the above mentioned ratios can add value and whether the inclusion of momentum can further improve the risk return profile of the value portfolios. The data is gathered from the Swiss equity market during the sample period from May 2001 to May 2011. Previous studies have shown that composite value measures can somewhat add value to the value portfolio strategy. Similarly, recent academic literature have found evidence that momentum works well as a timing indicator for time to entry to value stocks. This study indicates that the added value of composite value measures exists. It also shows that momentum combined to acceleration rate can significantly improve the risk adjusted performance of value-only portfolios.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate scheduled market announcements’ effects on Euro implied volatility. Timeline selected for this study ranges from 2005 to 2009. The method chosen is so-called event study approach, in which five days prior to a news announcement stand for a pre-event period, and five days after the announcement form a post-event period. Statistical research method employed is Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, which examines two evenly-sized distributions’ equality, in this case the distributions being the pre- and post-event periods. Observations are based on daily data of US dollar nominated Euro at-the-money call options. Research results partially back up previous literature’s view of uncertainty increasing prior to the news announcement. After the exact contents of the news is public, uncertainty levels measured by implied volatility tend to lower.


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Although securities lending is an important function of the financial markets, it has not received that much academic attention. This study examines the evolution of European securities lending and risk management with an emphasis on the development of collateral management, the function responsible for reducing credit risk. The effects of the recent financial instabilities are also considered. The evolution of the Finnish securities lending market is examined in more detail through a case-study. This study can be classified as a constructive qualitative case study. The initial practical knowledge comes from the author's own experience and additional insight and theoretical background is acquired through a literature review. The case study is based on research, semi-structured interviews and a brief analysis of numerical data. The main observation of this study was that securities lending is now recognized as more of an investment management discipline than an operational support function. The recent financial instabilities have resulted in an increased focus on risk and transparency. In securities lending this is directly reflected in collateral management guidelines and procedures. Collateral management has become increasingly technologically developed and automated. Collateral optimization initiatives have been started to make the process more efficient, liquid, and cost effective. Although securities lending is generally an OTC-market with no standard market place, centralized exchange-like models have been introduced. Finnish securities lending has now shifted towards the more common global OTC model. Although the Finnish securities lending industry has developed, and the main laws governing it (tax legislation) have changed, there is still need for development. There are still not many Finnish participants involved and due to legal issues most securities loans are collateralized with cash and not securities (e.g. government bonds).


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The construction material sector, as a capital intensive industry, is highly vulnerable to rapid fluctuations in the economic cycles. In Finland this was witnessed especially during the late 2000s, as in 2007 and 2008 the demand for several construction materials exceeded their supply and right after this, in 2009 the demand collapsed fast as a result of an international recession. These factors brought about the need to study the future trends of the market place of the commissioning company, Finnsementti Oy. As reliable short term market forecasts for the sector are difficult to compose, the study concentrates primarily in examining and identifying the trends that are likely to affect the Finnish cement industry, and as an extension, the concrete industry in a frame of 10 to 15 years. The study’s scope comprehends also the examination of the domestic construction sector, as it represents the end user industry of both cement and concrete. These motives for the study produce the research problem, which is to conduct a trend analysis for cement based building in the Finnish market area in the 2020s. The theoretical frame for composing a trend analysis in the case of this study is twofold. This is due to the fact that both, the macro and micro environments of the examined industries are studied. The main methods used are the PESTE-model (macro) and Porter’s five forces model (micro). The study applies a qualitative approach and the data is gathered by interviewing a group of experts from the cement, concrete and construction industries. The result of the paper is an overall trend analysis for the Finnish cement based building sector, which is based on ‘sub trend analyses’ concerning four identified sub-sectors of the Finnish construction industry. The results are a combination of findings from these sub-sectors and the analyzed data that deals with the studied sector’s macro and micro environment. The conclusions provide an overall picture of the examined sectors’ potential future as a whole and by defined sub-sectors of the construction industry. The recognition of future trends in different areas of the construction industry can be applied as a means for an industry actor’s decision making and in estimating the types of construction that are likely to grow or decline. Finally, based on the analyzed data and conclusions, the commissioning company is provided with a brief SWOT analysis, that provides additional tools for decision making and planning processes regarding the future.


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Over the past decade, organizations worldwide have begun to widely adopt agile software development practices, which offer greater flexibility to frequently changing business requirements, better cost effectiveness due to minimization of waste, faster time-to-market, and closer collaboration between business and IT. At the same time, IT services are continuing to be increasingly outsourced to third parties providing the organizations with the ability to focus on their core capabilities as well as to take advantage of better demand scalability, access to specialized skills, and cost benefits. An output-based pricing model, where the customers pay directly for the functionality that was delivered rather than the effort spent, is quickly becoming a new trend in IT outsourcing allowing to transfer the risk away from the customer while at the same time offering much better incentives for the supplier to optimize processes and improve efficiency, and consequently producing a true win-win outcome. Despite the widespread adoption of both agile practices and output-based outsourcing, there is little formal research available on how the two can be effectively combined in practice. Moreover, little practical guidance exists on how companies can measure the performance of their agile projects, which are being delivered in an output-based outsourced environment. This research attempted to shed light on this issue by developing a practical project monitoring framework which may be readily applied by organizations to monitor the performance of agile projects in an output-based outsourcing context, thus taking advantage of the combined benefits of such an arrangement Modified from action research approach, this research was divided into two cycles, each consisting of the Identification, Analysis, Verification, and Conclusion phases. During Cycle 1, a list of six Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was proposed and accepted by the professionals in the studied multinational organization, which formed the core of the proposed framework and answered the first research sub-question of what needs to be measured. In Cycle 2, a more in-depth analysis was provided for each of the suggested Key Performance Indicators including the techniques for capturing, calculating, and evaluating the information provided by each KPI. In the course of Cycle 2, the second research sub-question was answered, clarifying how the data for each KPI needed to be measured, interpreted, and acted upon. Consequently, after two incremental research cycles, the primary research question was answered describing the practical framework that may be used for monitoring the performance of agile IT projects delivered in an output-based outsourcing context. This framework was evaluated by the professionals within the context of the studied organization and received positive feedback across all four evaluation criteria set forth in this research, including the low overhead of data collection, high value of provided information, ease of understandability of the metric dashboard, and high generalizability of the proposed framework.